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Executive Functioning in Late-Life Depression

Kevin J. Manning, PhD; George S. Alexopoulos, MD; Amanda R. McGovern, PhD;
Sarah Shizuko Morimoto,PsyD; Genevieve Yuen, MD, PhD;
Theodora Kanellopoulos, PhD; and Faith M. Gunning, PhD

Kevin J. Manning, PhD, is a Clinical Neuro-

psychology Fellow, Weill Cornell Institute of
Geriatric Psychiatry. George S. Alexopoulos,
MD, is S.P. Tobin and A.M. Cooper Professor
of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College.
Amanda R. McGovern, PhD, is a Post-Doctoral
Fellow of Psychology in Psychiatry, Weill Cor-
nell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry. Sarah Shi-
zuko Morimoto, PsyD, is Assistant Professor of
Psychology in Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Insti-
tute of Geriatric Psychiatry. Genevieve Yuen,
MD, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Weill Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Theodora Kanellopoulos, PhD, is a Research

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Psychiatry Fellow, Weill Cornell Medical Col-
lege. Faith M. Gunning, PhD, is an Associate
Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Weill
Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry. ical outcome. Thus, elderly depressed pa- initiate, monitor, and modify behavior to
Address correspondence to: Faith M. Gun- tients with executive functioning impair- achieve their goals. Executive dysfunction
ning, PhD, 21 Bloomingdale Road, White ment require careful treatment planning is common in late-life depression and asso-
Plains, NY 10605; email: fgd2002@med. and close follow-up. This review aims to ciated with poor course of illness. Roughly provide the clinician with a practical un- 30% to 40% of non-demented older adults
Disclosure: George S. Alexopoulos, MD, has derstanding of executive dysfunction in with major depression exhibit signs of
received fees for non-CME-related services older adults with major depression. To executive dysfunction.1,2 Executive dys-
from Astra Zeneca, Novartis, and Sunovion. this end, it provides an introduction to function is associated with greater levels
The other authors have no relevant financial the neurobiology and clinical manifesta- of disability in late-life depression.3 Fur-
relationships to disclose. tions of executive dysfunction in late-life thermore, executive dysfunction is a pre-
doi: 10.3928/00485713-20140306-06 depression. Special attention is given to dictor of poor antidepressant response,4-6
current assessment practices that can be may persist following remission,7 and is
used to enhance clinical evaluation and associated with an increased relapse of de-
ABSTRACT treatment planning. pression.8 These observations indicate that
Executive functions are control mech- depressed older adults with impairment in

anisms that regulate aspects of cognition xecutive functioning is a broad executive functions require careful treat-
and emotion. Impairments in executive term used to refer to frontally me- ment planning and close follow-up. In this
functioning are prominent following diated functions encompassing review, the relevance of executive dysfunc-
disruption to frontolimbic connections control mechanisms that modulate aspects tion to the care of older adults with major
involved in mood regulation. Executive of cognition and emotion.1 Executive func- depression is discussed through describing
dysfunction is common in older adults tions are higher-order processes that enable the neurobiology and subsequent clinical
with major depression and is associated individuals to seek rewards; evaluate risks; manifestations of executive dysfunction
with poor course of illness and worse clin- make decisions; and successfully plan, in late-life depression. Current assessment



practices and recommendations for clini- control network results in a tendency to control network plays a central role in in-
cians who observe executive dysfunction attend to irrelevant information, impaired hibition of irrelevant responses and imple-
in their patients are also discussed. concentration, disorganization, difficulty mentation of effective strategies aimed to
shifting attention, and perseveration, or the organize behavior, which in turn has been
FUNCTIONAL NEUROANATOMY OF inability to disengage from prior behav- linked to poor treatment response to antide-
EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS ioral response.1 pressants in depressed elders.4,5
Executive functions are instantiated in Ventromedial prefrontal regions, in-
regions of the frontal lobe, namely the dor- cluding the orbitofrontal cortex (Brod- COGNITIVE CONTROL DYSFUNCTION
solateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingu- mann areas 10, 11, 47), ventral-rostral IN LATE-LIFE DEPRESSION
late cortex, dorsomedial, and orbitofrontal anterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 25, Investigations of executive dysfunction
cortices and their connections with striatal, 24, 32, 33), and their connections with the in late-life depression have mostly focused
limbic, and posterior association cortices. amygdala, mediate divergent functions on dorsolateral and anterior cingulate cor-
Notably, major depressive disorder in the such as processing of emotional informa- tex functioning.1 The “depression-execu-
elderly is characterized by structural and tion, utilization of cues in the environment tive dysfunction syndrome” of late-life is
functional abnormalities in these same re- to predict rewarding or aversive events, characterized by reduced verbal fluency,
gions and their connections with limbic and and the regulation of behavioral responses, diminished interest in activities, psycho-
striatal systems. Below, a succinct review particularly in the context of changing re- motor slowing, and pronounced disabil-
of the functional neuroanatomy of fronto- inforcement contingencies.11 The ventral- ity.15 Clinically, many of these patients lack
limbic regions related to the expression of rostral anterior cingulate and the dorsal an- motivation and initiative. A subsequent
executive dysfunction in major depression terior cingulate are the distribution centers investigation showed that disruption to
is provided. Disruption to brain regions of emotional and cognitive information, re- medial connections, notably the anterior
other than the frontal lobes, striatum, and spectively. Another prominent function of cingulate and nucleus accumbens, is asso-
limbic system, such as the thalamus and the ventromedial region is reward-related ciated with the clinical expression of apa-
cerebellum, may also result in executive decision-making, a complex task involv- thy in late-life depression.16 Evaluations of
dysfunction. However, detailed descrip- ing option generation, evaluation of risks neuropsychological functions in late-life
tions of these fronto-striatal-thalamic and and consequences, and choice of a course depression have consistently revealed im-
fronto-cerebellar networks are beyond the of action. Lesions to ventromedial regions pairment in working memory, verbal fluen-
scope of this paper, and the interested read- result in poor decision-making as well as cy, sustained attention, cognitive flexibility,
er may consult Koziol and Budding.9 signs of emotional dyscontrol, such as planning-organization, and cognitive inhi-
Major depression is characterized by mood lability, irritability, and even mania.11 bition. Depressed older adults often per-
hypometabolism of the anterior cingulate Disruption to the cognitive control form poorly on tests of verbal fluency, the
cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and network is prominent in late-life depres- Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (a measure of
orbitofrontal cortex.1 The primary cogni- sion and associated with poor course of problem solving and cognitive flexibility),
tive functions of the dorsolateral prefrontal illness. Increasing evidence indicates that and the Stroop Color Word Interference
cortex (Brodmann areas 9,10) include the cognitive control dysfunction underlies re- Test (a measure of cognitive inhibition).17
regulation of effortful attention and work- sistance to standard antidepressant drugs.
ing memory (ie, the ability to maintain and Failure to achieve remission following VENTROMEDIAL DYSFUNCTION IN
manipulate information for brief periods of treatment with escitalopram in late-life LATE-LIFE DEPRESSION
time). With input from the superior parietal depression is associated with decreased Classic neuropsychological tests pri-
cortex (Brodmann area 7), the dorsolateral grey matter volume in the dorsal and ros- marily assess the cognitive control net-
cortex maintains the attentional demands tral anterior cingulate,12 with white matter work and offer little information on the
of tasks, while the dorsal anterior cingulate integrity likely contributing to the discon- ventromedial prefrontal regions. Several
(Brodmann areas 24 and 32) monitors on- nection between these brain regions and case reports describe patients who, follow-
going performance.10 Together, the dorso- poor treatment response.13 Late-life de- ing disruption to the orbitofrontal cortex,
lateral prefrontal cortex and dorsal regions pression is characterized by low functional exhibit disturbances in social and occupa-
of the anterior cingulate and posterior as- connectivity between the anterior cingulate tional functioning but perform adequately
sociation cortices constitute the “cognitive cortex and the dorsolateral prefrontal cor- in tests of verbal fluency or the Wiscon-
control network,” which is responsible for tex, an abnormality found to be associated sin Card Sorting Test.18 The need to as-
the efficient pursuit of goal-directed behav- with poor remission rate during treatment sess ventromedial functioning led to the
ior. Clinically, disruption of the cognitive with escitalopram.14 Notably, the cognitive development of reward-related decision-



making paradigms, such as the Iowa Gam-

bling Task.19 When performing the Iowa,
individuals select cards, one at a time, Common Neuropsychological Tests of Executive Functions
from one of four decks. Half of the decks
are disadvantageous (ie, higher immediate Primary
rewards but long-term negative outcomes) Test Name Test Tasks Functions Assessed Substrates
and the other half is advantageous (ie, low-
Iowa Gambling Test Select cards from decks Reward-related VMPFC;
er immediate rewards but long-term posi- classified according to decision-making. BA 10, 11, 4725
tive outcomes). reward probability.
Overall, older adults with major de- Stroop Color Word Name the ink color of Cognitive inhibition; DLPFC; ACC
pression do not differ from age-matched Test words printed in a different conflict monitoring. BA: 6, 8, 9, 3226
controls on the Iowa or other gambling color ink.
paradigms.20,21 However, older adults with Tower Test Replicate spatial puzzles Spatial planning; rule- DLPFC; ACC
major depression and clinical evidence of using as few moves as monitoring; cognitive BA 9, 10, 46, 24,
poor decision-making (as evidenced by possible. inhibition. 3227
a history of attempted suicide) perform Trail-Making Test Alternate between con- Attention-switching; DLPFC;
worse on a gambling task when compared Part B necting numbers and let- working memory; BA 6, 46, 7, 39
to older depressed adults with no history of ters in sequential order. processing speed. (28)
suicide.21 In contrast, apathetic, depressed Verbal Fluency Generation of words begin- Verbal initiation; DLPFC; ACC
elderly patients demonstrate an advanta- ning with a specific letter response monitoring; BA 9, 44, 45, 46,
geous strategy on the Iowa Gambling Task or belonging to a certain organization. 4729
(selecting cards from the conservative category.
decks) when compared to non-apathetic, Wisconsin Card- Sort stimuli into different Cognitive flexibility; DLPFC;
depressed older adults.20 Better perfor- Sorting Test categories and adapt when attention-switching; BA 9, 46, 47, 1230
the sorting rules change. problem-solving.
mance on the Iowa Gambling Task appears
counterintuitive upon first glance; however, ACC = anterior cingulate cortex; BA = Brodmann area; DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; VMPFC = ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
consistent with the conceptualization of
apathy as a disorder of motivation, these
patients are not influenced by immediate their psychometric properties as individual havior Scale (FrSBe),25 patients or in-
reinforcers, such as the high rewards of the screening tests have not been investigated. formants rate the presence of behavioral
disadvantageous decks. Although further The IP is a composite measure of verbal syndromes of apathy and disinhibition as
research into this behavioral phenomenon fluency, motor control, and susceptibility well as difficulties in working memory,
is necessary, our group observed that ab- to perseveration. We observed that abnor- planning, sequencing, organizing, and ab-
normal resting functional connectivity in mal IP performance is associated with stracting. Preliminary evidence suggests
networks related to decision-making (ie, disability,3 poor response to antidepres- that behavioral abnormalities identified
ventromedial circuitry) occurs in apathetic, sants,4,5 and early relapse and recurrence by the FrSBe are associated with slower
depressed elderly patients.16 of late life depression.8 The executive in- response of late-life depression to escita-
terview (EXIT) is a composite measure lopram.26 In addition to offering informa-
NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL of tests of working memory, verbal and tion on behavioral dimensions of frontal
ASSESSMENT OF EXECUTIVE design fluency, cognitive inhibition, motor systems dysfunction, questionnaires like
FUNCTIONS IN LATE-LIFE DEPRESSION perseveration, frontal-release signs, and the FrSBe have the advantage of ease of
Screening tests of executive functions questions specifically designed to elicit administration and interpretation over tra-
can help the clinician identify whether a poor social skills.23 The EXIT is clinically ditional neuropsychological measures. For
patient has executive dysfunction and what useful in that it can be administered at bed- example, executive functioning behavioral
executive functions need further testing. side but it does not discriminate between questionnaires could be administered to
The Dementia Rating Scale22 is a global patients with late-life depression and age- elderly, depressed patients in psychiatry
test of cognitive impairment. Two of the matched healthy controls.24 waiting rooms. This information could
DRS subscales, conceptualization and ini- Questionnaires can also be used to then be used to alert clinicians in real-time
tiation/perseveration (IP), are often used to screen for behavior related to executive to the presence of behavioral abnormalities
assess for executive dysfunction, although dysfunction. On the Frontal Systems Be- related to the executive networks.



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