Early Filipino Communities: Importance of Topography

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planted in areas where dikes - based on blood relations to
COMMUNITIES were built to collect water. the datu (son/daughter. Next
immediate relative)
- men used bow and arrow to 3. Extent of Knowledge
Communities before lived near hunt for deer. Accompanied - knowledge of customs and
bodies of water because of by dogs to chase the deer. traditions of the tribe.

- Food from water resources 3. Boat Making Barangay Government

- Easy access to food - made boats out of wood - 5 to 10 barangays
- Means of transportation - BIREY: boat for 50 to 100
- Not easily attacked by an people Datu
enemy - BIROCO : boat for more than - head/ extensive powers/
100 people implemented an made the
4. Trading
1. Caves - Filipinos traded w/ other Laws of Barangay
- deemed safer then moved to Filipinos - written or unwritten
plains and coastal areas - GOLD: standard of exchange
- Plains : for farming - Malubai: worth 2 pesetas Council of Elders
- Coastal Areas: for fishing - Bielu: 3 pesetas - made the laws of the
- Linguingi: 4 pesetas Barangay
2. Nipa huts - Oregeras: highest value of 5
- made of Nipa palm leaves, pesetas Datu
wood, bamboo - recommended a law
- square shape; 1 meter Communites Council
above ground. - 10 to 20 families - reviews and agrees
- 1 room only, used as dining, Umalahokan
living bedroom and Commercial Communities - announces to the barangay
receiving room. - in the coastal areas
- Arigue: main post of the THE TRIAL
house Local people
- Batalan – place at the back - traded w/ asian countries 1. Trial by Datu
for water jars and cooking that attracted people from - Datu as judge
the mountains and forests. - Council of Elders as jury
3. Tree Houses 2. Trial by Ordeal
- to keep safe from enemies Barangay – ‘Balanghay’, ‘Biniray’, - Boiling water and stone
and wild animals. Ladders ‘Balangay’, meaning a water vehicle. - Lighted candle
were hoisted at night. - Swimming underwater
Barangay 3. Trial by war
4. Houses on Stilts - refers to ethnic group who - Fight it out until one gives up
- along coastal areas migrated and rode together
- Group was named after their

1. Agriculture 1. Family – most important element

- 2 methods CHOOSING A LEADER - Very close family ties
- KAINGIN: cutting and burning
of plants/grasses. Rituals 1. Age
were performed before - oldest of the group was the
burning. leader.
PRACTICES/BELIEFS BROUGHT - Protected by the datu - Bagobo: each had 2 souls,
4. Alipin (Ayuey/The Slaves)
1. Balata - Lowest Status 3. Burial Practices
- wife does not eat until the - Caused by inheritance - Manobos: bury dead in trees
husband returns from battle - Captured, punished, sold - *4 Methods
o Tying the dead to a
- non-remarrying o Placing the dead b/w
1. Babayland, Baylana or Katalona 2 branches
INSULTS/REVENGE RELATIONSHIPS - Female priests o Placed on a platform
TURN SOUR BECAUSE OF INSULTS - Can communicate with the made on the
gods branches
Visayans - Heads all rituals o Buried inside the
- Aswang, Alakawat, Barangan, tree trunk
Dalondongan 2. Tambalan - Sulod: bury inside the tree
- Healers or doctors trunk/ remove the bones/
Tagalogs placed inside a jar.
- Mangkukulam, Mangagaway 3. Atubang ng Datu - Ifugaos: corpse was seated in
- Adviser of the datu a chair for several days/
brought to a cave/ after a
Inheritance 4. Daragangan year buried elsewhere
- When a father dies, leaves 4 - Outstanding soldier - Sagada: hang the dead by
children divided into 4 - Made to wear pinayusan: a the side of the mountain
- Unless father favored 1 child decorative scarf made of
- Illegitimate child gets abaca Other Burial Practices
nothing - Longer potong: cover the - Corpse was embalmed w/
- No children: brother gets head herbs and oils and perfume/
inheritance place in a coffin
- Succession to throne: Eldest 5. Paratabgaw - Burried right under the
Son-2nd Eldest Son-Eldest - Barangay teacher house/ cave of a cliff
Daughter overlooking the sea
- Egyptians: buried w/ dead
4 KINDS OF GROUPS CUSTOMS AND BELIEFS EARLY are clothes, jewelry, food,
FILIPINO weapons, slaves/eyes were
1. Datus/Leaders covered w/ beaten gold
- showed highest respect 1. Pagnganga - Morning Period:
- Made important decisions - Chewing of betel nut relatives/family wore white/
- Regarded as savior - Tagalog: nganga refrained from eating meat
- Tagalog: Lakan/Gat - Visaya: buyo or drinking wine/ hired
- Wives: Dayang-dayang - Malays/Indians: makan sirek professional mourners/ to
- Nganga: areca seeds, lime chant the good deeds of the
2. Maharlika (Free/Noble People) and a leaf of betel (tobacco – dead.
- Did not pay taxes 4th ingredient) - Bright lights burned all day
- Traveled with the datu and night. Fires built around
- Supervised the rowers of the 2. Belief in the Afterlife the bereaved homes
boat - T’boli: soul/ spirit left the - The house would be burned
body during sleep (astral down and the family left to
3. Timawa (Ordinary People/ The projection) live in a new home
Masa) - Person awakened only after - If murdered, the relatives
- Allowed to live in other the spirit returns would kill the guilty party
Barangays - Dies when the spirit fails to and their family to appease
- Rowers of the Boat return to the body their sorrow.
BATTLE OF MACTAN September 20, 1519 Comparison of 2 Islands
- Start of Magellan’s - Name of the place
expedition searching of - Route from Homonhon
Treaty of Tordesillas
passage going to Spice Island - Latitude position
- June 7, 1494 in Tordesillas
- Route to Cebu
September 26, 1519 - Geographical features
- Eastern lands would belong
- Magellan cross and stopover
to Portugal
at the Canary Island Archipelago de San Lazaro
- Western lands to Spain
- Name given by Magellan to
- Pope Alexander VI
December 13, 1519 the Philippines
- They reached the Rio de
Ferdinand Magellan
Janeiro bay Battle of Mactan
- Portuguese sea captain who
- April 21, 1521
led the expedition in search
January 12, 1519 - Warriors of Lapu-lapu,
for spice islands
- Rio de Plata chieftain of Mactan vs.
- Misconception: First person
Spanish force fighting for
to circumnavigate the world
March 31, 1520 Rajah Humabon of Cebu,
- Puerto san Julian under the command of
Magellan who was killed in
October 21, 1520 the battle
- Start of sailing at the All Saint
- 1517, King Manuel I of
Straight Lapu-lapu
Portugal refused Magellan to
- First Filipino to reject
organized expedition in
November 28, 1521 submission to a foreign
search of Spice Island,
- Passing by at Madarian power
nationality was renounced as
Island - Chieftain of Mactan
- 1519, he went to Spain and
was welcomed by King
- Anchored at Guam and
called it Los Ladranos - Oppositionj of Lapu-lapu
- September 20, 1519: start of
against Rajah Humabon and
his expedition
March 16, 1521 the orders of Magellan.
- 5 ships: Trinidad,
- Landed at the shore of - Zula seek help of Magellan to
Conception, Victoria,
Homonhon defeat Lapu-lapu
Santiago, San Antonio
- They want to convert the
March 28, 1521 religion to Christianity
- Magellan went to Limasawa
Kingdom of Mactan
- Alternate Route
March 31, 1521 - Leader: Lapu-lapu
- Age of Discovery
- A mass was held - 1,500 native warriors
- Spain wants to make their
- Several killed and wounded
territory bigger and spread
April 7, 1521
- Magellan reached Cebu w/ Kingdom of Cebu + Magellan
the help of Rajah Kulambu Expedition
- Leader: Ferdinand Magellan,
April 14, 1521 Rajah Humabon, Datu Zula
- Rajah Kolambu and - 49 Spanish, 200 to 300 allied
Magellan’s blood compact native warriors
March 22, 1519
- At least 14 Spanish killed
- King Charles V support the
First mass in the Philippines including Magellan and 150
Voyage of Magellan to
- Limasawa or Butuan? natives
search for the Spice Island
RESULTS OF BATTLE OF MACTAN words of those who have and factual descriptions of
experienced the event the event.
- Lapu-lapu defeated - Lessons of strategies - Conceptualizations and
Spaniards that lead to reconstruction of the events
Magellan’s death FILIPINO TRAITS - E.g. what happened? What
- Spaniards didn’t own the was it like?
respect of the Cebuanos - Hospitality
- Kinship and camaraderie The WHY:
AFTERMATH - Close family relations - Invites the historian to
provide explanation of the
- Body of Magellan was not pattern of event that they
recovered have about the past.
- Juan Sebastian Elcano: - Involves the identification of
succeeded Magellan who
HISTORY causes, action forces that
ordered immediate brought about the facts of
departure after Humabon’s history
- Greek “historia” meaning
- Returned to Spain in 1522 The HOW
knowledge acquired from
completing the first - Historians’ interest of the
studying the past through
circumnavigation around the account of the historical
written documents
world matter or event is brought
- Latin “historia”, “history”
one who sees or knows
RESULTS OF MAGELLAN’S VOYAGE - Explanation of the event
o Knowledge can be
answering more of the how
gained through
- Proved the world was round than the why question
communication w/
- Europe became aware that - Details that give further
the greatest of all oceans lies explanation
b/w the New World and Asia
- Enhanced geographical Making the CONNECTIONS
- study of past events
knowledge and made - Final output of history
- study of series of events
Europeans eager to explore - Historians piece together the
connected to someone
and conquer the Pacific human meanings and
- a written document
- Paved the way for the intention that underlie the
- working def’n: History is the
Spanish colonization and series of historical actions so
study of people, the study of
Christianity of the Philippines that it will help others in
our past.
understanding the thoughts,
FIVE EXPEDITIONS AFTER MAGELLAN motives, state of mind of the
Why’s and Relevancy?
- In understanding the past,
- LOAISA - Involves the interpretation of
man may be able to gain a
- CABOT actions, meaning and
more balanced view of the
- SAAVEDRA intentions.
- VILLALOBOS - E.g. Why does the Filipino
- Contemporary lives are
- LEGAZPI: most successful President argue that the war
shaped by the decisions and
on drugs is for the youth
actions made by people
Importance despite the consequences
years ago.
- Signified the defense of the about it?
o This is a continuous
Philippines against foreign
invaders (Spain)
- Making Philippines known by
the whole world through the
- Historians are interested in
providing conceptualizations
Historiography Internal Criticism
- The history of history - Try to look at the context
- Covers how historians have and content
studied and developed - Examination of the
history including its truthfulness and factuality of
resources the evidence
- Focused on how a certain - Looks at the content of the
historical text was written, sources and examines the
who wrote it, what was the circumstances of its
context of its publication. production
- Could be done by looking at
the author
HISTORICAL SOURCES - Questions to answer
(Primary Document)
o Eyewitness or
Primary Sources secondhand
- Produced at the same time account?
of the event o Why was it written?
- E.g. minutes, records, o Literal meaning?
newspaper clippings o Internal consistency?
o Connotations?
o Meaning in Context?
Secondary sources
- Sources produced by an
author who use primary
- Repacking
- E.g. Philippine Revolution
1935, Teodoro Agoncillo’s
Revold of the Masses 1956

External Criticism
- Verifying the authenticity of
the evidence by examining
the physical characteristics,
consistency w/ the historical
characteristics of the time
when it was produced
- Questions to answer
(Primary Document)
o When was it written?
o Where was it
o Why did it survive?
o Who was the real
o Authenticity?

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