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Beginner ⅼConversation Lesson 01 _LEVEL 3_

Lesson 01: Birthplace and Residence

Hi! How are you today?

Today’s lesson is about “ Birthplace and Residence.”

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Pelajaran 01: Tempat lahir dan Tempat Tinggal

Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (Kosakata dan Ungkapan)

Directions: Listen and repeat.

Petunjuk: Dengar dan ulangi.

Vocabulary and Expressions Example

birthplace (tempat lahir) I want to go to your birthplace someday.

residence (tempat tinggal) My place of residence is very nice.

be from… (berasal dari) I am from London.

move (pindah) I moved from Miami to New York City last year.

hometown (kampung halaman) Oslo is my hometown.

city (kota besar) town (kota kecil) That town has become a city.

countryside (pedesaan) I am from the countryside.

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Beginner ⅼConversation Lesson 01 _LEVEL 3_

Exercise 2 | Dialogue Practice (Latihan Berdialog)

Directions: Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Petunjuk: Baca dialog ini dengan lantang bersama gurumu.

Grace and Matt are talking about their current residence and hometown.

Grace: Where do you live now?

Matt : I live in London. However, I’m from Liverpool.

Grace: Why did you move from your hometown to London?

Matt : I moved because I enrolled at a university in London.

Grace: I see. What is your hometown like?

Matt: It is in the countryside and is famous for cheese.

Grace: It sounds nice! I’d like to visit your place someday.

Matt : Sure! I’d be happy to give you a tour.

Check your understanding: Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Matt live now?

2. Why did he move from his hometown?

3. What is his hometown famous for?

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Beginner ⅼConversation Lesson 01 _LEVEL 3_

Exercise 3 | Listening Comprehension (Pemahaman Dalam Mendengarkan)

Directions: Your teacher will read a text. First, listen to it. After that, choose the right answer to the

Petunjuk: Gurumu akan membaca teks ini. Dengarkanlah. Setelah itu, Jawablah pertanyaan tersebut

dengan benar.

“Perhatikan gurumu ketika sedang membaca teks”

1. Where is Alina from and where Giovanni?

A. Alina is from Moscow, and Giovanni is from Rome.

B. Alina is from St. Petersburg, and Giovanni is from Florence.

2. Where do they live now?

A. They live in Barcelona now.

B. Right now they both live in London.

3. Why did they move from their hometowns?

A. Alina moved because she enrolled at a university, and Giovanni moved for work.
B. They moved because they wanted to be close to each other.

4. Are they happy they moved from their hometowns?

A. Alina misses her hometown a bit, while Giovanni is really happy about moving to London.
B. Alina never wants to see her hometown because she doesn’t like it, and Giovanni is sad he had
to move.

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Beginner ⅼConversation Lesson 01 _LEVEL 3_

Exercise 4 | Conversation Questions (Pertanyaan Seputar Percakapan)

Directions: Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions.

Petunjuk: Bergantian dengan gurumu dalam menjawab pertanyaan.

1. Where is your hometown?

2. What is your hometown like?

3. What is your favorite place in your hometown?

4. What is your hometown famous for?

5. What can you do for fun in your hometown?

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