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Between X and Δ

By José Altozano (Dayo Senpai <3), 2013.

In The Wizard of Oz, The only reason of I was wrong. The big what to do, where to
Dorothy was in char- why the fans of a game irony, the queen of all go and how to reach
ge of the simplest don´t want it to cover the ironies is that the that place. Persona-
quest in the history more public is becau- old-school gamers lly, I feel a bit stupid
of the movies: “just se we don’t want to played Contra, Me- when playing Bios-
follow the path of see something we troid or Quake when hock and an arrow
the yellow slabs. We love to be corrupted. kids. Most of them appears to tell me
will tell you when have good memories where to go because
you win.” In Fable 2 Memes were some- about these “hard I am lost. I have lost
a path of golden par- thing beautiful until games” because they that skill. It is said
ticles showed me in Cuanto Cabrón, 9gag mastered and won that you never have
a very similar way and Reddit changed those ones. In con- to play chess against
where I had to go. them to images and trast, I watched a ga- some worse than
Likely, in Black Ops comics to be reacted. meplay some days you because you will
2 a mark always re- When something be- ago of the famous down to his level. To
membered me who to comes popular, the YouTuber Ijustine; live relaxed is easy,
follow o who to kill barrier is downed to she was not able to why to chain combos
because without that I allow more people create a portal in the if I can win only by
would probably have to enter in the circle. white wall clearly keep pressing a but-
finished killing my- Now, we all are win- marked. ton?
self with a pencil in ners. It seems that
my brain. Kappa. the developers think Today´s games don’t I am not saying that
the majority of their demand anything. all the games must be
Videogame´s popu- public is idiot. That Games are not a a work of Terry Ca-
larity has increased can be seen in the challenge to com- vanagh. I am not ma-
during the last years ridiculously simple plete anymore; they sochist. I am saying
and that is something combat system of As- are a sequence of but- that it is a pity that
that can´t be denied. sassin´s Creed, the tons that give content most of the compa-
Everyday this ludic guides for the un-li- when pressed. They nies have decided to
resource is wider to neal paths of Tomb are submitted to our delete one of the most
cover more people. Raider and the expo- will and that is why interesting and explo-
The law dictates that nentially reduction of they pretend to be red characteristic of
when a work, product the Portal 2´s puzzles. hard but deeply they this media: the pos-
or resource tries to The big irony here is want everyone to win. sibility to be good at
cover a bigger public, that basically all the Otherwise the con- playing videogames.
something is going AAA releases have sequences would be
to be lost during the an adult public as a catastrophic for the
path. It was said in target and the avera- companies. Not only
Men in Black: “The ge gamer knows how the difficulty has de-
individual is smart. to jump and what bu- creased; everything
The Mass is fearful, tton has to be pressed has been simplified.
idiot and dangerous. to shoot. The HUD specifies

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