Helium 10 - Ultimate Guide To Amazon Listing Optimization PDF

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The Ultimate Guide

to Amazon Listing
How to create a converting
product listing
April 2019
Helping Amazon sellers rise to the top.
These steps might just

help you skyrocket your

sales on Amazon!


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•• Install the Helium 10
Chrome Extension.

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•• Subscribe to the Serious

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Amazon FBA.
4 Why Amazon Listing Optimization Matters 3
•• Join the FBA High Rollers
Facebook Group and
5 What is Amazon Listing Optimization
network with over 61,000 of
the smartest people in the Key Factors to Optimize in Your Amazon
Amazon FBA community. Product Listing

• Keywords
• Title
• Backend keywords
6 • Bullet
• Description
• Image
• Price
• Review
• Questions and answers Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide

14 Appendix

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Why Amazon Listing
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Optimization Matters?
What does it mean to optimize a product listing in today's more competitive Amazon
marketplace? Is it about making a bigger effort to showcase a product, or is it more
about boosting advertising budgets? It's a bit of both and more.

Things have changed a lot since Amazon's early days. Back in the day, it was easy to get
away with bare minimum listing optimization (think phone-snapped photos and
keyword-stuffing) and still get incredible sales and conversions.

Now, every part of your product listing must be fully optimized to succeed on Amazon.
4 These parts include keywords, photos, pricing, description, reviews and backend
keywords. Other factors that matter to where your product appears on customer search
results are: Keyword matches, price, availability, selection and sales history.
What is Amazon

Helium 10
Listing Optimization?
Let’s say you are a new seller. You have chosen your product and completed your
keyword research — now it’s time to build your product listing in Seller Central for
customers to see. So, what does optimizing your Amazon product listing do?

• It attracts buyers by"coloring" your product. Proper optimization informs and encourages
customers to click on your product over the competition.
• It converts: if you design your listing to talk to pain points, post great images and optimize
your pricing and reviews, you stand a much better chance of converting buyers.

Your listing needs to be as thorough as possible to give customers the information they 5
need to confidently choose your product. It should give potential buyers every reason to
pick your product.

Here's a sticky equation to remember:

Clicks on your listing + conversions

= higher product ranking, sales velocity and profit
This guide will cover the most important points you must remember to craft a perfect
listing for your product. It also includes additional tips that are easy for sellers to miss.

Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide

How to rank any keyword to page one

•• Check out this short video about how to execute the CPR Launch Method.
•• Here’s a case study on two launches that we did during Q4 2017 that did $39,000 in just
two days.
Key Factors to Optimize in Your
Helium 10

Amazon Product Listing

There are equally important parts to an Amazon product listing that must be optimized
to attract and convert buyers.


Keywords need to be placed strategically. Optimized keywords are the best way to
convince Amazon's A9 search algorithm to rank your product higher than the
competition. They give your product a leg up on search queries and page ranking,
which are important to this ranking process.

Pro tip: Each section has a specific character/byte limit set by Amazon's guidelines, so
be sure to keep them in mind. Any keywords included beyond the character/byte limit
are not counted (or de-indexed) for your product listing.

You should never just scribble in your most important keywords randomly throughout
your product listing. There is an order as to where your keywords should be placed.
Apart from images, the product title is your customers' first impression of your listing. Your

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title should include your top five keywords. This combination of keywords creates your
canonical URL.

Amazon generates this URL for search engines to find your product. Optimizing this URL
helps your product get indexed, which makes your product easier to find and rank higher.
A quarter of Amazon’s traffic comes from search engines, so it's important to plug in the right

Pro tip: Amazon reads from left-to-right, so the beginning of your title carries more weight.
Load up your best keywords towards the front.

But be sure to keep your title under 60 characters, practical and easy-to-read. Only include
information that will capture customer interest and rank your product higher with Amazon's
algorithm. Here are some product features to consider:

• Brand name • Color

• Product name • Size
• Key feature • Packaging/quantity
• Product type

Backend keywords

Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide

Search terms and subject matter are two parts of your listing "back-end" that are not
visible to your customers. These are great places to include other keywords and
phrases that you can't fit into your "front-end" title. This can help you cover all your
keyword bases for even better ranking.
Description bullets
Helium 10

Description bullets are your chance help your product's features and benefits shine.
They contain the most important information about your product that address your
customers' needs and emotions. In other words, it's prime real estate for your
better keywords.

Use the Review Downloader tool in Helium 10's Chrome Extensions tool to gather
insights from competitor reviews. You can address their shortcomings in your own listing
to increase your product's appeal to your target audience or target the positive
mentions and make your product sound better than the competition. In other words,
speak your buyers' language. Make that emotional connection.

Trademark service

Seller Trademarks
Amazon loves trademarked brands! Seller Trademarks helps you
protect your intellectual property by providing an easy, one-stop
process to getting trademarked.
Benefits Include legal protection, brand gating, protection from
hi-jackers, brand registry, and increase of company value.

Helium 10
If you still have keywords left-over, you can fit them into your product's purpose,
features, functionality, or brand story in the description section. It's easier to get creative
with your longer keywords with longer sentences.

Besides your bullet points, your product description should cover all the important 9
details about your product. This area of your Amazon product listing is essential to
informing your customers about:

• How your product works

• Your product's uses
• When your product should be used
• Where your product should be used

Everyone loves a good story. Your customers may be curious to hear about the "why"
behind your product. The description section is an excellent chance to make an
emotional connection with potential buyers by telling them your story. Millennials, the
generation with the biggest buying power ever, particularly make purchases based on
the "why" over simple brand loyalty. They've been helping private label products
flourish. Sharing a compelling story can make a big positive impact on your bottom line.
Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide
Your story can come from a variety of sources — it really depends on your personal
experience. For some people, telling a personal struggle story may resonate well with
customers. For others, retelling an experience that inspired change might work.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when describing the “why” behind your product
to establish an emotional connection with customers:

• Are you selling the product to help a cause?

• Are you solving a problem in society, or fulfilling a need?
• Are you improving what has come before your product?
Helium 10

You're probably familiar with the saying, "A picture tells a thousand words".
This is especially true for Amazon.
Along with the title, the product image is the biggest part of your product's first
impression to shoppers. Even if you have the world's catchiest title, shoppers tend to
look at the picture first. Make sure to put up a high-quality main image (the one visible
from the search results page) that shows off every visible detail. It must be convincing
enough to make shoppers want to click into your listing.

But be sure to make sure your product follows Amazon's strict rules for product
imagery. Here are some important facts about Amazon product photography you need
to know:

• The main image must be your product on a white background. It must be very clear, well-lit
and positioned the to take up about 85 percent of the picture.
• Amazon product listings generally have seven image slots available, so an optimized listing
will utilize every slot to show different sides of the product, sizing charts, infographics,
lifestyle images, or other helpful information that can be shown visually.
• The last image slot can be used for a promotional video of the product. Since customers
cannot handle the product physically, demonstrating the product with a video can be an
effective marketing tool within your listing.

Pro tip: Consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in product

photography to take your pictures and video. Hiring a professional is a great investment
if you are not confident in your ability to take high-quality HD photos or have the right
photography equipment. High-quality images can grant you a major competitive
advantage in the search results and are must-have in today’s Amazon landscape.

Helium 10
Setting a price for your product can seem tricky without knowing the market price in your
niche. It's generally believed that many customers are attracted to lower-priced
products. But a great deal of shoppers will pay more for your product if they believe that
its quality is better than the rest.

It's common for new sellers entering a niche to match the average price range of the
competition, but that may not always be the best move.
Here are two sides of the debate:

Follow the market: You match your competitors' prices. For example, if everyone in
your niche is selling their product between $45-$50, then that would be the average
market price to set your product.

Go against the market: You set a price that is either significantly higher or lower than
the market suggests, though most sellers tend to price their items higher due to
confidence that their product brings superior value to the market than the competition.
Going against the market presumes that most customers don't know what they want yet,
especially if your competitors haven’t provided a premium or high-quality product.

While conducting product research, you might notice a lower quality market that can
benefit from an introduction of a higher quality product. This would mean that you can
price your product higher due to its higher perceived value over the lower Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide
quality competition.

Pro tip: If you choose to go against the current market price trends, only do so if you're
extremely confident in your product’s value and your ability to offer a premium,
higher-quality product.
Helium 10 Reviews

Reviews are extremely important to conversions. Whether you are a new or experienced
seller, having many reviews can help your product seem more trustworthy. Gaining this
legitimacy can give you a huge advantage in the marketplace over the competition.

Gathering good reviews helps your product in many ways, it can:

• Provide you with customer • Win the buy box

12 insights • Increase conversion rates
• Help gain customer trust • Provide you with new keywords
• Boost your product ranking

But be careful! It's important to stay compliant with Amazon's terms of service when
gathering customer reviews. Amazon is very good at detecting reviews written by friends
and family, so we suggest you don’t try and fool them. If paid or fake reviews are
discovered on your product listing, they will be removed by Amazon and you may
be penalized.

If you are in the early stages of building your listing, you may want to obtain early reviews
to give your listing a boost when it first launches. But be aware that many of the old
tricks sellers have used in the past to get early reviews are now against Terms of Service
and may result in a suspension or getting banned. Amazon offers an early reviewing
service called Amazon Vine for vendors. There is also the Early Reviewer program
for sellers.

Try using Scribbles from Helium 10 to make sure you have the best listing possible
without missing any opportunities.

Scribbles lets sellers add the best keywords to their Amazon
Seller Central frontend and backend to make sure their listings are
totally optimized. Using optimal keywords will attract more traffic
to product listings and inspire more sales.
Questions and answers

Helium 10

The customer questions and answers section is another important part of a listing that
does not get as much attention as it should. This section can also affect potential
customers' decisions to buy your product.

The Q&A section provides a forum for customers to ask you direct questions regarding
your product. These questions are good opportunities for you to shine as a good seller.
When customers buy your product after receiving an answer, they are usually more likely
to leave positive reviews. Providing quick and detailed answers really makes a difference
here. This part of the listing can also serve as your "Frequently Asked Questions" area
where common answers and answered.

Pro tip: If you are unsure what questions people may have about your product, check Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide
what they're asking on your competitors’ listings!

Freedom Ticket
Freedom Ticket is an eight-week training course by
seven-figure seller and high-demand mentor to top sellers,
Kevin King. Whether you’re new or a seasoned seller, learn
game-changing methods to grow your business.
www.helium10.com Helium 10

Amazon Seller Analytics Software Suite.

Helium 10
Helium 10
Black Box Profitability
Black Box is your magic mirror for deep product research. Access Profitability Calculator is a browser extension tool that gives you
a massive database of over 450+ million products in seconds with the power to check if a certain product will turn a profit before
advanced filters to find a winning product or niche. it’s sourced. Look up products that are close to the product you
want to sell and get insights such as dimension and weight, FBA
storage fees, profit margin percentages, shipping fees, current
item price, product sizing and more.

Xray Trendster
Xray is a browser extension tool that validates potential product Trendster quickly analyzes product seasonality and revenue
opportunities directly on your browser. Reveal key market infor- trends. See clear market trends to find opportunity and
mation such as revenue estimates, price, sales trends, sponsored take advantage.
ad analytics and much more.

Magnet Cerebro
Magnet removes the guesswork from your keyword research. Cerebro dives deep into competitor data to identify winning
Pull the most traffic-generating keywords within a few clicks. keywords. Compare multiple ASINS to reveal must-have data
Throttle any listing’s Amazon SEO strategy with a perfect lineup points such as estimated keyword phrase search volume,
of high-performing keywords. estimated broad keyword phrase search volume, and more.
Spy on your competitors’ best keyword strategies and leave
nothing to chance.

Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide

Ultimate Amazon Product Research Guide

Misspellinator Frankenstein
Misspellinator extracts commonly misspelled alternative versions Frankenstein stitches traffic-generating keywords together by
of your main keywords in seconds. Plug them into your listing sorting through large sets of unorganized keywords. Use
backend to boost your listing’s ranking. deduplication filters, remove unwanted characters and words,
sort by popularity, and more to create a perfect keyword list for
your listing.
Index Checker Scribbles
Index Checker verifies if your keywords are being indexed by Scribbles makes sure that the most important keywords are
Amazon. It can also be used to spy on your competitors’ never left out from your listing. Automate keyword organiza-
Helium 10
Helium 10

keyword strategy by checking which keywords are being tion for titles, descriptions, and bullet points. Optimize any
indexed on their listing or not. Get indexed and make your product listing to maximize organic traffic.
product visible.

Tracker Alerts
Keyword Tracker helps you outpace your competitors’ key- Alerts actively monitors your product pages, titles, images,
word optimization strategy. Track the organic and sponsored prices, and BSR with a full security system. Be promptly
position of your product listing for your main keywords. Also, alerted to any unwanted changes made to a listing. Prevent
track high-impact keywords in real time—including those hijacking and fraudulent takeovers without making worrying a
used by the competition. Assess ranking, percentage ranking priority.
changes, trends over time, and estimated monthly searches to
stay informed and ahead.

Protector Follow-Up
Inventory Protector protects your listing against scammers Follow-Up is a customizable email autoresponder that makes
and hi-jackers who can wipe out your entire inventory during streamlined customer service easy to do. Communicate with
promotions. Control the maximum order quantity across all your customers based on delivery triggers to ask for valuable
your products and keep your margins safe. feedback, reviews, and more.

Profits Refund Genie

Profits analyzes what’s most important to your business— Refund Genie locates highly accurate estimates of lost or
profits. Crunch your financials to see key data at a glance damaged inventory that can be reimbursed by Amazon.
such as gross revenue, net profit, net sales, storage fees, and Detailed reimbursement reports are instantly generated for
more. Get savvy with your cash flow. submission. Recoup your losses quickly without having to
spend hours digging through old records.

Subscribe to the Helium 10 YouTube channel for tips, strategies

and guidance on getting the most out of Helium 10 tools.
Visit Helium10.com and sign up for a free account today, if you
haven’t already.
Review ASIN Grabber

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Helium 10
Review Downloader allows you to sort product reviews by ASIN Grabber allows you to quickly see a quick snapshot of key
desired criteria to uncover valuable customer insights. estimated market data for top ASINs, which is especially helpful
Learning from these insights can help you create products that to analyze a given day or specific holiday.
aredifferentiated and better than your competitor’s products.

Inventory Level Index Checker

Inventory Level allows you to see how much inventory other Review Downloader allows you to sort product reviews
sellers have in stock and to capitalize on competitor’s low
inventory levels.
by desired criteria to uncover valuable customer insights.
Learning from these insights can help you create products
17 17
that are differentiated and better than your competitor’s

To stay up to date on Helium 10 and FBA

related news by following our social media
channels. Also talk strategy with us and
other Helium 10 users on our Facebook
users page.

Ultimate Amazon Listing Optimization Guide

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Ultimate Amazon Product Research Guide
by Helium 10. Stiff competition calls for serious,
no-nonsense information.

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experts, the latest Amazon trends, and invalu-
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