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Author: Sandra Pagliughi

School: Landrum Middle

Title: The Empty Pot

Overview/ This lesson will help students identify the moral of the story The Empty Pot by
Annotation: Demi. During this lesson, students will have an opportunity to discuss about the
character trait honesty. Students will share about a time when they demonstrated
this character trait.

This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

Content CE(K-12) 4. Honesty
Standard(s): LAFS.6.RI.3.8 Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a
text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons
and evidence from claims that are not.

LAFS.6.RL.1.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text

says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

LAFS.6.SL.1.1 . Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions

(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others ideas and expressing their own clearly. Come to
discussions prepared, having read or studied required
material; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to
evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on
ideas under discussion. Follow rules for collegial
discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define
individual roles as needed. Pose and respond to specific
questions with elaboration and detail by making comments
that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate
understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection
and paraphrasing.

Primary The students will be able to pose and respond to specific questions with
Learning elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or
Objective(s): issue under discussion. Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate
understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
Additional The student will recount or describe key details from a text read aloud. Students
Learning will answer questions by recalling information from experiences and gathering
Objective(s): information from provided sources.
Approximat 90 Minutes
e Duration
of the
Materials Book: The Empty Pot by Demi
Equipment: Paper, T-Chart
Technology Projector and imovie.

Procedures/ Bell ringer. Write in your journal, “What does actively listening look like?
 Super Scholar Style
 Goals
 Champs

Teacher reminds students when discussing a topic in class to use “Talk Moves”

1. Teacher asks students if they know what the word honesty means. Talks to
them about why it is important to tell the truth and the consequences for not
telling the truth. A. Do you consider yourself to be an honest person? Why? B.
How many lies do you get to tell before you are a liar?

2. TW give students a minute of think time. TW Ask students to turn and talk to
their partner about a time something good happened because they told the truth.
TW give students an opportunity to share their responses.

3. TW Ask students to turn and talk to their partner about a time they did not tell
the truth and the consequences they faced. TW Give students an opportunity to
share their responses.

4. Read aloud the Chinese folktale The Empty Pot by Demi. Discuss examples
from the story of the characters being either honest or dishonest. The students
will be directed to cite evidence from the text to support their responses.

5. Students will work with a partner to record responses on a T-chart labeled

"Examples of being honest/Examples of being dishonest."

6. Discuss the moral of the story (it is always better to be honest rather than to
be dishonest). Talk about the part of the story where Ping was frustrated when
his plant didn't grow, and the part when he found out why it didn't grow. Ask
students to turn and talk with their partner about Ping's feelings each time.

Show Second Video:

Open it up to discussions.

1. What do you think about the boy returning the wallet he found? What do you think of their

2. People often rationalize their own dishonesty by saying, "That’s the way the world is, so why
should I be different?" What do you think of this reasoning?

3. When faced with making good choices you need to ask yourself, "How would I feel if this were
printed on the front page of the newspaper?" How might that help keep you honest?

4. Is there anything wrong with a "small" lie to parents or friends to keep from upsetting them?

5. Sometimes people don’t count little lies as lies. How do you feel about that idea?

6. When people are dishonest with you, how does it make you feel?

7. Teacher comments that lying ruins relationships. Do you agree? Has that ever happened to

8. What is your definition of an honest person?

9. How important is it to you that your friends be honest?

10. If you discover your classmates are cheating on an important exam, does that make it okay
for you to cheat, too?

11. It’s been said that cheating is just another form of lying. Do you agree?

12. Teacher comments that honesty turns us into phonies, but honesty allows us to be real. What
does that mean? Do you agree?

13. T observes that simply being honest makes life a lot easier. What does she mean by that? Do
you agree? Have you experienced this in your own life?

14. What risks are involved in being honest? What risks are involved in being dishonest? How do
you benefit from being an honest person?

15. What does honesty have to do with your character?

Exit Ticket: Something challenging about my group discussion was ______?

I did/did not meet my goals for today’s lesson because…

I want to “Shout Out” ________________ because…

Are You an Honest Person?

(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself.)

True False
I am truthful, sincere, and straightforward.

I don't lie, cheat, or steal.

I don't intentionally mislead others.

I think I am / am not an honest person because: ___________________

Being honest frees us to be real.

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