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Environment, Safety and

Health Toolbox
As we continue to energise more and more equipment and systems it is more important than ever to know the Lock
Out Tag Out (LOTO) requirements to prevent someone from being seriously hurt. Although a lot of systems or
equipment are being energised, that does not mean we can conduct work on that system or equipment unless it has
been properly isolated (Locked Out, Tagged Out).

Lock Out Tag Out controls the energy source of the equipment so it there can be no unexpected energization, or start-
up of machinery/equipment or release of stored energy – all of which could cause a very serious injury.


STEP 1: Identify the equipment you want to work on and its energy source/s.

This is primarily the responsibility of the Supervisor who wants the work done however, any person can identify the
energy source or speak up if they think something has been missed.
Although electricity is the most obvious form of energy, it is not the only energy source on site. Here are some other
examples of energy sources:
▪ Electrical – from both temporary (generators) and permanent supply.
▪ Pneumatic (air)
▪ Hydraulic
▪ Mechanical (pumps, conveyors, motors)

Remember - it does not matter who “owns” the energy source or equipment, the project LOTO rules apply. This includes
contractor owned offices/generators/ air-conditioning units etc (note - many of our LOTO life critical breaches have been
on air-conditioning units and generators).

STEP 2: Apply for a LOTO Permit from BPJV.

Once you know the energy sources you need locked out, an approved LOTO Permit
Requestor must submit a LOTO permit request to BPJV. The BPJV LOTO Team will then
review the permit and once the specifics are all approved, come to the work area and put
the isolation in place (this means they come and “turn off” the energy source and place a
lock on the part of the machine that controls the energy so it cannot be started up).

Note: every energy source can be locked out and the BPJV LOTO team has all types of
locking devices to make this possible!

The BPJV LOTO team will also conduct a “test for dead” to confirm there is Zero energy
(this is the test to prove the isolation/Lock Out Tag Out is working!)

Environment, Safety and
Health Toolbox
STEP 3: All workers apply their personal locks and sign onto the LOTO permit.

At ATA, it is a requirement that every worker who will be doing work under
the LOTO permit applies a personal lock with a tag and signs onto the
LOTO permit.
The BPJV LOTO team issue each worker with a personal red lock when
they issue the LOTO permit. This personal lock is yours and yours only.

The simple rule is: No Lock, No Work!

WHY? Because applying a personal lock provides you with protection as if your personal lock is in place, the equipment
cannot be started up – it can only be started once all workers have removed their locks.

Please, never give someone your lock and never give someone the key to your lock.
WHY? Because the lock is your personal protection against the equipment starting up. If you give
someone your lock or your key, they could remove your lock while you are still working on the machine
putting you in danger of being seriously hurt!

Once every worker has applied their personal lock and signed onto the LOTO permit, the work can start. The Permit
Requestor then monitors the work to make sure it is being conducted safely.
Supervisors – if you need additional persons to do work under the LOTO permit, no problem! Simply let the BPJV LOTO
team know and they will provide more personal locks so those additional persons can start work.

And finally:
Remember, following the LOTO rules is a Project Life Critical (# 4):
Never commence work until all energy sources have been identified, isolated and tested for dead in
accordance with the LOTO procedure.

Please make sure you follow these 3 easy LOTO steps to protect our workforce from harm
when working on equipment.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, the BPJV LOTO team are here to help.


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