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Oracle Sales Cloud

Implementation Partner

Practices for Lesson 03A

Create and Manage Activities
Oracle Sales Cloud Implementation Partner Workshop

Table of Contents
Practice 03A-1: Create and Manage Activities...........................................................................................3
Practice 03A-2: Create a Call Report ..........................................................................................................8
Practice 03A-3: Configure Activity Type Display Color ............................................................................10
Practice 03A-4: Configure and Use a Team Calendar ...............................................................................12
Practice 03A-5: Add Resources to a Team Calendar ................................................................................14
Practice 03A-6: Create a New Team Calendar ...........................................................................................21

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Practices for Lesson 03A

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Practice 03A-1: Create and Manage Activities

 Explore the combined model for tasks and appointments
 Create a new appointment and verify the combined model

10 - 15 minutes

In this practice, you will explore the unified activity model for Oracle Sales Cloud. You will log in
as a sales representative, become familiar with the various activities views, create a new
appointment and a new task, and then log in as a sales manager and review your visibility to
your report's calendar.

1. Review the Activities page as a sales representative:
a. Sign in to the application using lisa.jones and the password for your student login.
b. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
c. A calendar view of appointments is displayed.
Note: The activities are pre-seeded for the classroom environment and are not part
of an as-delivered Oracle Sales Cloud deployment.
d. Double-click an appointment in the calendar.
e. If you are asked whether you want to update "This occurrence" or "The series",
select "This occurrence" and click OK.

f. Notice that you can edit the appointment.

g. Click Cancel to return to the calendar.

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h. On the left of the calendar, click the My Tasks tab.

i. Notice that you can review your tasks here.

j. On the left, click the Activities tab.
k. Notice that you can examine all of your tasks and appointments in a single interface.
2. Create a new task and appointment:
a. Create a new task.
1) Click Create Task.
2) Set:
Subject OSC Task nn
where nn is your student number
Due Date <Today's Date>
Type Demo
3) Click Save and Close.
b. On the left, click the Calendar tab.
c. Note that the task is not added to the calendar.
d. Click the Activities tab.
e. Create a new appointment.
1) Click Create Appointment.
2) Set:
Subject OSC Appointment nn
where nn is your student number
Type Demo
Start Date <Today's Date>
End Date <Today's Date>
3) Click Save and Close.
f. Click the Calendar tab.
g. Verify that an OSC Appointment nn (where nn is your student number) has been
added to the calendar.
h. Appointments appear on the calendar; tasks do not.
3. Explore how activities interact with objects:
a. Navigate to Sales > Opportunities.
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b. Drill down on any visible opportunity; for example, Data Center Upgrade.
If you do not see any opportunities, verify you are logged in as Lisa Jones and are
searching for "My Open Opportunities".
c. Carefully note the full name of the opportunity, such as "Data Center Upgrade".
d. On the left, click the Activities tab.
e. Verify that OSC Appointment nn (where nn is your student number) is not shown.
f. Click Cancel.
g. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
h. In the Calendar, double-click the OSC Appointment nn (where nn is your student
i. If you see multiple “OSC Appointment…” , pause your mouse over each one to see the
full name. Then double-click on the one corresponding to your student number.
j. Set Opportunity = <The opportunity you examined>, for example, "Data Center
You may need to search for this opportunity.
k. Click Save and Close.
l. Navigate to Sales > Opportunities
m. Drill down in the opportunity with which you associated the activity.
n. On the left, click the Activities tab.
o. Verify that OSC Appointment nn (where nn is your student number) is now shown.
p. Click Cancel to close the opportunity.
q. Sign out of the application.
4. Review your activities as a sales manager:
a. Sign in as mateo.lopez, Lisa Jones' manager.
b. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
c. Notice the new Manage Calendars pane on the right is accessible by clicking on the
Manage My Calendar icon. Here you can access and manage the various calendars of
interest to you such as team calendars.

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d. Expand Other Calendars to see those you have access to.

e. Expand Resource Hierarchy to see the calendars of others from members of your own
team to members of other teams. When creating team calendars you can select
resources in this way.

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f. Click Search.
g. Set First Name = Lisa.
h. Click Search.
i. Select the Lisa Jones record.
j. Click OK.
k. Verify that you can see Lisa Jones' busy times and what the activities are.
l. Sign out of the application.

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Practice 03A-2: Create a Call Report

 Use a call report

~5 minutes

In this practice, you will create an appointment and then a call report for the appointment.

1. Sign in with your assigned login
2. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
3. Click Create Appointment.
a. Set:
Subject Call Report OSC nn
Where nn is your student number
Start Date Today
Start Time One hour ago
End Date Today
End Time 15 minutes ago
b. Click Save and Continue.
c. Click the plus sign next to Call Reports.

Note: You can also add a Call Report by clicking the Call Reports tab .

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d. Set Outcome = Successful.

e. Set Meeting Minutes = Demoed the product and discussed next steps and who
are the stakeholders.
f. Add objectives:
1) Click the plus sign next to Objectives.
2) Check Demo product, Determine next steps, and Identify stakeholders.
3) Click OK.
g. Notice you can add contacts and resources if you need to.

Note: Contacts are customers and resources are people in your company.
4. Click Save and Close.
5. Click Save and Close.
6. Once a Call Report is created, you can access it by drilling into the appointment or by
clicking the Appointment List icon in the Calendar page or by clicking the Activities tab and
selecting List > My Call Reports.

Appointment List

7. Sign out of the application.

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Practice 03A-3: Configure Activity Type Display Color

 Create a new activity type with a specified color

~5 minutes

In this practice, you will create a Win/Loss Review activity type and associate a noticeable color
to it so it is very visible on a calendar.

1. If necessary, log in to the application with your assigned login.
2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
3. Set Name = Manage Activity Standard Lookups.
4. Click Search.
5. In search results click the highlighted task name.

7. In the Lookup Codes section, click the New icon .

8. Set:
Lookup Code WIN_LOSS_REVIEW_nn
Where nn is your student number
Meaning Win/Loss Review nn
Where nn is your student number
Tag BCA9F5

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Note: The tag is an HTML color code for a vibrant purple. Color codes can be found at

9. Click Save and Close.

10. Click Done.
11. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
12. Click Create Appointment.
a. Set:
Subject Review Pinnacle Opportunity nn
Where nn is your student number
Type Win/Loss Review nn
Other fields <default values>
Note the start date and time so you can find the appointment.
b. Click Save and Close.
13. Verify your appointment in the calendar.

14. Sign out of the application.

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Practice 03A-4: Configure and Use a Team Calendar

 Enable or verify team calendar is enabled
 Use a team calendar

~5 minutes

In this practice, you will verify that the team calendar feature is available and practice using it.
You will also enable the team calendar icon to show either team calendar or to show the
timeline view.

1. Verify team calendar is enabled:
a. Log in to the application with your assigned login.
b. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
c. Set Name = Manage Activity Profile Options.
d. Click Search.
e. Click the highlighted task name in the search results.
f. Select Profile Option Code = ZMM_ACTIVITY_ENABLE_TEAM_CALENDAR. (You
may have to scroll in the results to find it.)
g. Notice that the team calendar is enabled at the Site level.

2. Identify the Team Calendar toggle and setting:

a. If necessary, expand the Profile Options section of the page.
b. If you need to disable the Timeline View change the profile value to No. For the
purposes of this lab we will leave the default setting of Yes.

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c. In Release 11, the icon which previously signified “Team Calendar” now serves a
dual purpose. It remains an icon to navigate to team calendar AND, when enabled as
shown below it provides navigation to the “timeline” view of a team calendar. The
screenshot below shows the timeline view enabled. Remember that you can also find
other calendars including team and deal calendars under the Manage My Calendar tab.
This toggle setting will drive how you navigate to team calendar.

3. Sign out of the application.

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Practice 03A-5: Add Resources to a Team Calendar

 Add resources to a team calendar

10 - 15 minutes

In this practice, you will add resources to Lisa Jones’ calendar who are all working on a special
project together.

1. Sign into the application as lisa.jones, using your assigned password.
2. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
3. Click the Timeline icon in the upper right of the page.

4. Click the Manage My Calendars tab.

5. Notice the list of calendars you have access to as this user. You also have access to the
resource hierarchy on this tab.

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6. Click on the Pinnacle – Green Server Team calendar. You will see the members of the
team displayed.

7. Click the main calendar part of the page to close the tab. You will see the activities and
members displayed on the Pinnacle – Green Server Team calendar.

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8. Note that Frank Handy and Mary Renola are not involved in as many appointments as are
Lisa and Mateo Lopez.
9. Click the plus sign to add resources to the calendar.

a. Set First Name = Julian and click Search.

b. Select Julian Henderson.
c. Click OK.
d. Verify that Julian Henderson has been now added to the calendar.

10. Create a new appointment that includes all the visible resources from the calendar you are
displaying, that is Lisa Jones, Julian Henderson, Mary Renola, Frank Handy and Mateo

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a. Click Create Appointment at the upper left of the calendar and select Create
Appointment with All Visible Resources.

b. Set:
Subject Prepare for Client Meeting nn where nn is your student number
Type Meeting
Start Date Filled in automatically (adjust if needed)
End Date Filled in automatically (adjust if needed)
c. Click Save and Continue.
d. On the Edit Appointment page, click the Resources tab and note that all five resources
are listed.

e. Click Save and Close.

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f. Verify that the new appointment has been added to the team calendar and is shown
for each team member. Some team members have chosen not to share the details of
their appointments, only that they are busy at that time.

g. You can also create a new team calendar with the same resources by clicking on the
icon next to the plus sign. You can test that later if you wish.

11. Add a resources outside your organization to the team calendar:

a. Using the same team calendar for Pinnacle – Green Server Team, click the Manage
My Calendar tab on the right.
b. We want to add a resource named Sandy to the team calendar. We remember that
Sandy works for Matthew Stilton but don’t remember her last name. We can try
searching for the first name Sandy but there may be many returned.
c. Expand Resource Hierarchy and search for Matthew Stilton.
d. Once you get the result, click the right-arrow next to Matthew Stilton to expand his

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e. Similarly, click the right-arrow next to Sandy Sayers to see her direct reports.

f. Hover over Sandy’s name and you will see that it is a hyperlink. We could click on
Sandy’s name to add her individually to the team calendar, but in this case we have
decided to add Sandy AND her entire team to the calendar.

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g. Click the down-arrow next to Sandy Sayers.

h. Click Select Team to add Sandy Sayer’s team to the team calendar.

Note: You can add a whole team in one action by clicking the arrow to the right of a
manager’s name. You will have the choice to select or deselect the team that reports
to the manager as a whole rather than needing to add each individual one at a time.

i. Verify that Sandy Sayer’s team members have been added to the team calendar. You
should see Kirk Walker, Kevin Chase, Britt Daniel and Sarah Madison.

12. Sign out of the application.

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Practice 03A-6: Create a New Team Calendar

 Create a new calendar for a team project

5 - 10 minutes

In this practice, you will create a calendar that is for a special project.

1. Sign in to the application using your student number.
2. Navigate to Sales > Activities.
3. Click the Timeline icon in the upper right to open the Team Calendar.

4. Click the icon to create a new team calendar.

5. Set the Calendar Name = CRM.Student nn Team Calendar where nn is your student

a. Click Add Resources.

b. Set Manager Last Name = Lopez and click Search.
c. Select Cindy and Helena and click Apply.
d. Set Manager Last Name = Taylor and click Search.

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e. Select Hope and Jack and click OK.

f. Notice the added resources appear on the Create Calendar page.

g. Click Save and Close.

6. You are returned to the Team Calendar page with your new calendar and everyone

Note: Your display may differ from the above screenshot. For some resources the
calendar time slot only shows and for others the title of the appointment also shows. This
is based on the preferences set by each individual.

7. Sign out of the application.

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