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Department of Education

Region III


San Juan, Apalit

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 9

I. Objectives

a. The students will evaluate their ideas about Risk and Protective factors in using
b. Categorize the Risk and Protective factors of the 5 domains of life; and
c. Identify the common concepts in Drug Education

II. Subject matter

Main Topic: Prevention of Substance use and abuse

Sub-topics: Common Concepts in Drug Education
Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use, Misuse, Abuse and
Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material 9
Materials: Visual aids, Television, Power point presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Opening Prayer
“Good morning class...” “Good morning ma’am”
“Let us pray first…” (One student will lead the prayer)
b. Checking of Attendance

“Once I call your name you say present” (the students will say present as the
teacher calls in their name)
“Please pick up the pieces of paper under
your chair”

c. Checking of Assignment

“Please pass your assignment sideward

and then forward” (the student will follow the instruction)

d. Review

The Teacher will ask the students if

they can still recall the lesson last

“What is our lesson last meeting?”

(the students will raise their hand)
(the Teacher will call a student)
“Our lesson last meeting was all about
“Very good!”
Renaissance and Baroque Arts and
“Who are the famous artist from Artists”
(the students will raise their hand)
(the Teacher will call a student)
“Michaelangelo Buonarroti”
“What is his famous artwork?”
“David, made of marble”
“Very good! Another?
“Leonardo Da Vinci, and his famous
artworks are Mona Lisa and The Last
“Donatello, and his famous artwork is
“Very good! Last one from Renaissance? David, made of bronze”

“Raphael, his famous artwork is The

“How about in Baroque?” Transfiguration”

“Very good! Another? “Caravaggio, The Conversion of St.

“Bernini, Ecstasy of St. Therese and
Piazza San Pietro”
“Rubens, Portrait of Helene Fourment”
“Very good! Last one from Baroque? “Rembrandt, his Self-Portrait in Old
“Very good! I think you really “Diego Velasquez, Las Meninas”
understand the lesson last meeting.”

e. Motivation

“Let’s now move on to Health, but before

we start our lesson in health I will give
you a very short activity”

(the Teacher will group them into 5

and she will assign seats every group)

“Go to your assigned seats and join your

group mates and please pass ¼ sheet of
paper with name of members” (the students will follow the instruction)

“So here’s the instruction for our Activity.

I divided you into 5 domains of life, the
first group will have the Personal, second
group is the Family, third is the Peer and
Friends, the fourth is the School, and fifth
is the Community. The question is ‘How
does the given domain to your group
affect drug use and abuse, as a protective
factor and as a risk factor?’ I want you to
evaluate your ideas, make sure that every
members of the group will participate.
“Yes, ma’am”
“I’m giving you 5 minutes to finish the
activity, you can write your ideas in a
piece of paper after that please choose at
least 2 representative to present your
work. You can start now”

(after 5 minutes, 2 representative every

group will present their work)
B. Lesson Proper

“Please go back now to your proper seats”

“Let’s now start to our new lesson. Our

lesson for today is Prevention of
Substance use and abuse. Earlier, we had
an activity about how does the domain of
life affect drug use and abuse, as
protective factor and risk factor, but
before that I will discuss first the common
concepts in Drug Education”

“What is Drugs? Any idea?”

“It is a chemical that may affect your
“Very good!” behavior when taken”

“Drugs are any substances or chemicals

which when taken into the body (Nasal,
Oral, Transdermal) have Psychological,
Emotional, Behavioral effects on a

“Next is Drugs of Abuse. The commonly

drugs abused by users are Shabu,
Marijuana and Inhalant”

“Next is Drug Dependence, it is a strong

desire to take drugs. What do we mean by
“When you rely or depend into
“Very good, in Drug Dependence, is something”
where the use of drugs was taken in a
high priority. It’s like, user depend their
life to drugs and they use it as a
“Next is Drug Misuse. Please read.”
“Use of a substance inconsistent with
the prescribed dosage or frequency of
“For example, a doctor asked you to take use”
antibiotic for 7 days but you only take it
for 3 days or 10 days. What will happen
to your body?”
“Your body will react”
“Very good, your body will react. It will
negatively affect your body instead of
getting better”

“When can we say that Drug is bad to our

“When it was being abused”
“Very good. Next is Drug Abuse, it is
when you use a drug for non-medical
purposes. What are the reasons why some
people use it without a prescription?”
“Maybe because some drugs will help
you relieve from pain and sometimes
out of curiosity”
“Very good. Last for common concepts in
Drug Education is Drug Tolerance. What
do we mean by Tolerance?” “the capacity to endure something
without adverse reaction”
“Very good. So, it means Drug Tolerance
is when users take Drugs but their body is
no longer reacting to the drug taken. It
means their body was already tolerant to

“Next are the Risk Factors and Protective

Factors. Who can explain the risk and
protective factors”
“Risk factors are the factors that will
increase the chances of using drugs.
Protective factors are the factors that
will decrease the chance of using
“Very good! Earlier, I give you the 5
domain of life. What are they? “Personal, Family, Peer and Friends,
School, and Community”

“Very good! I also ask you to evaluate

your ideas about how these domains
affect drug use and abuse. Right?”

“Yes, ma’am”
“Now let’s maximize your ideas about
these. Here is the Core Diagram of the
Domains of life”

“As you can see, personal is placed on the

core of this diagram. What do you think is
the reason why personal is in the core?”
“Ma’am, because decision making
always start with us”

“Very good! Thank you. How about the

family?” “Ma’am, because they are with us and
guiding us since childhood.”
“Very good! Thank you. The 3rd domain
in core diagram is Peer and Friends.
“Ma’am, because they are the ones who
“Very good! Thank you. They are also the can be told about our feelings without
ones who can easily influence us to any feeling of awkwardness.”
anything. Next to Peer and Friends is
School. Why?
“Ma’am, because aside to our parents
school was also the ones who are
guiding us”
“Very good! Lastly, Community”
“Ma’am, community can also affect us
based on the rules that they
“Now let’s go back to Risk factor and implementing.”
Protective factor of Personal. Early
Aggressive Behavior vs. Self-Control.
Who can explain?"
“The risk factors are the cause of past
experiences that negatively affect the
person’s behavior. While, positive
factors are characteristics that may help
us to cope up with problems”

“Very good! Thank you. Poor social skills

and Interaction, feeling of Isolation and
Childhood Problems are possibly effect of
bullying or family problem. Maybe the
person didn’t able to handle those
problem which led him to use drugs. Use
of drugs at an early age, Risk taking
behavior and experimentation are also
possibly effect of past experiences or
maybe it was his natural behavior. While,
positive factors are the qualities we
should for us to bravely face our problems
and will not lead us to use drugs ”

“Next is Family, Weak parental guidance

vs. Strong parental guidance. Who can
explain?” “Ma’am, it’s all about how parents raise
their child. If your parents raise you
very well, whatever you go through it
will not affect you and you can’t
thought of using drugs”
“Very good! Every family or Parents
should be educated about handling their
problems so that it won’t affect the child”

“Next is Peer and Friends, Substance use

vs. Academic Excellence. Please explain”
“I think it also involve the family
because if you have strong relationship
to your family, no matter how bad
influence your friends you will not be
“Very good! Aside from Family it also tempted to do bad things like using
involve Personal because you are the one drugs”
who will decide with whom you will go,
to the bad influence friends or the good

“Second to the last is School. Please

“As a student we spend our time mostly
here in school. If the school is
“Very good! School is our second home, neglectful, students will also neglect
they must have consistent policies their studies”
regarding discipline and they should
engage their students to extracurricular
activities like sports, so that the students
will not become a victim of vices”

“And last is Community, please explain.”

“Just like in school, Community must
also have consistent policies and should
conduct seminars, projects and
programs about anti-drug”
“Very good! Community should be united
as one and should have a strong advocacy
against drugs”
C. Generalization

“Now let’s see if you learn from what we

discussed earlier. What are the common
concepts in Drug Education, please give
“Ma’am, Drug Dependence”
“Very good! Another?”
“Ma’am, Drug Tolerance”
“Ma’am, Drug Abuse”
“Ma’am, Drug Misuse
“Very good! Next are the Risk and
Protective factors. Please explain the Risk
“Ma’am, Risk factors are those
influences that will increase the chances
“How about the Protective factor?” of using, misusing and abusing drugs”

“Ma’am, Protective factors are those

influences that will increase the chances
of using, misusing and abusing drugs”

“Very good! What are the 5 domains in

life? Please give the first one.”

“Next is?” “Ma’am, Personal”

“Ma’am, Family”
“Ma’am, Peer and Friends”
“Ma’am, School”
“Ma’am, Community”
“Very good! I think you really learn from
our discussion”

D. Application

“Let’s have an activity. As you can see,

there are list of 5 domains of life pasted
on the board. I have here list of Risk and
Protective factors, you’re just going to
categorize them on which domain they
belong. Understood?” “Yes, ma’am”

(the Teacher will call 10 students to

categorize the Risk and Protective factor
and paste them on the board)

IV. Evaluation

I. Choose the correct answer. Write the letter on the space provided.
_____1. Strong desire to take the substance.

a. Drug Tolerance b. Drug Dependence

_____2. Use of a substance inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or frequency

of use.

a. Drug Misuse b. Drug Abuse

_____3. It is a chemical that may affect your behavior when taken

a. Vitamin b. Drug

_____4. When users take Drugs but their body is no longer reacting to the drug

a. Drug Tolerance b. Drug Misuse

_____5. Use of substance for non-medical purposes.

a. Drug Abuse b. Drug Dependence

II. List down at least 1 protective factor and 1 risk factor for every given domain of life.
Domains of Life Risk Protective
Peer and Friends

V. Follow - up Activity:

Study the different classification of Drugs.

Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material 9

Prepared by:


Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher
Noted by:

Principal II

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