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Date & Time: Grade Level: Quarter Duration :

October 02, RESEARCH 1
G12 A AND B 2nd Quarter 60 minutes
2018 / 1:00-
3:00-4:00 p. m
Competency Code CS_RS11-IIIf-j-3
Key Concepts Ethics refers to the norms for conduct that distinguish between
acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
It also refers to rules in making a distinction between right and wrong
such as the Golden Rule; a code of professional conduct like Hippocrates’
oath; a religious creed like the 10 commandments or wise aphorism like
the sayings of Confucius in The analects.
1. Objectives 

2. Content Ethical Standards in Writing Related Literature
3. Learning  Baraceros, E. 2016, Practical Research 2, Rex Book Store, pp. 51
Resources  Prieto, N., Naval V, and Carey, T. (2017), Practical Research 1 for
Senior High School, Qualitative: LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
 Teacher’s Guide
4. Procedures
Activity Read the situation to the learner:
The department of education conduct an oration contest in science
with the theme “ Science and technology and Innovation” which is
open to all secondary schools. One of the criteria for the said contest is
that, a school must come up with their own piece related to the theme
and it must be original. However, during the contest proper, one of the
participants was caught cheating. The panel of judges found out that
the piece performed by the said participant has been downloaded from
the internet. Therefore, as a punishment, the school participant has
been kicked out from the contest and the school has been forbidden to
join any contest held by the DEPED for 3 consecutive years.

What do you think about the participant’s action, ethical or
2. Do you think the punishment given by the panel of judges is
justifiable? Why or Why not?
Analysis Ask the following questions:
1. What are your important observations about the four referencing
styles samples?
2. Based on your evaluation, which do you think is a MLA Referencing
Style? Which is APA referencing Style? Why?
Abstraction Discuss the two most commonly used referencing styles Ask the
following questions:
1. What makes MLA Referencing Style different from APA Referencing
2. Which of the two is easier to construct? Why?
Application Group Activity–APA System versus MLA System0000
Directions: Decide whether the following aspects is APA System or MLA
System. Sort and write them on the chart provided.
 Full surname first, then followed by initials of first and middle name
 Full surname first, followed by full first name, and optional initial of
the middle name
 Italicized title with only the beginning word capitalized (exception:
capital for every proper noun)
 Underlined or italicized tile with all content words capitalized
 Written after the author’s name
 Written after the publisher’s name
Aspect Aspect APA System MLA System
Writing the Author’s
Writing the title
of the reading
Writing the copyright
5. Assessment Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The following is an Author-date styles, Except:
a) MLA
b) APA
c) Harvard
d) Chicago
2. A referencing styles that incorporates the author's name, the year
of publication, and sometimes the page number, separated by a comma
is called _____.
a. MLA
b. APA
c. Harvard
d. Chicago
3. Referencing within the body of the paper gives you this research-
paper component:
a. Footnotes c. Bibliography
b. References d. Citation
4. In MLA referencing style, If a source has three or more authors,
which of the following is true?
a. Give the first author’s last name but replace the other
authors with 'et al.'
b. Give the first author’s first name but replace the other
authors with 'et al.'
c. Write the names of all authors in alphabetical order.
d. All of the above
5. Using MLA referencing style, If the single author of multiple
references is also listed as the first co-author in another reference, the
authors name are alphabetize according to the last name of the second
co-author. (true or false)
6. Assignment/ In a brief reflective essay, express how much you understood the
Agreement concepts about the RRL in a quantitative research. Specify which ideas
sank into your mind or came to your understanding excellently. Write your
answers in your notebook.
7. Remarks

8. Reflections

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher HT-III/ In-Charge

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