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Part I.

Knowledge About Earthquake Management

Put a mark on “True” if you agree with the statement and “False” if you disagree

Items True False

1. Having emergency supplies such as first aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight
and tool kit is important during earthquakes.
2. During an Alert Level 3 Emergency, there will be an alarm, students are
evacuated, and classes will resume at least an hour later.
3. Emergency exits are usually located farthest from the main entrance.
4. I know how to perform first aid on injuries such as cuts, lacerations and
5. Wide open spaces must be avoided during earthquake evacuation.
6. Important belongings must be gathered during evacuation.
7. Taking shelter underneath at stable table is recommended during an
8. The fastest and safest way of evacuation is the use of elevators.
9. During an earthquake it is recommended to run as fast as you can out of a
10. Stop, pull over and stay inside the car with a seat belt on during an
11. There is a need to wait at least an hour after the last earthquake shock
waves to return inside the building.
12. Gas, water and electricity lines must be checked after the earthquake.
13. Priority after earthquake is to check on the welfare of family members.
14. After the earthquake, it is safe to retrieve possessions on a damaged
15. There is no need to report damage on your house to the authorities since it
is a personal property.

Part II. Attitudes towards Earthquake Management

Put a mark on the column in which you think best represents you.

Items 1 2 3 4 5
1. I believe that earthquake is a disaster Positive
everyone should be prepared for.
2. I feel that earthquake management is the Negative
responsibility of the government only.
3. I believe that it is important for everyone Positive
to be aware and knowledgeable about
earthquake management.
4. I am willing to attend the earthquake Negative
drills held by the school consistently.
5. I feel confident in carrying out emergency Positive
plans, evacuation procedures, and
similar functions.
6. I believe that it is only the school’s Negative
management responsibility to ensure the
safety of the students, faculty, and other
personnel during an earthquake.
7. I believe that earthquake drills can help Positive
in an event of a real earthquake.
8. I would feel anxious in an event of an Negative
9. I believe everyone should take initiative Positive
in preparation for earthquakes.
10. I feel that earthquake management is a Negative
difficult skill and can only be handled by
the specialists.

Part III. Perception of Earthquake Management Practices

Put a mark on the column in which you think represents your assessment of the areas
1 2 3 4 5
Items Very Poor Good Satisfactory Excellent
1. The earthquake management
information is provided by the
2. The earthquake drills are
conducted regularly every year at
my University.
3. In an earthquake incident, the
University can handle it without
confusion and with damages kept
to bare minimum.

4. The evacuation routes map are

posted on high visible areas.

5. Exit routes are labeled and


6. The teachers and/or administrative

staff have given instruction on
what needs to be done during an
7. The teachers and staff can handle
an earthquake situation effectively.

8. The University entertains the

students’ questions and
suggestions regarding earthquake
9. The university’s earthquake
management plan is in place and
disseminated to the students.
10. There are classes/ seminar/ short
courses given regarding
earthquake or disaster risk

Part IV. Earthquake Preparedness

Put a mark on “Agree” if the statement below describes you and “Disagree” if not.

Items Agree Disagree

1. I consider myself prepared for disasters.

2. I have a contact list of emergency personnel for my local
3. I am confident that I can execute the proper evacuation
protocol whenever the need arises.
4. I know routes and methods for getting home after an
earthquake has occurred.
5. I consider the University as a safe place during earthquakes
and other disasters triggered by earthquakes such as
tsunami and landslide.
6. I can identify the safe places to evacuate during an
7. I can identify the location of emergency exits.
8. I join/participate in extra-curricular activities that promote
disaster preparedness such as seminars, boy/girl scouts,
Red Cross and other similar associations.
9. I know how to perform first aid such as CPR.
10. We have a first aid kit at home.

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