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Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2019 – Regulation 2017 Unique Important Questions – 3rd Semester BE/BTECH

ME8391 Engineering Thermodynamics
1. 5 kg of a gas was heated from a temperature of 100°C at constant volume till its pressure
becomes three times its original pressure. For this process calculate (i) Heat transferred (ii)
Change in internal energy and (iii) Change in enthalpy. Assume Cp=1 kJ/kgK and
Cv=0.71 kJ/kgK.

2.1 kg of air at 11 bar and 80°C is expanded to 10 times the original volume by (i) Isothermal
process (ii) Isentropic (reversible adiabatic) process. Determine the work done in each of the
cases. Plot these on a common PV diagram. Take R= 0.287 kJ/kgK and γ=1.4

3. A quantity of gas occupies a volume of 0.28 m3, at a pressure of 120 kN/m2 and
temperature of 250°C. The gas is compressed isothermally to a pressure of 600 kN/m2 and
then expanded adiabatically to its initial volume. Determine (i) heat received or rejected
during compression (ii) mass of the gas and (iii) Change in internal energy during expansion.
Assume γ= 1.4 and Cp=1 kJ/kgK.

4.A stationary fluid system goes through a cycle of 3 process. Initially isochoric heat addition
of 235 kJ/kg is added to the system and then due to adiabatic expansion the system is
brought back to the initial pressure with loss of 70 kJ/kg in internal energy and then due to
isobaric compression, the system is brought back to the initial volume with heat rejection of
200 kJ/kg. For this cycle, prepare a balance sheet on Q, W, change in U

5. When a system is taken from state l to state m as shown in figure along path lqm. 168 kJ of
heat flows into the system and the system does 64 kJ of work. (i) how much will be the heat
that flows into the system along the path lnm, if work done is 21 kJ. (ii) When the system is
returned from m to l along the curved path, the work done on the system is 42 kJ. Does the
system absorb or liberate heat and how much of heat is absorbed or liberated? (iii) If Ul=0
and Un=84 kJ. Find the heat absorbed in the process ln and lm.

6. In a steady flow apparatus, 135 kJ of work is done by each kg of fluid. The specific volume
of the fluid, pressure, and velocity at the inlet are 0.37 m3/kg, 600 kPa, and 16 m/s. the inlet
is 32 m above the floor, and the discharge pipe is at the floor level. The discharge conditions
are 0.62 m3/kg, 100 kPa, and 270 m/s. the total heat loss between the inlet and discharge is
9 kJ/kg of fluid. In flowing through this apparatus, does the specific internal energy increase
or decrease, and by how much?

7. In an isentropic flow through a nozzle, air flows at the rate of 600 kg/hr. At inlet to the
nozzle, pressure is 2 MPa and temperature is 127°C. The exit pressure is 0.5 MPa. Initial air
velocity is 300 m/s. Determine (i) Exit velocity of air and (ii) Inlet and exit area of nozzle.
8.Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.5 kg/sec through an air compressor, entering at 7m/sec
velocity, 100 kPa pressure and 0.95 m3 /kg, volume leaving at 5m/sec, 700kPa and 0.19
m3/kg. The internal energy of the rate leaving is 90kJ/kg greater than that of the air
entering. Cooling water in compressor jackets absorbs heat from the air at the rate of 58kW

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(a) Compute the rate of shaft work input to air in kW. (b) Find the ratio of the inlet pipe
diameter to the outlet pipe diameter.

9.Explain the various processes in the Carnot cycle and derive its efficiency

10.A machine operating as a heat pump extracts heat from the surrounding atmosphere, is
driven by a 7.5 kW motor and supplies 2×105 kJ/hr heat to a house needed for its heating in
winter. Find the coefficient of performance for the heat pump. How this COP will be affected
if the objective of the same machine is to cool the house in summer requiring 2×105 kJ/hr of
heat rejection. Comment on the result.

11. A Carnot heat engine which operates between temperature level of 9270C and 330C. It
rejects 30 kJ of heat to the low temperature sink. The heat pump receives 270 kJ of heat
from low temperature reservoir and rejects it to the surrounding at 330C. Determine the
temperature in 0C of the low temperature reservoir of the heat pump 12.A heat engine
working on a Carnot cycle absorbs heat from three thermal reservoirs at 1000 K, 800 K and
600 K. The engine does 10 kW of net work and rejects 400 kJ/min of heat to a heat sink at
300 K. If the heat supplied by the reservoir at 1000 K is 60% of the heat supplied by the
reservoir at 600 K. Make calculations for the quantity of heat absorbed by the engine from
each reservoir

13. 1 kg of air is contained in a piston cylinder assembly at 10 bar pressure and 500 K
temperature. The piston moves outwards and the air expands to 2 bar and 350 K
temperature. Determine the maximum work attainable. Assume the environmental
conditions to be 1 bar and 290 K. Also make calculations for the availability in the initial and
final states. For air, R= 0.287 kJ/kgK, Cp= 1.005 kJ/kgK and Cv=0.718 kJ/kgK kg of ice at -10 degrees Celsius is allowed to melt in atmosphere at 30 degrees

Celsius. The ice melt and the water so formed rises in temperature to that to the
atmosphere. Determine the entropy change of ice, the entropy change of surrounding, the
entropy change of universe. the specific heat of ice is 2 kJ/Kg-k and its latent heat is 335

15.A cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a steam temperature at turbine inlet of
360oC and an exhaust pressure of 0.08 bar. After isentropic expansion of steam in the
turbine, the moisture content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 15%.Determine the
greatest allowable steam pressure at the turbine inlet and calculate the Rankine cycle
efficiency for these steam conditions. Estimate the mean temperature of heat addition.

16.In a reheat cycle, the initial steam pressure and the maximum temperature are 150 bar
and 550oC respectively. If the condenser pressure is 0.1 bar and the moisture at the
condenser inlet is 5%, and assuming ideal processes, determine:
(a) The reheat pressure (b) cycle efficiency (c) the steam rate

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17.A steam power plant operates on a theoretical reheat cycle. Steam at boiler at 32 bar,
410°C expands through the high pressure turbine. It is reheated at a constant pressure of 5.5
bar to 395°C and expands through the low-pressure turbine to a condenser at 0.08 bar.
Draw T - s and h- s diagrams. Find: (a) Quality of steam at the turbine exhaust (b) cycle

18.A steam power plant uses the following cycle: Steam at boiler outlet 150 bar, 550°C
Reheat at 40 bar to 550°C Condenser at 0.1 bar Using the Mollier chart and assuming ideal
processes, find (a) quality at turbine exhaust, (b) cycle efficiency, (c) steam rate.

19.A simple Rankine cycle works between pressures 28 bar and 0.06 bar, the initial condition
of steam being dry saturated. Calculate the cycle efficiency, work ratio and specific steam

20.In a Rankine steam power cycle, the steam supply is at 15 bar and dry and saturated. The
condenser pressure is 0.4 bar. Calculate the efficiency of the cycle. Neglect pump work. Also,
find the Carnot efficiency

21. Derive the Maxwell's equations

22.Deduce the Maxwell's relations and from the third relation, deduce the Clausius-
Clapeyron equation. Also, apply this equation to the vapourisation process for a pure

23. A mass of air is initially at 260oC and 700 kPa, occupies 0.028 m3. The air is expanded at
constant pressure to 0.084 m3. A polytropic process with n = 1.5 is carried out, followed by a
constant temperature process which completes the cycle. All the processes are reversible. (a)
Sketch the cycle in the p dv and T ds planes. (b) Find the heat received and the heat rejected
in the cycle. (c) Find the efficiency of the cycle.

24.The values of specific volume of H2O at 100oC for saturated liquid and saturated vapour
states are 0.001044 m3/kg and 1.673 m3/kg, respectively. The slope of the saturation
pressure versus temperature curve, i.e., (dp/dT)sat is 3750 Pa/K. Calculate using the
appropriate thermodynamic relation, the change in enthalpy between the two saturation

25.Explain the ow process of a real gas through a throttle valve. Derive the ex-pression for
Joule Thomson coefficient and reduce its value for an ideal gas

26.A sample of moist air at 1 atm and 25oC has a moisture content of 0.01% by volume.
Determine the humidity ratio, the partial pressure of water vapour, the degree of saturation,
the relative humidity and the dew point temperature.

27.A rigid container, 10 m3 in volume, contains moist air at 45oC and 100 kPa with RH= 40%.
The container is now cooled to 5oC. Neglect the volume of any liquid that might be present
and find the final mass of water vapour, the final total pressure, and the heat transfer

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28.A mixture of 2 kg oxygen (MW = 32 kg/kmol) and 2 kg argon (MW = 40 kg/kmol) is
present in an insulated piston-cylinder arrangement at 100 kPa, 300 K. The piston now
compresses the mixture to half its initial volume. Find the final pressure, temperature and
the piston work. Assume CV for oxygen and argon as 0.6618 kJ/kgK and 0.3122 kJ/kgK

29. An air-water vapour mixture at 0.1 MPa, 30oC, 80% RH has a volume of 50 m3. Calculate
the specific humidity, dew point, wet bulb temperature, mass of dry air and mass of water
vapour.If the mixture is cooled at constant pressure to 5oC, calculate the amount of water
vapour condensed.
30.Two streams of air at 25oC, 50% RH and 25oC, 60% RH are mixed adiabatically to obtain
0.3 kg/s of air (dry basis) at 30oC. Calculate the amounts of air drawn from both the streams
and the humidity ratio of the mixed air

31.An air-conditioning unit is shown in the below Fig, with pressure, temperature, and
relative humidity data. Calculate the heat transfer per kilogram of dry air, assuming that
changes in kinetic energy are negligible

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