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GIS Applications In Outdoor

Recreation Planning
Sergio Capozzi
SORP President

Brenda Adams-Weyant
SORP Association Manager
Providing National Leadership and Services for
Advancing the Outdoor Recreation Profession
Our Speakers
Charlynne T. Smith, GISP
North Carolina State University
Research Associate
Ph.D. Candidate

Chelsey Walden-Schreiner, M.S.

North Carolina State University
Research Associate

Darin Dinsmore, MLA, RPP, MCIP, OALA, APA, ASLA

CEO, Urban Planner & Landscape Architect
Webinar Outline
• Part 1:
• Overview of GIS in Recreation Planning
• New Developments in Participatory GIS and Volunteered Geographic
• Application Examples
• Participant Poll – ask the audience
• Part 2:
• Assessing Needs and Tools
• Specialized Application Examples
• Q&A
• Part 3:
• Crowdbrite Examples
• Q&A
• Part 4:
• Discussion and Wrap-Up
• Final Questions
Recreation Resource Planning

Recreation resource planning is the application of analytical

tools to a systematic and deliberate process of decision
making about the future management of recreation resources
and recreation opportunities. Recreation planning is a rational
systematic decision-making process, and as such it is a
fundamental tool that deters our human tendencies to make
decisions based on predisposition, bias, inadequate analysis,
group-think, insular perspective, resistance to change, and
excessive self- confidence. It results in decisions that are more
effective, efficient, fair, reasoned, and defensible.
• Recreation Resource Publics: Recreation resource
planning must try to engage and hear from all the
diverse publics who value the recreation resource.
The easily recognizable publics are often labeled visitors,
local business, land owners and communities, but there
may also be equally important publics who vicariously
value the resource, ...

• Collaboration: The meaningful engagement and

exchange with the public is essential throughout the
planning process. Collaboration results in a clearer
definition of public values, more creative alternatives,
more reasoned and reasonable decisions, and a
constituency that becomes better informed and
committed to the plan and its implementation.
• Science-Informed Planning: It is both a legal requirement
and professional imperative to duly consider the best
available science and expertise in the planning process
and the plan’s implementation.

• Comprehensive and Integrated: Recreation planning

should consider other significant natural and cultural
resources, uses, demands, and values in an integrated
and comprehensive fashion. Functional planning,
whereby one resource is planned for in a vacuum from
other resources, is not appropriate and contrary to
comprehensive and integrated planning.
Recreation Planning

• Requires data to inform

• Knowledgeable participants in the process

• The mix of data for the decision-making process is broad

and may be viewed or analyzed through any number of
• Methods of data collection varies: tabular, comments,
maps, in person, online, anonymous…
• Today’s Discussion – Understanding available
options and selecting what is appropriate to meet
your needs.
Best Practices in Outdoor Recreation

Smith, C., Walden-Schreiner, C., & Leung,

Y.-F. (forthcoming). Participatory GIS in
recreation resource planning. In: Baas, J., &
Burns, R. (eds.), Best Practices in
Recreation Resource Planning: A Resource
Guide for Planners. Urbana, IL: Sagamore
Geographic Information System (PGIS)
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
• Participatory planning & management
• public involvement
• stakeholder input
• Public PGIS
• Focus on marginalized groups
• Group Spatial Decision Support System

PGIS in Africa for resource management
Web 2.0:
changing how we engage

• Beyond one-way
• not only retrieve but contribute

• Delivery via web browser

• simple user interface
• software
• storage
Trends: Cultural, Organizational
• Web 2.0 & Neogeography
• Prevalence of user-generated content, location-based services,
cloud computing
• Users as Contributors
• mapping is ubiquitous: mobile phones, web sites, vehicles
• Changing Technologies
• Mapping of the qualitative environment
• Give voice to the unspoken
• Role of Cartographer: map creator to facilitator
Citizens as Sensors
• Mapping – cartography, geography – typically been the
role of the government, professionally trained
• Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)
• Using the Web to create, assemble, and disseminate geographic
information provided voluntarily by individuals
• Citizen Science
• Data collection and visualization methods surrounding
public input
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)
• Research article: Elwood and
Goodchild presented an inventory
of VGI to illustrate trends. Results
– Paradigmatic shift in how geographic
data is:
• created
• shared (consumed)
• And by whom

• Technical and social processes

through which VGI is produced
– Methods for using data in research
– Emerging social and political concerns
VGI Examples
Using Existing Resources
Google Map – The Basics
I Bike Fresno
• Non-profit tech company that specializes in developing
free and open source software for information
collection, visualization and interactive mapping.
• “Build tools for democratizing information, increasing
transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to
share their stories.”
• “Disruptive organization that is willing to take risks in the
pursuit of changing the traditional way that information
GIS and related mapping tools in support of public participation in recreation planning process

Planning Purpose Method Examples of Tools

Output Inform / Educate Web-based Online maps:
(data, results, Paper-based  Interactive maps with
maps) Mobile applications user input
(location based) Static maps: showing
• Products of plans
(e.g. PDF image)
Input (data Supplement data Web-based, paper- Passive: GPS tracking
collection) / representative based, mobile of park visitors
Trained: recorded
behavior from
observing visitor activity

Crowdsource: reporting
conditions, sharing
ideas, describing values
From SORP: Recreation Resource Planning
Webinar Participant Poll
1. Have you used these or similar tools to gather data?
2. If yes, how useful was the data gathered?
3. What barriers prohibit your agency from to using these
tools or gathering useful data?
4. How does your agency use technology to connect with
and engage visitors?
5. How do you attempt outreach to difficult to reach
6. Has your agency ever used a community based
planning process?
Technology Assessment
• Decision to adopt a method, process, particular
• Disregarding the capacity to implement technology, such
as participatory tools, can lead to
• inappropriate design of tools (usability)
• tools that are costly to develop and maintain
• tools that may not be used appropriately in meeting goals
• Understand Capacity through Assessment
• Hard technologies – (infrastructure, hardware, software platforms)
• Soft technologies – (humans – staff & user skills, abilities and
Assessment: Define Your Purpose
• What do you want to accomplish?
• Define Agency needs
• Define Customer (audience) needs
Assessment: Define the Audience
• Recognizing the Target Audience
• Understanding Capacity to Accept and Use the
• Purpose of the tool
• Meeting needs of audience
User Capacity
Customer View Agency View

• I can point and click • We push out hardcopy maps

• I can enter information • We provide interactive

relevant to me and get interface, but only offer
customized response locational type information

• I am a registered user • We have an interface for two

(collaborator) to provide way information flow and a
important information to backend system of data
the agency collection
Level of Engagement
Customer View Agency View

• I retrieve information • I disseminate information

• (one way: agency to via web map (Inform)
• I provide information • I retrieve information about
• (one way: customer to
customers, how they use
agency) our facilities

• We discuss information • I seek information and

respond to what they
• (two-way: My input is heard
and acted upon)
provide through discussion
/ feedback loops
Capacity for Implementation:
Outline Resources / Needs

• If you build it will they come?

• User Capacity (target audience / customer)
• Agency Capacity (for implementation and maintenance)
• Consider SWOT analysis in this assessment
• Strengths
• Weaknesses
• Opportunities
• Threats
Spectrum of Engagement and Capacity
Charlynne T. Smith, 2013

Capacity  Desktop  Web‐Mapping / Interactive Applications (examples) 
Proprietary: Customized Map: OVNHT Crowd Mapping: data  Map Collaborator: 
Implementation Capacity 

High  ArcMap  collection  uploads & discussion 

Google Map: routing Post Photos, Add 

Free:  Google Map: featured  Park Scan: user input 

Low  ArcExplorer  locations  with feedback 

One‐Way  One‐Way  Two‐Way 

Capacity Indicators: includes hard  Communication: Retrieve  Communication:  Communication: Share 
technology characteristics (software  Information  Provide Information  and Discuss 
platform), and “soft” technology of human  Information 
characteristics (staff/user skill & experience)  Level of User Interaction

  diagonal arrow across the spectrum represents complexity for implementation. As capacity
increases with the level of engagement, higher levels of developer skill, cost to maintain and
support are required.
Two-Way Communication
San Francisco Park 
Two-Way Information Exchange
Full Engagement
Full Engagement

trail edits photo upload
Full Engagement

data upload
Full Engagement
Specialized Applications
• Designed to collect user input
• Reporting conditions
• Providing feedback
• Created for a specific event, over a period of time
Participation Prism
Use Existing Resources
Advanced PGIS

• Landscape Values and PGIS

Institute (
• Parks Victoria (Australia) collected data in a 2009 study
• Visitor experiences
• Perceived environmental impacts in national parks and
historic areas for the Greater Alpine Region
• Online tool for participants to place markers to identify

Brown and Weber, 2011

Wyoming Social Mapping (pgis)
Important Places, Development, and Natural Resource Management

Pocewicz, A., R. Schnitzer, M. Nielsen‐Pincus (2010) The social geography of southern Wyoming: important places, 
development, and natural resource management, The Nature Conservancy, Lander, WY, 16pp. Available at
Field Mapping of Visitor Use in
Yosemite Valley Meadows

• Over 4 million recreation visits recorded in 2011 –

majority located in Yosemite Valley
• Concentration of visitors subjects the natural resources
to intense use pressures
• A visitor use mapping study was implemented in 2011
in three meadows of Yosemite Valley to examine visitor
use patterns
Summary & Discussion
• Volunteered Geographic Information
• What information is “out there” that can inform our planning efforts?
• How valid is that data?
• How do you use it?

• Participatory applications
• Existing tools, resources we can use to gather data
• Specialized tools designed for engagement
• Utilizing trained volunteers and scientific methods of monitoring to
collect data to inform our planning

• PGIS data (especially crowdsourced data) represent only one type

of public input in the planning process

• Collection can be efficient and data seem widely representative

• Sole reliance of crowdsourced data may risk ignoring important

public voices not being heard through these methods.

• Consider limitation due to unequal access to the technology and

social media

Type questions in the QUESTION pane of the Control Panel.

New GIS Tools
• Strategic
• Meaningful
• Actionable
• Responsive
• Timely (Together) • Improve Team Collaboration
• Enhance Agency Coordination
• Streamlined Project Delivery
Participatory Mapping
Ongoing online and event

 Open house
 Workshop
 Online Workshop
 “go to them”
 Build on your work to-date
including valuable GIS mapping
and meeting results

 Easily replicate your open house

and workshop process online

 Extend your reach in

underserved communities +
provide more convenient access

 Capture + organize all ideas

during the workshop

 Prioritize actions in real time and

discuss important next steps
Your Reach
 Online Open House for 4-6
weeks after initial workshop
 New Participants and Workshop
attendees can add ideas at their
 Build on your meetings with
additional opportunities for
Participatory GIS
A “high touch + high tech” method that
helps build trusting relationships

A hands-on approach to engaging

underserved populations through
targeted outreach and “go-to-them”

 Reduce number of meetings

 Improve productivity
 Demonstrate action
 Celebrate success
Crowdbrite System
CB Touch
Interactive Maps
• Fast, responsive, mobile first
• Embed & connect social media
• Embed in social media
• Attach multimedia
• Attach polls
• Provide a new generation of visitor
intelligence (Track every view, hover,
click, share)
• Go where people are Facebook,
Twitter, Youtube
local problem solving
fun + interactive
Gaming & Tradeoff Decisions
Regional Trails & Bikeways Capital
Improvement Program
Agency + Partner
work in teams
Solve Problems
• Work in teams on-site and off-site
• Quickly organize and capture all ideas
• Prioritize ideas, add sketches and
• Go mobile, participate from anywhere
• Multiple reporting options
• Continue the conversation online

Review ++
Like your

Sustainability Maps
meaningful information

Comparative analysis
• Synthesize data
• Compare results
neighborhoods, and
mind the San Francisco
Demographic GAP Dynamic Process
• Ongoing online and event outreach
• Open houses
• Workshops
• Online workshops
• “go to them” strategies

Who lives here?

Wyoming State Parks - rural communities
Participation Choices
Wyoming State Parks - Overview
Participation Choices
• 19 State Parks, Trails & Historic Sites
• How might we improve them + where?
• Reduced the number of meetings to 6 combined with 60
day online campaign
• State Director made a video that welcomed online
participation, used Facebook & Email
Start Posting Ideas on Maps!
Wyoming State Parks - Lessons
• Use Real time functionality for focus groups and
stakeholders – 10 -15 at a time
• Create Interactive webinars – start with presentation then
real time brainstorming on maps
• Always have real time curation (map Captain)
• Now use CB Touch draft plan check in
• Get the kids involved!
USFS – Francis Marion
Recreation Preferences
Give a voice to Stakeholders and the public
Favorite Places

Create an interactive map to understand user
preferred places.


Weetee state forest On the Forest
A particular place would be any trails
we can go as a family. Camping on
the Santee River is an annual event
for us.
Off the Forest


WK On Forest
MacConnell's landing Santee river

WK Off Forest
Quimby Boatlanding

1 0 Pitch landing
Whole forest Red cockaded woodpecker and
longleaf pine.

0 Wambaw Creek wilderness
McConnells Landing

0 0
Somerset Point
Duarte Creek

0 1 1
Where ever there are turkeys Open savannahs Canoe and kayak trail with overnight
camping, southeast coast saltwater
paddling trail

Hampton State Park
The Carolina Bay areas!

Santee Delta Wildlife Management
0 Area
0 Morgan Creek bog
1 2 0
Heritage and historic sites Hellhole area for dog hunting
Open longleaf stands with diverse Sandy forest road trails 3
plant community within understory
There are old cycle trails here that
would be nice to re-open

Ackerman road nice place to hunt
0 quail ( dont burn both sides at once) 2
Highway 402 from hwy 52 to 41 Boggy head rifle range
0 0 MFN bike trail anywhere, ground trail
Boating, fishing, crabbing MTn biking for family riding in fmnf

Wambaw Cycle Trail 0

0 Still landing
Any location in the forest with
carnivorous plants

0 0 0
Deer hunting 0 HugerLanding Wambaw creek canoe
More campsites for OHV, horse and
location for new mountain biking trails
- terrain dependant - SOMEWHERE trail
Santee Coastal Preserve

Mepkin Monastary 1
Wambaw swamp hunting the wildlife
0 0
Red cockaded woodpeper More access to open roads.

0 2
Ponds at tidwin Tibwin is one of my favorite places,
great birding

0 0 St. James Santee Chapel

Strawberry Chapel Hwy 42 at santee exp. station
carnivorous plants

0 0
Shooting with kids Upland habitat with a burn within 2-3
years for quail hunting
four corners stead creek and halfway
creek roads

1 0
Florida bay and other deprssional Wad boo Creek leading to cooper 0
wetlands river
Bonneau ferry WMA
Awendaw Savannah on
FR 225 North of Hwy 17
0 0
Road bike road around fmnf Long leaf pine forests, particularly
young dry site near wither bee and
bethera 0
East branch of the Cooper River
1 0
swamp fox passage
0 0
Connect locations, people with nature, Wambaw landing
all over charleston county, from ace
basin to yawkey 0

Twin ponds rifle range

0 0 0 0
All Carolina Bays The dirt dash half mararthon Dog swamp

0 Cape Romain National

Wanamaker north, bike trail, mountain WIldlife Refuge

0 0
Nicholson pond Back boat ramp east of Gillard Lake
off pitch road. Swamp area Awendaw Passage of the
Palmetto Trail

Wetlands! Swamps, Carolina bays,
Protect and enhance wilderness . 3
and marshes especially!
Truly unique and special in many
I'on Swamp Trail

0 0
Hellhole swamp festival and run

0 Sewee shell ring

Bulls bay and muddy bay fishing

Thompson Hill playground (rural 0
communities need/want traditional
recreation services)
Tux bury horse trail 0

Sewee visitor and

0 0 environmental education
Watahan is one of my favorite places Lambada landing center trails
on the forest

1 0
0 0 Bulls island Bulls island, boat ride, and views,
Fairlawn plantation history
Cat island is areally cool place to ride

0 0
Current mt. Pleasant to forest via Is my childhood memories of my
roads and trails families land on off Walleye road. I
would do my homework there and
watch nature. This began my love of
treees, and everything to do with the

My favorite place is my childhood
memories of my family's land off Uwharrie NFC is my favorite because
Walleye Rd. I would do homework of full size OHV use so I can take my
there and watch nature. whole family camping in a jeep. Not
ATV's or dirt bikes.

0 0
Bushy park Seewee outpost, awesome shrimp
salad sandwiches and restrooms

Capers island

0 0
Isle of Palms beach Isle of Palms County Park
U.S. Forest Service, Southern Region:
Francis Marion National Forest Plan
• Engagement: Francis Marion Recreation Assessment and
Community Engagement Tool
• Assessment of public capacity for online/social media
engagement verses traditional public meetings
• Development of a custom online, visual engagement
• Facilitation of Community Engagement Workshop On-site
– Recreation Focus
Visual Planning System

Identify Community Values Ideas + Priorities on maps Action Plans

• Communicate information • Interactive Plans Maps • Make Important

• Project History, Existing • Your GIS Layers Decisions
Conditions • Capture Ideas • Prioritize Investment
• Capture Needs + Values • Feedback on Alternatives • Plan Resources

• Customized USFS Vision and Values Canvas, Online Interactive Maps, Action
Planning Tool
• Reporting and decision analysis and support
What's Special?

Develop an understanding of what is special about the





2 3 1
1 0
WK Special

Stack ideas
cypress swamps and salamanders
0 0 pitcher plants!
dolphins on the ICW taken from Buck thin basel area of longleaf pin with
Hall native warm season grasses

get peace and quiet, appreciate the
natural scenery. Take our family
camping for them to experience the
wild and how to do without electricity
and running water 0
ride bicycles deep into the forest to be
clear of noise, pollution, and traffic
0 and to immerse myself in nature.
0 0
have OHV access at a very 1 Gullard Lake Area
reasonable cost, enjoy nature, see enjoy the low country
wildlife, easy access for children
0 Bald eagle in flight or nesting
1 0 0 A vast stand of longleaf pine with a
realistically, a red cockaded a large cockaded woodpecker in full 0 Highway 402 at Forest service grass understory and numerous nest
0 woodpecker. unrealistically the ivory flight To let loose and have fun with friends building within the oak tress trees
a public resource with so much billed WP or Bachman's warbler right my dirtbike
potential, especially one that is over
1/4 million acres

1 0

0 3 0
see four distinct ecosystems all in one View and study quality longleaf pine 0 Only place I can do to photograph 0
area along the palmetto trail and cypress bay commuities as well landowner in the francis marion forest different species of flowers relax and enjoy nature and the
as rare species. who appreciates that we can teach surroundings
our children to live without electricity 0 0 1
and running water (we love to camp 0 0 wildlife and kids to grand parents: scenes: FMNF 1990-FMNF 2013 Flatwoods salamander
together and fish, and just love the Families using the forest to relax with Longleaf Pine ecosystem animals, birds, fox, plants, pines,
peace and quiet!) a picnic. Teaching their children to honeydews. Families. Autumn
appreciate and save our forests. The interaction
old fishing holes (being able to fish
them again) Being able to share use
of ATC's on trails

1 0 0

0 0 0 0
Red cockaded woodpecker; More bike trails and beautiful People enjoying the forest a kids face riding a dirt bike at the
Trees and wildlife wambaw cycle trail
prothonotary warbler swampland

1 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
A large buck easing through the the view from buck hall campground Old-growth bald cypress
The larger alligator in pristine area of Similar to what we have now but less The rare plants live in the wetlands
swamp, litter on the roads


0 0 I place to get away from city life
The wildlife The landscape in general

0 0
0 0

connectivity to the other surrounding
towns and cities so that the forest
could do so by biking or walking
instead of by car

US Forest Service - Francis Marion
The online platform created a legal public record of the
results including a searchable database, summary report
and visual report of the team based meeting results.

Favorite Places

Create an interactive map to understand user
preferred places.


Weetee state forest On the Forest
A particular place would be any trails
we can go as a family. Camping on
the Santee River is an annual event
for us.
Off the Forest


WK On Forest
MacConnell's landing Santee river

WK Off Forest
Quimby Boatlanding

1 0 Pitch landing
Whole forest Red cockaded woodpecker and
longleaf pine.

Wambaw Creek wilderness
McConnells Landing

Somerset Point Duarte Creek

0 1 1
Where ever there are turkeys Open savannahs Canoe and kayak trail with overnight
camping, southeast coast saltwater
paddling trail

1 Hampton State Park
The Carolina Bay areas!

Santee Delta Wildlife Management
0 Area
0 Morgan Creek bog
1 2 0
Heritage and historic sites Hellhole area for dog hunting
Open longleaf stands with diverse Sandy forest road trails 3
plant community within understory
There are old cycle trails here that
would be nice to re-open

Ackerman road nice place to hunt
0 quail ( dont burn both sides at once) 2
Highway 402 from hwy 52 to 41 Boggy head rifle range
0 0 MFN bike trail anywhere, ground trail
Boating, fishing, crabbing MTn biking for family riding in fmnf

Wambaw Cycle Trail 0
Still landing
Any location in the forest with
carnivorous plants

0 0
Deer hunting 0 HugerLanding Wambaw creek canoe
More campsites for OHV, horse and
bike location for new mountain biking trails
- terrain dependant - SOMEWHERE trail
Santee Coastal Preserve

Mepkin Monastary 1
Wambaw swamp hunting the wildlife
0 0
Red cockaded woodpeper More access to open roads.

0 2
Ponds at tidwin Tibwin is one of my favorite places,
great birding

0 0 St. James Santee Chapel

Strawberry Chapel Hwy 42 at santee exp. station
carnivorous plants

0 0
Shooting with kids Upland habitat with a burn within 2-3
years for quail hunting
four corners stead creek and halfway
creek roads

1 0
Florida bay and other deprssional
Wad boo Creek leading to cooper 0
Bonneau ferry WMA
Awendaw Savannah on
FR 225 North of Hwy 17
0 0
Road bike road around fmnf Long leaf pine forests, particularly
young dry site near wither bee and
bethera 0
East branch of the Cooper River
1 0
swamp fox passage
0 0
Connect locations, people with nature, Wambaw landing
all over charleston county, from ace
basin to yawkey 0

Twin ponds rifle range

0 0 0 0
All Carolina Bays The dirt dash half mararthon Dog swamp

0 Cape Romain National

Wanamaker north, bike trail, mountain WIldlife Refuge

0 0
Nicholson pond Back boat ramp east of Gillard Lake
off pitch road. Swamp area Awendaw Passage of the
Palmetto Trail

Wetlands! Swamps, Carolina bays,
Protect and enhance wilderness .
and marshes especially!
Truly unique and special in many
I'on Swamp Trail

Hellhole swamp festival and run
0 Sewee shell ring
Bulls bay and muddy bay fishing

Thompson Hill playground (rural 0
communities need/want traditional
recreation services)
Tux bury horse trail 0

Sewee visitor and

0 0 environmental education
Watahan is one of my favorite places Lambada landing center trails
on the forest

1 0
0 Bulls island Bulls island, boat ride, and views,
0 history
Cat island is areally cool place to ride Fairlawn plantation

Create custom
0 0
Current mt. Pleasant to forest via Is my childhood memories of my
roads and trails families land on off Walleye road. I
would do my homework there and
watch nature. This began my love of
treees, and everything to do with the

My favorite place is my childhood 0
memories of my family's land off Uwharrie NFC is my favorite because
Walleye Rd. I would do homework of full size OHV use so I can take my
there and watch nature. whole family camping in a jeep. Not
ATV's or dirt bikes.

0 0
Bushy park Seewee outpost, awesome shrimp
salad sandwiches and restrooms

Capers island

Isle of Palms beach
Isle of Palms County Park

reporting areas
Reporting + Results
• User Database, messaging + social media
• Identify + target under represented groups
• Tell a compelling story - Create visual Reports
+ Infographics
by the numbers

Id e al 
Com as + 
m en
notifications + reports
• Daily Activity Reports Delivered to your inbox
• Three Report Types per Canvas
• Spreadsheet
• Summary Report
• Poster Plot
Favorite Places

Create an interactive map to understand user
preferred places. How to Improve the Forest?
How to Improve the Forest?
Capture specific ideas to help improve the forest.
Capture specific ideas to help improve the forest.
Legend 1) Objectives
Weetee state forest On the Forest Legend
1 0
Better management for upland quail 0 0
Bicylists using the highways wouldn't Need more camping areas, Halfway
habitat. Specifically, burning more ride abreast of each other to make Put the entire forest in some type of
frequently, but in a smaller 0 fuels management program or a creek is always pack when I try to
A particular place would be any trails
checkerboard or mosaic manner. Litter was better controlled
their political statements at the
expense of theirs and my safety combination of programs. I.E. Rx
Burning, Mastication, Thinning,
camp there.
Legend Ideas/Suggestions
we can go as a family. Camping on
the Santee River is an annual event
for us.
Off the Forest 1
Better management for upland quail
habitat. Specifically, burning more
Dog hunting for whitetail deer were
outlawed on all Forest Service
Bicylists using the highways wouldn't
ride abreast of each other to make
Biomass, etc...
Put the entire forest in some type of
Need more camping areas, Halfway
frequently, but in a smaller 0 fuels management program or a creek is always pack when I try to
their political statements at the camp there.
checkerboard or mosaic manner. Litter was better controlled combination of programs. I.E. Rx
Dog hunting for whitetail deer were
expense of theirs and my safety
Burning, Mastication, Thinning,
Biomass, etc... Other Ideas/Suggestions
outlawed on all Forest Service 0

Unsure property.
allow UT V/ ATV to use more trails. 1
improve tuxbury trail access on
prescribed fire over 100,000 acres a
year for 5 years 2013-2018
conduct botanica survey s on a
regular basis for forestwide, significant
especially rare species
connect forest trail rd on halfway
creek to existing equstrian trails
reflectance rd.Poor visibility trying to
cross reflectance rd.
0 1 conduct botanica survey s on a
Extend turkey season on the foresr to 0 1
1 prescribed fire over 100,000 acres a regular basis for forestwide, significant
coincide with the season for private allow UTV/ ATV to use more trails.
WK On Forest land. 1
connect forest trail rd on halfway
FS and/or partner(s) provide a
Volunteer Coordinator to reach-out to
Quality deer managment practices
were put into place to improve the
overall size and quality of our coastal
improve tuxbury trail access on
reflectance rd.Poor visibility trying to
cross reflectance rd.
year for 5 years 2013-2018 especially rare species

1 creek to existing equstrian trails volunteer groups in order to catalyze deer herd.
My use of the forest would be better if 0 work on the forest from trash pick-up,
Sunday hunting was allowed. Extend turkey season on the foresr to trail maintenance, environmental
0 education/public engagement, etc. 0
coincide with the season for private
MacConnell's landing Santee river land. 1 3 Quality deer managment practices
Forest roads and trails are FS and/or partner(s) provide a 0 were put into place to improve the

WK Off Forest 1
My use of the forest would be better if
interconnected and provide a web of
opportunities across the forest and
also connect with local communities
Volunteer Coordinator to reach-out to
volunteer groups in order to catalyze
work on the forest from trash pick-up,
The OHV trails need better camping
overall size and quality of our coastal
deer herd.

Sunday hunting was allowed. (e.g.: Mount Pleasant, Moncks trail maintenance, environmental 1
0 Corner, etc., etc.). Stacked trail education/public engagement, etc. 0 1 more singletrack trail to walk/run on
Quimby Boatlanding system nodes of 10 plus stop have dogs running w ild on trails 1 1
1 miles are Require hunters to microchip their D o more to protect wildlife
Would like to see the forest service
interspersed throughout the web. 0 days after dog hunts and owners just prepare more quail habitat areas in
0 Safe and ample parking Forest roads and trails are
areas leave them out dogs the santee hunting unit. Needs roads
The OHV trails need better camping
provide more interpretive materials servicing the systeminterconnected and provide a web of
are strategically access better kept up in the area.
and events. kids now are more into opportunitiesthat
located throughout. Partnerships across the forest and
the virtual world than they are in the also connect
help operate and maintain with local communities
the system 1
fascinating natural world. Places like abound. (e.g.: Mount Pleasant, Moncks 0 more singletrack trail to walk/run on
Sewee Center let kids dip a toe in Corner, etc., etc.). Stacked trail 1
stop have dogs running wild on trails 1 1
nature-maybe spark a connection, system nodes of 10 plus miles are Would like to see the forest service
and with luck, they'll continue trying to interspersed throughout the web. days after dog hunts and owners just Require hunters to microchip their Do more to protect wildlife prepare more quail habitat areas in
protect it once we 0all disappear. Safe and ample parking areas leave them out dogs the santee hunting unit. Needs roads
0 provide more interpretive materials servicing the system are strategically better kept up in the area.
Have more streams and creeks zoned and events. kids now are more into located throughout. Partnerships that
to provide a boat-free experience for the virtual world than they are in the help operate and maintain the system
anglers, swimmers,etc. provide more fascinating natural world. Places like abound.
boat-free experiences. Sewee Center let kids dip a toe in 0
nature-maybe spark a connection, USFS needs to aquire ALL inholdings 0
and with luck, they'll continue trying to the roads to the two rifle ranges were 0
between Cape Romain & Lake
protect it once we all disappear. Moultrie graded more often. T hey're terrible! have better signs to find trailheads.
0 0 0
1 Have more streams and creeks zoned need a group camping area that No coyotes! 1
1 0 Pitch landing to provide a boat-free experience for allows group to hold events without 0 There were specific locations or times
anglers, swimmers,etc. provide more other people trying to stop the events Open roads and trails to vehicles in the year where ORV or ATV access
Whole forest Red cockaded woodpecker and boat-free experiences. 0 is allowed.
longleaf pine. 0
USFS needs to aquire ALL inholdings 0
between Cape Romain & Lake the roads to the two rifle ranges were
0 Moultrie graded more often. They're terrible! have better signs to find trailheads.
0 Wambaw Creek wilderness 0 0 0
McConnells Landing stop illegal planting food plots for need a group camping area that No coyotes! 1
hunters allows group to hold events without 0 There were specific locations or times
other people trying to stop the events Open roads and trails to vehicles in the year where ORV or ATV access
is allowed.

I would love to see some off road 2 0
trails in the forest for full size vehicles. 0
0 I am part of a Jeep group and if we Provide more recreation opportunities more large parking areas for events
stop illegal planting food plots for
0 want to ride any trais we have to go to hunters
in the primitive and semi-primitive 0
Somerset Point recreation opportunity classes (i.e..:
Duarte Creek either Gultches off road park which is provide more unroaded areas on the hire public relations officer to do w ork
in Laurens S.C. or go all the way to forest). 0 1 with residents of urban interphase
Uwharrie national park. We have a bring in professional trappers to 0 2
nice forest here, and it would be great Improve clean up tux bury trail access 2 0 1
0 1 1 to have trails and0 camp sites. Our
reduce the populations of hogs and on reflectance rd less dogs hunting days and stop eliminate loblolly focus timber product adjust burn prescriptions to allow provide more burn tools, torch
coyotes Increase trails & access for those who Saturday dog hunts equiped ATVs, etc. burn team
Where ever there are turkeys Open savannahs Canoe and kayak trail with overnight group would even be willing
I would lovetotohelp in
see some off road 3 2 prefer "silent sports" eg. 0
on nature, 100 year old longleaf many more burn days
the project, whether
trails initthe
be making trails
forest for full size vehicles. paddling,hiking,running & riding forest wide 0
camping, southeast coast saltwater or maintaining Had more interpretative opportunities Provide more recreation opportunities more large parking areas for events
paddling trail I am partthem.
of a Jeep group and if we on forest in the primitive and semi-primitive
More enforcement of hunters. Stop
want to ride any trais we have to go to 0 hunters from running off other
either Gultches off road park which is recreation opportunity classes (i.e..: recreationist
hire public relations use
officer to dothe forest.
provide more unroaded areas on the
in Laurens S.C. or go all the way to forest). 0 1 with residents of urban interphase
Uwharrie national park. We have a bring in professional trappers to 0 2
nice forest here, and it would be great Improve clean up tux bury trail access 2 0 1
reduce the populations of hogs and on reflectance rd less dogs hunting days and stop eliminate loblolly focus timber product adjust burn prescriptions to allow provide more burn tools, torch
0 to have trails and camp sites. Our coyotes Increase trails & access for those who Saturday dog hunts equiped ATVs, etc. burn team
1 group would even be willing to help in prefer "silent sports" eg. on nature, 100 year old longleaf many more burn days
Hampton State Park 3 forest wide 0
The Carolina Bay areas! the project, whether it be making trails paddling,hiking,running & riding
or maintaining them. Had more interpretative opportunities More enforcement of hunters. Stop
on forest hunters from running off other
recreationist use the forest.
0 0
Santee Delta Wildlife Management Remove dirt bikes and AT V's from the
Area 0 mountain bike trail.
0 F ix the steed creek trailhead for 0
0 Morgan Creek bog swamp fox, it is very small logging More trailheads for swamp fox, there 0
1 2 0 deck and can't put more then a couple 1
is limited places to have a group meet reorganize management from top
Heritage and historic sites Hellhole area for dog hunting of vehicles there. Be more encouraging of camping in at other then witherbee, halfway down to bottom up
Open longleaf stands with diverse Sandy forest road trails 3 forest. I've gotten the sense some of
plant community within understory 1 3 creek, and buck hall.
4 rangers discourage this 1
There are old cycle trails here that 2 More longleaf restoration, less loblolly Keep controlling and preventing exotic
would be nice to re-open Less or more restricted ATV use Less fire suppression along highways pine Had more campsites on water invasive species infestations 0
41 and 17. Remove dirt bikes and ATV's from the
0 mountain bike trail.
Fix the steed creek trailhead for 0
swamp fox, it is very small logging More trailheads for swamp fox, there 0
deck and can't put more then a couple 1 reorganize management from top
Be more encouraging of camping in is limited places to have a group meet
of vehicles there. at other then witherbee, halfway down to bottom up
1 forest. I've gotten the sense some of 3 creek, and buck hall.
4 rangers discourage this 1
2 More longleaf restoration, less loblolly Keep controlling and preventing exotic
0 Less or more restricted ATV use Less fire suppression along highways pine Had more campsites on water invasive species infestations
Ackerman road nice place to hunt 41 and 17.
0 quail ( dont burn both sides at once) 2
Highway 402 from hwy 52 to 41 Boggy head rifle range
0 0 MFN bike trail anywhere, ground trail
Boating, fishing, crabbing MTn biking for family riding in fmnf
1 2 3 1 1
Need boat ramps on South Wando 1
No non-native plants used in logging Trail system had more loop trail Signage to recreation sites was better There needs to be high quality maps Paddling trails and associated
area (Guerins/Cainhoy areas) decks and wildlife plots, local ecotype opportunities available for a fee camping areas would be anice
plant materials only. addition

Wambaw Cycle Trail 0
Still landing
Any location in the forest with 1
carnivorous plants 2 3 1 1 1
Need boat ramps on South Wando No non-native plants used in logging Trail system had more loop trail Signage to recreation sites was better There needs to be high quality maps
area (Guerins/Cainhoy areas) Paddling trails and associated
decks and wildlife plots, local ecotype opportunities available for a fee camping areas would be anice
plant materials only. addition
0 0 0
Deer hunting More campsites for OHV, horse and 0 HugerLanding Wambaw creek canoe
location for new mountain biking trails
- terrain dependant - SOMEWHERE trail
1 0 0 0 0
OUT IN THE WILDERNESS...... Stop hunters from dumping dead deer need a swamp F ox T railhead around More forest service people working on better information when trails are
Santee Coastal Preserve on the hiking trails highway 41 weekends to answer question and closed due to log or fire. I get on trail
clean sites up and get part way into hike and trail is

1 0 0 0 0
Mepkin Monastary 1 Stop hunters from dumping dead deer need a swamp Fox Trailhead around More forest service people working on better information when trails are
on the hiking trails highway 41 weekends to answer question and closed due to log or fire. I get on trail
Wambaw swamp hunting the wildlife clean sites up and get part way into hike and trail is
openings closed.
0 0
Red cockaded woodpeper More access to open roads.

0 2
Ponds at tidwin Tibwin is one of my favorite places,
great birding

0 0 St. James Santee Chapel

Strawberry Chapel Hwy 42 at santee exp. station
carnivorous plants

0 0
Shooting with kids Upland habitat with a burn within 2-3
years for quail hunting
four corners stead creek and halfway
creek roads

1 0
Florida bay and other deprssional Wad boo Creek leading to cooper 0
wetlands river
Bonneau ferry WMA
Awendaw Savannah on
FR 225 North of Hwy 17
0 0
Road bike road around fmnf Long leaf pine forests, particularly
young dry site near wither bee and
bethera 0
East branch of the Cooper River
1 0
swamp fox passage
0 0
Connect locations, people with nature, Wambaw landing
all over charleston county, from ace
basin to yawkey 0

Twin ponds rifle range

0 0 0 0
All Carolina Bays The dirt dash half mararthon Dog swamp

0 Cape Romain National

Wanamaker north, bike trail, mountain WIldlife Refuge

0 0
Nicholson pond Back boat ramp east of Gillard Lake
off pitch road. Swamp area Awendaw Passage of the
Palmetto Trail

Wetlands! Swamps, Carolina bays,
Protect and enhance wilderness .
and marshes especially!
Truly unique and special in many
I'on Swamp Trail

0 0
Hellhole swamp festival and run

0 Sewee shell ring

Bulls bay and muddy bay fishing

Thompson Hill playground (rural 0
communities need/want traditional
recreation services)
Tux bury horse trail 0

Sewee visitor and

0 0 environmental education
Watahan is one of my favorite places Lambada landing center trails
on the forest

1 0
0 Bulls island Bulls island, boat ride, and views,
0 history
Cat island is areally cool place to ride Fairlawn plantation

0 0
Current mt. Pleasant to forest via Is my childhood memories of my
roads and trails families land on off Walleye road. I
would do my homework there and
watch nature. This began my love of
treees, and everything to do with the

My favorite place is my childhood 0
memories of my family's land off Uwharrie NFC is my favorite because
Walleye Rd. I would do homework of full size OHV use so I can take my
there and watch nature. whole family camping in a jeep. Not
ATV's or dirt bikes.

0 0
Bushy park Seewee outpost, awesome shrimp
salad sandwiches and restrooms

Capers island

0 0
Isle of Palms beach Isle of Palms County Park
US Forest Service - Francis Marion
• Inclusive process
• Would work in rural communities
• Constructive team based collaboration
• Shared understanding of the issues & prioritize
investment opportunities
• Improve access to the process beyond the traditional
public meeting
• Results will assist the agency in making better informed
management decisions
USFS – Francis Marion - Lessons
• Focus on facilitated workshop on interactive maps
followed buy online open house
• People felt heard – all ideas collected
• Stakeholders could log in online, add new ideas, their
comments on the ideas of others and help to prioritize
• Workshops are effective but at a cost
Case Studies
Shift to Fast, Easy
+Flexible Participation
 2013 Tahoe National Scenic Byway–
TRPA + Design Workshop - Participatory mapping, Open
houses, ipad application, kiosks
High Touch + High Tech
 (10+ Minute Engagement)

 2014 Shift to responsive mobile first

 CB Touch - Lemon Grove Visual Interactive Survey - A 3
mile long greenway through heart of the city
 (3 minute engagement, +3 in you watch virtual site tour)
 Stakeholder Track using real time collaborative mapping Interactive Kiosks
CB Touch
Interactive Maps
• Fast, responsive, mobile first
• Embed & connect social media
• Embed in social media
• Attach multimedia
• Attach polls
• Provide a new generation of visitor
intelligence (Track every view, hover,
click, share)
• Go where people are Facebook,
Twitter, Youtube
Contact Us

ate a brighter future!

e r to cre
Working togeth

Contact: Darin Dinsmore
Save the Date
2015 National Outdoor Recreation Conference
Annapolis, Maryland
April 12-16, 2015

Watch for “Best Practices in Outdoor Recreation

Planning” coming soon from Sagamore Publishing

Providing National Leadership and Services for Advancing the Outdoor Recreation Profession

Type questions in the QUESTION pane of the Control Panel.

Charlynne T. Smith –

Chelsey Walden-Schreiner –
Darin Dinsmore -

Watch for a follow up email and survey

about this webinar.

Check out the SORP website

( to become a member and for
more outdoor recreation technical resources.

Providing National Leadership and Services for Advancing the Outdoor Recreation Profession

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