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Components of Performance Management System

Performance planning

This is the basis of performance appraisals and it is a crucial component of a corporate

performance management system. Both the appraiser and the reviewee carry out
performance planning at the start of a work session. KRA’s and performance budgets
are decided after mutual agreements between the employee and reporting officer.

Performance appraisal and reviewing

Organizations usually have mid-year and annual reviews in which the employees’
performance is reviewed; based on achievements and fulfillment of his goals as well as
overall performance, he/she is appraised. The process combines both self-review as well
as a review by the reporting officer. Measurable and quantifiable achievements are rated
and causes for loopholes are detected and analyzed.

Performance feedback and personal counseling

This is a very important step in which the appraiser and employee sit in discussion. The
appraiser talks to the employee about areas of improvement and about his levels of
contribution, expected performance achievement, etc. Along with transparent feedback,
the need for training and development is also identified. The appraiser needs to adopt
necessary measures to ensure that the employee meets the company’s expectation levels
and that he improves overall performance.

Rewarding good performance

The motivation of an employee is determined when his good performance is recognized

and rewarded. It could directly influence the self-esteem of a person. It is very sensitive
in propelling his achievement orientation too. When an organization recognizes an
employee’s contribution and rewards him for it, he strives to do be better because of the
Performance improvement planning

This calls for setting of new goals and deadlines for employees. Key areas of
improvement are made aware to the employee and he is also assigned a stipulated
deadline for the same. He must show improvement within the jointly finalized and
mutually accepted time-frame.

Potential Appraisal

The employee’s lateral and vertical movement is influenced by this factor. Competency
mapping and assessment techniques need to be carried out for successful appraisal. This
needs to include crucial points such as job rotation and succession planning.

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