Final Paper in PR1

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The condition of government schools all over the country and quality of education

being imparted, are going from bad to worse day by day. Government and the concerned

department for education are undeniably lacking of attention though according to the

Commission of the Budgeting office of the Philippines, this sector were given the biggest

allotted budget to improve the best quality of education here in the country, from the

facilities where students are place to the chairs, tables and modules use by students and

teachers. But despite of the big budget allotted in this sector, different conflicts, problems

and challenges arises and one of this is the overpopulated facilities or classrooms which

supposedly the most comfortable places for all students since according to many studies,

environment has a direct impact on teaching and learning which was supported by Sha and

Innamullah (2012).

Based on the statements of Jones (2017), he stated to his blog that over 21 million

of students were enrolled in the schools and institutions in the Philippines. And 18 percent

of the entire student population were forced to attend extremely overcrowded facilities in

the public schools because the classrooms were not enough to hold the same amount of

students every day and every year it increases. Since many students were being placed on

the same place, it definitely affects the performance and learning of students and became

more difficult for them to understand and cope up the lessons. Therefore, the statements

above conclude that government schools are overcrowded because of the continuous

increase rate of population, addition to this is due to the limitation of the economic

resources and budget contains that are visibly not enough to prevent conflicts and problems

to achieve the best quality of education. From the statements above obviously, this became

one of the main problem that students encounter, the overpopulated facilities that were

expected to make impact to the student’s performance.

Based on the Article that the DepEd had released, the average number of students

in most of the classrooms ranges from 70 to 120 students which is its approximate number

of students were only above 45 and will not exceed above 50. From these, the difficulties

arises and it creates many problem for both, teachers and students in teaching-learning

process. Fortunately, researchers have done this study in order to know the effect of

overcrowded classes on students’ achievement but sadly, less attention were given to

identify the problems face by teachers in overcrowded classes. So the researchers decided

to deal this problem in a different way and try to find out the problem face by students.

Class is the group of pupil put together for the purpose of collective instruction. All

the members of the class have common goals, interest, attitude and attainments. In a short

way, they can say that class consists of homogenous group of pupils, who will work and

progress together.

According to Meriam, an educational dictionary; “Class is a group of pupils

put together for the purpose of collective instruction”.

A classroom is said to be overcrowded in which the number of students exceed the

optimum level such that it causes hindrance and the teaching-learning progress.

The classroom is the most important area within a school. The students spend most

of their time, hopefully in an environment conducive to learning. The entire design of

classroom reflects the priorities, goals, philosophy, and personality of the students. Student

learning behavior can be enhanced when teachers take time to create a classroom climate

in which adolescents feel comfortable with their teachers and peers. But unfortunately, in

our country the classrooms are overcrowded.

Focusing on the effect of this very serious problem prevailing in our country, one

thing is very clear that teaching in such an environment, where the number of students is

exceeding the acceptable limit, effective is not possible.

Padre Garcia National High School is a public high school wherein overpopulation

is observed. Every school year the population of the students is increasing. This increasing

of population results to overpopulation in a classroom that may affects the academic

performance of the students. Even there’s a lot of new buildings in school, still there a less

possibility that it is the answer to this overpopulation problem.


In the latest century, as the population increases, the students of Government

schools are now being abundant in the number of students who are willing to learn. But the

problem is, there are no enough classrooms for the abundance of the students in the said

School. Overcrowded classrooms affect students in performing academic performance as

their attention was being interrupted by noise of each individuals in the said classrooms.

Environment is one of the factors that affect students, not just in academics, but also



This study aim to identify the effects of over-crowded classroom to the academic

performance of the students, particularly the students in Padre Garcia National High


Specifically, this research seek to answer the following questions:

1. How do the scholastic standing of the student become affected by overpopulation?

2. What are the possible reasons why classrooms are overpopulated?

3. How do students learn well if facilities inside their school is pre-occupied?

4 .What are the possible outcomes for the students if their classroom is overpopulated?


Knowing the different effects of overpopulated classroom have a huge contribution

to student’s academic performance inside the classroom. This study will be beneficial to

the following:

RESEARCHERS. As a student undergo the K-12 curriculum, the researchers of this study

strongly believe that it will be a great help to each to widen their knowledge as a student,

though they were in an uncertain condition of facing the four corner of crowded

classrooms. It will also help the researchers to improve that learning different kind of

knowledge is based the environment they were in. The researchers, would like to prove

that less population in a classroom can help students to enhance each skills in academic

performances. It is also a way for a teachers, to discuss and explain everything, easily

STUDENTS. This research can fully understand by the people who are in a crowded

classrooms, suffering in an everyday dilemma of noise, that they can’t even listen to

discussion because of distraction. It is about finding silver lining in a crowded classrooms,

as they may perform their academic performances well. This research will provide the

student’s adjustment in overcrowded classroom, and give them information how it can

affect their everyday performance in school, because of the said reason. The study will also

shows the student’s way to cope up with their co-students, especially with their teachers.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. This study will provides information about the effects of

overcrowded classroom, in most of the Government Schools in the Philippines. And it

might serve as a guide on how to give a solution to the next researchers.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses only on the effects of the overpopulated facilities that affect the

academic performance of students especially in Padre Garcia National High School. The

researchers will focus on the environment that one students have and determine how nature

really affects the cognitive learning of all students who were experiencing to be on the

overcrowded facilities. Therefore, this study will investigate the problem which is the

overcrowded classrooms that affects the academic performance of the students.

This research is limited only to students who are in a crowded classroom in Padre

Garcia National High School. This study delimits the other schools in Padre Garcia,

Batangas. Also it will only investigate the most populated classroom and how do students

perform on class, this study is limited only to the overpopulation and the effect of it on the

students’ performance and does not cover the other factors that may affect the students’

academic performances.




A literature review is defined as a critical analysis of the relationship among the

work of different authors relating to the specific topic Galvan, (2006). According to Okoli,

(2010) a literature review provides an understanding of what existing research has to say

on a matter. While based on Boote and Beile (2005), the main purpose of a literature review

is to provide a context for the research, justify the research, and outline gaps in previous

research and show where the research fits in into the existing body of knowledge. Meda

(2013) claims among other reasons a literature review is done to delimit the problem and

to have a deep understanding of the known and unknown around a specific study area.

Congested Classroom in the Philippines

Based on the study, 18 percent of the entire student population in the Philippines

are forced to attend extremely overcrowded public schools. Jones (2017) studies show that

overcrowded classroom conditions not only that make it difficult for students to

concentrate on their lessons, but inevitably limit the amount of time teachers can spend on

innovative teaching methods such as cooperative learning and group work or on teaching

anything beyond the bare minimum required by the curriculum. On top of this, teachers in

congested classrooms are generally over-stretched, more likely to suffer from burnout, or

have a more strained relationship with their pupils or students.

Despite the shortage of space for many students at public schools in the Philippines,

the DepEd had never attempted to purchase land for new school sites for several reason.

Up until the intervention in 2014, there was a long held belief by some in the DepEd that

school properties should not be purchased, but rather donated by either the local

government or private individuals and organizations. Instead, the DepEd should focused

on constructing additional classrooms at existing school sites .To counter act the widening

student-classroom ratio, the DepEd developed and implemented a wide range of strategies

that were often seen as controversial, including: splitting classrooms in two using wall

dividers; dividing the classes even at the elementary level into morning, afternoon, and

evening sessions; and encouraging students to take distance learning classes.

Effects of Overcrowding on the Pupils` Achievement

Galabawa cited in “Poverty and Human Development Report” (2002) that stresses

that provision of good education in school is hindered by large class problem. Bigger class

sizes tend to have proper performance in school nation examination results. Osaki (2002)

specifies that among other reasons for poor performance in Mathematics results in many

schools, large classes which do not allow effective student participation as well as enabling

teachers to attend students with individual learning difficulties.

According to Mugisha (1983), her study notes that class sizes affect the teaching

learning process. As the class becomes larger, the teacher eventually fails to teach

effectively. The fewer the pupils the better will be the pupils performance. Moreover, if the

class is full, pupils and teachers cannot feel comfortable. The teacher can neither give

questions to every pupil nor help every pupil. Only the shortcut teaching solutions may be

applied. In such situation, teachers may not provide enough exercise because they fear to

correct a lot of pupils` exercise books. Many school teachers in Tanzania do not provide

enough exercise to pupils, which is their strategy for reducing heavy workload.

Classroom Interaction

Matelo (1998), his study defines classroom interaction as the process in

which teachers and students have a reciprocal effect upon each other through what they say

as well as do in the classroom. Communication between or among students is termed

interaction. This can be either verbal or non-verbal.

Mbunda (1992) states that in the process of classroom interaction, there emerges

patterns that will indicate the source, the direction and the magnitude of activity flow. The

activity flow differs from lesson to lesson, and from subject to subject, depending on the

objectives of the lesson and the nature of the subject. A lesson demanding more skills than

knowledge or vice versa will require a different pattern of interaction. The interaction

patterns include the teacher-pupil interaction line, pupil- teacher interaction line, pupil-

pupil- interaction line, and pupil resources interaction line.

Strategies Teachers Use when Classrooms are overcrowded

Teachers use different strategies to overcome overcrowding when teaching. This

include lecturing, group work or provision of few exercise so that interactions with students

are made. They also avoid using time to teach individual students. Osaki et al., (2004) states

that one of the reasons why teachers use the lecture method is the presence of too many

students in some classes.

Lema (2003) hints that one of the factors that affect teaching is large classes. These

force them to attend the whole class in general rather than attending individual learner.

A Universal Problem

Shah and Inamullah (2012) found from their studies that over-crowded classes

could have a direct impact on students’ learning .This not only affected students’

performance but the teachers had to face different problems such as discipline, behavioral

problems, poor health and poor performance of students, put stress on teachers and

increased in drop-out rate of students.

Carlson (2000) reported that quality learning was not possible when large number

of students were packed into small classrooms. He visited different schools but it was

evident as a serious problem. He further reported that 40 plus children were stuffed into

classrooms designed for no more than 35 kids. They were seated so closely together that

they were not able to work or move.

Ijaiya (1999) found a weak positive correlation between the opinion of teachers and

students. Findings showed that over crowdedness diminished the quality and quality of

teaching and learning with serious implications for attainment of educational goals. It was

felt that additional buildings and furniture should give priority in educational planning at

all levels. Overcrowded classroom is not only the problem of one country but it has now

become universal problem.

Phillips (2011) submitted a report conducted by the teachers union which showed

that the number of overcrowded classes in New York was the largest, in the last ten years.

Overcrowded Schools and Student’s Achievements

Although there are not as many research studies on the effect overcrowding has on

student learning as there are with other physical environmental factors, nevertheless

available research shows that overcrowding causes a variety of problems and the findings

indicate that students in overcrowded schools and classrooms do not score as high on

achievement tests as students in non-overcrowded schools and classrooms.

Corcoran et al., (1988), reported that overcrowding resulted in a high rate of

absenteeism among teachers and students. Teachers reported that overcrowding resulted in

stressful and unpleasant working conditions. The population Corcoran used consistent the

teachers in 31 elementary, middle, and high school buildings in 5 major cities across the

nation. The author so the study observed that the working condition soft the teachers in

these schools would be considered intolerable in another profession.

Ventilation Effect on Performance

It seem obvious that in sealed space without the availability of fresh air from

outside, the occupant soft hot space will die from asphyxiation. While we certainly to seek

to avoid such extreme condition in schools a surprising number of classrooms lack

adequate ventilation and evidence is accumulating to support the common sense notion that

occupants of a classroom without good ventilation can't function normally and can't learn

at their full capacity.

The purpose of ventilating classrooms and school building at minimum is to remove

otherwise dilute contaminants that can build up inside such contaminant such contaminated

come from people breathing, from their skin, clothes, perfumes, shampoo, deodorants,

building materials and cleaning agents, pathogens, and from a host of other agent that

insufficient concentration are harmful.

Conceptual Literature

House Bill 473 Lack of enough

The DepEd reassured the committee on basic education and culture of the House
classroom Increasing demand of the
of the Representative recently that it has been conducting various interventions to be able
to achieve the ideal class size and teacher- student ratio in all public school.

DepEd Undersecretary for Planning and Field Operations Jesus Mateo said one way of

improving the learning environment is to reduce the class size, classroom-pupil and

teacher-student ratios. However he noted urban centers may be different because of

reported overpopulation, among other contributing factors.

House Bill 473 or An Act Regulating Class Size in All Public Schools and

Appointing Funds thereof which says one teacher shall handle a standard class size of 35

learners with a maximum of no more than 50 students. Mateo stated before the teacher-

pupil ratio at 1:45 but for school year 2017-2018, the teacher-student ratio is 1:31 and will

not exceed to 50 students for elementary level, 1:36 for Junior High School level, and 1:31

for Senior High School level.

Conceptual Framework

Poor understanding

Too much noise

Figure 1: environment


This part of the study show the relation between the other related topics to our

study. House bill 473 contained that one teacher shall handle a standard class size of 36

students with the maximum of no more 50 learner for the school year 2017-2018. This

house bill will not be accomplish right away because of lack of needs. Therefore many

problem occur in this situation that may affects the academic performance of the students.

Just like Shah and Inamullah (2012) found that over-crowed class could have a direct

impact to student’s learning and as Galabawa (2002), states thst schools hindered by large

class problem. Different problem occur inside an overpopulated classroom the quality of

learning is at risk and it was proven on Carlson (2000) report that quality of education was

not possible in a large population.

There are many factors affecting the poor academic performance of the student, one

of it is the ventilation there are some class here in Padre Garcia National High School that

are fully packed in a classroom. Stated in Ventilation Effect on Performance that different

of contaminant from a large number of population may cause a health problem and lack of

concentration. There are also some classes having their class in open places like our school

gymnasium and the TVL building wherein strong wind with a lot of dust is unbearable. .

It therefore conclude that environment of students has impact that affect their

academic performances and should be given more attention. The overpopulated facilities

or classrooms might affect both teachers and students that leads to more poor[7 academic




Research Design

The design of this study is descriptive design. Descriptive research is a study

designed to depict the participant to accurate way. Descriptive research is about describing

people who take part in the study. The study used the descriptive method of research in

order answer the problem. Presented researcher prepared a semi-structured questionnaire

which was used as a guide for the interviewers in gathering necessary data needed in the


The descriptive survey method of research is a process of gathering, analyzing,

classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions , practices, beliefs, trends, and

cause and effect relationship. The organized data were than subjected to interpretation.

Subject of the Study

The respondents in this study were the 2900 students from grade 7 to grade 12 of

Padre Garcia National High School. The respondents were chosen through purposive

random sampling. The researchers will randomly pick purposively from the students.

Data Gathering Instrument

The research instrument that will be used in gathering and collecting data self-

administered questionnaire. Malhotra (2004) enumerates the advantages of questionnaire

in collecting data are: it is simple to administer, the data obtained is reliable and the coding,

analysis and interpretation of data are relatively simple and straight forward.

The questionnaire is consist of four items and additional asked depending on the

satisfaction of the question. Two item is related to the impact of overpopulation to the

student’s performance academically, one item is for the reason of overcrowding of the

classrooms, and one item is for the possible outcome of the problem.

However, the said questionnaires will be constructed and developed based on other

related studies according to the need of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

For the purpose of this research, in depth interviews were used. In depth interviews

are personal with constructed questionnaire, whose aim is to identify participant’s

emotions, feelings, and opinion regarding a particular research subject .The main

advantage of personal interviews is that they involve personal and direct contact between

interviewer and interviewees as well as eliminate non-response rates but interviewers need

developed a necessary skill to successfully carry an interview (Fisher and Wilson, 2003).

Before conducting the interview a letter requesting permission to conduct a survey

will be secured and given to the principal and other concern personnel of Padre Garcia

National High School.

Upon the approval, the researcher conduct in depth interview to the students starting

to grade seven to grade twelve. After the interview have been accomplish, the researcher

express gratitude to those who participate and cooperate in the data gathering. The

researcher also conduct a personal interview to the outstanding students who are

experiencing over populated classroom in every section that the researchers encounter. The

data such as common points or answers, most number of suggestions and most number of

experience will be tallied, tabulated and basis for analysis and interpretation.




This chapter focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the data generated

from semi-structured questionnaires. The data is presented according to the questions that

was being asked during the interviews. Further, in the presentation of data, student's

verbatim quotation are also used.


Students Perspective on the Effects of Overpopulation to the Scholastic Standing


Question 1: S1: "Poor understanding, and sometimes we

We came up to this topic because some of cannot hear and understand what our teacher

the students are affected by have discussed."

overpopulated classrooms, not just in

noise but also their scholastic standing.

How do the scholastic standing of the S2: It can affects the scholastic standing

students become affected by because of lack of cooperation.”


S3: "It was hard to understand the lesson,

especially when you are sitting at the back."

S4: "We can't focus on the lesson because of

too much noise."

S5: "Lack of facilities can affect the

scholastic standing of each individuals,

because they don't pay attention on the

activities which are needed for academics."

S6: "Too much noise can affect us, because

we can't hear and we can't understand the


S7: "The students who are with honor are

active in class that sometimes other students

have no courage to voice out their answer."

S8: "Ambiance, some of the students are not

use with other people and can’t fit themselves

into the crowded place."

S9: "We cannot hear our teacher because of

our noisy classmates."

S10: "Lack of space allotted for different

academic activities."

S11: "Sometimes it is hard to cope up with


S12: "Overcrowded classroom can affect us

because our attention can get easily


S13: "Sometimes the teachers had their hard

time to explain the lesson well, because of the

noise inside the classroom."

Majority of them, responded that the major reason why scholastic standing is

being affected was the noise of the students in a particular classrooms that causes them

not to clearly hear the discussion of the teacher. And tend not to focus and divert their

focus into something interesting that leads them in a poor understanding, and difficulty in

coping up with their classmates who have been listening and understand the said topic.

According to some of the respondents said that due to overpopulation students

find it difficult to perform their activities well because of lacking of facilities that is

necessary for teaching and learning process, due to the large number of students many

students are not given individual attention that sometimes lead to lose their courage in

answering. Another factor affecting the poor academic performance of the students due to

overpopulation is the act of socialization of an individual with the different kind of

behaviors and sometimes it leads to lack of cooperation in some cases like group activity.


Reasons of Overpopulation in Public Schools


Question 2: S1: "The possible reason are lack of

We came up to this question because of classrooms and demand of the students."

the inflation of the population in our

school that cause overcrowding of

classrooms. And we are trying to get their

idea about this topic.

What would be the possible reasons on S2: "Because we are in a Public School,

why classrooms are over populated and we do not have enough classrooms."


S3: "Demand of the students, and also

lack of classrooms."

S4: "I think the demand of the students."

S5: "Because of the strand combined of


S6: "Lack of classroom is the reason of


S7: "I think the reason is lack of


S8: "The reason is lack of classroom."

S9: "It is because the slow processing

building in our school."

S10: "The reason is it because of lack of

facilities in our school."

S11: "The reason overpopulated

classroom is the distribution of the


S12: "Distribution of the students can

cause over populated classroom."

S13: "Lack of classroom and demand of

the students are the reason of


S14: "Because we are in a Public School

the demand of the students are inevitable."

There’s a lot of possible reasons on why classrooms are overpopulated. Based on

their responses the school is lack of enough classrooms that is why overpopulation

happens. Another factor is that students are combined just like the TVL strand, the

agriculture and fishery were combined. The respondents also indicate that the slow

process of the new building, that is hopefully a subsidiary for those class who doesn’t

have their own classroom. But still, the demand of the students is inevitable, and

expected that it will increase every year.

In general, lack of classroom is the main reason why students are suffering in an

overcrowded classroom. They also believe that because we are in public high school, the

demand of the students is inevitable, and tend to put them all in one classroom that is

more than 40 students.


Student’s Perspective on how they learn well inside an Overcrowded Classroom


Question 3: S1: "Through intensive discussions and

Overpopulation of classrooms is a big with the help of visual aids."

problem for the students to learn. This

questions aim to know how do the

students learn inside an overcrowded


How do the students learn well if S2: "Visual aids is really a big help to

facilities inside their school is pre- learn in this kind of situation."


S3: "Well it depend on the student, if they

want to learn they must keep quiet and

they must listen comprehensively."

S4: "Learning in this overpopulated

classroom is within student's willingness."

S5: "The teacher's strategy gets the

attention of the students and with this the

students are able to learn."

S6: "The student's learning depend on

his/her willingness. Furthermore, with the

help of resources we are able to pre-read

our topic. "

S7: "It depend on the student, if they want

to learn they must focus in spite of


S8: "Learning is gain through studying,

and through their attitudes they must have

self-discipline in order to learn well."

S9: "Most of the students inside the

overpopulated classrooms have a lack of

focus, in order to learn they must

overcome it."

S10: "It depends on the student's behavior

and teacher's strategy to get the attention

of the students."

S11: "Individual and group performance

is a big help to cope up in lesson.”

S12: "If the teacher's strategy caught the

attention of the class it lessens the noise

and the students learn smoothly, learning

is in the efficiency of the teachers."

S13: "Teacher's efficiency is important."

S14: "It is in the student's determination to

learn generated from self-discipline."

According to the respondent’s experiences, they learn well depending on the

teacher’s strategy. This include the visual and individual or group activities. Too much

noise is one of the major reason of distraction in class but with the help but with the help

of the teacher’s strategy it lessen the noise and avoid distractions. Some of the

respondents believe that learning is in the student’s willingness, even there’s a lot of

hindrance if the students have the determination to learn, they find a way. Learning inside

an overcrowded classroom is a collaboration of student’s willingness and determination

and teacher’s efficiency.


Student’s vision about the Possible Effect of Overpopulation to the Students


Question 4: S1:"It is difficult for the teacher to give an

This question aim to know the perception individual attention."

of students on the possible outcome of

overpopulation to them.

What are the possible outcome for the S2: "Overpopulation is troublesome and

students if their classroom is students lost their focus."


S3: "Due to boisterous surrounding

there's a lack of interaction between

teacher and student."

S4: "Sometimes overpopulation results a

difficulty in learning."

S5: "Overpopulation results poor

understanding to those students at the


S6: "In recitations there some instances

that the students cannot answer because

they cannot hear clearly the discussion at

the back."

S7: "The fact that there's a lot of students

inside the classroom therewith the

different attitudes that are difficult to


S8: "This problem have a positive outcome

like it enriched student's social aspects.

On the other side overpopulation gives

hardship for the teacher to give individual


S9: "Overpopulation is a nightmare, it

gives too much noise that results on poor

understanding of the students."

S10: "The possible outcome

overpopulation depend on the student if

they let overpopulation be a hindrance for

their learning then the blame is with


S11: "If it is noisy the student's lost their


S12: "There are some cases that the

students are left behind in their topics."

S13: "The student suffer in difficulty in


S14: "Too much noise that result to poor


According to the student’s perception overpopulation results to difficulty for the

teachers to give individual attention. Aside from that, overpopulation may result to

difficulty in learning and inactive participating in class, there are also some instances that

there’s some students who are left behind in their topics. On the other hand,

overpopulation may lead to positive effect to their social aspect. Despite of this, different

attitudes are difficult to manage for the teachers, this situation lead to more boisterous


Some of the respondents believes that the negative outcome of overpopulation

depend on the student, if they let overpopulation be a hindrance to their studies then it is

their fault and the blame is in them.



Summary of the Study

The study sought to critically examine the effects of over-crowded classroom on

the academic performance of the students in Padre Garcia National High School. In order

to attain the purpose, four research question were set: (1) How do the scholastic standing

of the students become affected by overpopulation? (2) What are the possible reason on

why classroom are overpopulated? (3) How do the students learn well if facilities inside

their classroom is overpopulated? (4) What are the possible outcomes for the students if

their classroom is overpopulated? The study involved the 14 students experiencing the

most overpopulated classroom in Padre Garcia National High School. It employed

qualitative research approach where information on key research question was obtained

through interviews using semi-structured questionnaire.

The observed classroom in Padre Garcia National High School were crowded, the

studied schools is lack of enough classroom. It was found that there was a direct negative

effect between overcrowding classroom and pupil’s performance. This is to say, the class

size was the main factor for teaching and learning process.


Base on the findings of this study and research evidence, the following conclusion are


 Too much noise is the main reason of distraction of the students inside an

overpopulated classrooms that results to poor understanding.

 Padre Garcia National High School is lacked of enough classroom which were

necessary for teaching and learning process.

 Inside an over-crowded classroom teacher’s interaction to pupil were negatively

affected. Teachers could not effectively concentrate on the individual pupil. The

teacher’s strategies including the teacher’s material is necessary for the student’s


 Even there’s a lot of hindrance in studying still learning is in the willingness of an

individual to study in the situation like overpopulation. But still both parties must

do their part, the government must do something about this situation in order to

avoid the lowering of the level of intelligence of the future provider.

Recommendation for Action

In light of the study findings, discussion, and conclusion the following recommendation

are made for Padre Garcia National High School and educational stakeholders.

Recommendation for Padre Garcia National High School and Educational


 Classrooms needs to be constructed in school so as to overcome the

overpopulation of classrooms. Availability of enough classrooms will

facilitate the stipulated directive of the school’s pupil ratio 35:1.

 Teachers have to use different techniques, in particular, interactive method so

that the students become interested and distraction will be avoided.

Recommendation for Future Research

 This study found that Padre Garcia National High School faced the

problem of overpopulation. It is suggested that a study be conducted to

determine more problem that affects the academic performance of the

students inside an overpopulated classroom and how they can be resolved.

 This study revealed that too much noise is one of the factors affecting the

academic performance of an individual student experiencing

overpopulation. It is certain that we need to study on how demographic

information can be used by educational planners as a remedy for


 This study has only explored student’s experiences in an overcrowded

classroom. Therefore, it would be interesting to conduct a study with more

participants including the teacher’s experiences in teaching and managing

such a large number of students.


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APPENDIX 1: Request letter for students.

Consent to Participate in this Study

Greetings of love and peace!

Good day!

We, the researchers from Grade 11 Stem Resiliency would like to conduct an interview

regarding our research about overcrowded classrooms here in Padre Garcia National

High School. We're humbly asking for all of your cooperation to fulfill our desire to

finish our study. Your cooperation will be the biggest help for us.

Thank you so much!

____________________________ __________________________

Mrs. Mary Grace Mercado Mr. Alexis Castillo

Guidance Teacher Practical Research 1 Teacher

APPENDIX 2: Interview Guide Questions

1. Does the noise of the students affect each individual's focus?

2. How does overpopulation affect your academic performance?

3. What will be the factor affects you as an individual inside an overpopulated


4. Does the demand of the students become a reason why we there's an overpopulated


5. How do the distribution of students become a factor of an overpopulation?

6. What do you think is the main reason on how classroom are overpopulated?

7. How do students cope up with different type of activities in pre-occupied facilities?

8. What would be the outcome of the students in an overpopulated classroom?



Name: John Jerico N. Balat

Address: Barangay San Miguel, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0949-932-5676

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: May 24, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Virginith Balat

Occupation: Cashier

Father: Fredric Balat

Occupation: Livestock Dealer


ELEMENTARY: Padre Garcia Central School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Jhon Jerico N. Balat, Researcher

Name: John Lester G. Braga

Address: Barangay Cawongan, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0956-067-6379

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: March 8, 2002

Age: 16

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Alelin Braga

Occupation: Housewife

Father: Necitas Braga

Occupation: Driver


ELEMENTARY: Cawongan Elementary School

Cawongan, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



John Lester G. Braga, Researcher

Name: Jhon Kenneth A. Delos Reyes

Address: Barangay San Felipe, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0935-586-6141

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly competitive.


Birth Date: May 12, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Nancy Delos Reyes

Occupation: Shop Secretary

Father: Ramil Delos Reyes

Occupation: Automotive


ELEMENTARY: Padre Garcia Central School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Jhon Kenneth A. Delos Reyes, Researcher

Name: Roberto M. Matulac Jr.

Address: Barangay San Felipe, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0987-531-7164

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: September 13, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Ma. Glenda Matulac

Occupation: Housewife

Father: Roberto Matulac

Occupation: Driver


ELEMENTARY: San Felipe Elementary School

San Felipe Elementary, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Roberto M. Matulac Jr., Researcher

Name: Ericson B. Mendroz

Address: Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0955-483-4925

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: October 28, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Shirley Medroz

Occupation: Sewer

Father: Wilson Mendroz

Occupation: Driver


ELEMENTARY: Lobo Central School

Lobo, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Ericson B. Mendroz, Researcher

Name: Albert M. Montejo

Address: Barangay Cawongan, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0995-233-5139

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: July 1, 2002

Age: 16

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Edjaraline Montejo

Occupation: Housewife

Father: Agosto Montejo

Occupation: Vegetable Vendor


ELEMENTARY: Bawi Elementary School

Bawi, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Albert M. Montejo, Researcher

Name: Andrew L. Redondo

Address: Barangay San Felipe, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0945-852-7304

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: May 8, 2002

Age: 16

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Marites Redondo

Occupation: Teacher

Father: Mauro Redondo

Occupation: Carpenter


ELEMENTARY: Padre Garcia Central School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Andrew L. Redondo, Researcher

Name: Thomas Lee G. Salao

Address: Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0956-077-5910

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly competitive.


Birth Date: April 30, 2002

Age: 16

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Noime Salao

Occupation: Service Crew

Father: Alvin Salao

Occupation: Bussiness Man


ELEMENTARY: Banaba Elementary School

Banaba, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Thomas G. Salao, Researcher

Name: Kristine Mae L. Diaz

Address: Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Contact Number: 0946-631-8236

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and contribute it to your institution,

to make it more highly competitive.


Birth Date: May 2, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Bella Diaz

Occupation: Fish Vendor

Father: Fidel Diaz

Occupation: Fish Vendor


ELEMENTARY: Padre Garcia Central School, (2008-2014)

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas

SECONDARY: Sto. Nino Formation and Science School (2014-2018)

Rosario, Batangas

Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas (2018-2019)


Kristine Mae L. Diaz, Researcher

Name: Kimberly C. Merle

Address: Barangay Cawongan, Padre Garcia Batangas

Contact Number: 0966-693-1719

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly competitive.


Birth Date: January 27, 2002

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Maricel Culing

Occupation: Overseas Filipino Worker

Father: Isagani Merle

Occupation: (Separated)


ELEMENTARY: Mayao Castillo Elementary School, (2007-2011)

Mayao Castillo, Lucena City

Padre Garcia Central School, (2011-2014)

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas

SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas, (2014-2018)


Kimberly C. Merle, Researcher

Name: Karen U. Tapay

Address: Barangay San Felipe, Padre Garcia Batangas

Contact Number: 0975-256-1562

OBJECTIVES: To improve my skills and abilities and

contribute it to your institution, to make it more highly


Birth Date: October 8, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Mother: Marites Tapay

Occupation: Sewer

Father: Eddie Tapay

Occupation: Buy and Sell Business


ELEMENTARY: San Felipe Elementary School

San Felipe, Padre Garcia, Batangas


SECONDARY: Padre Garcia National High School

Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas



Karen U. Tapay, Researcher


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