English 03

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EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING  Promotes an oral/spontaneous style of

 An extemporaneous speech is a planned
and prepared speech. Unlike memorized  More conversational
and manuscript speech which are delivered
word-for-word, an extemporaneous is  Allows the speaker a better opportunity to
delivered with the help of short notes and a adjust and adapt to audience/listener.
clear outline.

 Most people who speak in public often MANUSCRIPT SPEAKING

prefer the extemporaneous method of
delivery. Although it might look more  This is when a speaker reads a pre-written
challenging than the manuscript or speech word by word to an audience.
memorized speech.
 It is when an already prepared script is read
EXAMPLES EVENTS OF EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING verbatim. The speaker makes the entire
speech by referring to the printed
 Political Campaign – Is an organized effort document, or as seen on the teleprompter.
which seeks to influence the decision
making progress within the specific group.  An easy method of oral communication.

 High School and College Assignment - Manuscript speaking is generally employed during
Always do what your teacher ask you to do. official meetings, conferences, and in instances
where the subject matter of the speech needs to
 Tournament – An event where speakers be recorded.
receive their questions form. Check the
tournament entry to see which format and 1. A speech given by a Congressman on a
which rules will be used. legislative bill under consideration.

 Business Presentation – like sales 2. A report read out by a Chief Engineer at an

presentation and intra-organization Annual General Meeting.
3. A President's or Prime Minister's address to
EXTEMPORANEOUS DELIVERY the Parliament of a foreign nation.
Use notes or an outline: Provide yourself with
enough information to keep the speech on track. 4. A televised news report (given using a
Place a high priority on outline preparation. teleprompter) seen on television.

Practice! Practice! Practice! An extemporaneous Advantages of manuscript speech

delivery only works when the speaker is prepared. ✔ Precision in the text or the speech helps catch
The challenge is not to deliver the speech exactly the focus of the audience.
as you had planned. Rather, it is to present your
ideas and information in a natural and ✔ It proves very effective when you have to put
conversational manner. Be flexible, be interactive, forth an important point in less time.
be prepared.
✔ Concise and accurate information is conveyed,
ADVANTAGES OF EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING especially when talking about contentious issues.
 Any good, well-versed speaker will find that Disadvantages of manuscript speech
this type of speech will come naturally. ✘ If you are not clear in your speech and cannot
 The flexibility of this speech will allow for read out well, it may not attract any attention of
jokes, anecdote, short story, or even the audience.
audience interaction.
✘ As compared to a direct speech, in a manuscript
 A speaker who is familiar with the topic will that is read, the natural flow of the speaker is lost.
be able to speak with passion, appear and So is the relaxed, enthusiastic, interactive, and
sound lively, and will be able to expressive tone of the speech lost.
demonstrate his expertise.
✘ A manuscript speech can become boring if read
out plainly, without any effort of non-verbal
 It is not for everybody, anyone who has a communication with the audience.
fear of public speaking might not do well.
Tips for an Appealing Manuscript Speech
 If nor planned properly, it can end up being ❶ Use a light pastel paper in place of white paper
long or to short. to lessen the glare from lights.

 A person with no extensive vocabulary ❷ Make sure that the printed or written speech is in
might end up at a loss for words and terms. a bigger font size than normal, so that you can
comfortably see what you are reading, which
would naturally keep you calm.
-Leave the speaker free to develop and maintain
direct eye contact.
❸ Mark the pauses in your speech with a slash, and
 Leaves speaker free to use body dynamic highlight the important points.
and gesture.
❹ Use your own wording if possible. Use short Make a few notes for yourself on a card, phone, or
and simple sentences. iPad. Or, text yourself a few single words to remind
❺ Highlight in bold the first word of a new yourself of the important ideas.
section or first sentence of a paragraph to help
you find the correct line faster. Consider the simple three part outline of an
Introduction, Body, and Conclusion, and fit your
❻ Don't try to memorize the text, highlights, or ideas into that pattern.
the pauses. Let it come in the flow of things. Do not try to remember a detailed outline for your
entire speech; just remember the order of important
❼ Practice reading it out aloud several times, or points.
as many times as you can.
Be sure to stop when you have made your points.
❽ Try keeping a smile on your face while
reading.  If you do not know what to say next, you
can summarize and paraphrase what you
❾ Keep in mind that a manuscript speech does have just said, and then will probably be
ready to move on to the next topic.
not mean 'mere reading out'. Maintaining
frequent eye contact with the audience helps  Remember that, in most situations, you will
involving them into the subject matter. know more about the subject than the
audience. Usually you will not be called up
to speak impromptu about something you
know nothing about, so you have probably
spoken about the general topic before or
IMPROMPTU SPEAKING you probably have knowledge to share with
 An impromptu speech is given with little or others.
no preparation, yet almost always with  Talk like you mean it. In other words speak
some advance knowledge on the topic. with conviction. You are explaining your
When called to speak "off the cuff" on the ideas or knowledge and you are an
"spur of the moment," is is usually because authority.
the speaker is quite knowledgeable about
the subject.  Relax!


1. Draw upon your personal experience and MEMORIZED SPEAKING

• A memorized speech is a speech that is
2. Use gestures and movement that arise recited from memory rather than read from
naturally from what you are saying cue cards or using the assistance of notes.
This method of speech delivery does not
3. Be aware of the potential impact of your come as highly recommended as others.
Advantages of Memorized Speech
4. Consider your audience Advantages
5. Be brief • You Can Make Better Eye Contact
6. Organize • You Sound Like an Expert
 ADVANTAGES • You Can Avoid Distracting Speech
- Natural • You Can Move Around
- Genuine Disadvantages
- Spontaneous • time is required for memorization
- In control • risk of forgetting part of the speech during
 DISADVANTAGES the delivery.

- Less content • the speech can sound memorized and lack

of spontaneity, reducing the speaker's
- Disorganized effectiveness

- Stuttering • the speaker cannot respond to the


How to Memorize A Speech

Tips for the Speaker (Impromptu Preparation)
1. Memorizing a speech isn’t the thing you should
Make sure to plan an introduction and a
conclusion. If possible, take a few moments to think • That memorization will make your delivery
about what you want to say to introduce the topic robotic. Over-reliance on word per word
and have some way of concluding. memorization can lead to an artificial
sounding speech. There should be some Expand your bullets for your big chunks to
flexibility to your speech, particularly if represent each idea with one or two key
there’s a chance you might get interrupted words. Quiz yourself to memorize these
or need to change direction based on the points. Your goal here should be perfect
reaction from your audience. recall of all the points. If asked, what are the
2. Write Out the Speech points for chunk X of the speech, you should
be able to flawlessly tell me what they all
• The first step is to write out your speech. are.
There’s two ways you can do this. The first is
simply to write it out exactly how you want 7. Memorize the Delivery
to say it. If you’re comfortable as a writer, or Now, hopefully, you’ve memorized the big
you are trying to script out a presentation chunks of your speech and all the points you
quite precisely, this can work. It’s often need to make in each chunk. Since you’ve
better to write out the speech as an outline, done it in this order, the overall structure of
instead of as a full script. the speech should be deepest in your
3. Rehearse the Speech, With Your Script/Outline memory, followed by the points to be made
and only finally some of the ways in which
• Very often, when you start reading your you are trying to say those points. For many
speech aloud, you’ll recognize parts that speeches, this is enough.
need to change. This is where you delete,
add or reorder large chunks to make it You can simply go out and deliver your
sound better. presentation, knowing that even if you
change how you deliver it, the content will
• If you wrote out a complete script, you’ll
need to do this several times to edit the remain the same.
script to make it sound more natural. 8. Deliver the Speech
4. Memorize, Big to Small It’s important here to remember to focus on
the high-level chunks and points, not the
• The key to memorizing a speech is to words and delivery in your mind at this
memorize it hierarchically. You want to start stage. Focus on what you want to say, and
with the broad chunks, then specific the “how” of your delivery will simply come
paragraphs, phrases, and finally, specific
out however you practiced it most before.
intonation and timing with words.
This step is important for a couple reasons:
1. It gives you maximal flexibility.
• It is because few people will hit the last
stage and memorize the tiny details. 2. It will feel the most natural. What makes someone
Instead, the speech will be “good enough” feel natural in their delivery of a speech is that they
when you’ve memorized the broad content are feeling the content of the speech as if it was
of certain paragraphs, and are still loose coming to them right now.
enough to switch the delivery a little bit.

• This gives you maximum practice at the

more zoomed out level of your speech. This KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE
means you’ll have memorized this part the
best, and will be able to fall back on it if you
-One of the most important and fundamental steps
misremember a lower-level detail.
before delivering a speech is that a speaker should
5. Start with the Big Chunks know the needs of their audience. This does not
The first place to start is with the biggest mean that every speaker can fulfill every wish of an
chunks. These should be the logical and audience, but effective public speakers know how
rhetorical content of your speech. The their audience is going to react to their message. In
broad strokes of what you’re trying to talk every speech you give, whether it is to inform,
about. motivate, or entertain, you should know an
audience's likes, dislikes, and interests. In this
If you’re giving a sales presentation, this
chapter, we will examine why you should research
might be, “Describing the problem,” “What
your audience, and how to perform the necessary
our product is,” and, “How to buy it.”
The first way to memorize this is simply to
write out what these main points are on the
page and then, covering them up, try to - describe when the audience of a narrative work
recall them. knows more than one or more characters in the
narrative work.
6. Move to the Small Points
These are not sentences, but they represent - These are people/audience who are special
the meaning of what you want to say with in whether in terms of work or anything that
them. Depending on the speech there will makes them standout.
be a lot more of these.
- Learn to accept instructions and feedback PREPARING AN OUTLINE
from your superiors as it is important to
O Writing an outline is the best way to ensure
understand their positions and reasoning.
that you have a clear, structured, and well-
You should not hesitate to ask for help when
organized essay in which key information is
you need it and to explain problems that
accessible and easy.
you encounter in your work when necessary.
O An outline is a “blueprint” or “plan” for your
paper. It helps you to organize your
Peers thoughts and arguments.

It is important to be an active listener and speak There are four main components to an outline:
with discretion when communicating with your
1. theme
colleagues/peers. It gives people the impression
that you are genuinely interested in their views and 2. subcategories
shows respect to the speaker.
3. supporting evidence
Speaking with discretion also helps to avoid
unnecessary misunderstandings. Cultivate the habit 4. introspection
to think before you speak so that you are more
Your theme is your main idea. Every single point that
likely to say the right thing at the right time.
you make in your essay will relate to this main idea.
The entire theme of your essay should be stated
clearly and deliberately in your thesis statement.
Team Members
O The theme is then supported
- Knowing audience members’ about a topic will by subcategories—main points that illustrate
help a speaker determine the best way to reach your theme. Each of these subcategories will
their goals. Imagine that a presenter is trying to make up one body paragraph
convince the community to build a park. A speaker
would probably be inclined to spend the majority of O Then, each subcategory must
the speech giving reasons why a park would include supporting
benefit the community. evidence and introspection. Supporting
evidence demonstrates your points, and
- Every member of your audience will come to your introspection includes your insight and ideas
speech with a purpose in mind. When your speech that you have developed on those points.
is finished, either they will leave with this purpose
fulfilled or they will leave disappointed because you TO CREATE AN OUTLINE:
did not deliver the message they were expecting.
1. Place your theme at the beginning
Before we examine why you should know the needs
of your audience, let us discuss why you were 2. List the major points that supports your theme. An
chosen to speak in the first place. alphanumeric outline is the most common, easily
recognized outline type, and each subdivision is
Special Interest Groups
identified by Roman numerals, capitalized letters,
-Obviously, the first place you should start in Arabic numerals, and lowercase letters, in that
researching an audience is with the person who order.
invited you to speak. They will usually have a clear
O Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc,) are used to
understanding of the audience's needs and, in
mark each major heading or section. You
most instances, they will know many, if not all, of the
will typically have three for an essay outline:
people who are going to attend
one for your introduction, one for your body,
Mixed groups and one for your conclusion.

- These group are commonly group of people O Capitalized letters (A,B,C, etc.) mark each
that are not related in each other in terms of primary point within a major section. Arabic
religion , Culture or tradition or any aspects numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) are used to flesh out
that they might not be the same. primary points.

- If you are asked to speak to a local group, a O Lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) are used if
group that is a part of your own community, further detail is still required
you will probably already have a good
3. Coordinate section titles and subordinate
understanding of local customs and cultural
subsections. Each section title should feature
traditions. However, if you are being asked
information that is equally important to other
to speak to an audience in a foreign city, or
section titles and subsections should contain
especially a foreign country, one of your first
information that is less important than your main
duties is to ensure that you familiarize
section titles.
yourself with the proper way to behave in
front of them.

1.The body of a speech

-The body covers everything you want to say duribg

your speech.

-begin developing your speech bybworking on the

middle first,or the body.

-the body should have 3-5 main points for a 20

minute to half hour presentation.

-once your speech is over, the audience is going to

remember main points only.

2.Building the body

A. Determine the main idea

B.use common organizing patterns

1.Categorical pattern- Create categories of

Information That go together to help support your
original specific purpose. It is a way to help the
speaker organize the message in a consistent

2. Comparison pattern - compare two main points

which differs from each other and remember to
always make your specific purpose Be achieved.

3.problem-cause-solution - first state the problems or

conflicts that arrises from your topic and then
provide solutions That may help in solving the
problems stated.

C.Keep your speech moving.

1. Using Of transitions - transitions are phrase or

sentence that indicates a speaker is moving from
one main point to another main point

2. Using of Internal previews - Phrase or sentence

that gives an audience an idea of what is to come
within a section of speech. It is a way of outlining
what the speaker is going to talk about.

3. Sing of signposts. - signpost are simply meant to

help your audience keep up with your speech. This
signpost words are useful in highlighting important

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