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KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019

�lttl �� ill!* dmr�d �9i'!j� ro�mo', t;j,$�0 IS, .:!)O(')il (")�c?,

,1tallfy1ng Pal"'" Kannada 150 Marks 2 Hours

Engli•h 150 Mnrks 2 Hours

Total Total
PAPER8 Sc.c:Uona
r.1arka per Marks per Duration
Section Paper
I per J : Eua.ya
' 0 Essays (in Kannada/ English)

I ::my- l :'l'opic uf Jmcmuuunal /National

Importance 'lwo £,;says 125 each 250 3 Hrs
E, say- 2: Topic of $tatt! Jmportance/ essay
Local lmoortance
I per n : General stud.tea 1
I History & Cultural Heritage
llndin and Karnntaka)
SoctaJ & Political Perspective.
J lr'ldian Economy-Planning-- Three Sections 80/85 250 -do-
Rural Devefopment
Uutu CulJc;cliOn·$iS-
P per m : Oener•I Studio• 2
L Phy,iclll F'cutun:� urnJ
Natural Resources.
2 Ovt1rvil'lw nf lntllan Three Sections 80/85 250 -do•
3 Pubhc Admm1s�rnltu11 & Munage111e11t,
I emational ReJaoons.
f per rv : General Studies 3
1 kult w-11.J Jmp.:�cL of Scie1'1ce and
�echnology ln Dcvclopmcnl or Three Sections 80i85 250 -do-
rndia, Information Technology
in Public DomAin.
}. Advw1<."t"ntenL and Modern
Trends In NaturW Scii:nc:e,
LIJe Science, Agriculture,
Science, Health :md Hygiene
J Chilllenges nod Issues of DtWIIOpment on
' Vlf(JHllle'lll l:u)d EcoJoov
F per V: O<oneral Studlea 4
I �th1cs Three Sccbons 80/85 250 -do-
2 11leg.iaty
3 Aolttude
P per VI: Optional 1ubject Paper 1 -- 250 -do-

F per VII: Optional aubject Paper 2 -- 250 -do-

1' tal 1750

I nonaUtv Teat
. 200
Orund TvtuJ 1950

Quallfylna paper Kannada

The aim or the paper ls to test the candidate's ability co read and understand serious discursive prose and tn
ox eH his idea& clearly and COl"reclly in Kannada.
The rnmern or queF:tionR would he broadly as followR:-
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019
KPSC KAS Syllabus 2019

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