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87 PROBL PROBLEMS Section 1.4 Bi Section 1.6 Vibration Analysis Procedure 1.1% A study of the response of human body subjected to vibrationkshock is important in many applications. Ina standing posture, the masses of head, upper tors, hips, an legs andthe elas- tiity’damping of neck, spinal column, abdomen, and legs influence the response characters- ties, Develop a sequence of thee improved approximations for modeling the human body, ic Concepts of Vibration and 41.2* Figure 1.54 shows a human body and a restraint system atthe time of an automobile collision [1.47], Suggest a simple mathematical model by considering the elasticity, mass, and damp- ing ofthe seat, human body, nd restrain fora vibration analysis of the system. Restraint _-Windshield ~ insrument| panel lan footboard Impact oree FIGURE 1.62. fuman body and a restraint system, 1.3* A reciprocating engine is mounted on a foundation as shown in Fig 1.63. The unbalanced forces and moments developed in the engine are transmitted tothe frame and the foundation. [An clastic pad is placed between the engine andthe foundation block to reduce the transmis- sion of vibration, Develop two mathematical models of the system using a gradual refine- ‘ment of the modeling process, 1.4* An automobile moving over a rough road (Fig. 1.64) can be modeled considering (a) weight ofthe car body, passengers, seas, front wheels, and rear wheels; (b) elasticity of ‘The axes denotes a desigmtype problem ora problem with no unique ans 88 CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION J Frame Reciprocating Botts Elastic pad Ce RCe Us CRs Foundation SS SS SSE block IWS ~ soit FIGURE 1.63 A reciprocating engine on a foundation tires (suspension), main springs, and seats, and (c) damping of the seats, shock absorbers, and tres, Develop three mathematical models ofthe system using gradual refinement in the :modeling process | ys Wil TTT IT: FIGURE 1.64 An automobile moving ona rough road. 1.5 The consequences of a head-on collision of two automobiles can be studied by considering the impact ofthe automobile on a burtier, as shown in Fig. 1.65. Construct a mathematical ‘model by considering the masses of the automobile bods, engine, transmission, and suspen- sion and the elasticity of the bumpers, radiator, sheet metal body, driveline, and engine FIGURE 1.65 An automobile colliding with a bariex PROBLEMS = 89 1.6" Develop a mathematical madel forthe tractor and plow shown in Fig, 1.66 by considering ‘the mass, elasticity, and damping of te tires, shock absorbers, and plows (blades), FIGURE 1.66 A tactor and plow. ‘Section 1.7 Spring Elements 1.7 Determine the equivalent spring constant ofthe system show in Fig. 1.67 Ye ky FIGURE 1.67 springs in series: parallel 1.8 Considera system of two springs, with siffnesses 4, and ka, arranged in parallel as shown in Fig 1.68. The rigid bar to which the two springs are connected remains horizontal when the 90 CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION Pei by FIGURE 1.68 Paratiel springs subjected t0 load force Fis zero, Determine the equivalent spring constant of the system (&,) that relates the Tozce applied (F) wo the resulting displacement (x) as Fake ‘Hint: Because the spring constants ofthe two springs are different andthe distances f and Is are not the same, the rigid bar will not remain horizontal when the force F is applied. 1.9 In Fig, 1.69, find the equivalent spring constant of the system in the direction of FIGURE 1.69 1.10 Find the equivalent torsional spring constant of the system show in Fig. 1.70. Assume that 4, ka and ky are torsional and ks and k are linear spring constants PROBL ol es FIGURE 1.70 LILA machine of mass m = $00 kg is mounted on a simply supported steel beam of lengta 1 = 2m having a rectangular eross section (depth = 0. m, widih = 1.2m) and Young’s ‘modulus £ = 2.06 X 10!" Nim, To reduce the vertical deflection ofthe beam, a spring of stifiness ks attached at mid-span, as shown in Fig. 1.71, Determine the value of k needed 10 reduce the deflection ofthe bear by fa, 25 percent ofits original value 1, 50 percent of is original value ce. 75 percent ofits original value. ‘Assume tha the mass of the beam is negligible. FIGURE L.7L 1.12. Abbar of length Land Young's modulus Fis subjected to an axial force, Compare the spring ‘constants of bars with cross sections in the form of a solid circle (of diameter 2), square (of sided) and hollow circle (of mean diameter d and wall thickness ¢ = 0.1d), Determine which of these cross sections leads to an economical design fora specified value of axial stiffness of the bar 92 CHAPTER 1 PUNDAMENTALS OP VIBRATION 1.13 A cantilever beam of length L and Young’s modulus Fis subjected to a bending force at its free end. Compare the spring constants of beams with cross sections inthe form ofa solid circle (of diameter 4}, square (of side a), and hollow circle (of mean diameter d and wall thickness 1 = 0.14), Determine which ofthese cross sections leads to an economical design for specified value of bending stiffness of the beam 1.14 Anelectronic instrument, weighing 200 I, is supported on a rubber mounting whose force- deflection relationship is given by F(s) = $00.x + 40°, where the force (F) and the , arranged in parallel as shown in Fig 1.104, The rigid bar to which the two dampers are connected remains horizon: tal when the force Fis zero. Determine the equivalent damping constant of the system (cz) that relates the force applied (F) to the resulting velocity () a8 F = cx “Hint: Because the damping constants ofthe two dampers are different and the distances 1; ang fy are not the samme, the rigid bar will ot remain horizontal when the force F is applied. 1.87* Design a piston-cylinder-type viscous damper to achieve a damping eonstant of | Ib-secfn. using a fluid of viscosity 4 wreya (1 reyn = 1 Ibsecfin’) 1.58 Design a shock absorber (pston-cylinder type dashpot) to obtain a damping constant of 10° ssecrin, using SAF 30 oil at 70°F. The diameter of the piston has tobe less dhan 2.5 ia 108. CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION FIGURE 1.104 Parallel dampers sub. Jeted to load, 159 Fluid of ‘Develop an expression for the damping constant ofthe rotational damper shown in Fig. 1.105 in terms of Dd, h, «and 1, where w denotes the constant angular velocity of the inner cylinder, and d and A represeat the radial and axial clearances betw cylinders ra the inner and outer FIGURE 1.105 1.60 161 1.62 Consider two nonlinear dampers with the same force-velocity relationship. given by F = 1000» + 4000? + 20v? with F in newtons and v in melersisecond, Find the lineacized ‘damping constant of the dampers at an operating velocity of 10 mus, If the linearized dampers of Problem 1.60 are connected in parallel, determine the esting ‘equivalent damping constant If the linesrized dampers of Problem 1.60 are connected in series, determine the resulting ‘equivalent damping constant Propies — 109 1.63 The force-velociy relationship of a nonlinear damper is given by F = S00» + 1000 + S0v', where Fis in newtons and vis in meters/Mecond, Find the Tineatized damping constant of the damper al an operating velocity of 5 mi. I the resuling linearized damping constant is used alan operating velocity of10 mis, determine the error involved. 1.64. The experimental determivation of damping force corresponding to several values of the velocity of the damper yielded the following results: Damping force (newtons) 8 1505035050000 Velocity of damper (metershecond) 0.025 0045 0.075 O10 OSS.—O8S 1.65 1.66 167 1.68 1.69 ‘Determine the damping constant ofthe damper ‘A {flat pate witha surface area of 0.25 m® moves above a parallel Nat surface with a lubricant film of thickness 1.5 mm in between the two parle surfaces. Ifthe viscosity ofthe lubricant is 0.5 Pas, determine the following: a Damping constant ’b. Damping force developed when the plate moves with a velocity of ms, Find the torsional damping constant ofa journal bearing for the following date Viscosity of| the lubricant (j.): 0.35 Pa-s, Diameter of the journal or shaft (2 R): 0.05 m, Length of the bearing (): 0.075 m, Bearing clearance @) 0.005 m, If the journal rotates a a speed (1) of| 3000 spm, determine the damping torque developed. each ofthe parameter (J R, hd, and ofthe joumal bearing described in Problem 1.66 is subjected toa 35% variation about the corresponding value given, determine the percentage ‘actuation inthe values ofthe torsional damping constant and the damping torque developed. "Note: The variations inthe parameters may have several causes, such as measurement error, ‘manufacturing tolerances on dimensions, and fluctuations inthe operating temperature of the bearing (Consider a piston with an orifice in a eylinder filled with a fluid of viscosity was shown in Fig. 1.106, As the piston moves in the cylinder, the fluid flows through the orifice, giving rise toa frition or damping force. Derive an expression forthe force needed to move the piston witha velocity v and indicate the type of damping involved. Hint:"The ms flow rate of the Mud (g) passing through an orifice is given by q = a Vp, ‘where «isa constant for a given fluid, area of cross section of he cylinder (oraea of piston), and area ofthe orifice 1.52) “The force (F)-velocity (i) relationship of # nonlinear damper is given by F = ak >it Where a and b are constants. Find the equivalent Finear damping constant when the relative velocity is Sm witha = 5 N-sfmand b = 0.2 Nes?/m? 110 CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION Piston with orifice rf 1» f {vetosiy) (forse) \ - Piston rod ; a \ \ \ \ Viscous Cynder fit (Gree) FIGURE 1.106 Piston and cylinder with orifice ow. 1.70 ‘The damping constant (c) due to skin-friction drag of # rectangular plate moving in fluid of viscosity sis given by (see Fig. 1.107) 6 = 100! ‘Design a plate-type damper (show in Fig. 1.42) that provides an identical damping constant for the same fluid FIGURE 1.107 1.71 The damping constant (c) ofthe dashpot shown in Fig. 1.108 is given by 1.27) nul 7 (2 Determine the damping constant of the dashpot for the following data: = 0.3445 Pas, T= 10em,h = Ol ema = 2em,r = 0Sem, 1.72 In Problem 1.71, using the given data as reference, find the variation ofthe damping constant when a. ris varied from (0.5 em to Oem. 1, his vatied from 0.05 cm to 0.0m. . ais varied from 2m to dem, PROBL uw FIGURE 1.108, 1.73. A massless bar of length mis pivoted at one end and subjected to a force Fat the other ene. “Two translational dampers, with damping constants c, = 10 N-sim and ¢2 connected tothe bar as shown in Fig 1.109, Determine the equivalent damping constant, ca. ‘of the system so thatthe force Fat point A can he expressed as F = cay, where vis the in- cat velocity of point 5 N-sim are 1.74. Find an expression forthe equivalent translational damping constant of the system shown in| Fig 1.110 50 thatthe force F can be expressed as F = cay, where v isthe velocity of the rigid bar A. = 10N-sim iH FIGURE 1.109. Rigid bar connected by damper. 12 CHAPTER I PUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION t ——_ FIGURE 1.110 Dampers connected in series- parallel Section 1.10 Harmonic Motion 175 1.76 um 1.78 1.79 1.80 Express the complex number $ + 2/ inthe exponential form Ae®, Add the wo complex numbers (1. + 2/) and (3 ~ 4) anc express the result the form Ae" ‘Subsraes the complex umber (1 + 2i) from (3 ~ 4) and express the result in the form Ae Find the product ofthe complex numbers z; = (11 + 2) and zp = (3 — 4i) and express the result the form Ae" Find the quotient, :1/29, of the complex numbers express the result in the form Ae” 1 + 29) and g The foundation ofa reciprocating engine is subjected to harmonic motions in xund y directions: ) ) where X and ¥ are the amplitudes, wis the angular velocity, and ¢ is the phase difference, X cos wt ¥ cos(at + 4) ‘a Verify thatthe resultant ofthe two motions satisfies the equation of the ellipse given by (Gee Fig, L111) (e1) bs, Discuss the nature of the resultant motion given by Eq. (E1) for the special cases of o=0,6= Note: The elliptic figure represented by Eq. (E.1) is known as a Lissajous figure and is useful in interpreting certain types of experimental results (motions) displayed by oscilloscopes. % and g 13 ou-¥ FIGURE 1.111 Lissajous figure 1.81 The foundation of an air compressor is subjected to harmonic motions (with the same fre- ‘quency) in two perpendicular directions. The resultant motion, displayed on an oscilloscope, appears as shown in Fig, 1.112, Find the amplitudes of vibration in the two directions and the phase difference between them. (rm) FIGURE 1.112 4 CHAPTER 1 PUNDAMENTALS OP VIBRATION 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 187 1.89 1.90 191 192 1.93 194 ‘A machine is subjected o the motion x(t) = A.cos(SOr + a) mm. The intial conditions ere given by »(0) = 3 mmand 4(0) = 1.0 mi. - Find the constants Aand a. 'b, Express the motion in the form x(J) = Ay 60s wt 1 Az Sin ot, and identify the constants Ay and Ap ‘Show that any linear combination of sin w and cos ct such that s(¢) = A; 608 ct + Aa sin ot (Ay, Aa = constants) represents a simple harmonic motion. Find the sum ofthe two harmonie motions xy(1) = Seos(3¢ + 1) and x3(2) Use a, Trigonomettc relations >, Vector addition ‘e. Complex-number representation 0 cos( 38 + 2) fone ofthe components of the harmonic motion x() Ssin (oor + 30°), find the other component 0 singor + 60°) is (0 in rt. Is the sum Consider the two harmonic motions (1) = $oos 1 and (0) 20) + (0) a ptidie motion? Is, wht si period? Consider two harmonic motions of diferent frequencies: (1) = 2.608 2r and (1) = e08 3 Is the sum 2(#) + x3(0) a barmonic motion? Ifso, what is its period?” Consider the wo harmonic motions (1) = Loos $1 and xslt) = cosa. Is the difference -x(8) = nf) ~ 2x1) albarmonie motion? Ifo, what i ts period? Find the maximum and: when (4) ing 1 36). jum amplitudes of the combined motion x(1) = (2) + xn(0) sin 30¢ and x,(4) = 3sin 29, Also find the frequency of beats corespond- ‘A machine is subjected to two harmonic motions, and the resultant motioa, 2s displayed by an ‘oscilloscope, s shown in Fig. 1.113. Find the amplitudes and frequencies ofthe two motions. ‘A harmonic motion has an amplitude of 005 m und a frequency of 10 Hy. Find its period, ‘maximum velocity, and maximum acceleration, ‘An accelerometer mounted on a building frame indicates that the frame is vibrating harmon- ically a15 cps, witha maximum acceleration of 0:52. Determine the amplitude and the max- imum verocity ofthe building frame, “The maximum amplitude and the maximum acceleration of the foundation of a centrifugal pamp were found t0 be xqyq = 0.25 mm and Yay ™ 024g. Find the operating speed of the amp. An exponential funtion is expressed as x(f) = Ae“ with the values of (9 known at = 1 fand ¢ = 2as x1) = 0.752985 and (2) = 0.226795. Determine the values of A and a. Propies 115 2@),mm FIGURE 1.113 1.95 When the displacement of a machine is given by x(1) = 18 cos 8r, where x is measured in millimeters and tin seconds, find (a) the period of the machine in se, and (b) the frequency of oscillation of the machine in adsec as well as in Hz 1,96 Ifthe motion of « machine is described as 8 sin(St + 1) = Asin Sr + B cos St, determine the values of A and B, 1.97 Express the vibration of @ machine given by x(:) = ~R0sin Sr ~ 2.0 cos Sr in the fon x(1) = Acos(st + 4). 1.98 If the displacement of a machine is given by x() = 0.2 sin(Sr + 3), where xis in meters and ris in seconds, find the variations ofthe velocity and acceleration of the machine. Also i the amplitudes of displacement, velocity, and acceleration ofthe machine. 1.99 If the displacement of a machine is deseribed as x(1) = 0.15 sin 41 + 2.0 e0s 41, where xis in inches and r is in seconds, find the expressions forthe velocity and acceleration of the ‘machine. Also find the amplitudes of displacement, velocity, and acceleration of the machine 1.100 ‘The displacement of a machine is expressed as x(i) = 0.05 sin(6r +), where x is in meters and ris in seconds, Ifthe displacement of the machine at ¢ = 0 is known to be (0.04 m, determine the value ofthe phase angle d, L101 The displacement of a machine is expressed as x(2) = A sin(6r + ¢), where xis in meters and 1s inseconds, Ifthe displacement and the velocity ofthe machine atr = Oare known 10 ‘be 0.05 m and 0,005 ms, determine the values of A and @. 1.102. A machine is found to vibrate with simple harmonic motion ata frequency of 20 Hz and an ‘amplitude of acceleration of 05g. Determine the displacement and velocity of the machine. Use the value of gas 981 mA

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