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Brief Summary of the first Voyage around the world Magellan By: Antonio Pigafetta

Ferdinand Magellan

 Was a Portuguese who was the captain of the first expedition that successfully circumnavigate
the globe.

He sailed to:

 East Africa

 The east Indies or the Spice Islands


 He was the 1st to discover in several important battles during his early career.

 Magellan named the the Pacific Ocean which is Mar Pacific meaning “ Peaceful Sea”

 His expedition went on to complete First circumnavigation of the globe.

 His expedition provided empirical evidence of the spherical shape of the earth.

 The two of the closest galaxies are named Magellanic clouds in his honor.

Antonio Pigafetta

 Italian scholar and explorer from the Republic of Venice. Magellan’s Assistant and kept an
accurate journal.

 His document was the first recorded document concerning the Cebuano language.

 Pigafetta was one of the 18 men who returned to Spain in 1522 under the command of Juan
Sebastian Elecano. Pigafetta completed the first circumnavigation of the world.

Difficult Journeyof Magellan by Antonio Pigagafetta

After crossing the strait of magellan the ships sailed across the pacific.

As the months passed, their food spoiled

They ate biscuits crawling with worms and drank yellow water

They ate rats, sawdust, and lether

Many sailors died because of hunger

Sharks followed the ships.

Dead sailors were tossed in the ocean . Other died of scary, a sickness caused by not getting enough
vitamins which is found in fruits and vagetables.

Voyage of Magellan by: Antonio Pigafetta

The first Voyage Around the World by Magellan was published after Pigafetta returned to
Italy. In PIgafetta’s account, this fleet reached what he called the Landrones Island or the Islands of

“ This people have no arms, but use stick. Which have a Fishbone at the end. They are poor, but
Indigeneous, and great thives, and for the sake of that we called these three island of the Landrones

 Explanation: The Landrones Islands is presently known as the Marianas Island. These Island is
located south-south-east- of Japan, west-south-west of Hawaii, North of New Ginea and east of the

Ten days after they reached LAndrones Islands, Pigafetta reprted that they reached the so called isle of
Zamal ( Samar), but Magellan decided to land another uninhibited island for grater security where they
could rest for a few days.

March 18- nine men came to them showed joy and eagerness of seeing them and welcome them with
food, drinks, and gifts. In turn the natives gave them fish, palm wine(uraca),fish, and two cochos also
additional rive (umai), cocos and other food supplies.

“ This palm produces a fruit named cocho, which is as large as the head , or thereabouts: its first
husk is green, and two fingers in thickness, in it they find certain threads, with which they make the
cords for fastening their boats. Under this husk there is another very hard, and thicker than that of a
walnut. They burn this second rind, and make with it a powder which is useful to them. Under this rind
there is a white marrow of a finger’s thickness, which they eat fresh with meat and fish, as we do bread
and it has the taste of an almond, and if anyone dried it he might make bread of it”.

 Explanation: Cocho as Coconut describe like a taste of an almond.

Pigafetta characterized the people as “very familiar and friendly” and willingly to showed them different
islands and the names of this island.

Humunu Island of Homonhon- named also as the “Watering Place of Good Things”

-A place where Pigafetta wrote nthat they found the first signs of gold in the island.

-They named with the nearby islands as the archipelago of St. Lzarus.

March 25- Pigafetta recounted that they saw two balanghai (balanghay) a long boat full of people in
The leader, who Pigafetta referred to as the king of the balanghai(balanghay), sent men to the ship of
Magellan give gifts such as bar of golds and chest of ginger.Magellan declined, sent an interprefer to the
king ask for money and for the needs of the ships and he express that he did not came in the island as
an enemy but as a friend.

Raia Saigu- brother of Raia Calambu

After a few days,Magellan introduced to the King’s brother who was king on another island. They went
to the island which Pigafetta reported as mine of gold and describe the king as the most handsome me
saw in the place which adorned wooden shealth.

Raia Calambu- the King of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caraguan)

March 31- happen to be the Easter Sunday where Magellan order the chaplain to preside a Mass by the
shore. The king heard this plan and sent two dead pigs and attended the mass with the other king.

“when the offertory of the mass came, the two kings went to kiss the cross like us, but they offered
nothing , and at the elevation of the our of our Lord they where kneeling like us, and adored our with
joined hands.

After 7 days, Magellan and his fellow decided to move into another island to acquire more supplies and
provisions. They learned the island of Ceylon(Leyte), Bohol, and Zzubu (Cebu) and intended to go there.

Cebu- the largest and richest country where Raia Calambu escorted them.

King Humabon- king of Cebu

The king of Cebu consulted his council. By the next da, Magellan’s men and the king of Cebu, together
with the other principal men of cebu met in an open place where the king offered a bit his of blood and
Magellan do the same.

‘’ Then the king said he was content, and as greater sign of affection he sent him a little of his blood from
his right arm, and wish he should do the like. Our people answered that he would do it. Besides that he
said that all captains who came to his country had been accustomed to make a present tot him, and he
to them, and therefore they should ask their captain if he would observed the custom. Our people
answered he would do it; but the king wished to keep up the custom, let him begin and make present,
and the captain would do his duty’’.

April 14- people gathered with the king and other principal men of the island and Magellan encouraged
all of the people to be a good Christian by burning their idols and worship the cross instead that’s why
the king of cebu was then baptized as a Christian.

‘’ To that king and all his people answered that thy would be obey the commands if the captain and do
all that he told to them. The captain took the king y the hand, and they walked about the scaffolding,
and when he baptized he said that he would named him Don Charles ( Carlos ), as the emperor of his
sovereign was named, after the brother of the emperor and the king of Mazavva, Jennah: to the Moor he
gave the named Christopher, and the others each name of his fancy:.

Magellan gave to the queen an image of the Infant Jesus made by Pigafetta himself. The king of Cebu
swore that he would always faithful to Magellan.

April 26-Zula a Pricipal man of Matan ( Macta ) went to see Magellan to asked him for a boat full of men
so that they would be able of fight the chief named Silapulapu ( Lapulapu).

Magellan offered 3 boats in expressed himself to go to Mactan to fight Lapulapu.

‘’When we reached land we found the islanders fifteen hundred in a number, draw up in three
squadrons; they came down upon us with terrible shouts, two squadrons attacking us on the flanks, and
the third in front. The captain then divided his men into two bonds. Our musketeers and cross-bow men
fired for half an hour from a distance, but did nothing, since the bullets and arrows, though they passed
through their shiels made of thin wood, and perhaps wounded their arms, yet did not stop them. The
captain shouted not to fire, but shouted more loudly, and springing from one side to another to avoid
our shots, they at the same time drew nearer to us, throwing arrows,javelins, spears hardened in fire,
stones, and even mud, so that we could hardly defend ourselves. Some of them cast lances pointed with
iron at the captain-general”.

Magellan died in that battle. The natives, perceiving that he bodies of the enemie were protected with
armors, aimed for their legs instead.

"Whilst the Indians were thus overpowering him, several times he turned round us to see we were all in
safety, as though his obstinate fight had no other object than to give an opportunity or the retreat of his

Magellan's men elected Duerte Barbosa as thr new captain. Pigafetta also told how Magellan's slave an
interpreter named Henry betrayed them and told the king of Cebu that they intended to leave as quick
as possible.

Credit for the successful circumnavigation of the globe should also go to the Basque mariner Juan
Sebastian Elcano, who commanded the return Voyage of Victoria the only surviving vessel from late 1521
until its arrival in Spain in September 1522.

Did you know?

Magellan did not complete his voyage. He was killed in battle on the Islands of Mactan in the philppines.

Juan Sebastian del Cano completed the trip

It took 3 years to complete the journey back to Seville Spain

The only ship to return was the Victoria (Magellans ship)

Only 18 of the original 270 crew members completed the journey

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