Professor Julian Contreras

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Anayeli Lujan

Professor Julian Contreras

ART 100

17 October 2019

Journal One

In the first Module, I learn what ART is. For example before I decide to take

this class ART for me was just drawings that people like to do for hobby but after I

start reading the power points for Module one I understand that exist a really

strong meaning for ART and it’s that “ART is something that we can use to created

and express ourselves and ideas on how we can see the world”. I was impressed

when I see all the images about how prehistoric art was created in caves people

painting all their lives, how they were living day by day and all the obstacles that

they pass in their lives.

The Pyramid for the old kingdom is amazing, how people take time to create

something like this is impressing. The pyramid of Khufu is the tallest structure

over the world. I like this pyramid more because it looks familiar because, in

Oaxaca where I’m from, we have Pyramids too. What is impressed to see how they

created rocks in art by giving them a form of something.

My favorite Module was Module two because it’s about Roman history. I’m

catholic and I was excited to read this Module because I learn a lot of God, I learn

a lot about the history of the “Roman Basilica”. The image of the Basilica or Law

court like some people know the “Church” now on these days, it’s different how

the “Church on this days looks.

The image that grabbed my attention was “Muqarnas Dome” in Granada

Spain. Muqarnas (Scooped effect), Alhambra (marvel), this is some of the things

that are used to construct the Dome. This image is amazing! The Muqarnas

developed around the middle of the 10th century, it has a form of small pointed

niches, two squares crossing and in every, each point has two windows that give

light during the day and looks beautiful.

In the last Module, I learn about Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on April

15, 1452. His name grabs more my attention because the only thing that I knew

about Leonardo da Vinci it’s that he was a famous painter. Leonardo was an Italian

polymath, sculptor, writer, etc. He believes that Art was more than just express his

feelings, for him it was a mental exercise and seen as an illusion. One of the

paintings that I really like was Jesus in the table on the last dinner with his apostles

before he was crucified. The image looks a little bit blurred, but if you pay

attention you can appreciate the beautiful creation, perspectives, and colors that he

used in the painting. I know that after this painting the reputation of Leonardo da
Vinci change because they questioning his job because they were saying it was an

unfinished work, but for me, it was something beautiful. Another painting of

Leonardo that was beautiful was the “Mona Lisa”, this is one of the most famous

paintings by Leonardo da Vinci.

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