Graphs Vocabulary

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2. Age groups
1) 16-24 age group – In the 16-24 age
group//the 16-24 age group//the least
percentage of the 16-24 age group//40% of
the 16-24 age group, the 65+ age group
2) 16-24 year olds, the over 65s
3. Can you incorporate the vocabulary of line
graphs – Yes, if multiple years or different
times are given. No, if only one static time is
4. Introduction of graph should have 2
sentences ideally. First sentence is a
paraphrase of the question. The second
sentence is an overview sentence.
5. There should be one overview sentence for
the conclusion. If you omit that then task
achievement bands are severely cut down.
6. Never start the conclusion with – To sum up
or any such beginning of conclusion you
write for the essay. Always start – Overall,
7. Shows – depicts, illustrates, describes,
reveals, elucidates,
8. Combinations – between-and//from-to
9. Use of ‘the’ before which countries – the
USA, the UK, the Great Britain, the UAE, the
Netherlands, the Maldives
10. Learn the use of apostrophe. Don't put
it in every word which has an ‘s’ in the end.
11. Never use the word ‘than’ with the
superlative form, such as the least, the
maximum, the most, the highest, the lowest,
the minimum
12. Do the use of adjective-noun, and the
verb-adverb combination properly. Do
these combinations with their spellings
from the vocabulary of line graphs.
13. Learn nationalities with spellings.
( do from listening book – grammar pages in the
14. The number of students who enrolled
The students who enrolled ‘were’
15. Two past tense verbs never come
together. For example – the number of
students ‘was decreased’ is wrong. The
number of students decreased is correct
16. Four different
Spend Spent Spent

Rita spent Rs 100 on food and drink.

Rita was spent (wrong)

Rs 100 were spent by Rita on food and drink.

The amount spent ( expenditure done) by Rita

on food and drink was Rs 100/-.

Rita spends Rs 100 on food and drink.

Rs 100/- are spent by Rita on food and drink.

The amount spent by Rita on food and drink is

Rs 100/-.

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