Arachne & Athena

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A Script by

Junita (junitatheangel)
Gursharan (gigi-sama)






Two Wood Nymphs

Scene One

NARRATOR: (Off stage) In the days of myths and gods, when these tales were thought to be
much more than mere stories, when the Greeks were the rulers of the world. There lived a girl
named ARACHNE. Now, ARACHNE was said to be known throughout all the lands, for her
great skill at weaving, compared to no mortal, surpassing all. Even the wood nymphs would
come out of their shadowy hiding to see her create her masterpieces. Some would even go as
far to say, that the Goddess of wisdom, ATHENA did not measure up to ARACHNE's skill.
ARACHNE herself would boast of this.

(Throughout above dialogue, ARACHNE is pictured weaving a beautiful tapestry, another girl
doing the same beside her, though not with the same grace, and fluidness, and two woods
nymphs watching ARACHNE intently.)

ARACHNE: (Stops weaving, and says with an arrogant tone) My, my ALESTRIA don't you think
you should have opened your eyes while you weaved that…. thing? For, surely you could not
have created an atrocity such as that while you were able to see?
ALESTRIA: (Voice full of disgust) My, my, ARACHNE, what a big head you have, you are such
a prideful, arrogant, HAG! (Waving her hands about, pointing at the sky) Surely, in your mind,
you hold yourself up even to the gods!

ARACHNE: Dear, you have such hatred, however… you may have something right, many say
that my skills surpass even the goddess ATHENA's, and I must say I agree with them. Look at
the rich texture of my work. The fluid way I move my hands. (Waves hand to emphasise) I'd like
to see someone whose skill was above mine, however I do not think that will happen anytime

(Girls continue to work, however ALESTRIA every so often looks over at ARACHNE with a look
of disgust. ARACHNE looks away once, and as this happens, the girl sticks her tongue out at
her, then continues working)

NARRATOR: (Off screen) Now, one would have to admit that ARACHNE's work was
marvellous, that it was awe inspiring to watch as her hands moved with the smooth motion of an
artist's hand as he works with a paintbrush. However, as ARACHNE's boasting reached
ATHENA's ears, she decided that it was time to put the foolish girl into place.

Scene Two

(Scene: ARACHNE is seen weaving by herself, while two nymphs are hiding, however they are
visible to the audience, watching her, suddenly, ATHENA, dressed as a bent old woman,

ATHENA: (Gazes at ARACHNE's loom for a moment.) That's a pretty piece of weaving you
have child, I remember in my youth when I could have done just as well.

ARACHNE : (Scoffs) Never, old woman, has any mortal in all of Earth's history been able to
weave as well as I. (Points at self)

ATHENA : (Squints eyes in fury) Careful child, not to be so rash as to speak like this, for surely,
it is foolish to take to much pride in what one's self can do, for there will always be someone
who can do it better, no matter who you are, or your great skill.

ARACHNE: That may be true for others, however, old woman, no one can surpass my skill.

ATHENA : (Sighs and smiles) That may be true, among mortals, but surely among the
immortals there is one whom can surely surpass your skill in the art.

ARACHNE : (Stops weaving to stare at the old woman) And, who, may I ask, is that?
ATHENA : ATHENA, the goddess of wisdom of course…

ARACHNE : (Laughs scornfully) Not even ATHENA the goddess can match my weaving skill!

(Wood nymphs are still hiding, seen by the audience, however ATHENA and ARACHNE cannot
hear them, nor see them)

WOOD NYMPH 1 : (Whispering) Oh my! How foolish of ARACHNE does she not know of the
peril that could befall her if she puts herself above the gods?

WOOD NYMPH 2 : Oh my, I would not want to be ARACHNE right now! Foolish, foolish girl!

ATHENA : Surely, child, you do not mean what you have said, you're young, and have spoken

ARACHNE : That old women is where you are wrong, I do mean what I say, and I shall prove it!

ATHENA : Then please do! (ARACHNE'S eyes widen in shock, for ATHENA has thrown of her
old woman's disguise) For so long I have heard your boasts, and have watched your already
great vanity grow. And now? You dare to defy even the gods! So, I challenge you to a contest
of weaving, so that it may teach you a lesson that other foolish mortals may profit from!

NARRATOR : (Off stage) So, another loom was set up in the meadow, soon, people started
gathering, wanting to watch this great contest, and what they witnessed was worth it, ATHENA
wove a bright tapestry that told the story of other stupid humans who were very haughty and
had been punished for their pride. Whereas ARACHNE dared to weave a tapestry depicting the
foolish acts of the gods, for it was known they did not always act wisely. Finally, the tapestries
were completed, and each contestant looked to see what the other had created.

ATHENA : How could you be so stupid, so conceited, to weave something like this? (Strikes
ARACHNE on the forehead with her hand, and throws her shuttle at ARACHNE's tapestry)

NARRATOR : (Off stage) Instantly a great sense of remorse washed over ARACHNE so much
that she ran off, and hung her self at once.

ARACHNE : (Face full of sadness) By the gods… how could I have been so foolish? (Runs off

Scene Three

(Scene : ARACHNE's lifeless body is hanging. Suddenly ATHENA walks into the scene and
sees her.)
ATHENA : Oh no… poor girl… I- I pity the poor thing, only a young girl… so much life still…
but… What she did was terrible, so, I will spare her life…. However…
Live, ARACHNE, but never forget your foolish acts, and be a lesson to other mortals, live, but
hang for eternity, as will all your flesh and blood. (Sprinkles with liquid)

NARRATOR : (Off stage) So ATHENA sprinkled her with bitter juices, and all at once her hair
and ears and nose disappeared into her. All of her body, and limbs shrunk, her head grew
small. And she became the shape of what we now call a spider. Now, every once in a while, we
come across her hanging from a thread, weaving her web, and hang she will for all eternity, just
as ATHENA said.
La Fin

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