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Paper Specifications

Updated on October 19, 2016

• Chicago (Turabian Style)

o Double-spaced pages
• Cover sheet/title page
o Follow the format on the second page of this document
• Font
o 12 point Times New Roman or 12 point Palatino
• Page number at the upper-left of each page, following your first name
o Carl 1
▪ Do this through the “insert page number” feature and then type
your name directly onto the header
o However, do not do this for the title page
▪ Here, there is no page number
• Your title page is an unnumbered page 1
• Your actual writing begins on page 2
o This general format is similar to what you will encounter when you
submit a manuscript for publication to a newspaper, magazine, or
▪ Each publication will have its own specific requirements, but
this general format is common
• Margins
o One inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom
• Sections
o Cover sheet/title page
o Text (beginning on page 2)
▪ Introduction/Thesis
▪ Supporting paragraphs
▪ Conclusion
o (If you use endnotes rather than footnotes, endnotes will come here)
o Bibliography
o Images/Figures (if you choose not to place your images within the
actual pages)
• Endnotes/Footnotes
o You may use either endnotes or footnotes—you choose
▪ I recommend that you review the rules for both and decide
which you prefer—it is good to be familiar with both processes
• Images
o You do not need to include images/figures in your notes or
o Follow the simple format below; if you do not know certain
information and cannot find it online, leave it blank
o The easiest way to accomplish this is through the “insert text box”

Figure 10: The Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci. 1503-1517. From

H.W. Janson, History of Art (London: Penguin Books, 1981), page.

(5 spaces here)

Submitted for Partial Completion of the Requirements for

Research Topics in Art and Culture
March 3, 2016 (indicate your date of completion)

(5 spaces here)


(5 spaces here)

Your Name

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