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The <Insert Name Here> Penthouse

This penthouse was a ‘last minute’ requirement for a game session that was to involve a wealthy baron Business staying in said
penthouse with the PCs acting as short term bodyguards until he could source some locally. Unfortunately, the TL 6 balkanized world
has some political issues taking place between nations and war seems eminent.
This is one of two mirrored penthouses on the top floor of the hotel, the south wing penthouse (this one) and the north wing
penthouse (not drawn). The party were not intended to explore the entire building, nor the other penthouse, it was a localised scene
so I didn’t need to construct an entire set. The difference between the penthouses are only cosmetic in the decor of each differing,
otherwise the floor plans are exactly the same only mirrored. There are two passenger elevators to this floor that would require a TL 6
key to access the floor (only one complete 4x4 lift is shown, and half of the one next to it). The south wing foyer also has fire stairs for
such emergencies while not shown on the north floor wing, is a service elevator in the same location the fire stairs are on the opposite
In my game, the Minister of Defence (MoD) from a neighbouring country was staying in the north wing penthouse seeking to
purchase higher TL arms off-world as some off-world businesses have shown interest in local resources that they hope to exploit in
exchange for, amongst other things, weapons and other assistance. However, rebels from that neighbouring country didn’t want off-
worlders getting involved in their political struggle and south to at least, take out the MoD. And that is how my players got involved
with a fire fight with the rebels when they attacked the north penthouse and discovered their MoD target was not there and came
looking at the neighbours!

In my game, the penthouse was intended to be palatial instead of the tiny ones that are in the FASA Starport Module: Hotel
Complex or the tiny starship sized ordinary tourist staterooms in the same product (which I wanted to use until I found it was so
The layout is not meant to make traditional sense in anyway, I needed entertainment areas, balconies, a huge master bedroom
suite and adjoining personal office. I needed an office for the occupant’s personal assistant (PA) or secretary, or a general business
office (or both). I wanted somewhere for guests and the occupant’s domestic staffing entourage which could be small, or big if
required. I wanted ‘many’ rooms and at least a few hallways. Anything odd about the layout is simply explained to PCs (who may be
visiting the world for the first time anyway) as being to local ideals, at least as far as the wealthy are concerned.
“The wealthy from around here expect the master bedroom to be almost as big as a small house, their PA or secretary will also
have a large room to themselves and if not an office of their own, at least a workstation where they can perform their work as
required. Their staff can be few, but the more the better and they to, where possible, will have their own rooms (but facilities to make
double occupancy rooms are available for an extremely large retinue). Staff should also have their own bathrooms and off duty rest
area. Furnishings will be as comfortable as possible. There should also be at least two guestrooms as the wealthy often attract
hanger-ons who are good friends, family, can be of assistance, or are of some other prestige value.”

However, I know a lot of gamers like to use minis and plans, and since I am giving this for free to use in your own games as you
see fit, give the place your own name, put it on any world you would like it to be at whatever TL you need it to be, use it for whatever
encounter you want your PCs to have with it. I hope it is fun is all. Also, make up your own reasons the layout is how it is–though my
players were concerned about the mission at hand, not the architectural design–others may want to know?
Furnishings and map elements should be relatively easy to figure out, feel free to call things whatever you think they may be if
you like.

Made with Word 2007, page size is A3 and should print nicely with the standard CT (the version I play) half-inch square grid for 15mm minis.
Once printed, some whiteout and felt tip pens can be used like many of us do with other deck plans, to alter the layout as required.
Pool Private
Balcony Balcony



Room/Area Master


Bath PA’s
Room Room Luxury
Private Robe

PA’s Washroom
and Ensuite
Business Staff
Penthouse Rest
Office Gym and
Waiting Rec
Room Room
Staff Quarters or
Room 2
Guest Staff
Bathroom Kitchenette

Staff Quarters or
T Room
T Guest
Y Room 1
C Staff
O Bathroom
A Staff Staff
K Guest Staff Staff Quarters or Quarters or
S Ensuite Quarters Multipurpose Multipurpose
Quarters Room Room


Foyer Main

Fire Stairs Penthouse house
Down Lift
Lift 1 2

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