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Curr Microbiol (2014) 69:192–201

DOI 10.1007/s00284-014-0573-0

Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum

and Its Possible Mechanisms of Action
Zhi-lin Wu • Xue-bin Yin • Zhi-qing Lin •
Gary S. Bañuelos • Lin-xi Yuan • Ying Liu •

Miao Li

Received: 14 December 2013 / Accepted: 8 February 2014 / Published online: 30 March 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Some organic and inorganic salts could inhibit the use of an oxidant-sensitive probe 2,7-dichlorofluorescin
the growth of many pathogens. Selenium (Se), as an essential (DCHF-DA), we found that Se at 15 mg/l could induce the
micronutrient, was effective in improving the plant resis- generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS).
tance and antioxidant capacity at a low concentration. Pen- Furthermore, methane dicarboxylic aldehyde (MDA) con-
icillium expansum is one of the most important postharvest tent, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and superoxide anion (O2-)
fungal pathogens, which can cause blue mold rot in various production rate in P. expansum spores exposed to Se
fruits and vegetables. In this study, the inhibitory effect of Se increased markedly. Compared with the control, the activi-
against P. expansum was evaluated. The result showed that ties of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the content of glu-
Se strongly inhibited spore germination, germ tube elonga- tathione (GSH) were reduced, confirming that damage of Se
tion, and mycelial spread of P. expansum in the culture to cellular oxygen-eliminating system is the main reason.
medium. The inhibitory effect was positively related to the These results suggest that Se might serve as a potential
concentration of Se used. Fluorescence microscopy obser- alternative to synthetic fungicides for the control of the
vation of P. expansum conidia stained with propidium iodide postharvest disease of fruit and vegetables caused by P.
(PI) indicated that the membrane integrity decreased to 37 % expansum.
after the conidia were treated with Se (20 mg/l) for 9 h. With

Z. Wu  M. Li (&)
Key Laboratory of Agri-Food Safety of Anhui Province,
Penicillium expansum is a widely spread fungal pathogen
School of Plant Protection, Anhui Agricultural University,
Hefei 230036, China that causes blue mold rot in a variety of fruits, including
e-mail: apples, pears, peaches, and cherries [31]. This pathogen not
Z. Wu only induces blue mold rot that causes the loss and shortens
e-mail: the shelf-life of harvested fruit, but also produces patulin in
infected apple fruit, a secondary metabolite that is toxic to
Z. Wu  X. Yin  L. Yuan  Y. Liu (&)
humans and animal [32]. Patulin is produced by various
Advanced Lab for Selenium and Human Health, Suzhou Institute
for Advanced Study, University of Science and Technology of filamentous fungi with P. expansum being generally
China, Suzhou 215123, China regarded as one of the main producers. Because of the
e-mail: potential carcinogenic effects of Patulin, Europe and the
United States have established a maximum limit for patulin
Z. Lin
Environmental Sciences Program & Department of Biological contamination in apple-based products [26]. Management
Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Southern Illinois of decay caused by P. expansum has become important for
University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026, USA ensuring the quality and safety of various fruits [6]. Cur-
rently the disease caused by P. expansum is mainly con-
G. S. Bañuelos
Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of trolled by the intensive use of synthetic fungicides.
Agriculture, Parlier, CA 93648, USA However, the use of fungicides is becoming increasingly

Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum 193

restricted because of concerns for environment and health, fungus was inoculated and re-isolated from apple fruit to
as well as the development of fungicide resistance by maintain pathogenicity. The isolates were routinely grown
pathogens [29]. on potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates for 2 weeks at 25°C.
Selenium (Se) had been considered as a toxic element The conidia were obtained from the surface of the agar and
until it was found also to be essential in 1957 [40]. Se suspended in 5 ml of sterile distilled water containing
deficiency has been found to directly damage human 0.1 % v/v Tween 20. Spore suspensions were filtered
health, and more than 40 types of diseases have been found through four layers of sterile cheesecloth to remove
to be associated with Se deficiency, such as Keshan dis- mycelia fragments. A hemacytometer was used to calculate
ease, Kashin–Beck disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, the number of spores and the spore concentration was
liver disease, and cataracts [12, 45]. Se is of great interest adjusted to 5.0 9 105 spores/ml before conducting sub-
in biochemistry [17], chemistry [7, 21–24], medicine, and sequent experiments.
medicine-related fields [11, 13, 25]. It is also used for Se in the form of sodium selenite was purchased from
bioisosteric replacement of oxygen and sulfur in bioactive Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Potato dextrose
molecules to obtain more bioactivity or safety [30]. Singh broth (PDB), propidium iodide (PI), 2,7-dichlorodihydro-
(2012) had synthesized a new series of compounds called fluorescein diacetate (DCHF-DA) were purchased from
Novel 3-(substituted/unsubstituted phenylselenonyl)-1- Sigma. All other chemicals used in this study were of
ribosyl/deoxyribosyl-1H-1, 2, 4-triazole containing the 1, guarantee reagent.
2, 4-triazoles, Se atom, and sugar moiety, which was safer
more effective than traditional fungicides [43]. Selenium Inhibitory Effect of Selenium on Spore Germination
sulfide has been proved to possess an efficient ability to and Germ Tube Elongation of P. expansum
inhibit Pityrosporum, a yeast thought to play a pathogenic
role in seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff [5]. A mixture Inhibition of spore germination and germ tube elongation
fungicide of Se and dithane was used by A. A. RAK to of P. expansum by sodium selenite was measured as pre-
assess the efficiency of fungicide action against certain viously reported [37]. In brief, aliquots of a spore sus-
fungi such as Aspergillus funiculosus and Alternaria tenuis. pension of P. expansum were added to wells of a 24-well
Among of them, A. funiculosus showed no growth in the microtitration plate containing PDB medium to obtain a
presence of mixture of 2.5 ppm Se and 20 ppm dithane, or final concentration of 5 9 105 spores/ml. The culture
at 10 ppm of each [38]. Se as an essential nutrient at such medium was supplemented with different concentrations of
very low concentrations, as well as the application of very sodium selenite at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/l with normal
low concentrations of the fungicide, would certainly reduce pH. The microtitration plate was incubated at 25°C on a
the hazardous effect of such pollutant in the environment. rotary shaker at 200 rpm. About 300 spores were examined
However, whether Se alone has fungicidal activity microscopically for germination rate and germ tube length
toward a plant pathogenic ascomycete and that the mech- after 9 h of incubation. Spores were considered germinated
anism of action still remains essentially unexplored. In this if the germ tube was equal to or greater than the diameter
study, bacteriostasis experiment in vitro was designed to of the spore. Germ tube length was determined with an
explore the inhibition effect on P. expansum. The effects of ocular micrometer and germinated spores were expressed
Se on the control of blue mold diseases in apple plants were as percentage of the total number of evaluated spores.
investigated, and the underlying mechanisms by which Se There were three replicates for each treatment, and the
caused fungal death, and affected intracellular reactive experiment was repeated twice.
oxygen species (ROS) and the integrity of the plasma
membrane of P. expansum was assessed. These results may Effect of Selenium on Mycelial Growth of P. expansum
provide a novel strategy for controlling of blue mold on
postharvest fruits and vegetables. The effect of sodium selenite on mycelial growth of
P. expansum was assayed in PDA following the method of
Droby et al. [14]. A 5-mm diameter plug of mycelial agar
Materials and Methods was obtained from the growing edge of 7-day-old cultures
of the fungi and placed in the center of a 9-cm-diameter
Pathogen and Chemicals Petri dish containing PDA medium with different concen-
trations (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/l) of sodium selenite
The fungal pathogen P. expansum link (CGMCC3.3703) solutions. Sodium selenite solutions were filtered through a
was used in this study. Penicillium expansum was obtained 0.45 lm Millipore filter before being added to the auto-
from Key Laboratory of Plant Resources in North China, claved PDA medium that had cooled to about 60°C. Radial
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The growth of P. expansum was observed after incubation at

194 Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum

25°C for 3, 4, and 5 days. Results are reported as the carbohydrates. The Bradford assay [4] was performed on
diameter of the fungal colony (mycelium) in the Petri dish the filtrates to quantify proteins by the various treatments.
minus the diameter of the agar plugs (5 mm). Each treat- Soluble carbohydrate was determined with anthrone
ment contained three replicates and the entire experiment reagent using glucose as the standard [26].
was repeated twice.
Measurement of Cellular Enzymatic Activity
Measurement of Reactive Oxygen Species
Penicillium expansum was grown in conical flasks (50 ml)
The oxidant-sensitive probe DCHF-DA was used to assess containing 20 ml PDB medium with 0–15 mg/l sodium
the intracellular ROS levels in P. expansum according to selenite at 25°C on a rotary shaker at 200 rpm and mycelia
the methods described previously [9, 10]. Spores of were harvested after 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation. The
P. expansum were cultured in PDB medium supplemented leakage of cytoplasmic contents from mycelium of
with 0–15 mg/l sodium selenite as described above and P. expansum was determined according to the method of
collected after 6 and 9 h of incubation. The spores were Chander [8] with some modifications. 0.5 g mycelia were
washed with 10 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) filtered from the solutions and ground into homogenate
and incubated for 1 h in the same buffer containing 10 lM with phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) and a small quantity of
DCHF-DA (dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide). After washing quartz sand in liquid nitrogen. The homogenate was cen-
twice with potassium phosphate buffer, spores were trifuged at 12,000 rpm for 20 min and the supernatant was
examined under a Zeiss Axioskop microscope (Carl Zeiss, used for determination of all kinds of enzymatic activity.
Oberkochen, Germany) using a fluorescein 2,7-dichlor- The Bradford assay [4] was performed on the supernatant
odihydro-specific filter. to quantify release of proteins by the various treatments.
The content of glutathione (GSH), methane dicarboxylic
Membrane Integrity Assay and Microscopy aldehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) was
determined with the method of Liu et al. [28]. Hydrogen
Spores of P. expansum were treated with sodium selenite at peroxide (H2O2) production rate was determined with the
0–20 mg/l in PDB medium. After 6 and 9 h of incubation method of Mondal [35]. Superoxide anion (O2-) produc-
at 25°C, spores were collected and stained with 10 lg/ml tion rate was determined with the method of Xu [46].
PI for 5 min at 30°C. Because PI is membrane impermeant, Absorbance of the supernatant under different wavelengths
only cells that have lost membrane integrity will show red was measured by a ultraviolet spectrophotometer
staining. The spores were centrifuged and washed twice (UV-2450, Shimadzu, Japan).
with 10 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) to
remove residual dye. Then, the spores were observed on a Statistical Analysis
Zeiss Axioskop microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberko-chen,
Germany) equipped with individual fluorescein rhodamine All statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS
filterset (Zeiss no. 15: excitation BP 546/12 nm, emission software version 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
LP 590 nm). Images were collected using an Axiocam Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to deter-
MRc digital camera (Carl Zeiss). mine the effects of the treatments. When the treatment
effects were statistically significantly (p \ 0.05), the
Measurement of Cellular Leakage Duncan’s multiple range test was used for means separa-
tions. Data presented in this article were pooled across
The leakage of cytoplasmic contents from mycelium of three independent repeated experiments.
P. expansum was determined according to the method of
Lewis and Papavizas [26] with some modifications. Peni-
cillium expansum was grown in conical flasks (250 ml) Results
containing 100 ml PDB medium at 25°C on a rotary shaker
at 200 rpm and mycelia harvested after 3 days of incuba- Effects of Se on Spore Germination and Germ Tube
tion. After being pooled and washed with sterile distilled Elongation of P. expansum
water, the mycelia were re-suspended in 100 ml sterile
distilled water containing 0–20 mg/l sodium selenite, and The inhibitory effect of Se on spore germination and germ
incubated on a rotary shaker at 25°C for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 h. tube elongation was positively related to the concentration
Mycelia were then filtered from the solutions through a of Se used (Fig. 1). Spore germination of P. expansum was
0.2 lm pore size membrane and the aqueous solutions significantly (p \ 0.05) inhibited by Se at 10 mg/l
were used for determination of soluble proteins and (Fig. 1a). In contrast, the inhibitory effect of Se on germ

Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum 195

A 100
a 80
Spore germination(% of total)

80 3d
60 4d

Mycelial growth(mm)
a 5d
60 50 b
a b
c 10 c
c d
d d d
0 e e e
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Concentration(mg/L) Concentration of selenium(mg/L)

B 60 Fig. 2 Inhibition of selenium at different concentrations on mycelial

Se growth of P. expansum in potato dextrose agar. Growth of
a P. expansum was observed after 3, 4, and 5 days of incubation at
50 25°C. Treatments followed by different letters within each sampling
interval are statistically different by the Duncan’s multiple range test
Germ tube length(µm)

40 (p \ 0.05)


germ tube elongation, and there was a significantly positive

correlation between Se concentration and the effect on
mycelial growth.
10 d
0 Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species With DCHF-DA
0 5 10 15 20
Concentration(mg/L) DCHF-DA as an oxidant-sensitive fluorescent dye was
Fig. 1 Effect of selenium (Se) on a germination of conidia and used to monitor the changes in intracellular ROS levels.
b elongation of germ tubes of P. expansum after 9 h incubation at Compared with control, more cells under Se stress were
25°C. Treatments followed by different letters are statistically stained with the DCHF-DA, indicating that an increasing
different according to the Duncan’s multiple range test (p \ 0.05) amount of oxidizing molecules was produced in cells
exposed to Se (Fig. 3a). After 6 h of incubation, a majority
of spores in control did not show any obvious fluorescence
tube elongation of P. expansum was already evident when
signal, whereas partial spores (about 25 %) were stained by
the concentration reached 5 mg/l (Fig. 1b). This indicated
DCHF-DA in Se treatment (Fig. 3b). With increasing time,
that spore germination was less sensitive to Se than germ
the percentage of stained spores in Se treatment reached
tube elongation. When the concentration of Se reached
65 % after 9 h of incubation, which were significantly
15 mg/l, \10 % of P. expansum spores germinated. Both
higher compared with the control (Fig. 3c).
spore germination and germ tube elongation were almost
completely inhibited by Se at 20 mg/l.
Detection of Plasma Membrane Integrity With PI
Inhibitory Effect of Se on Mycelial Growth
of P. expansum The plasma membranes of P. expansum were markedly
damaged by Se (p \ 0.05) (Fig. 4a). Membrane integrity
As shown in Fig. 2, Se was effective in inhibiting the of P. expansum spores declined with increasing incubation
mycelia growth of P. expansum on PDA. After incubation time in PDB containing Se (Fig. 4b). Most (90 %)
for 3–4 days at 25°C, the growth of P. expansum was untreated spores appeared to have intact plasma mem-
completely inhibited when the concentration of Se reached branes whereas membrane integrity of spores treated with
to 20 mg/l. Moreover, the inhibitory effect on mycelia 20 mg/l Se decreased to 72 % at 6 h and 32 % at 9 h
growth was more notable than on spore germination and (Fig. 4c).

196 Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum

A b Fig. 3 Effect of sodium selenite on production of reactive oxygen

Brightfield DCHF-DA species in spores of P. expansum. Spores incubated for a 6 h and
b 9 h. c The percentage of spores stained with DCHF-DA. Bars
represent standard deviation of the treatment means of data. Lower
case letters indicated significant differences at p \ 0.05

Cellular Leakage and Determination of SOD Activities,

H2O2, MDA, GSH Content, and O2- Production Rate

The leakage of proteins and carbohydrates were signifi-

cantly increased under Se stress compared with the control
group (Fig. 5). To determine whether toxicity of Se to
P. expansum gave rise to the change of enzyme activity in
mycelium, the activity of cellular enzymatic were deter-
mined. As shown in Fig. 6a and b, both SOD activities and
GSH content presented the similar decreasing trend from 1
to 3 days. Moreover, upon exposure to Se, the values of
6h SOD and GSH were significantly lower than those of the
B control at each time point. The descent speed of SOD
Brightfield DCHF-DA activities and GSH content were even faster compared to
the control group. It reached minimum for SOD activities
4.5 U/mg protein and GSH content 2 lg/g, respectively.
MDA content significantly increased under Se stress
compared with that in the control, especially after 3 days
with a maximum of 11.8 lg/g (Fig. 6c). H2O2 content and
O2- production rate of cellular without Se still remained
increasing, but the rising speed were obviously lower than
that had been treated by 15 mg/l Se. They increased to 5
and 8.7 nmol/g for H2O2 and O2-, respectively (Fig. 6d, e).


Se plays an important role in scavenging active oxygen

9h (AO) species as an essential constituent of glutathione
C 80 peroxidase. Several reports proposed a possible induction
b of toxic AO by Se compounds in vitro [41]. In this study,
Se Se could significantly inhibit spore germination and
cells stained with DCHF-DA(%)

60 mycelia growth of P. expansum. The mechanism of action

appeared to be closely related to the generation of AO. In
this regard, direct plasma membrane damage and induction
of ROS resulted in cell apoptosis.
The results of PI staining and microscopy showed that
30 b
the plasma membrane integrity of P. expansum conidia
a clearly declined in PDB containing Se with the increase of
incubation time (Fig. 3). Compared with the control, the
a leakage of proteins and carbohydrates from mycelia was
more significant in the Se treatment (Fig. 5). These results
6 9 confirmed previous findings that approximately 68 % of
Time(h) the conidia were cracked and ruptured, with leakage of cell

Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum 197

Brightfield PI 25

Soluble carbohydrate(µg/mL)



0 1 2 3 4 5

B 35

30 Control
B Se
Brightfield PI





0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 5 Effect of Se at 20 mg/l on leakage of carbohydrates (a) and

protein (b) of P. expansum mycelia cultured in sterile double-distilled
water at 25°C. Values for both soluble proteins and carbohydrates
were expressed as lg/ml of aqueous solutions
C 110
contents when exposed to Se. Therefore, Se treatment
possibly precipitated plasma membrane disintegration and
90 leakage of intracellular proteins and sugars, which resulted
Integrity of menbrane(%)

80 in inhibiting the growth of fungal phytopathogen. In

addition, Se can inhibit fungal pathogens (Table 1) at
minimum concentrations, as reported in the literature. This
60 finding suggests that Se might serve as a potential alter-
50 native to synthetic fungicides for the control of the post-
harvest disease of fruit and vegetables caused by
P. expansum.
control Se
30 Both the production and clean-up of free radicals exists
20 are dependent upon stability of the dynamic balance
0 1 3 6 9 in vivo, the excessive free radical can damage the organ-
Time(h) ism. To withstand biotic stress and abiotic stress, a perfect
AO scavenging system has been formed in the long term of
Fig. 4 Effect of sodium selenite on plasma membrane integrity of
P. expansum conidia. Spores incubated for a 6 h and b 9 h. evolution process, which mops up the reactive oxygen
c Percentage of plasma membrane integrity of P. expansum spores compounds and protects cell from the infection of

198 Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum

A 18 B Control
a a Se
12 a
16 a a Control a
Se a
SOD activity(U·mg-1 protein)

14 a 10

GSH content(µg/g)
10 b
a 6
6 4 b

0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Time after treatment(d) Time after treatment(d)

C b D 10

Superoxide anion producing rate(nmol/h·g)

12 b
b Control
Se Se
10 8
b a b
MDA content(µg/g)

8 a a a b
6 a
6 a
a a


0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Time after treatment(d) Time after treatment(d)

E b
Hydrogen peroxide content(nmol/g)


2 a

a a

0 1 2 3
Time after treatment(h)

Fig. 6 Effects of Se at 15 mg/l on activities of SOD (a), GSH (b), Columns with different letters at each time point are significantly
and MDA (c) content, O2- (d) and H2O2 (e) production rate of different according to Duncan’s multiple range test at p \ 0.05
P. expansum spores after 1, 2, and 3 days of incubation at 25°C.

Z. Wu et al.: Inhibitory Effect of Selenium Against Penicillium expansum 199

Table 1 Comparison of inhibitory effects of several similar inor- selenocysteine, and even glutathione peroxidase in vitro
ganic salts on fungal pathogen could damage rat erythrocyte (red blood) cell membranes
Inorganic Minimum Inhibitory References [19]. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra using dimethyl
salts inhibitory fungal pathogen pyrroline oxide (DMPO) as a spin trapping agent was
concentration applied to demonstrate that Se compounds, i.e., selenite
and selenium dioxide, can react with GSH and other thiols
Se 0.01 Penicillium Current study to form selenotrisulfides that will ultimately react to pro-
expansum duce toxic superoxide and H2O2 [46]. Many studies have
Boron 1 Botrytis cinerea Qin et al. [37] assumed that it is possible for Se compounds to generate
Sulfur 0.85 Penicillium Franck et al. [16] AO species within cells. Although the idea that AO may be
expansum generated in vivo is controversial, because oxygen tension
Silicon 2 Penicillium Qin et al. [36] in the body is lower than that in the solution under ambient
atmosphere. However, tissues consume O2 rapidly, and O2
Calcium 10 Penicillium Yu et al. [47]
is transported efficiently to tissues. Therefore, it may be
possible that Se compounds, such as Se2- and RSeH, react
with O2 to generate AO species within tissues in vivo [42].
Since Se has a dual function in the organism and its higher
oxidative stress [20]. SOD and GSH are the two key concentrations can be toxic, the margin between Se toxicity
enzymes of oxidative metabolism. SOD can catalyze and essentiality is quite narrow. Se in small amounts is an
intracellular O2- into O2 and H2O2, while catalase (CAT) essential micronutrient for many organisms, including
and peroxidases (POD) can catalyze H2O2 into innoxious humans and other animals. Se is a constituent of enzymes,
substances, such as O2 and H2O [1, 3, 15]. GSH was a such as glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase,
crucial antioxidant to prevent membrane lipid peroxidation and contributes to the antioxidant protection of cells
and remains stable in cell membrane systems [33]. In this [18, 39]. Agricultural crops can be used both to remediate
study, GSH content was significantly decreased by 15 mg/l Se-contaminated soils [2, 14, 48] and to increase the daily
Se treatment. The inhibition of its activity aggravates Se intake of consumers after soil supplementation using
membrane lipid peroxidation and damages the integrity of inorganic or organic Se sources.
cell membrane systems thereby accelerating spore apop- In conclusion, our results showed that Se could directly
tosis sharply. We also found that MDA content, a param- inhibit the growth of P. expansum in vitro. This observation
eter reflecting lipid peroxidation, increased in P. expansum suggests that Se might serve as a potential alternative to
exposed to Se, the enhanced degree of cell membrane lipid synthetic fungicides for the control of the postharvest disease
peroxidation suggest that the inhibitory effect of Se was of fruit and vegetables caused by P. expansum. However,
associated with oxidative damage. further study on the mechanism of Se against fungal patho-
To verifying whether AO scavenging system was dam- gens at the biochemical and molecular level is needed.
aged by Se stress, we have made a further study on the
change of intracellular ROS of P. expansum. We demon- Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Drs. T.F Lai and X.Q
Shi who comes from Key Laboratory of Plant Resources in North China,
strated that an obvious increase was detected on the num- Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences for his useful com-
ber of spores generated with ROS after 6 and 9 h using ments and suggestions on the language and structure of our manuscript.
DCHF-DA as an oxidant-sensitive fluorescent dye. ROS This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science
level was even higher in the Se treatment as time passed, Foundation of China (50949038), the Natural Science Foundation of
Anhui province (1408085MC68), Natural Science Youth Foundation of
which was consistent with the results of H2O2 and O2- Jiangsu Province for Youth of China (BK 2012195, BK 2012202), and
production rate in P. expansum spores. Oxidative stress China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (20100470108).
caused by Se may have resulted from two aspects: the
increase of ROS production and the decrease of ROS
detoxifying ability. Antioxidant defense systems played an References
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