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These past four years have been a marathon for our Zone, despite this we have seen the hand of God in countless ways and are glad
to report on what we have achieved to date.

We have hosted a number crusades in 2 consecutive years, our first being hosted by Christopher Alum in Emganwini. Twenty-two
churches came together and took part in this week-long event, as we witnessed a harvest in souls for Christ, we were indeed delighted
to see the unity that was displayed by the body of Christ. Before the Crusade we had a 21 day In-Reach for believers were there were
trained in various discipleship programmes which was of much help for counselors and ushers. After the Crusade names of the new
converts were shared among the churches for follow up purposes and the report back from them was tremendous as these new
converts have contributed vastly in the different churches.

The next crusade was held at Amaveni School in Nkulumane and again hosted by Christopher Alum. The attendance at this crusade
was better than the previous one as we saw thousands of people who were hungry for the gospel coming in each night. We want to
thank Christopher Alum for coming to once again unite the body of Christ and winning so many souls for the Lord.

Our third Crusade was hosted by Multi Ministries in partnership with EFZ in Nketa, 37 churches took part and our preacher was Randy
Coleman from the States who did a great job in the 4 days that the crusade took place. We also had a Christopher Alum Conference at
Agape Mission Conference Centre which brought together pastors and leaders from around the country; it was a time for true revival
and renewal to all who attended.

Lastly, we held another crusade in Nkulumane for 14 days. It was a very long crusade which yielded a huge number of souls to Christ
and it is in this that we thank the Lord for the unity displayed in all aspects of the crusades and the achievements that were generated.

Our fellowship meetings have gone fairly well although attendance was erratic, we thank the Lord though for the wonderful time that we
had as a family in Christ. I am happy to be handing the reigns to the new chairperson, Pastor Maxwell Sibanda from the Brethren in
Christ Church at Nkulumane and am certain he will also take the zone to another level. My prayer is that God grant him more wisdom
as he takes on this new position.


As you know, that the Pastors’ support falls under the Task Force. As a Task force through the Kingstones, who were assisting the
pastors with $20 for the pastors’ welfare and after realizing that $20 did not fully cater for their needs the donor cut off the support and
embarked on equipping the pastors with Business self-help skills. The Kingstones are helping the pastors start small businesses to
cushion themselves and their families in their day-to-day lives. So far 10 pastors have been trained already and await a start-up capital
of $500 each to start different projects. One pastor, Kenneth Chihota, has already benefited from this initiative as he has already
received his $500 capital and has already embarked on a chicken raising project which is doing very well.

In the month of September we were tasked with co-ordinating the operation titled ”Trumpet Call” which was a call for the nation to a
prayer day. We want to thank the Lord for allowing us to hold this prayer day as it brought together the nation together with the
farmers. This was a very noble idea and the main thrust of it all was for the uniting of the people of Zimbabwe in prayer and calling
upon them to love Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, to also love one another and their nation wholeheartedly.

The call brought together members of the EFZ, the Zimbabwe Council of Churches as well as ZCBC for the one sole purpose of
praying for the farmers, for the nation. We were humbled to see all people from all walks of live coming together in one accord.

May God bless you.

Submitted by
Rev. Jabulani Mudenda


Chairperson PST E. Ndlovu.

Greetings in Jesus Christ’s Name!!!!

Zone 2A is located in Pumula. It covers area namely: Pumula North, East, Central, South, Robert Sinyoka Methodist village and St.
Peters village.

CHURCHES: There Are more than twenty churches in this area. A sizeable number of these are members of the Evangelical
Fellowship of Zimbabwe, approximately fifteen. Among the fifteen only a few do attend EFZ Zonal meetings. So we have a challenge
to encourage those who are members to attend. We are still yet to make a research as to why they seem not interested, because that
becomes a weak link for lack of full participation. Pray with us so that we succeed in encouraging them to participate. There are also
some who are not members who do attend and with these it will be much more easier to recruit. We praise God for those. Its an
opportunity that God is giving us as a Zone, we will capitalize on that. Also there are some who are not members both in the category
of established churches and some who are just beginning. Established ones are many and we also need to make a research on them
so that we able to invite them to our meeting for the purpose of recruiting them if its possible.
ATTENDING MEMBERS : here are ten plus member bodies that attend our meetings. In terms of Pastors, its thirteen
plus regular attendees.

BUSINESS MEETINGS: We meet two times each calendar month. Our General meeting is on the first Saturday of each month and
the other meeting is for the Zonal Committee which sits 3 days prior to the General meeting. We alternate our meetings between
Pumula North and Pumula South. Our Zonal Committee consists of five members.
Current Chairperson: PST E. Ndlovu
Current VC Chair: Pst O. Dube
Secretary: Pst B. Palupalu
Treasurer: Pst C. Simango
Committee: Pst W. Ncube

PRIORITY AREAS: There are 6 priority areas. These are as follows:

Leadership development, Headed by Pst O. Dube .
Prayer, Headed by Pst E. Ndlovu
Evangelism, headed by Pst W. Ncube
Youth/Sunday School, headed by Pst C. Simango.
HIV & AIDS, which is headed by Pst N. Khumalo
Women’s Desk, which is headed by Mrs. Dube.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT – Since our last zonal AGM we held several Leadership Seminars. One was on ADMINISTRATION
where the Pastor I/C of Training Task Force was one of the facilitators. The Venue was Voice of Cush Church. The other was on
Pastors’ children. This was also held at V.O.C. We were glad that we came out with such an idea to minister to the Pastors’ children.
The children and those who attended enjoyed and we, as Pastors saw it as a step in the right direction. Pray with us so that we have
these seminars regularly and consistently.

PRAYER – Our prayer meetings are scheduled for every Wednesday of each week. This is taken by our women’s department.
Though these did not continue as we would have wanted them. We still have challenges in this area. The lack of consistence in the
area was probable due to commitments Pastors have in their own local churches. Also scheduled for combined prayers once a month
at the Apostolic church. This also was affected as the Wednesday ones. Pray with us that we come towards the beginning of a new
year we will be consistent in prayer.

EVANGELISM: With Evangelism. Since our last AGM, we held two crusades. The first one, we were our own as a Zone and the other
one we were partnered with Evangelist Francois and his team from South Africa. This lasted for a week at Isilwante Football pitch.
There were responses and follow-ups were done and most people would say they are members of the churches. Those that were not
attached to a church did go to those churches that they were allocated to, but did not continue for a long time. But the good part was
that the people did have an opportunity to hear the Gospel.

HIV & AIDS: Since our last AGM there were workshops that were organized, one with (M.A.C) at the Apostolic church. The other one
was with the World Vision at the same venue. We are looking for more in future. Having looked at the operations structure and events
that took place, I will now proceed to analyse the strength, weakness and opportunities, etc. These will help strengthen weak spots and
capitalize on the opportunities that are there.

STRENGTHS: There are things that we noted that are in our organization that will help us achieve and be effective.
Things like the constitution which is there for our guideline. Also, we have the area where we operate from which is within the reach of
OTHER STRENGTHS: Affiliations – Name – Committees – Manpower – Organization structure

WEAKNESSES: Inadequate resources – Procrastination – Punctuality – Few church buildings – Poor attendance

OPPORTUNITIES: Able to preach without reservation – Able to develop skill – Able to recruit more people.

THREATS: Lack of finances – Lack of equipment – false religion – Cults – Satanic practices – Not able to get church stands –
Ignorance – Non-registration of church – Not able to get CBO number (Church based Organization.



1. Membership:
The zone has a membership of 15 pastors and congregations.

2. Attendance:
About 10 pastors are attending fellowship meetings and other zonal activities.

3. Activities lined up for the year:

10 activities were lined up for the year namely
a. Evangelism seminar for February 2010 b. ¼ prayer and fasting meetings
c. 10 monthly fellowship meetings d. 1 couples meeting – August
e. 1 leadership seminar f. 1 single parent meeting g. 1 Youth meeting

4. Fulfilled Activities:
1. Evangelism seminar – 03 to 07 February 2010, with help from Pastor M. Pillay and Moses Makhafola.
2. 5 Fellowship meeting were held during the year
3. 2 leadership seminars were held
a. Margaret Mhlanga conference 2 to 5 September 2010
b. Morgan Pillay conference
i. The pastors and leaders meeting were successfully done
ii. The revivals were well attended
iii. Members worked hard and sacrificed a lot for the meeting to be successful.
4. A youth meeting: - 4 meetings were held during the conference days.
5. Members are participating in Hocice ward 18 activities

Sad News:
Pastors L. Phiri and A Mpofu lost sons close to the end of the year.

Zonal Leadership:
The zone added pastor Nare to beef up its leadership that has only two members operating
The women’s desk was instituted as well
Chairperson. Mrs. Mpofu
Secretary L. Phiri
Treasurer L. Ncube (Mrs.)


1. We managed t come up with a calendar of activities for the whole year.

2. Committees which were tasked with responsibilities of running various programmes which were set up. e.g. Evangelism,
training. Prayer, relief development, women’s ministries, men’s and youth.

3. Pastors Meetings
a. monthly meetings are taking place and the attendance is above average.
b. we meet for prayer , fellowship and business meetings
• Prayer – we have met twice praying for our country, city council, spiritual leaders, our families, constitution.
• Fellowship – met twice – it is a time when each of us shares about his family, where he comes from,
personal and family experience. We get to know each other better.
• Business – each committee gives a report about its plans and I also give a report on the deliberations of the

4. Committees
1. Training – seminar on constitution, invited chairman K. Chirimuta
2. Evangelism
3. Aid and development
4. Prayer
5. Men’s Ministry
6. Women’s
7. Youth – one explosion meeting
We had asked each committee to tell us the dates of each meeting.

5. Meetings we were invited to attend.

a. Assembles of God conference

6. Good Working relationships with ZCC

• February meeting organized by Dark and Frontiers Medicine
• I am the current chairman.
7. Wedding: Pastor A Zulu – on the 22nd of December 2010
8. Deaths
a. lost a councilor for ward 16 – Ncube twenty – twenty, was a member of Assembles of God
b. Pastor J.M. Ndlovu lost a son

9. Sick
Pastor Dong’s wife underwent two operations

10. Conclusion
I am very grateful to the pastors I am working with, the Provincial Committee and also the National Committee. We are willing
to support the vision of EFZ.

We really tank God much for carrying us thus far. As zone, God enabled us to fellowship in different forms.

Prayer: Our prayer co-coordinators did all they could and managed to get Intercessors from all the churches in the zone to pray on
Saturdays from 10.00am – 12.00pm. this helped keep the zone abreast of every situation. This also made things easy for the Trumpet
Call co-ordination.

Leadership Training:
We continue with classes for BTCP & Evangelism Explosion and we will be graduating 21 Leaders in November with Diplomas credible
and Internationally recognized.

Through Evangelism Explosion most of the houses in Mzilikazi, Makokoba, Babourfields have been visited as churches have realized
that Mass Crusades no longer yield the desired and results, therefore as a result those EE Leaders and individuals have been
equipped and they are winning souls to the growth of their churches.

Women’s Desk
We had and still have a very active Women’s Committee led by Pastor Masunda who managed to group ladies in our zone for a revival
and we saw nine churches coming together and having a blessed time with Pastor Iola Meadows from USA ministering among them.

God enabled us to hold a Youth revival and we built a vibrant Youth Committee which has fully packed programme of activities to mould
our youths spiritually. They had Pastor Jim Woods from the Family Fellowship Church, USA as their Speaker.

They had a good programme dupped Anti Corruption Campaign led by the team of Magistrates as one of the committee members is a

The men in the Zone also held a Men’s Fellowship and enjoyed braai and the ministering of the Word. Couples were, during my tenure
in office well taken care of by Pastor B.B. Nkokha who also conducts most of the weddings in our Zone.

We managed to pull in three churches to our Zone namely: ZAOGA, Celebration Church and Generation Won.

We thank God for all of this and more. Thank You.

A New Committee has come in:

The Chairman Rev B.B. Nkokha
Vice Chairman Pastor J. Churu
Treasurer Fikekhaya Tshili
Women’s Desk Pastor C. Masunda
Vice Elder M. Songoya
Compiled By Rev. CV. Nyathi


Bulawayo Zone 6 has had a good year all in all. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 10am at JLI Ministries, Fife Street/6th
Avenue. Zone 6 covers the city centre and the eastern areas. Attendance has ranged from a low of 10 to as many as 30. our
discussions and fellowships have been rich and vibrant. We have faced the usual challenges of financing zonal events, but we have a
year-end balance of $154.00 in the Zone account.

In November of last year we have a 3 day conference with guest speakers from Namibia, Pastor. Jack & Wanda Wilkins and from
South Africa Pastor Xola Nzo. It was a blessed time of teaching and good fellowship. In January, five pastors carpooled to
Johannesburg together to attend a conference by Pastor conference b y Pastor Xola Nzo whose special guest was Dr. Frederick K.C.
Price form USA.

Our members have participated in the various Provincial events throughout the last year including the Trumpet Call, seminars,
crusades, prayer, conferences and the like.

A Pastors and Wives Social Fellowship Lunch was postponed until the new year.

The end of the year has seen greater attendance and more interest and we hope that will continue through 2011.

For 2011: Jesus Life International is facilitating a National Pastors Conference in April of next year through the EFZ. The conference
theme is “Spiritual Authority & Leadership.” From the USA Terry Mize Ministries International is donating $60 000 to EFZ for this event.
Joining Apostle Mize will be mega-church Pastor Robyn Gool and from South Africa the popular Prophet Kobus Van Rensburg. 500
pastors will be sponsored to travel to Harare to attend for 3 days. Sponsorship includes transportation, accommodation, food and
conference materials. An additional 500 Harare pastors will be provided in city transportation allowances. Accommodation will be at
Belvedere Teacher’s College and the conference venue will be the Harare City Sports Complex. The dates are 13 – 16 April 2011.

Zone 6 Election Results:

Chairperson Randall Close Jesus Life International 0772 984 119
Vice-chairperson Trevor Masuku Word of life Church Int’l 0772 287 045
Treasurer Leslie Payne Ambassador Baptist 09 – 207047
Secretary Alex Madzongwe Balm of Gilead 0772 852 812
Women’s Des Chairlady S.C Dube Pentecostal Holiness 0712 394 094
Women’s Desk Vice S. Ncube The Alliance Church 0772 919 429

We want to thank our outgoing secretary and treasurer. Maxwell Msindo our outgoing secretary fir his faithful and hard work for the
past 4 years, and our treasurer Daniel Nyoni for the treasurer’s position he held for the past 4 years.

We would also like to thank our key Area representatives: Pastor Santungwana, Pastor Sikhosana, Ben Ncube, Pastor Mbewe and
Pastor Ndlovu.

Finally, I would like to thank all zone chairmen and the Provincial Chairman and Douglas Marikanda for the many good times and fruitful
discussions we had together in committee meetings and other interactions. I have enjoyed myself. It has been a truly wonderful year!
May God richly bless you all!
Rev. R. Close – 11 October 2010


The Chairman, The Vice- chairman, The EFZ President here present, Bishops, Apostles, Overseers, Pastors, and all Protocol
observed. I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. It is my privilege and honor that I present my report
before you.
The year under reveal for us was quite a challenging one indeed in as far as finances are concerned, but in the midst of all those harsh
financial upheavals we remained tenacious up until now. We held on to the promise of Christ and still do so and shall forever do so,
because He who promised is faithful and shall accomplish that which He has promised through us the current people Administering the
Center now. As a confirmation of that we have seen God bringing more Programs to us as you shall hear from my Report. I must also
hasten to say that administering the Center has made me grow as an individual and has made me to have stubborn faith and by the
sufficiency of God’s grace we have seen ourselves being literally carried on His wings to this day. The Word of God says we are core-
laborers together with Christ, meaning to say there is a part or role l must play and Jesus does His. My Pastor normally says we should
do our best where we are, with what we have for the glory of God, and He will do the rest. I believe l have up to now tried my best to be
a very obedient son who has listened to his father’s commands.
Having said the above l will now turn to the Activities and Programs we implemented as a Center. I will however start from January this
year so as for me to save time.
1. M & E VISITS TO HBC AND PEER EDUCATION GROUPS.-as from the 11 of March this year as a Center we have been
doing rounds to the Groups we started under Africare Program once every month, many of which are being done at our
expense due to challenges being faced by the Donor even up to now. The Groups are generally doing well, though they have
challenges of HBC KITS, and other materials they would want to use in their Programs. As an Administrator and Officer
implementing the Program had to look for gloves to give to a number of HBC Groups under our supervision sourced from
some of the Center’s Friends abroad. We did some of the visits together with Africare management.

2. CAPACITY BUILDING FOR AFRICARE PROGRAM IMPLIMETORS:-on the 29th of March 2010 Africare called the people
implementing their Program for Capacity building in Harare. People were drawn from Mutare, Harare, and Bulawayo. The
workshop went quite well and it was a good refresher course to many people who attended it. Each officer was asked to travel
with four people picked from any of the groups they were working with. The four were given transport and food allowances,
and were advised that they were supposed to be having accommodation in Harare, of which all those we went with had their

3. APC (African Pastors’ Conference):-this is one of our annual Pastors Conference we hold once a year as a Center where
we give a free set of books to delegates each year. Our Conference this year was on the 6th and 7th of April, where more than
76 Pastors attended of which most of them have since received their books and CD’S.Our Partnership with APC Brethren is
still going on and they have already confirmed that they will be back in 2011 for another Conference. The Speakers we had
this year were; APC Director in Africa based in South Africa, Pastor Irving Steggles, Pastor Laban Mwashekele of Monte
Cristo Baptist Church in Namibia, as well as our local man Pastor Gordon Woolard-Pastor at City Presbyterian Church here in
Bulawayo. The topics covered were; sinfulness of sin, true repentance, and work of the Holy Spirit in conversion, saving grace
and justification, true revival, the work of an Evangelist, and Evangelism and Church Planting. Delegates were also given
Certificates of Attendance at the end of the Conference.
4. LIFE CONNECTION:-The Office also in the course of the year managed to get some contacts for Pastors’ Support through life
connection. We however gave it to the current Provincial chairperson to administer it, and we told them to do most of the
communication with the Chairperson with the office only doing a follow up with lifeline on the progress of the deal occasionally.
I believe the chairman will give full report on this one.

5. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ TRAINING:-through one of Center’s Partners we managed to carry out trainings for Sunday
school teachers to those who came wanting our assistance. The topics we usually cover when teaching Sunday School
Teachers are; the purpose driven Sunday school, Children’s Ministry, Teaching Methods of Sunday School, Leadership Ethics,
and Challenges faced by Sunday Schools.

6. LIFELINE MINISTRY PASTORS’ CONFERENCE.-the Center has also established a good relationship with Brian Reinsford,
the Founder of Lifeline Ministries in Australia. Brian and Sam came into Bulawayo on the 6th of May for a one day Conference
on the 7th of May. The conference was held at CLRC and 54 Pastors attended the Conference. Sam and Brian dwelt mainly on
the Priesthood of every believer. Brian and one of his friends from Australia later paid the Administrator a courtesy visit on the
29th of September and confirmed their continued Partnership with CLRC. The dates for next year’s Lifeline Conference shall be
communicated soon after the Christmas break.

7. LIBRARY:-we received a number of new books from Hands for Christ International Libraries through the Administrator’s
correspondence with them. We also received some Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries through the Center’s relationship with
Bible Society. One of the Center’s friends has also confirmed that they will be sending some more Library Books from UK

8. MMDG SCHOOL:-the Center is now coordinating Degree lectures for More Than a Mile Deep Global (MMDG).The Institute
which Awards its Degrees through South African Theological Seminary, offers Practical Theological Lessons which are very
relevant to any Ministry and Organization. I got connected to the Visionaries of this School through a Baptist friend, and the
Project had the Directors of the school wanted to start with Baptist Pastors only. As an Office we asked them if we could do it
for EFZ Pastors, since it’s Evangelical based in their Principles and persuasions to which they agreed. We currently have 22
students who have already started on the second Module. Our lecturer is an Academic Staff Member of South African
Theological Seminar, and so far since we started on the 25th of June, the Lecturer has been coming down from South Africa
once after every two months. The school is being run from the Center. The current members of the MMD Taskforce
Committee involve’ Dr.Murefu, Dr.Roy Musasiwa, and a few more. The Degree is purely free, as ALL PASTORS WHO WILL
COME THROUGH US WILL NOT PAY FOR TUITION, you only pay $10 for the Registration Form and $50 for the Module for
now. You will also be asked to pay R400.00,or $60.00 to SATS,of which if you go straight to SATS without passing through us
you will pay R1200.00.The Degree that you obtain from SATS you can use it anywhere in the World, and yet we are sacrificing
to give it to you our Pastors for free.

9. On the 14th of July 2010 as a Center we coordinated the Launch of the Ndebele Children’s Bible by Bible Society. This was
followed by Auditions for the Ndebele Proclaimer. The Auditions ended on the 15th of July at about 1430hrs.The ones which
were successful on the Auditions, bulk of whom were Pastors, went for recordings on the 2nd of August to the 16th of August at
Rainbow Hotel.

10. PASTORS’ MEDICAL CONSULTATION:-on the 6th of July Pat and Marcus Thomas, friends and Partners of CLRC paid the
Administrator a visit to discuss on the progress of the Project. As an Administrator l extended the invitation to the Provincial
leadership who also attended the meeting. The Center has since received Medicine from a friend in Newsland who was
connected to the Administrator by Marcus and Pat. Marcus has since sent Medical equipment which came together with
Matthew Rusike’s medical supplies in Harare. The equipment is still in Harare at one of Marcus’ relatives and shall be brought
to Bulawayo by the same guys.

11. STORM HARVEST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE:-CLRC Administrator was among the people who coordinated Robert
Holmes, founder of Storm Harvest International Pastors’ Conference which took place on the 20th of September to the 23rd of
September. This was not an easy conference for me to coordinate however as l happened to be one of the key people who
were mobilizing Pastors and their Congregants to attend an OTC All-Christian gathering at white City. The Storm Harvest
Conference went very well however, though l personally could not attend both days due to OTC Program.

12. OTC PROGRAM:- As an Administrator of CLRC together with the Zonal Chairpersons Coordinated and mobilized Pastors
and their Congregants to attend an OTC All- Churches gathering at White City Stadium on the 26th of September, an event
which also took place in most Provinces in Zimbabwe on that very same day. Personally it was an honor to be given such an
opportunity to coordinate a meeting of that magnitude. As an Administrator l did the best l could, given the fact that we were
given exactly 14 days to prepare for that meeting. Thanks to Pastor J.Mudenda who kept encouraging me and the rest of the
steering committee members he was chairing to soldier on. I had to TEXT most Pastors, and Bishops, e-mailing them,
coordinating the Buses, sorting out the pick up points with the owner of the Bus, allocating a Pastor to each bus for easier and
faster transportation of people, approached the Mars Ambulance Service Providers, the Center provided the equipment and
Medicine which was used on the day plus our Volunteer Nurse led the Mars Ambulance Team on that day. The meeting was
indeed a great success. More than 300 Pastors excluding members from their Churches attended the meeting. It was so good
to see the Church coming together in one Spirit and for one purpose like what we witnessed. We are happy to have been
given the trust by Chairperson to be the focal Center to coordinate it. Yes, every member of the committee surely played a vital
role to the success of this Gathering. May God bless all members of the OTC Steering Committee, some of whom sacrificed
their time and personal resources for the cause of the success of the Gathering, may God bless you and your families dear
Pastors and Bishops.


1. On the 1st of November 2010 CLRC will be bringing in NICK CUTHBERT AND JILL KINGSTON FOR A PASTORS’
CONFERENCE. Nick will be our main Speaker, whilst Jill will Anker him. Jill has been a Partner of CLRC for more than five
years now. She has supported Pastors in Bulawayo with monthly allowances during the time when our Economy was really
bad. She is currently working on capacitating Pastors with the ability and resources to start and run their own Income
Generating Projects.

2. Talking Business to Pastors:-we intend to have a workshop with Pastors before the year ends on a topic we are calling
‘talking business to Pastors”. We will circulate the date for the Seminar.

3. MMDG AGM-MMDG will be having their AGM most probably on the 14th of November at a venue to be announced. The
Administrator being the Coordinator of the Program will attend the AGM and they are also inviting Denominational Heads to
attend this one day AGM.MMD will offer food only without transport and accommodation.

1. We hope to branch out to other Cities in the near future, so we need a huge opening of finances.
2. God’s wisdom and Direction in all that l will do as an Administrator; the favor of God must follow me.
3. More Funding Partners are needed, we currently have quite a number of Ministerial Partners, which is really good, but we also need
Programs Funders.
4. We want to be God fearing people as CLRC Staff in all our conduct.
5. Success of the November 1st to November 3rd Pastors’ Conference at CLRC. We are still looking for a much bigger venue to be on
stand-by as an Interim measure.
6.We are trusting God for CLRC Vehicle as it has become increasingly difficult to move from one place to another coordinating and
running our Programs.
I thank you!!!

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