Testing of Relay-Contact Circuits of Railway Signalling and Interlocking

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Testing of relay-contact circuits of railway signalling and interlocking

Conference Paper · September 2017

DOI: 10.1109/EWDTS.2017.8110095


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Dmitry Efanov
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)


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Testing of Relay-Contact Circuits of Railway Signalling and Interlocking
Dmitry Efanov, Andrey Lykov, German Osadchy,
PhD, IEEE member, PhD, Associate Professor at Technical Director at
Associate Professor at “Automation and Remote Control RSC “Monitoring of Bridges”
“Automation and Remote Control on Railways” Department, osgerman@mail.ru
on Railways” Department, Emperor Alexander I
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport
St. Petersburg State Transport University
University bastdrew@mail.ru

Abstract 2016 there were 481 stations in Russia only (12,911

railway switches) with 110 line blocks (2,244 km)
Management systems based on elementary relay equipped via microprocessor vigilance systems [7].
background are ubiquitous within railways of end- Cybernation of railway transportation is being spread
less Post Soviet Union expanse. The aforesaid sys- very slowly, for the reason of vast geographical sur-
tems considered as rather robust ones with provision roundings (85,400 km of Russian railway meshwork
of high level safety, which may solve the task reckon- is the third one in the world) plus economical factors
ing contemporary rail stock transportation supervi- reckoning system upgrading and management.
sion. Hence, with actual speed enhance routine, be- Relay control systems are completing the whole
ing conducted on railway tracks, structural defects process algorithms by means of supervised and un-
became the matter of fact and the required measures controlled relays (Russian Grade first reliability cat-
to avoid those disadvantages were impossible to be egory). Nowadays, centralized power supply with the
envisaged while control system design stage. Our entire vigilance is the matter of fact [1]. Concerning
article is dedicated to the needed universal modeling the above systems, total instruments of management
environment per relay-contact circuits, which helps together with power supply are located within one
us to analyze the work routine of those circuits while centralized spot of railway switches and signals. This
altering any of designated embedded features includ- way, systems of signalling and interlocking are being
ing whichever velocities of rolling stock movement. interacted themselves with decentralized sites (track
Described results of executed modeling environment networks, railway switches, light signals, crossing
within task of actual relay-contact circuits of railway automation etc.) from the one major point only.
signalling and interlocking belong to speedy railway Relay control sets are being applied on rail tracks
track St. Petersburg – Moscow. Being introduced of Russian Federation as per cargo rolling stock as
recommendation regarding designed by authors’ well as per passenger-trains, shuttles, including high-
consistent improved environment relay-contact cir- speed train communication. Automated relay sys-
cuits of rolling stock management data transfer. tems were being developed back in the thirties of our
last century, but the history of high speed communi-
1. Introduction cation began at the end of the first decade of XXI
century. Based on good practice, some of being ap-
Particularity of railway signalling and interlock- plied technical solutions concerning traditional
ing on terrain of Post Soviet Union, especially in communication became useless regarding needed
Russian Federation, is being known regarding the process algorithms per speedy communication relia-
application of control systems based on relay back- ble and safe vigilance.
ground. [1]. In spite of clear perception tendency of Labor-consuming testing procedure is essential
microprocessors technology implementation per total for the service period of railway relay control sys-
industrial branches including public transportation tems with signalling and interlocking, including up-
[2 – 5], within Russian Federation, in the beginning grading decisions, which is related to probing scope
of XXI century we still have more than 90% of based of works relatively under control critical spots to-
on relay element systems technology [6]. According gether with accumulated diagnostic data analysis
to statistic, issued by software programmers, back in [8, 9]. Let us describe those testing specialties be-

978-1-5386-3299-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

242 IEEE EWDTS, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 29 - October 2, 2017

longing to relay control systems signalling and inter- As a result of embedded log-book of events plus
locking via modeling environment shown in our arti- temporary diagram fulfillment together with option
cle. of relay-contact circuits modeling we may not only
synthesize management approach but as well we can
2. Universal modeling environment study those temporary logical processes within cir-
cuits plus sensors and elements supervision per vari-
Appeared necessity regarding testing circuits of ous working modes including refusals. Detection of
relay control background kits was the reason for en- system new diagnostic elements of monitoring con-
visaged simple for end-user modeling environment nection is the matter of fact as well. Consequently,
by our aforementioned authors. Popular trouble-free this option allows us to spot the pre-failed conditions
“Microsoft Visio” software, where the whole princi- of our circuits together with automated search of
pal circuits are being completed by means of stand- malfunctions including adjustment performance of
ard elements (relay, contacts, lamps etc.), which en- railway signalling and interlocking.
ables us to clarify total available features of actual We proceed to consider few attachment regarding
railway circuits of automation in accordance with implementation of adapted modeling environment of
valid norms, was the option. Required solution was relay-contact circuits for the purpose of circuits’ so-
the modeling device with graphics editor being lutions per railway automation with telemetry make-
equipped with errors browser within circuits plus over ideas.
simplified module of relay control systems behavior
during various status quo, (circuits malfunction 3. Testing performance of automation
availability, diversity of rolling stock velocities.) circuits by means of universal
[10]. environment modeling implementation
Modeling environment is being composed of the
following: A. Testing of line block
1) Graphical Editor; automation circuits
2) Circuits’ Error-Finding-Module;
3) Compilation Module; For speedy and safe transportation arrangement
4) Simulation Module; within St. Petersburg – Moscow line, JSC “Russian
5) Output Module. Railways” did accomplish the whole reconstruction
Graphical Editor was designed as an instrument of total railway network counting available elements
of relay-contact circuit model presentation via con- of automation with telemetry. Existing line blocks
ventional markings of valid norms (in our situation, were equipped by means of automated block system
it is railway signalling and interlocking). For model with centralized equipment placement “ABTC-2000”
arrangement consummation any automated design insulated joints i.e. the most advanced decision of
layouts can be implemented. Customized convertors railway rolling stock separation of Russian Federa-
are being applied for circuits transformation into tion [1].
convenient option. Arrangement of the needed cir- For the basic structural layout of automated block
cuit via special wiring cards form is the option. system within aforesaid track St. Petersburg – Mos-
Circuits Error-Finding-Module allows us to trace cow, See Fig. 1. The whole accessory is placed on
faults per each step of model creation plus detection designated centralized spots either into transportable
possibility reckoning logical mistakes as well as ran- units of nearby stations. Only light signals were in-
dom misprints and clerical lapse. stalled on the line block (for the reason of additional
Compilation module conducts circuits’ graphical by-passing zone deviation availability regarding ca-
images modification into data matrix for imitational ble connection point on the distance of 40m towards
modeling. opposite train direction, is the matter of fact) togeth-
The idea of Simulation Module was launching er with connections and protection gadgets per rail-
performance of ready-to-go model, which is being way network (road transformer for resistance limita-
in-charge of real and intramodal time correlation via tion and, discharge switch). Taking into considera-
time adjustment during coding fulfillment. tion small length of audio frequency jointless track
Output Module was designated for resulted info circuit within single block-section, several railway
presentation into convenient form for end-user. networks were arranged (as usual 3…4). For the
Within customized modeling environment there are purpose of train collision avoidance in the event of
several abstraction levels, which help to understand automated slowdown, additional overlaps should be
circuits behavior and electrical currents direction applied with sufficient distances for braking perfor-
indication plus the opportunity of temporary dia- mance with length being equal to block-sections.
grams of elements action nuanced analysis. Simulta- As is known, station devices are connected to
neous visualization of train management imitators is floor-level cabling and while contacts closure event,
the actual choice as well. there is a hazard of signal current action from road
generator around railway line straight to track re-

IEEE EWDTS, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 29 - October 2, 2017 243

ceiver, which is the outcome why power supply con- supervision of step-by-step railway circuit approved
nection and relay wires were placed inside different release factor. In emergency state, block-section sta-
cables. Even per this case, during wires closure there tus is being ensured via closed condition. In the
is a possibility of current action from road generator above status quo activation of yellow and green per-
around railway network straight to another track re- mission signals within present block-section is abso-
ceiver. Provision has been made concerning cable lutely impossible.
wires functionality supervision in the occasion of Automated interlock devices link between sta-
contacts closure, insulation resistance between wires tions and haul is being carried out via linear circuits,
drop incident as well as in the event of wire ground- which transport info regarding automation block
ing, power supply must be halted. system relay condition being installed on adjacent
Automatic train control codes to be transmitted to station.
in-service audio frequency jointless track circuit only Automatic block system being considered has
via power supply relay cables. Cipher message proved itself to be stable and reliable enough as well
choice is being conducted by means of customized as the one that meets the entire required train safety
circuit depending on ahead placed light signal lamp charter at rolling stock speeds of up to 200km/h.
and the status of given block-section (un- Theoretical analyses have given the opportunity to
blocked/blocked). suggest that the velocity increase of up to 250km/h
Passing-by light signals’ info determined depends should not influence on the circuits operation, there-
on ahead vacant block-section, conditions of tracks, fore, this automatic block system was chosen as an
step-by step release of railway circuits after previous essential feature of train traffic collision avoidance.
passed train. Light signals’ lamps power supply is However, the experience of the St. Petersburg –
being performed via nearby station. Hazardous ef- Moscow High-Speed Line performance stated the
fects of wire closure prevention (from lamps to light availability of failures in the action of block section
signal) are fulfilled by means of cable vigilance cir- sequential occupancy circuits that affect the coding
cuit. of a rail track circuit. These blackouts led to the fac-
In order to improve system consistency during tor that a high-speed train turned out to be on an un-
short period of shunting drop either in the situation coded section. The effect of such a malfunction is
of false circuit occupation via rolling stock into giv- speed reduction, disruption of train schedule and
en circuit of management, the quality of contact must financial losses as an aftermath.
be fulfilled. Unlocked action should be under strict

Figure 1. Structural chart of the automated block system with centralized equipment placement

244 IEEE EWDTS, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 29 - October 2, 2017

Figure 2. Decoding of the on-board units readings at the instant of glitch within the automatic interlocking system circuits

Analysis of locomotive devices operation has displays sending of cab signalling codes to the rele-
made it clear that the coding failures occurred while vant rail track circuit; turning off this indication al-
a high-speed train entering on the relevant block lows us to record the event of the encoding disap-
section and reactivation of coding took place after pearance within the rail track circuit.
passage of a train onto the subsequent block section Replacement of the lock-out relay B contact with
(Fig. 2). The search for the cause of such a reaction the relay Y contact was proposed in the course of our
of the system was complicated by the fact that the research. Simulation of the circuit’s operation after
regularities in the symptoms of failures were not such a procedure made it clear that this substitution
visible given the event that the abovementioned oc- did not affect the train safety vigilance (Fig. 3).
curred on several rail track circuits of different block
sections, at varying times and under changeable cli- B. Testing of crossing automation circuits
matic conditions.
To solve the problem of originating faults reasons Template solutions No. 410407 "Crossing signal-
analyzing, we fulfilled the following operations: ing circuits for the spots located on the railway line
– electrical circuits of the automatic block signal- block with any signaling and communication facili-
ing with central placement of equipment were im- ties Automatic Crossing Alarm System-04" are ap-
plemented and the model was assembled in the simu- plied on the Russian railways at the present day for
lation environment (Fig. 3); alarming circuits design. These technical solutions
– train movement simulation with the speed assume the application of sequential occupancy and
changeability was accomplished; release of rail track circuit algorithms, as well as
– experiments were conducted with the model clarify the time interval for blocking the departure
obtained. sections, enabling to open the gate behind the rear
To imitate train movement along the section, the end of a train in case of crossing release. For enter
network of rail track circuits sequential occupancy permission of the crossing, back the tail end of a
and release was generated. The above experiment train, a double circuit line block circuit is the option.
has also made it possible to change the train velocity Mentioned circuit has been constructed with embed-
and length. ded time delay gadgets, including locking relays, for
Prominence of rolling stock movement and oper- which the required retardation for drop of relay ar-
ation of circuits automation system has been mature is provided via capacitors. The choice of a
achieved via developing a special control panel and double circuit disenabling kit has made it possible to
monitoring the train situation. In order to take into refuse from the reset circuit, because the crossing
account the effect of time difference of the rail track circuit came to its original status within a certain
circuit actual occupancy and action of track receiver, time and enabled to shutdown the crossing regardless
which can be one second or more, two rows of cells of train direction. Practical results of these circuit
are highlighted on the board, i.e. the upper row solutions have shown that the timing parameters of
shows the reaction of track relays, and the lower one blocking the second cascade designed for the train
indicates the actual movement of railway vehicles speed of up to 50 km/h led to re-closing of the cross-
along the block section. Specially outside-mounted ing at reduced speeds, which is the reason for its
indicator of block relays (25B) enables to identify long-term off state.
the fact of block-section holding. A set of indicators

IEEE EWDTS, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 29 - October 2, 2017 245

Figure 3. Fragment of automatic block system technical solutions

Figure 4. Simulating the operation of railway crossing automation circuits

246 IEEE EWDTS, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 29 - October 2, 2017

The following actions were fulfilled in the pro- and interlocking in the former Soviet Union land-
cess of simulating the crossing automation: scape is held by the relay control kits. To test the
1) circuit of the real traffic direction has been abovementioned both during development and op-
plotted (it allows to determine the actual direction of eration process, we proposed a universal simulation
train movement regardless of the set traffic direction environment for relay-contact circuits. This medium
on a railway line block); has a simple interface and is easy-to-use, i.e. it is
2) blocking circuit of the second departure sec- necessary to draw the circuits being tested and set
tion (based on the application of time delay via ca- the parameters of the elements within the abovemen-
pacitors) has been excluded; tioned.
3) blocking and resetting circuit (based on the The use of developed modeling environment
algorithm of sequential occupancy and release of rail gave the opportunity for us to upgrade the perfor-
track circuits by a train, for which purpose a spare mance of automation circuits on the St. Petersburg –
control area was organized) has been constructed; Moscow High-Speed track, as well as to indicate
4) blocking time has been increased up to 180 some design defects being manifested only under
seconds (60 seconds for braking and stopping a train, non-standard operating conditions.
60 seconds for loading and unloading of passengers, Imitation environment can be employed not only
60 seconds for starting up to speed and passing of a to examine the status quo of the relay contact cir-
rail track circuit by a train) upon the availability of a cuits, but also to handle the problems of trouble-
wayside stop in the area of the overlap rail track cir- shooting automation. At the same time, it is expedi-
cuit. ent to link it to the existing gadgets of the permanent
The process window of testing environment with monitoring systems of railway signalling and inter-
a circuit simulating the operation of railway signal- locking devices.
ling and interlocking wayside facilities is depicted in
Fig. 4. Real parameters taken from technical solu- 5. References
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248 IEEE EWDTS, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 29 - October 2, 2017

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