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TEST I A. Classify the following keywords according to its category. Choose from the box below.

Write the letter

of the correct answer before each number.

___ 1. Ili-ili Tulog Anay

___ 2. Bungkaka a. Vocal music
___ 3. Sindaay, Tarasul (Tausug) b. Instrumental music
___ 4. Ambahan c. Vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment
___ 5. Gangsa Toppaya

B. Identify the different elements of music. Choose from the box below. Write the letter of the correct answer
before each number.
a. pitch b. timbre c. tempo d. dynamics e. harmony
___ 6. Element of music that refers to the highness and lowness of tone.
___ 7. Element of music that refers to the loudness and softness of sound
___ 8. Element of music that refers to the quality of musical sound or voice.
___ 9. Element of music that refers to the speed at which music is played.
___ 10. Element of music that refers to the sound production of notes that blend into a chord.

C. Identify the following on what kind does the musical instruments belong. Choose from the box below. Write
the letter of the correct answer before each number.
a. Metal instruments b. Bamboo instruments
___ 11. Gongs – it is played by striking with the palm or with wooden mallet
___ 12. Bungkaka or Bilbil – played by striking against the palm of one hand
___ 13. Tongali – nose flute
___ 14. Kudyapi – a lute with long neck and has two strings
___ 15. Basal – a gong ensemble

TEST II A. TRUE or FALSE. Identify whether the following statements are true or false.
A. true B. false
___ 16. Masskara comes from two words, “mass” and “cara”.
___ 17. Ati-Atihan is regarded as one of the most popular, most colorful and fun-filled festivals in the Philippines.
___ 18. The Moriones Festival is celebrated in Antique.
___ 19. Baskets, mats, and trays are made by weaving.
___ 20. The word “pintado” refers to the body tattoos of the native warriors.
___ 21. Panay Island is composed of Iloilo, Aklan, Capiz, and the island of Guimaras, only.
___ 22. Molo Church and Miag-ao Chruch are found in the province of Aklan.
___ 23. Aside from cotton, abaca can also be the raw materials for patadyong weaving.

B. Identify the following. Choose from the box below. Write the letter of the correct answer.
a. Arts and crafts b. Festivals c. Architectures
___ 24. Miag-ao Church in Iloilo
___ 25. Ati-atihan in Aklan ___ 28. The Ruins in Bacolod
___ 26. Kapiz shell particularly in AKlan and Iloilo ___ 29. Ambahan in Midoro
___ 27. Masskara Festival in Bacolod ___ 30. Molo Church in Iloilo

TEST III Badminton enumeration. Give or name what are being asked in the following:
31-32. Two kinds of grips or ways of holding a racket. _______________________ _______________________
33-34. Out of four kinds of serve, give at least two. _______________________ _______________________
35-37. Name three main equipment in playing Badminton ______________ ______________ ______________
38-40. Out of 7 kinds of shots in Badminton, name at least three. _____________ _____________ ______________

Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
___ 41. Why do adolescents require more energy and nutrients?
a. They need to achieve full growth potential. d. Their bodies are undergoing several physical
b. They engage in more active physical activities. changes.
c. Their bodies are preparing for pubertal changes.
___ 42. You were asked by your mother to go to the market and buy some food for your lunch since she is sick
and cannot cook. What will you buy?
a. Longganisa, fried rice, egg, and coffee
b. Fried chicken, rice, lychee, and juice
c. Sinigang, rice, pinakbet, and ripe banana
d. Barbecue, rice, watermelon, and soda
___ 43. It slows down growth and development of adolescents.
a. Malnutrition
b. Skateboarding
c. Greed
d. Computer games
___ 44. What mineral from your body is lost by excessive perspiration during strenuous activities?
a. Calcium
b. Potassium
c. Water
d. Zinc
___ 45. To stay at a healthy weight, one should choose a healthful diet with __________.
a. high calories from sweets
b. fibers from fruits and vegetables
c. fats and oils from processed foods
d. caffeine from chocolate and coffee
___ 46. Which is not healthy to do?
a. Eat fruits and vegetables daily
b. Limit the intake of sugar and salt
c. Increase consumption of fatty foods
d. Eat breakfast high in fiber like oatmeal
___ 47. Too much __________ in the diet may increase the risk of having high blood pressure.
a. salt
b. sugar
c. milk
d. vinegar
___ 48. Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol to lower the risk of __________.
a. lung diseases
b. heart diseases
c. brain diseases
d. bone diseases
___ 49. What helps move waste through the digestive system, prevents constipation and other intestinal
a. fiber
b. calcium
d. iron
d. protein
___ 50. Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia and Binge are examples of __________.
a. eating disorder
b. physical disorder
c. psychological disorder
d. weight gain disorder

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