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Worcester vs Ocampo Philippine Islands and the ordinances of the city of Manila; with taking part in
illegal combinations for the purpose of robbing the people; with the object of
Syllabus: LIABILITY OF JOINT TORT FEASORS. — Joint tort feasors are gain for himself and for others; and lastly with being 'a bird of prey ;' and that
jointly and severally liable for the tort which they commit. The person injured said defamation should be understood, as in effect it was understood, by the
may sue all of them, or any number less than all. Each is liable for the whole public officials of the Government and the people of the Philippine Islands in
damage caused by all, and all together are liable for the whole damage. It is general, as charging the said plaintiff with the conduct, actions and things
not defense, for one sued alone, that the others, who participated in the above specified; all of which allegations relating to the character and conduct
wrongful act, are not joint with him as defendants; nor is it any excuse for him of the said plaintiff, as above stated, were and are false and without any
that his participation in the tort was insignificant as compared with that of the foundation whatsoever.
Plaintiff filed a case for damages and indemnity for the additional work to which
Joint tort feasors are not liable pro rata. The damages can not be apportioned he has been put, by the said defendants, in the compliance of his duties, both
among them, except by themselves. They can not insist upon apportionment, in the past and the future, as well as for the injuries to his reputation and
for the purpose of each paying an aliquot part. They are jointly and severally feelings, in the sum of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) Philippine currency, and
liable for the whole amount besides this said amount he is entitled to collect from the defendants the
DISCHARGE OF LIABILITY. — A payment in full, by one of the joint tort additional sum of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) Philippine currency, in the
feasors, of all the damage done, satisfies any claim which may exist against way of punitive damages, as a warning to the defendants.
the others. There can be but one satisfaction. The release of one of the joint The court further finds that every essential or material allegation of the
tort feasors, by agreement, generally operates to discharge all. complaint is true substantially as therein stated, with the exception noted as to
JOINT TORT FEASORS DEFINED. — As a general rule, the term "joint tort Fidel A. Reyes, Faustino Aguilar, and Leoncio G. Liquete, and as may be
feasors" includes all persons who command, instigate, promote, encourage, hereinafter indicated. The case is therefore dismissed as to these three
advise, countenance, cooperate in, aid or abet the commission of a tort, or who defendants.
approve of it, after it is done, if done for their benefit. They are each liable as The court finds that plaintiff has sustained damages on account of wounded
principals, to the same extent and in the same manner as if they had performed feelings and mental suffering and injuries to his standing and reputation in the
the wrongful act themselves. sum of thirty-five thousand (P35,000) pesos, and that he is entitled to recover
Facts: Defendants were the owners, directors, writers, and administrators of a this sum of the nine defendants named, as being responsible for having
certain daily newspaper known as 'El Renacimiento' and 'Muling Pagsilang,' written, printed, and published said libel; and that the plaintiff is entitled to
which newspaper during all the time mentioned in this complaint was published recover of them the further sum of twenty-five thousand (P25,000) pesos, as
and circulated daily in the Spanish and Tagalog languages in the city of Manila, punitive damages, which the court thinks will be a just punishment to these
having a large circulation throughout the Philippine Islands. On the 30th of nine libelers and an example to others.
October, 1908, with the malicious intention of injuring the plaintiff, Dean C. Issues: Whether or not the court erred in sentencing the defendants jointly 'and
Worcester, a member of the Civil Commission of the Philippines and Secretary severally' to pay to the plaintiff, Dean C. Worcester, the sum of P60,000.
of the Interior in the Government of the Philippines, they attacked the honesty
and reviled the fame of the plaintiff, not only as a private person but also as an Held: No. The appellants discussed the eighth and ninth assignments of error
oficial of the Government of the Philippine Islands, and with the object of together, and claim that the lower court committed an error in rendering a
exposing him to the odium, contempt, and ridicule of the public, printed, wrote, judgment jointly and severally against the defendants and in allowing an
and published in said newspaper, a malicious defamation and false libel. execution against the individual property of said owners, and cite provisions of
the Civil and Commercial Codes in support of their contention. The di􀁅culty in
Said defendants charged said plaintiff with the prostitution of his office as the contention of the appellants is that they fail to recognize that the basis of
member of the Civil Commission of the Philippines and as Secretary of the the present action is a tort. They fail to recognize the universal doctrine that
Interior of said Islands, for personal ends; with wasting public funds for the each joint tort feasor is not only individually liable for the tort in which he
purpose of promoting his personal welfare; with the violation of the laws of the participates, but is also jointly liable with his tort feasors. The defendants might
have been sued separately for the commission of the tort. They might have Underwood was riding in the car when the incident happened. Apparently, the
been sued jointly and severally, as they were. If several persons jointly commit chauffeur, coming from the opposite direction and was driving straight ahead
a tort, the plaintiff or person injured, has his election to sue all or some of the and when the automobile about to be boarded by Chapman was in front of
parties jointly, or one of them separately, because the tort is in its nature a him, he [the chauffeur] instead of swerving left he suddenly swerved right to
separate act of each individual. It is not necessary that the cooperation should the direction of Chapman thereby hitting and running over him.
be a direct, corporeal act, for, to give an example, in a case of assault and
battery committed by various persons, under the common law all are Issues: Whether or not the owner is also liable.
principals. So also is the person who counsels, aids or assists in any way the Held: No. The general rule is that an owner who sits in his automobile, or other
commission of a wrong. Under the common law, he who aided or assisted or vehicle, and permits his driver to continue in a violation of the law by the
counseled, in any way, the commission of a crime, was as much a principal as performance of negligent acts, after he has had a reasonable opportunity to
he who inflicted or committed the actual tort. observe them and to direct that the driver cease therefrom, becomes himself
It may be stated as a general rule, that joint tort feasors are all the persons responsible for such acts.
who command, instigate, promote, encourage, advise, countenance, If the driver, by a sudden act of negligence, and without the owner having a
cooperate in, aid or abet the commission of a tort, or who approve of it after it reasonable opportunity to prevent the act or its continuance, injures a person
is done, if done for their bene􀁅t. They are each liable as principals, to the same or violates the criminal law, the owner of the automobile, although present
extent and in the same manner as if they had performed the wrongful act therein at the time the act was committed, is not responsible, either civilly or
themselves. criminally, therefor. The act complained of must be continued in the presence
of the owner for such a length of time that the owner, by his acquiescence,
makes his driver's act his own.
2. Chapman vs Underwood
From the time the automobile took the wrong side of the road to the
SYLLABUS: 1. MASTER AND SERVANT; NEGLIGENCE OF AUTOMOBILE commission of the injury, there was insufficient time for the defendant an
DRIVER. — The owner of an automobile, present in the vehicle, is not liable opportunity to correct the act of his driver. The interval between the turning out
for the negligent acts of a competent driver unless such acts are continued for to meet and pass the street car and the happening of the accident was so small
such a length of time as to give the owner a reasonable opportunity to observe as not to be sufficient to charge defendant with the negligence of the driver.
them and to direct the driver to desist therefrom, and to fail to do so.

2. ID.; ID. — If a competent driver of an automobile in which the owner thereof 3. CAEDO VS YU KHE THAI
is at the time present, by a sudden act of negligence, without the owner having
a reasonable opportunity to prevent the act or its continuance, violates the law, Facts:
the owner of the automobile is not responsible, either civilly or criminally, Plaintiff Caedo was driving his Mercury car at about 5:30 in the morning of
therefor. The act complained of must be continued in the presence of the March 24, 1958 along E. de los Santos Ave., in the vicinity of San
owner for such a length of time that he, by acquiescence, makes his driver's LorenzoVillage bound for the airport. Several members of his family were in
act his own. the car. Coming from the opposite direction was
the Cadillac car of defendant Yu Khe Thai driven by his driver Rafael
3. ID.; ID. — Quaere. Whether the owner of an automobile would be Bernardo. The two cars were traveling at a moderate speed with their
responsible for the acts of a competent driver, whether present or not, where headlights on. Ahead of the Cadillac was a caretela. Defendant’s driver did not
the automobile causing the injury is a part of a business enterprise and is being notice it until he was about eight (8) meters away. Instead of slowing down
driven in furtherance of the owner's business at the time the injury complained behind the caretela defendant’s driver veered to the left with the intention of
of is caused. passing by the caretela but in doing so its rear bumper caught the ream of
Facts: J.H. Chapman visited a friend in Santa Ana and while he was about to thecaretela’s left wheel wrenching it off. Defendant’s car skidded obliquely to
ride a vehicle to take him home he was struck by a car owned by James the other end and collided with the on-coming vehicle of the plaintiff. The
Underwood and driven by his chauffeur. Chapman was on the correct lane. plaintiff on his part, slackened his speed and tried to avoid the collision by
veering to the right but the collision occurred just the same injuring the plaintiff person must possess a certain measure of skill or proficiency either in the
and members of his family. Plaintiff brought an action for damages against mechanics of driving or in the observance of traffic rules before he may own
both the driver and owner of the Cadillac car. There was no question that a motor vehicle. The test of his negligence, within the meaning of Article
defendant’s driver was negligent and liable. There is no doubt that the 2184, is his omission to do that which the evidence of his own senses
collission was directly traceable on Raphael Bernardo’s negligence. tells him he should do in order to avoid the accident. And as far as
perception is concerned, absent a minimum level imposed by law, a
maneuver that appears to be fraught with danger to one passenger may
appear to be entirely safe and commonplace to another. Were the law to
Issue: Whether or not Yu Khe Thai as the owner of Cadillac, is solidarily
require a uniform standard of perceptiveness, employment of professional
liable with the driver under the provision of Art 2184 of the Civil Code.
drivers by car owners who, by their very inadequacies, have real need of
Held: drivers' services, would be effectively prescribed.
No. "ART. 2184. In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is solidarily liable with
his driver, if the former, who was in the vehicle, could have, by the use of
due diligence, prevented the misfortune. It is disputably presumed that driver
was negligent, if he has been found guilty of reckless driving or" violating 4. RODRIGUEZ LUNA VS IAC
traffic regulations at least twice within the next preceding two months.”
If the causative factor was the driver's negligence, the owner of the vehicle
who was present is likewise held liable if he could have prevented the Facts:
mishap by the exercise of due diligence. The basis of the master's liability in The petitioners are the heirs of Roberto Luna who was killed in a vehicular
civil law is not respondent superior but rather the relationship of pater collision. Those involved were the go-kart driven by the deceased and a
familias. The theory is that ultimately the negligence of the servant, if known toyota car driven by Luis Dela Rosa, a minor of 13 years who had no driver’s
to the master and susceptible of timely correction by him, reflects his own license. The private respondents failed to pay the amounts and when
negligence if he fails to correct it in order to prevent injury or damage. required to explain they said that they had no cash money. Accordingly, this
In the present case the defendants' evidence is that Rafael Bernardo had Court directed the trial court to issue a writ of execution but the attempt of
been Yu Khe Thai's driver since 1937, and before that had been employed the special sheriff to enter the private respondent's premises so that he could
by Yutivo Sons Hardware Co. in the same capacity for over ten years. During make an inventory of personal properties was thwarted by guards and this
that time he had no record of violation of traffic laws and regulations. No Court had to direct the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary to assist in
negligence for having employed him at all may be imputed to his master. enforcing the writ of execution. The execution yielded only a nominal
The car, as has been stated, was not running at an unreasonable speed. amount. In the meantime, Luis dela Rosa is now of age, married with two
The road was wide and open, and devoid of traffic that early morning. There children, and living in Madrid, Spain with an uncle but only casually
was no reason for the car owner to be in any special state of alert. He had employed. It is said: "His compensation is hardly enough to support his
reason to rely on the skill and experience of his driver. He became aware of family. He has no assets of his own as yet."The private respondents
the presence of the carretela when his car was only twelve meters behind it, invoke Elcano vs. Hill, L-24803, May 26, 1977; 77 SCRA 98, where it was
but then his failure to see it earlier did not constitute negligence, for he was held that Article 2180 of the Civil Code applied. to Atty. Marvin Hill
not himself at the wheel. And even when he did see it at the distance, he notwithstanding the emancipation by marriage of Reginald Hill, his son but
could not have anticipated his driver's sudden decision to pass since Reginald had attained age, as a matter of equity, the liability of Atty.
the carretela on its left side in spite of the fact that another car was Hill had become merely subsidiary to that of his son.
approaching from the opposite direction. The time element was such that
there was no reasonable opportunity for Yu Khe Thai to assess the risks
involved and warn the driver accordingly. It was a thought that, wise or not, Issue: Whether or not as a matter of equity, Luis Dela Rosa’s father should
connotes no absence of that due diligence required by law to prevent the be subsidiary only.
The test of imputed negligence under Article 2184 of the Civil Code is, Held:
to a great degree, necessarily subjective. The law does not require that a
No. Equity not applied when ends of justice not served. Luis dela Rosa is is imposed with the damages that will be caused by the minor children who live
abroad and beyond the reach of Philippine courts. Moreover, he does not with them
have any property either in the Philippines or elsewhere. In fact his earnings
are insufficient to support his family.

5. Exconde vs Capuno

Dante Capuno, son of Delfin Capuno, was accused of double homicide
through reckless imprudence for the death of Isidoro Caperina and Amado
Ticzon. After trial, Dante Capuno was found guilty of the crime charged and,
on appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision. Dante Capuno was only
15 years old when he committed the crime.

Sabina Exconde filed the present action against Delfin Capuno and his son
Dante Capuno asking for damages in the aggregate amount of P2,959.00 for
the death of her son Isidoro Caperina.

Defendants set up the defense that if any one should be held liable for the
death of Isidoro Caperina, he is Dante Capuno and not his father Delfin
because at the time of the accident, the former was not under the control,
supervision and custody, of the latter. The defense was sustained by the lower
court and they only convicted Dante Capuno to pay the damages claimed in
the complaint.

Whether or not defendant Delfin Capuno can be held civilly liable, jointly and
severally with his son Dante, for damages resulting from the death of Isidora
Caperina caused by the negligent act of minor Dante Capuno.

Yes. Lower court erred in relieving the father from liability because the court
case came under Art 1903 of the Spanish Civil Code paragraph 1 and 5, which

The father, and in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, are liable for any
damages caused by the minor children who live with them. xxx Finally,
teachers or directors of arts and trades are liable for any damages caused by
their pupils or apprentices while they are under their custody.

The law above only applies to an institution of arts and trades and not to any
academic educational institution, which Dante Capuno’s school is. The law
also provides that the father (or the mother, in case of his incapacity or death)
6. Salen vs Balce 7. Fuellas vs Cadano
Plaintiffs are the legitimate parents of Carlos Salen who died from wounds Pepito and Rico are both minor. Rico took the pencil of one Ernesto Cabanok
caused by Gumersindo Balce, a legitimate son of defendant who was then and surreptitiously placed it inside the pocket of Pepito. When Ernesto asked
single, 18 yrs old and was living with defendant. As a result of Carlos Salen's Rico to return the pencil, it was Pepito who returned the same, an act which
death, Gumersindo Balce was accused and convicted of homicide and was angered Rico, who held the neck of Pepito and pushed him to the floor.
sentenced to imprisonment and to pay the amount of P2,000.00. Plaintiffs When Pepito had just gone down of the schoolhouse, he was met by Rico,
brought this action against defendant before CFI to recover the sum of still in angry mood. Angelito Aba, a classmate, told the two to shake hands.
P2,000.00, with legal interest. Defendant, in his answer, set up the defense Pepito extended his hand to Rico. Instead of accepting the proffer to shake
that the law upon which plaintiffs predicate their right to recover does not here hands, Rico held Pepito by the neck and with his leg, placed Pepito out of
apply for the reason that law refers to quasi-delicts and not to criminal cases. balance and pushed him to the ground. Pepito fell on his right side with his
CFI sustained the theory of defendant. right arm under his body, whereupon, Rico rode on his left side. While Rico
was in such position, Pepito suddenly cried out "My arm is broken. That
Issue: same evening Pepito was brought to the Lanao General Hospital for
Whether or not appellee can be held subsidiary liable to pay the indemnity in treatment Exh. 4). An X-Ray taken showed that there was a complete
accordance with Art. 2180 of the Civil Code. fracture of the radius and ulna of the right forearm which necessitated plaster
Petitioner-appellant was ordered to pay damages for the deliberate injury
Art 2180 of the Civil Code applies in this case.
caused by his son; that the said court held the petitioner liable pursuant to
It is true that under Article 101 of the Revised Penal Code, a father is made par. 2, of Art. 2180 of the Civil Code, in connection with Art. 2176 of the same
civilly liable for the acts committed by his son only if the latter is an imbecile, Code; that according to the last article, the act of the minor must be one
wherein "fault or negligence" is present; and that there being no fault or
an insane, under 9 years of age, over 9 but under 15 years of age, who act
negligence on the part of petitioner-appellant's minor son, but deliberate
without discernment, unless it appears that there is no fault or negligence on
intent, the above mentioned articles are not applicable, for the existence of
his part. This is because a son who commits the act under any of those
conditions is by law exempt from criminal liability (Article 12, subdivisions 1, 2 deliberate intent in the commission of an act negatives the presence of fault
and 3, Revised Penal Code). The idea is not to leave the act entirely or negligence in its commission. Appellant, therefore, submits that the
appellate court erred in holding him liable for damages for the deliberate
unpunished but to attach certain civil liability to the person who has the
criminal act of his minor son.
deliquent minor under his legal authority or control. But a minor over 15 who
acts with discernment is not exempt from criminal liability, for which reason the
Code is silent as to the subsidiary liability of his parents should he stand
convicted. In that case, resort should be had to the general law which is our Issue:
Civil Code. Whether or not Rico’s father is liable for damages.

The particular law that governs this case is Article 2180, the pertinent portion
of which provides: "The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the Held:
mother, are responsible for damages caused by the minor children who lived Yes. The subsidiary liability of parents for damages caused by their minor
in their company." To hold that this provision does not apply to the instant case children imposed by Art. 2180 of the new Civil Code covers obligations arising
because it only covers obligations which arise from quasi-delicts and not from both quasi-delicts and criminal offenses. The subsidiary liability of parents
obligations which arise from criminal offenses, would result in the absurdity arising from the criminal acts of their minor children who acts with discernment
that while for an act where mere negligence intervenes the father or mother is determined under the provisions of Art. 2180, N. C. C. and under Article 101
may stand subsidiarily liable for the damage caused by his or her son, no of the Revised Penal Code, because to hold that the former only covers
liability would attach if the damage is caused with criminal intent. obligations which arise from quasi-delicts and not obligations which arise from
criminal offenses, would result in the absurdity that while for an act where mere
negligence intervenes, the father or mother may stand subsidiarily liable for
the damage caused by his or her son, no liability would attach if the damages guaranty given by the father at the time the son was granted a license to
is caused with criminal intent. operate motor vehicles made the father responsible for the acts of his son.
Based on these facts, pursuant to the provisions of Art. 1903 of the Civil Code,
the father alone and not the minor or the mother would be liable for the
damages caused by the minor. The liability of Saturnino Cortez, the owner of
8. Gutierrez vs Gutierrez
the truck, and his chauffeur Abelardo Velasco rests on a different basis,
SYLLABUS namely, that of contract.


The head of a house, the owner of an automobile, who maintains it for the
general use of his family, is liable for its negligent operation by one of his Facts:
children, whom he designates or permits to run it, where the car is occupied The petitioners are the heirs of Roberto Luna who was killed in a vehicular
and being used at the time of the injury for the pleasure of other members of collision. Those involved were the go-kart driven by the deceased and a
the owner's family than the child driving it. toyota car driven by Luis Dela Rosa, a minor of 13 years who had no driver’s
license. The private respondents failed to pay the amounts and when
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; CASE AT BAR. — One G, a passenger in a truck, recovers required to explain they said that they had no cash money. Accordingly, this
damages in the amount of P5,000 from the owner of a private automobile not Court directed the trial court to issue a writ of execution but the attempt of
in the car, the machine being operated by a son 18 years of age, with other the special sheriff to enter the private respondent's premises so that he could
members of the family accommodated therein, and from the chauffeur and make an inventory of personal properties was thwarted by guards and this
owner of the truck which collided with the private automobile on a bridge, Court had to direct the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary to assist in
causing physical injuries to G as a result of the automobile accident. enforcing the writ of execution. The execution yielded only a nominal
amount. In the meantime, Luis dela Rosa is now of age, married with two
Facts: On February 2, 1930, a passenger truck and an automobile of private children, and living in Madrid, Spain with an uncle but only casually
ownership collided while attempting to pass each other on a bridge. The truck employed. It is said: "His compensation is hardly enough to support his
was driven by the chauffeur Abelardo Velasco, and was owned by saturnine family. He has no assets of his own as yet."The private respondents
Cortez. The automobile was being operated by Bonifacio Gutierrez, a lad 18 invoke Elcano vs. Hill, L-24803, May 26, 1977; 77 SCRA 98, where it was
years of age, and was owned by Bonifacio’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. held that Article 2180 of the Civil Code applied. to Atty. Marvin Hill
Manuel Gutierrez. At the time of the collision, the father was not in the car, but notwithstanding the emancipation by marriage of Reginald Hill, his son but
the mother, together with several other members of the Gutierrez family were since Reginald had attained age, as a matter of equity, the liability of Atty.
accommodated therein. Hill had become merely subsidiary to that of his son.

The collision between the bus and the automobile resulted in Narciso Gutierrez
suffering a fractured right leg which required medical attendance for a Issue: Whether or not as a matter of equity, Luis Dela Rosa’s father should
considerable period of time. be subsidiary only.

Issues: Whether or not both the driver of the truck and automobile are liable
for damages and indemnification due to their negligence. Held:

Held: Bonifacio Gutierrez’s obligation arises from culpa aquiliana. On the other No. Equity not applied when ends of justice not served. Luis dela Rosa is
hand, Saturnino Cortez’s and his chauffeur Abelardo Velasco’s obligation rise abroad and beyond the reach of Philippine courts. Moreover, he does not
from culpa contractual. have any property either in the Philippines or elsewhere. In fact his earnings
are insufficient to support his family.
The youth Bonifacio was an incompetent chauffeur. He was driving at an
excessive rate of speed, and that, on approaching the bridge and the truck, he
lost his head and so contributed by his negligence to the accident. The
10. Libi vs IAC or 15 years or over but under 21 years of age, such primary liability shall be
imposed pursuant to Article 2180 of the Civil Code.
Facts: Under said Article 2180, the enforcement of such liability shall be effected
Julie Ann broke up her relationship with Wendell after she supposedly found against the father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother. This was
him to be sadistic and irresponsible. Wendell kept pestering Julie Ann with amplified by the Child and Youth Welfare Code which provides that the same
demands for reconciliation but the latter persisted in her refusal, prompting the shall devolve upon the father and, in case of his death or incapacity, upon the
former to resort to threats against her. In order to avoid him, Julie Ann stayed mother or, in case of her death or incapacity, upon the guardian, but the liability
in the house of her best friend, Malou Alfonso. Julie Ann and Wendell died, may also be voluntarily assumed by a relative or family friend of the youthful
each from a single gunshot wound inflicted with the same firearm, a Smith and offender. However, under the Family Code, this civil liability is now, without
Wesson revolver licensed in the name of petitioner Cresencio Libi, which was such alternative qualification, the responsibility of the parents and those who
recovered from the scene of the crime inside the residence of private exercise parental authority over the minor offender. For civil liability arising
respondents. Due to the absence of an eyewitness account of the from quasi-delicts committed by minors, the same rules shall apply in
circumstances surrounding the death of both minors, their parents, who are accordance with Articles 2180 and 2182 of the Civil Code, as so modified.
the contending parties herein, posited their respective theories drawn from
their interpretation of circumstantial evidence, available reports, documents In the case at bar, whether the death of the hapless Julie Ann Gotiong was
and evidence of physical facts. caused by a felony or a quasi-delict committed by Wendell Libi,
respondent court did not err in holding petitioners liable for damages arising
Petitioners' defense that they had exercised the due diligence of a good father therefrom.
of a family, hence they should not be civilly liable for the crime committed by
their minor son. Petitioner Amelita Yap Libi, mother of Wendell, testified that
her husband, Cresencio Libi, owns a gun which he kept in a safety deposit box 11. Tarmago vs CA
inside a drawer in their bedroom. Each of these petitioners holds a key to the
safety deposit box and Amelita's key is always in her bag, all of which facts Facts:
were known to Wendell. They have never seen their son Wendell taking or Jennifer Tamargo, an adopted child of Celso and Aurelia Tamargo, had killed
using the gun. She admitted, however, that on that fateful night the gun was by Adelberto Bundoc (10 years old) with an air rifle. Prior to incident, the
no longer in the safety deposit box. We, accordingly, cannot but entertain spouses Sabas and Felisa Rapisura had filed a petition to adopt the minor
serious doubts that petitioner spouses had really been exercising the diligence Adelberto Bundoc. This petition for adoption was granted on 18 November
of a good father of a family by safely locking the fatal gun away. Wendell could 1982, that is, after Adelberto had shot and killed Jennifer.| Spouses Celso and
not have gotten hold thereof unless one of the keys to the safety deposit box Aurelia Tamargo, Jennifer's natural parents, filed a case for damages against
was negligently left lying around or he had free access to the bag of his mother respondent spouses Victor and Clara Bundoc, Adelberto's natural parents with
where the other key was. whom he was living at the time of the tragic incident. In addition to this case
for damages, a criminal information for Homicide through Reckless
Issue: Whether or not the petitioner is liable under Art. 2180. Imprudence was filed [Criminal Case No. 1722-V] against Adelberto Bundoc.
Adelberto, however, was acquitted and exempted from criminal liability on the
ground that he had acted without discernment.|| In their Answer, respondent
spouses Bundoc, Adelberto's natural parents, reciting the result of the
Held: foregoing petition for adoption, claimed that not they, but rather the adopting
Yes. The Court ruled that the parents are and should be held primarily liable parents, namely the spouses Sabas and Felisa Rapisura, were indispensable
for the civil liability arising from criminal offenses committed by their minor parties to the action since parental authority had shifted to the adopting parents
children under their legal authority or control, or who live in their company, from the moment the successful petition for adoption was filed. Petitioners in
unless it is proven that the former acted with the diligence of a good father of their Reply contended that since Adelberto Bundoc was then actually living
a family to prevent such damages. That primary liability is premised on the with his natural parents, parental authority had not ceased nor been
provisions of Article 101 of the Revised Penal Code with respect to relinquished by the mere filing and granting of a petition for adoption.
damages ex delicto caused by their children 9 years of age or under, or over
9 but under 15 years of age who acted without discernment; and, with regard
to their children over 9 but under 15 years of age who acted with discernment,
Issue: HELD: No. The underlying basis of the liability imposed by Article 2176 is the
Whether or not the effects of adoption, insofar as parental authority is fault or negligence accompanying the act or the omission, there being no
concerned, may be given retroactive effect so as to make the adopting parents willfulness or intent to cause damage thereby. Article 2180 provides that the
the indispensable parties in a damage case filed against their adopted child, father, in case of his incapacity or death, the mother, is responsible for the
for acts committed by the latter when actual custody was yet lodged with the damages caused by the minor children who live in their company. The basis
biological parents. of this vicarious, although primary, liability is fault or negligence, which is
presumed from that which accompanied the causative act or omission. The
presumption is merely prima facie and may therefore be rebutted. This is the
No. We do not believe that parental authority is properly regarded as having
been retroactively transferred to and vested in the adopting parents, the clear and logical inference that may be drawn from the last paragraph of Article
Rapisura spouses, at the time the air rifle shooting happened. We do not 2180, which states “that the responsibility treated of in this Article shall cease
consider that retroactive effect may be given to the decree of adoption so as when the persons herein mentioned prove that they observed all the diligence
to impose a liability upon the adopting parents accruing at a time when the of a good father of a family to prevent damage.”
adopting parents had no actual or physical custody over the adopted child.
Retroactive effect may perhaps be given to the granting of the petition for In the case at bar there is nothing from which it may be inferred that Alfonso
adoption where such is essential to permit the accrual of some benefit or Monfort could have prevented the damage by the observance of due care, or
advantage in favor of the adopted child. In the instant case, however, to hold that he was in any way remiss in the exercise of his parental authority in failing
that parental authority had been retroactively lodged in the Rapisura spouses to foresee such damage, or the act which caused it. On the contrary, his child
so as to burden them with liability for a tortious act that they could not have was at school, where it was his duty to send her and where she was, as he
foreseen and which they could not have prevented (since they were at the time had the right to expect her to be, under the care and supervision of the teacher.
in the United States and had no physical custody over the child Adelberto) And as far as the act which caused the injury was concerned, it was an
would be unfair and unconscionable. Such a result, moreover, would be innocent prank not unusual among children at play and which no parent,
inconsistent with the philosophical and policy basis underlying the however careful, would have any special reason to anticipate much less guard
doctrine of vicarious liability. Put a little differently, no presumption of parental against. Nor did it reveal any mischievous propensity, or indeed any trait in the
dereliction on the part of the adopting parents, the Rapisura spouses, could
child’s character which would reflect unfavorably on her upbringing and for
have arisen since Adelberto was not in fact subject to their control at the time
which the blame could be attributed to her parents.
the tort was committed.
12. Cuadra vs Monfort MT Monfort is already 13 years old and should have known that by jokingly
saying “aloud that she had found an earthworm and, evidently to frighten the
Maria Teresa Cuadra and Maria Teresa Monfort were both classmates in
Cuadra girl, tossed the object at her,” it was likely that something would happen
Mabini Elementary School Bacolod City. In July 1962, their teacher assigned
to her friend, as in fact, she was hurt. There is nothing in the record that would
the class to weed the school premises. While they were doing so, MT Monfort
indicate that Alfonso had properly advised his daughter to behave properly and
found a headband. Jokingly she said aloud that she had found an earthworm
not to play dangerous jokes on her classmate and playmates, he can be liable
and, evidently to frighten the Cuadra girl, tossed the object at MT Cuadra who
under Article 2180 of the Civil Code. There is nothing in the record to show
was hit in her eye. MT Cuadra’s eye got infected. She was brought to the
that he had done anything at all to even try to minimize the damage caused
hospital; her eyes were attempted to be surgically repaired but she
upon by his child.
nevertheless got blind in her right eye.

MT Cuadra’s parents sued Alfonso Monfort (MT Monfort’s dad) based on

Article 2180 of the Civil Code. The lower court ruled that Monfort should pay
for actual damages (cost of hospitalization), moral damages and attorney’s

ISSUE: Whether or not the father is liable under Article 2176 and 2180.
13. Mercado vs CA 14. Palisoc vs Brillantes

Facts: Facts:
Augusto Mercado and Manuel Quisumbing, Jr. quarrelled over a "pitogo". As Deceased Dominador Palisoc and defendant Virgilio Daffon were automotive
a result, Augusto wounded Manuel, Jr. on the right cheek with a piece of razor. mechanics students at the Manila Technical Institute (MTI). In the afternoon of
The evidence of record shows that the child suffered moral damages by reason March 10, 1966 during recess, an altercation transpired between the deceased
of the wound inflicted by Augusto Mercado. and the defendant. At the time of the incident, Dominador was sixteen years
old while Virgilio was already of age. Virgilio was working on a machine with
Issue: Dominador looking at them. The situation prompted Virgilio to remark that
Whether or not the teacher or head of the school should be held responsible Dominador was acting like a foreman. As a result, Dominador slapped Virgilio
on the face. Virgilio retaliated by inflicting severe blows upon Dominador’s
Held: stomach, which caused the latter to stumble upon an engine block and faint.
No, the teacher or head of the school should not be held responsible. The latter died, the cause of death being “shock due to traumatic fracture of
the ribs”. The parents of Dominador filed an action for damages against (1)
The last paragraph of Article 2180 of the Civil Code, upon which petitioner Virgilio, (2) Valenton, the head/president of MTI, (3) Quibule who was the
rests his claim that the school where his son was studying should be made teacher in charge at the time of the incident, and (4) Brillantes who is a member
liable, is as follows: of the board of directors and former sole proprietor of MTI.

ART. 2180. . . . The trial court held Virgilio liable but absolved the other defendants-officials. It
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades shall be liable stated that the clause “so long as they remain in their custody” contained in
for damages caused by their pupils and students or apprentices, so long as Article 2180 of the Civil Code applies only where the pupil lives and boards
they remain in their custody. with the teachers, such that the control or influence on the pupil supersedes
those of the parents., and such control and responsibility for the pupil’s actions
It would be seem that the clause "so long as they remain in their custody," would pass from the father and mother to the teachers. This legal conclusion
contemplates a situation where the pupil lives and boards with the teacher, was based on the dictum in Mercado v. CA, which in turn based its decision in
such that the control, direction and influence on the pupil supersedes those of Exconde v. Capuno. The trial court held that Article 2180 was not applicable
the parents. In these circumstances the control or influence over the conduct in this case, as defendant Virgilio did not live with the defendants-officials at
and actions of the pupil would pass from the father and mother to the teacher; the time of the incident. Hence, this petition.
and so would the responsibility for the torts of the pupil. Such a situation does
not appear in the case at bar; the pupils appear to go to school during school Issue:
hours and go back to their homes with their parents after school is over. The Who should be liable for damages for the death of Dominador together with
situation contemplated in the last paragraph of Article 2180 does not apply, the defendant?
nor does paragraph 2 of said article, which makes father or mother responsible
for the damages caused by their minor children Held:
The head/president and teacher of MTI (Valenton and Quibule respectively)
were held liable jointly and severally with the Virgilio for damages. No liability
attaches to Brillantes as a mere member of the MTI board of directors.
Similarly, MTI may not be held liable since it had not been properly impleaded
as party defendant.

The phrase used in Article 2180, “so long as the students remain in their
custody” means the protective and supervisory custody that the school and its
heads and teachers exercise over the pupils and students for as long as they
are at attendance in the school, including recess time. There is nothing in the
law that requires that for such liability to attach the pupil or student who
commits the tortuous act must live and board in the school. The dicta in the
cases of Mercado as well as in Exconde v. Capuno on which it relied are boys cannot be held liable because none of them was the teacher-in-charge
deemed to have been set aside. The rationale of such liability of school heads as defined in the provision. Each was exercising only a general authority over
and teachers for the tortious acts of their pupils and students, so long as they the students and not direct control and influence exerted by the teacher placed
remain in their custody, is that they stand, in loco parentis to a certain extent in-charge of particular classes.
to their pupils and students and are called upon to “exercise reasonable
supervision over the conduct of the child.” In this case, The unfortunate death In the absence of a teacher- in charge, dean of boys should probably be held
resulting from the fight between the protagonists-students could have been liable considering that he had earlier confiscated an unlicensed gun from a
avoided, had said defendants complied with their duty of providing adequate student and later returned to him without taking disciplinary action or reporting
supervision over the activities of the students in the school premises to protect the matter to the higher authorities. Though it was clear negligence on his
their students from harm. Since Valenton and Quibule failed to prove that they part, no proof was shown to necessarily link this gun with the shooting incident.
observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage, they
cannot likewise avail of the exemption to the liability. The judgment of the Collegio San Jose-Recoletos cannot directly be held liable under the provision
appellate court was modified, while claim for compensatory damages was because only the teacher of the head of school of arts and trade is made
increased in accordance with recent jurisprudence and the claim for exemplary responsible for the damage caused by the student. Hence, under the facts
damages denied in the absence of gross negligence on the part of the said disclosed, none of the respondents were held liable for the injury inflicted with
defendants Alfredo resulting to his death.

16. Pasco vs CFI

15. Amadora vs CA

Facts: FACTS: Petitioner, together with two companions, while walking inside the
Alfredo Amadora, while in the auditorium of the school, was mortally hit by a campus of the private respondent Araneta University, after attending classes
gun by Pablito Daffon resulting to the former’s death. Daffon was convicted of in said university, was accosted and mauled by a group of Muslim students led
homicide through reckless imprudence. The victim’s parents, herein by Abdul Karim Madidis alias "Teng." Said Muslim group were also students
petitioners, filed a civil action for damages against Colegio de San Jose- of the Araneta University. Petitioner was subsequently stabbed by Abdul and
Recoletos, its rectors, high school principal, dean of boys, the physics teacher
together with Daffon and 2 other students. Complaints against the students as a consequence he was hospitalized at the Manila Central University
were dropped. Respondent Court absolved the defendants completely and Hospital where he underwent surgery to save his life. Thereafter, petitioner,
reversed CFI Cebu’s decision for the following reasons: 1. Since the school assisted by his father Pedro Pasco, filed a complaint for damages against
was an academic institution of learning and not a school of arts and trades 2. Abdul Karim Madidis and herein private respondent Gregorio Araneta
That students were not in the custody of the school since the semester has University. The school was impleaded as a party defendant based on Article
already ended 3. There was no clear identification of the fatal gun, and 4. In
any event, defendants exercised the necessary diligence through enforcement 2180 of the Civil Code. The school then filed for a motion to dismiss on the
of the school regulations in maintaining discipline. Petitioners on othe other following grounds:
hand claimed their son was under school custody because he went to school
to comply with a requirement for graduation (submission of Physics reports). a. The penultimate paragraph of Article 2180 of the New Civil Code
under which it was sued applies only to vocational schools and not to
Whether or not Collegio de San Jose-Recoletos should be held liable. academic institutions;

Held: b. That every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable
The time Alfredo was fatally shot, he was in the custody of the authorities of under Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code. Hence, the civil liability
the school notwithstanding classes had formally ended when the incident in this case arises from a criminal action which the defendant university
happened. It was immaterial if he was in the school auditorium to finish his
physics requirement. What was important is that he was there for a legitimate has not committed;
purpose. On the other hand, the rector, high school principal and the dean of
c. Since this is a civil case, a demand should have been made by the 17. Ylarde vs Aquino
plaintiff, hence, it would be premature to bring an action for
damages against defendant University. FACTS: Private respondent Mariano Soriano was the principal of the
Gabaldon Primary School, a public educational institution wherein private
respondent Aquino teaches. At that time, the school was fittered with several
ISSUE: Whether the provision of the penultimate paragraph of Article 2180 of concrete blocks which were remnants of the old school shop that was
the Civil Code which states: destroyed in World War II. Realizing that the huge stones were serious
“Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades hazards to the schoolchildren, another teacher by the name of Sergio Banez
shall be liable for damages caused by their pupils and students started burying them one by one as early as 1962. In fact, he was able to bury
or apprentices, so long as they remain in their custody.”, ten of these blocks all by himself. Deciding to help his colleague, Aquino
is equally applicable to academic institutions. gathered eighteen of his male pupils, aged ten to eleven, and as the teacher-
in-charge ordered them to dig beside a one-ton concrete block in order to make
a hole wherein the stone can be buried. The work was left unfinished. The
HELD: The court granted the motion to dismiss of the private respondent following day, private respondent Aquino called four of the original eighteen
herein. We find no necessity of discussing the applicability of the Article to pupils to continue the digging. When the depth was right enough to
educational institutions (which are not schools of arts and trades) for the issue accommodate the concrete block, Aquino and the four pupils got out of the
in this petition is actually whether or not, under the article, the school or the hole. Thereafter, Aquino left the children to level the loose soil around the open
university itself (as distinguished from the teachers or heads) is liable. We find hole while he went get some rope. Before leaving, Aquino allegedly told the
the answer in the negative, for surely the provision concerned speaks only of children "not to touch the stone.” A few minutes after private respondent left,
"teachers or heads." three of the four kids, Alonso, Alcantara and Ylarde, playfully jumped into the
pit. Then, without any warning at all, the remaining Abaga jumped on top of
the concrete block causing it to slide down towards the opening. Alonso and
Alcantara were able to scramble out of the excavation on time but
unfortunately for Ylarde, the concrete block caught him before he could get
out, pinning him to the wall in a standing position. As a result thereof, Ylarde
sustained several injuries. Three days later, Novelito Ylarde died.

Ylarde's parents, petitioners in this case, filed a suit for damages against both
private respondents Aquino and Soriano. The trial court, however dismissed
the case on the following grounds: (1) that the digging done by the pupils is in
line with their course called Work Education; (2) that Aquino exercised the
utmost diligence of a very cautious person; and (3) that the demise of Ylarde
was due to his own reckless imprudence. The CA affirmed upon appeal.

ISSUE: Whether or not private respondents herein can be held liable under
Articles 2176 & 2180.
HELD: As regards Soriano, we hold that he cannot be made responsible for 18. Salvosa vs IAC
the death of the child Ylarde, he being the head of an academic school and
not a school of arts and trades. Under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, it is only FACTS: Baguio Colleges Foundation is an academic institution. It is likewise
the teacher and not the head of an academic school who should be an institution of arts and trade. BCF offer courses which divest itself of the
answerable for torts committed by their students. nature or character of being purely or exclusively an academic institution.
Within the premises of the BCF is an ROTC Unit, which is under the fifth control
As regards Aquino, it can be easily seen that private respondent can be held of the AFP. Said ROTC unit is provided by the BCF an office and an armory
liable under Article 2180 of the Civil Code as the teacher-in-charge of the located at the basement of its main building. The Baguio Colleges Foundation
children for being negligent in his supervision over them and his failure to take ROTC Unit had Jimmy B. Abon as its duly appointed armorer. As armorer of
the necessary precautions to prevent any injury on their persons. the ROTC Unit, Jimmy B. Abon received his appointment from the AFP. Not
being an employee of the BCF, he also received his salary from the AFP, as
The acts and omissions on the part of private respondent Aquino amounted to well as orders from Captain Roberto C. Ungos, the Commandant of the Baguio
fault or negligence which have direct causal relation to the death of his pupil Colleges Foundation ROTC Unit, concurrent Commandant of other ROTC
Ylarde. It is very clear that private respondent Aquino acted with fault and gross units in Baguio and an employee (officer) of the AFP. Jimmy B. Abon was also
negligence when he: (1) failed to avail himself of services of adult manual a commerce student of the BCF.
laborers and instead utilized his pupils aged ten to eleven to make an
excavation near the one-ton concrete stone which he knew to be a very On 3 March 1977, at around 8:00 p.m., in the parking space of BCF, Jimmy B.
hazardous task; (2) required the children to remain inside the pit even after Abon shot Napoleon Castro a student of the University of Baguio with an
they had finished digging, knowing that the huge block was lying nearby and unlicensed firearm which the former took from the armory of the ROTC Unit of
could be easily pushed or kicked aside by any pupil who by chance may go to the BCF. As a result, Napoleon Castro died and Jimmy B. Abon was
the perilous area; (3) ordered them to level the soil around the excavation when prosecuted for, and convicted of the crime of Homicide. Subsequently, the
it was so apparent that the huge stone was at the brink of falling; (4) went to a heirs of Napoleon Castro sued for damages, impleading Jimmy B. Abon,
place where he would not be able to check on the children's safety; and (5) left Roberto C. Ungos (ROTC Commandant), Benjamin Salvosa (President and
the children close to the excavation, an obviously attractive nuisance. Chairman of the Board of BCF), Jesus Salvosa (Executive Vice President of
BCF), Libertad D. Quetolio (Dean of the College of Education and Executive
The negligent act of private respondent Aquino in leaving his pupils in such a Trustee of BCF) and the Baguio Colleges Foundation Inc. as party defendants.
dangerous site has a direct causal connection to the death of the child Ylarde. The trial court rendered a decision sentencing Abon, Salvosa and BCF jointly
Left by themselves, it was but natural for the children to play around. Tired and severally liable and absolved the others.
from the strenuous digging, they just had to amuse themselves with whatever
they found. Driven by their playful and adventurous instincts and not knowing
the risk they were facing three of them jumped into the hole while the other ISSUE: Whether or not petitioners can be held solidarity hable with Jimmy B.
one jumped on the stone. Since the stone was so heavy and the soil was loose Abon for damages under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, as a consequence of
from the digging, it was also a natural consequence that the stone would fall the tortious act of Jimmy B. Abon.
into the hole beside it, causing injury on the unfortunate child caught by its
heavy weight. Everything that occurred was the natural and probable effect of
the negligent acts of private respondent Aquino. Needless to say, the child HELD: The rationale of liability under Article 2180 is that so long as the student
Ylarde would not have died were it not for the unsafe situation created by remains in the custody of a teacher, the latter "stands, to a certain extent, in
private respondent Aquino which exposed the lives of all the pupils concerned loco parentis [as to the student] and [is] called upon to exercise reasonable
to real danger. Hence, Aquino is liable for damages. supervision over the conduct of the [student]." Furthermore, the phrase used
'so long as (the students) remain in their custody’ means the protective and from the death of their 13-year old son, Ferdinand Castillo. Contending that
supervisory custody that the school and its heads and teachers exercise over the death of their son was due to the failure of the petitioners to exercise the
the pupils and students for as long as they are at attendance in the school. proper diligence of a good father of the family in preventing their son's
drowning, respondents prayed of actual, moral and exemplary damages,
In this case, the court held that Jimmy B. Abon cannot be considered to have attorney's fees and expenses for litigation.
been "at attendance in the school," or in the custody of BCF, when he shot
Napoleon Castro. Logically, therefore, petitioners cannot under Art. 2180 of RTC RULING: The trial court found in favor of the respondents and against
the Civil Code be held solidarity liable with Jimmy B. Abon for damages petitioners-teachers. The court ruled that the defendant-teachers had failed to
resulting from his acts. Moreover, record shows that before the shooting exercise the diligence required of them by law under the circumstances to
incident, Roberto B. Ungos ROTC Unit Commandant, AFP, had instructed guard against the harm they had foreseen. On the other hand, the trial court
Abon "not to leave the office and [to keep the armory] well guarded.” Such dismissed the case against the St. Francis High School, Benjamin Illumin and
negates the finding that Abon was under the custody of the school when he Aurora Cadorna.
committed the act. It is clearly shown that Abon was supposed to be working
in the armory with definite instructions from his superior, the ROTC CA RULING: Considering that the court a quo found negligence on the part of
Commandant, when he shot Napoleon Castro. the six defendants-teachers who, as such, were charged with the supervision
of the children during the picnic, the St. Francis High School and the school
Wherefore Abon not being under the custody of BCF, the latter cannot be held principal, Benjamin Illumin, are liable under Article 2176 taken together with
liable. the 1st, 4th and 5th paragraphs of Article 2180 of the Civil Code. They cannot
escape liability on the mere excuse that the picnic was not an 'extra-curricular
activity of the St. Francis High School.' We find from the evidence that, as
19. St. Francis vs CA claimed by plaintiffs-appellants, the school principal had knowledge of the
picnic even from its planning stage and had even been invited to attend the
FACTS: The complaint alleged that Ferdinand Castillo, then a freshman affair; and yet he did not express any prohibition against undertaking the
student at the St. Francis High School, wanted to join a school picnic. He was picnic, nor did he prescribe any precautionary measures to be adopted during
however not allowed by his parents, respondent sps. Castillo due to short the picnic.
notice. They merely allowed him to bring food to the teachers for the picnic,
Upon appeal, defendants-appellants' main argument is that the parents of the
with the directive that he should go back home after doing so. However,
victim Ferdinand Castillo, were not able to prove by their evidence that they
because of persuasion of the teachers, Ferdinand went on with them to the
did not give their son consent to join the picnic in question.
beach. During the picnic and while the students, including Ferdinand, were in
the water, one of the female teachers was apparently drowning. Some of the
However, the court held that whether or not the victim's parents had given such
students, including Ferdinand, came to her rescue, but in the process, it was
permission to their son was immaterial to the determination of the existence of
Ferdinand himself who drowned. His body was recovered but efforts to
liability on the part of the defendants for the damage incurred by the plaintiffs-
resuscitate him ashore failed. He was then brought to the Mt. Carmel General
appellants as a result of the death of their son. What is material to such a
Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
determination is whether or not there was negligence on the part of defendants
vis-a-vis the supervision of the victim's group during the picnic.
Respondent spouses then filed a complaint against the St. Francis High
School, represented by the spouses Fernando Nantes and Rosario Lacandula,
Benjamin Illumin (its principal), and the teachers: Chaves, Vinas, Arquio,
Aragones, Jaro, and Cadiz, for Damages which respondents allegedly incurred
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioners are liable pursuant to Article 2180, in 20. PSBA vs CA
relation to Article 2176 of the Civil Code.
FACTS: A stabbing incident occured in the premises of the Philippine School
of Business Administration causing the death of Carlitos Bautista, who was
studying at the said school. Thereafter, the parents of the deceased filed an
HELD: Petitioners are neither guilty of their own negligence or guilty of the action against Regina Ordoñez- Benitez, for damages against the said PSBA
negligence of those under them. Hence, it cannot be said that they are guilty and its corporate officers. The assailants were found to be not members of the
at all of any negligence. Consequently they cannot be held liable for damages schools academic community but were elements from outside the school.
of any kind.
The suit specifically impleaded PSBA and the several of its school authorities.
Respondent Court of Appeals committed an error in applying Article 2180 of Substantially, the plaintiffs, private respondents herein, sought to adjudge
the Civil Code in rendering petitioner school liable for the death of respondent's them liable for the victim's untimely demise due to their alleged negligence,
son. Under paragraph 4 of Article 2180, it is clear that before an employer may recklessness and lack of security precautions, means and methods before,
be held liable for the negligence of his employee, the act or omission which during and after the attack on the victim. Defendants (now petitioners) sought
caused damage or prejudice must have occurred while an employee was in to have the suit dismissed, alleging that since they are presumably sued under
the performance of his assigned tasks. Article 2180 of the Civil Code, the complaint states no cause of action against
them, as jurisprudence on the subject is to the effect that academic institutions,
In the case at bar, the teachers/petitioners were not in the actual performance such as the PSBA, are beyond the ambit of the rule in the afore- stated article.
of their assigned tasks. The incident happened not within the school premises,
not on a school day and most importantly while the teachers and students were RTC Ruling: Denied motion to dismiss.
holding a purely private affair, a picnic. It is clear from the beginning that the
incident happened while some members of the I-C class of St. Francis High CA Ruling: Affirmed. Article 2180 cannot be construed in its narrow concept.
School were having a picnic at Talaan Beach. This picnic had no permit from At any rate, the law holds the teachers and heads of the school staff liable
the school head or its principal, thus, it is not a school sanctioned activity unless they relieve themselves of such liability pursuant to the last paragraph
neither is it considered as an extra-curricular activity. In addition, mere of Article 2180 by 'proving that they observed all the diligence to prevent
knowledge by petitioner/principal Illumin of the planning of the picnic by the damage.' This can only be done at a trial on the merits of the case."
students and their teachers does not in any way or in any manner show
acquiescence or consent to the holding of the same.

Likewise, no negligence could be attributable to the petitioners-teachers to ISSUE: Whether or not PSBA is liable.
warrant the award of damages to the respondents-spouses. Petitioners Connie
Arquio, the class adviser of I-C, the section where Ferdinand belonged, did her
best and exercised diligence of a good father of a family to prevent any
HELD: When an academic institution accepts students for enrollment, there is
untoward incident or damages to all the students who joined the picnic.
established a contract between them, resulting in bilateral obligations which
Wherefore, petitioners are not guilty of any fault or negligence, hence,no moral both parties are bound to comply with. For its part, the school undertakes to
damages can be assessed against them. provide the student with an education that would presumably suffice to equip
him with the necessary tools and skills to pursue higher education or a
profession. On the other hand, the student covenants to abide by the school's
academic requirements and observe its rules and regulations.
Because the circumstances of the present case evince a contractual relation WON the private respondent is liable
between the PSBA and Carlitos Bautista, the rules on quasi-delict do not really
govern. However, this impression has not prevented this Court from
determining the existence of a tort even when there obtains a contract. Acts which are tortious or allegedly tortious in character may at the same time
constitute breach of a contractual, or other legal, obligation. Respondent trial
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that should the act which breaches a judge was in serious error when he supposed that petitioner could have no
contract be done in bad faith and be violative of Article 21, then there is a cause cause of action other than one based on Article 2180 of the Civil Code.
to view the act as constituting a quasi-delict. In the circumstances obtaining in Respondent trial judge should not have granted the motion to dismiss but
rather should have, in the interest of justice, allowed petitioner to prove acts
the case at bar, however, there is, as yet, no finding that the contract between
constituting breach of an obligation ex contractu or ex lege on the part of
the school and Bautista had been breached thru the former's negligence in
respondent Colleges.
providing proper security measures. This would be for the trial court to
determine. And, even if there be a finding of negligence, the same could give When an academic institution accepts students for enrollment, there is
rise generally to a breach of contractual obligation only. established a contract between them, resulting in bilateral obligations which
parties are bound to comply with. For its part, the school undertakes to provide
Wherefore, the present petition was denied and the case was remanded to the the student with an education that would presumably suffice to equip him with
the necessary tools and skills to pursue higher education or a profession. On
court of origin.
the other hand, the student covenants to abide by the school's academic
requirements and observe its rules and regulations. Institutions of learning
must also meet the implicit or "built-in" obligation of providing their students
with an atmosphere that promotes or assists in attaining its primary
21. Soliman vs. Tuazon
undertaking of imparting knowledge. Certainly, no student can absorb the
Facts: intricacies of physics or higher mathematics or explore the realm of the arts
and other sciences when bullets are flying or grenades exploding in the air or
On 22 March 1983, petitioner Soliman, Jr. filed a civil complaint for damages where there looms around the school premises a constant threat to life and
against private respondent Republic Central Colleges ("Colleges"), the R.L. limb. Necessarily, the school must ensure that adequate steps are taken to
Security Agency Inc. and one Jimmy B. Solomon, a security guard, as maintain peace and order within the campus premises and to prevent the
defendants. The complaint alleged that petitioner was shot by the defendant breakdown thereof.
using a .38 Caliber Revolver within school premises where petitioner was a

Private respondent Colleges filed a motion to dismiss, contending that the

complaint stated no cause of action against it. Private respondent argued that
it is free from any liability for the injuries sustained by petitioner student for the
reason that private respondent school was not the employer of the security
guard charged, Jimmy Solomon, and hence was not responsible for any
wrongful act of Solomon. Private respondent school further argued that Article
2180, 7th paragraph, of the Civil Code did not apply, since said paragraph
holds teachers and heads of establishment of arts and trades liable for
damages caused by their pupils and students or apprentices, while security
guard Jimmy Solomon was not a pupil, student or apprentice of the school.
Respondent Judge granted private respondent school's motion to dismiss.

22. St. Mary’s Academy vs. Carpitanos driving of James Daniel II. Hence, the respondents reliance on Article 219 of
the Family Code that those given the authority and responsibility under the
Facts: preceding Article shall be principally and solidarily liable for damages caused
Claiming damages for the death of their only son, Sherwin Carpitanos, by acts or omissions of the unemancipated minor was unfounded.
spouses William Carpitanos and Lucia Carpitanos filed on June 9, 1995 a case Further, there was no evidence that petitioner school allowed the minor James
against James Daniel II and his parents, James Daniel Sr. and Guada Daniel, Daniel II to drive the jeep of respondent Vivencio Villanueva. It was Ched
the vehicle owner, Vivencio Villanueva and St. Marys Academy before the Villanueva, grandson of respondent Vivencio Villanueva, who had possession
Regional Trial Court of Dipolog City. and control of the jeep. He was driving the vehicle and he allowed James
From the records it appears that from 13 to 20 February 1995, defendant- Daniel II, a minor, to drive the jeep at the time of the accident.
appellant St. Marys Academy of Dipolog City conducted an enrollment drive Hence, liability for the accident, whether caused by the negligence of the minor
for the school year 1995-1996. A facet of the enrollment campaign was the driver or mechanical detachment of the steering wheel guide of the jeep, must
visitation of schools from where prospective enrollees were studying. As a be pinned on the minor’s parents primarily. The negligence of petitioner St.
student of St. Marys Academy, Sherwin Carpitanos was part of the Marys Academy was only a remote cause of the accident. Between the remote
campaigning group. Accordingly, on the fateful day, Sherwin, along with other cause and the injury, there intervened the negligence of the minor’s parents or
high school students were riding in a Mitsubishi jeep owned by defendant the detachment of the steering wheel guide of the jeep.
Vivencio Villanueva on their way to Larayan Elementary School, Larayan,
Dapitan City. The jeep was driven by James Daniel II then 15 years old and a
student of the same school. Allegedly, the latter drove the jeep in a reckless
manner and as a result the jeep turned turtle.

Sherwin Carpitanos died as a result of the injuries he sustained from the



WON Petitioner is liable


Under Article 218 of the Family Code, the following shall have special parental
authority over a minor child while under their supervision, instruction or
custody: (1) the school, its administrators and teachers; or (2) the individual,
entity or institution engaged in child care. This special parental authority and
responsibility applies to all authorized activities, whether inside or outside the
premises of the school, entity or institution. Thus, such authority and
responsibility applies to field trips, excursions and other affairs of the pupils
and students outside the school premises whenever authorized by the school
or its teachers. However, for petitioner to be liable, there must be a finding that
the act or omission considered as negligent was the proximate cause of the
injury caused because the negligence must have a causal connection to the

Respondents did not present any evidence to show that the proximate cause
of the accident was the negligence of the school authorities, or the reckless
23. Philippine Rabbit vs. Phil. American 24. Philtranco vs. CA

Facts: Facts:

In the complaint for damages filed by the bus company and Pangalangan [I]n the early morning of March 24, 1990, about 6:00 o'clock, the victim Ramon
against Phil-American Forwarders, Inc., Balingit and Pineda, it was alleged A. Acuesta was riding in his easy rider bicycle (Exhibit O), along the Gomez
that on November 24, 1962, Pineda drove recklessly a freight truck, owned by Street of Calbayog City. On the Magsaysay Blvd., also in Calbayog City,
Phil-American Forwarders, Inc., along the national highway at Sto. Tomas, defendant Philtranco Service Enterprises, Inc. (Philtranco for brevity) Bus No.
Pampanga. The truck bumped the bus driven by Pangalangan, which was 4025 with plate No. EVA-725 driven by defendant Rogasiones Manilhig y
owned by Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. As a result of the bumping, Dolira was being pushed by some persons in order to start its engine. As the
Pangalangan suffered injuries and the bus was damaged and could not be bus was pushed, its engine started thereby the bus continued on its running
used for seventy-nine days, thus depriving the company of earnings amounting motion and it occurred at the time when Ramon A. Acuesta who was still riding
to P8,665.51. Balingit was the manager of Phil-American Forwarders, Inc. on his bicycle was directly in front of the said bus. As the engine of the
Philtranco bus started abruptly and suddenly, its running motion was also
Among the defenses interposed by the defendants in their answer was that enhanced by the said functioning engine, thereby the subject bus bumped on
Balingit was not Pineda's employer. the victim Ramon A. Acuesta who, as a result thereof fell and, thereafter, was
Balingit moved that the complaint against him be dismissed on the ground that run over by the said bus. The bus did not stop although it had already bumped
the bus company and the bus driver had no cause of action against him. The and ran [sic] over the victim; instead, it proceeded running towards the
lower court dismissed the action as to Balingit. The bus company and its driver direction of the Rosales Bridge which is located at one side of the Nijaga Park
appealed. and towards one end of the Gomez St., to which direction the victim was then
heading when he was riding on his bicycle.
Private respondents filled a case against petitioner and alleged that the
WON the manager of a corporation falls under Article 2180 petitioners were guilty of gross negligence, recklessness, violation of traffic
rules and regulations, abandonment of victim, and attempt to escape from a
We are of the opinion that those terms do not include the manager of a
Petitioners filed an Answer wherein they alleged that petitioner Philtranco
corporation. It may be gathered from the context of article 2180 that the term
exercised the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and
"manager" ("director" in the Spanish version) is used in the sense of
supervision of its employees, including petitioner Manilhig who had excellent
record as a driver and had undergone months of rigid training before he was
Hence, under the allegations of the complaint, no tortious or quasi-delictual hired.
liability can be fastened on Balingit as manager of Phil-American Forwarders,
Inc., in connection with the vehicular accident already mentioned because he
himself may be regarded as an employee or dependiente of his employer, Phil- WON petitioner is liable
American Forwarders, Inc.

Civil Case No. 373 is an action for damages based on quasi-delict[15] under
Article 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code against petitioner Manilhig and his
employer, petitioner Philtranco, respectively. The responsibility treated of in
this article shall cease when the persons herein mentioned prove that they
observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. We
have consistently held that the liability of the registered owner of a public
service vehicle, like petitioner Philtranco, for damages arising from the tortious
acts of the driver is primary, direct, and joint and several or solidary with the Held:
An employer who loans his motor vehicle to an employee for the latter’s
However, damages must be reduced. The trial court erroneously fixed the personal use outside of regular working hours is generally not liable for the
"death indemnity" at P200,000. The private respondents defended the award employees negligent operation of the vehicle during the period of permissive
in their Opposition to the Motion for Reconsideration by saying that "[i]n the use, even where the employer contemplates that a regularly assigned motor
case of Philippine Airlines, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 185 SCRA 110, our vehicle will be used by the employee for personal as well as business purposes
Supreme Court held that the award of damages for death is computed on the and there is some incidental benefit to the employer.
basis of the life expectancy of the deceased." In that case, the "death
indemnity" was computed by multiplying the victim's gross annual income by To the mind of this Court, ABAD was engaged in affairs of his own or was
his life expectancy, less his yearly living expenses. Clearly then, the "death carrying out a personal purpose not in line with his duties at the time he figured
indemnity" referred to was the additional indemnity for the loss of earning in a vehicular accident. It was then about 2:00 a.m. of 28 August 1988, way
capacity mentioned in Article 2206(1) of the Civil Code, and not the basic beyond the normal working hours. ABADs working day had ended; his
indemnity for death mentioned in the first paragraph thereof. overtime work had already been completed. His being at a place which, as
petitioner put it, was known as a haven for prostitutes, pimps, and drug pushers
and addicts, had no connection to petitioners business; neither had it any
relation to his duties as a manager. Rather, using his service vehicle even for
25. Castilex vs. Vasquez personal purposes was a form of a fringe benefit or one of the perks attached
Facts: to his position.

On 28 August 1988, at around 1:30 to 2:00 in the morning, Romeo So Since there is paucity of evidence that ABAD was acting within the scope of
Vasquez, was driving a Honda motorcycle around Fuente Osmea Rotunda. the functions entrusted to him, petitioner CASTILEX had no duty to show that
He was traveling counter-clockwise, (the normal flow of traffic in a rotunda) but it exercised the diligence of a good father of a family in providing ABAD with a
without any protective helmet or goggles. He was also only carrying a Students service vehicle. Thus, justice and equity require that petitioner be relieved of
Permit to Drive at the time. Upon the other hand, Benjamin Abad [was a] vicarious liability for the consequences of the negligence of ABAD in driving its
manager of Appellant Castilex Industrial Corporation, registered owner [of] a vehicle.
Toyota Hi-Lux Pick-up with plate no. GBW-794. On the same date and time,
Abad drove the said company car out of a parking lot but instead of going
around the Osmea rotunda he made a short cut against [the] flow of the traffic Case No. 26
in proceeding to his route to General Maxilom St. or to Belvic St. Filamer Christian Institute v. Kapunan
G.R. No. 75112 August 17, 1992
In the process, the motorcycle of Vasquez and the pick-up of Abad collided
with each other causing severe injuries to the former. Abad stopped his vehicle FACTS: Funtecha was a working student, being a part-time Janitor and a
and brought Vasquez to the Southern Islands Hospital and later to the Cebu scholar of petitioner Filamer. He was, in relation to the school, an employee
Doctors Hospital. On September 5, 1988, Vasquez died at the Cebu Doctors (janitor) even if he was assigned to clean the school premises for only two (2)
Hospital. It was there that Abad signed an acknowledgment of Responsible hours in the morning of each school day.
Party wherein he agreed to pay whatever hospital bills, professional fees and
other incidental charges Vasquez may incur. The present action for damages Allan Masa was the driver and at the same time a security guard of the
was commenced by Vicente Vasquez, Jr. and Luisa So Vasquez, parents of petitioner-school. He further said that after driving the students home at 5:00
in the afternoon, he still had to go back to school and then drive home using
the deceased Romeo So Vasquez, against Jose Benjamin Abad and Castilex
the same vehicle. Driving the vehicle to and from the house of the school
Industrial Corporation.
president where both Allan and Funtecha reside is an act in furtherance of the
Issue: interest of the petitioner-school. Allan's job demands that he drive home the
school jeep so he can use it to fetch students in the morning of the next school
WON petitioner is liable day.
Case No. 27
Having a student driver's license, Funtecha requested the Allan Masa and was NPC v. CA
allowed to take over the vehicle while the latter was on his way home one late G.R. No. 119121 August 14, 1998
afternoon. According to Allan's testimony, a fast moving truck with glaring lights
nearly hit them so that they had to swerve to the right to avoid a collision. Upon FACTS: A convoy of four dump trucks owned by the National Power
swerving, they heard a sound as if something had bumped against the vehicle, Corporation (NPC) left Marawi City bound for Iligan City. While enroute to its
but they did not stop to check. Actually, the Pinoy jeep swerved towards the destination, one of the trucks driven by one Gavino Ilumba figured in a head-
pedestrian, Potenciano Kapunan who was walking in his lane in the direction on-collision with a Toyota Tamaraw. The incident resulted in the death of three
against vehicular traffic, and hit him. persons riding in the Toyota Tamaraw, as well as physical injuries to
seventeen other passengers. A complaint for damages against NPC and
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner employer is liable for the damage caused by PHESCO was filed by the heirs of the victims with the Regional Trial Court. In
the student-employee Funtencha. its answer, PHESCO contended that it was not the owner of the dump truck
which collided with the Toyota Tamaraw but the NPC. It asserted that it was
HELD: YES. The Court is constrained to conclude that the act of Funtecha in merely a contractor of NPC with the main duty of supplying workers and
taking over the steering wheel was one done for and in behalf of his employer technicians for the latter's projects. On the other hand, NPC denied any liability
for which act the petitioner school cannot deny any responsibility by arguing and countered that the driver of the dump truck was the employee of PHESCO.
that it was done beyond the scope of his janitorial duties. The clause "within
the scope of their assigned tasks" for purposes of raising the presumption of NPC maintains that even assuming that a "labor only" contract exists between
liability of an employer, includes any act done by an employee, in furtherance it and PHESCO, its liability will not extend to third persons who are injured due
of the interests of the employer or for the account of the employer at the time to the tortious acts of the employee of the "labor-only" contractor. Stated
of the infliction of the injury or damage. Even if somehow, the employee driving otherwise, its liability shall only be limited to violations of the Labor Code and
the vehicle derived some benefit from the act, the existence of a presumptive not quasi-delicts.
liability of the employer is determined by answering the question of whether or
not the servant was at the time of the accident performing any act in ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner-employer is liable.
furtherance of his master's business.
HELD: YES. There is no doubt that PHESCO was engaged in "labor-only"
The present case does not deal with a labor dispute on conditions of contracting vis-a-vis NPC and as such, it is considered merely an agent of the
employment between an alleged employee and an alleged employer. It latter. In labor-only contracting, an employer-employee relationship between
invokes a claim brought by one for damages for injury caused by the patently the principal employer and the employees of the "labor-only" contractor is
negligent acts of a person, against both doer-employee and his employer. created. Accordingly, the principal employer is responsible to the employees
Hence, the reliance on Section 14, Rule X, Book III of the Rules implementing of the "labor only" contractor as if such employees had been directly employed
the Labor Code, on which the petitioner anchors its defense, to disregard the by the principal employer. Since PHESCO is only a "labor-only" contractor, the
primary liability of an employer under Article 2180 of the Civil Code is workers it supplied to NPC, including the driver of the ill-fated truck, should be
misplaced. An implementing rule on labor cannot be used by an employer as considered as employees of NPC.
a shield to void liability under the substantive provisions of the Civil Code.
It is apparent that Article 2180 of the Civil Code and not the Labor Code will
The petitioner, thus, has an obligation to pay damages for injury arising from determine the liability of NPC in a civil suit for damages instituted by an injured
the unskilled manner by which Funtecha drove the vehicle. In the absence of person for any negligent act of the employees of the "labor only" contractor.
evidence that the petitioner had exercised the diligence of a good father of a This is consistent with the ruling that a finding that a contractor was a "labor-
family in the supervision of its employees, the law imposes upon it the vicarious only" contractor is equivalent to a finding that an employer-employee
liability for acts or omissions of its employees. The liability of the employer is, relationship existed between the owner (principal contractor) and the "labor-
under Article 2180, primary and solidary. However, the employer shall have only" contractor, including the latter's workers.
recourse against the negligent employee for whatever damages are paid to
the heirs of the plaintiff. With respect to the liability of NPC as the direct employer, Article 2180 of the
Civil Code explicitly provides:
"Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their employees and severally the plaintiffs actual, compensatory, moral damages, indemnity for the
household helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even though death of Nicanor Navidad, attorney’s fees and costs of suit.
the former are not engaged in any business or industry."
In this regard, NPC's liability is direct, primary and solidary with PHESCO and
the driver. Of course, NPC, if the judgment for damages is satisfied by it, shall CA rendered its decision exonerating Prudent from any liability for the death
have recourse against PHESCO and the driver who committed the negligence of Nicanor Navidad and, instead, hold LRTA and Roman jointly and severally
which gave rise to the action. liable.

Finally, NPC, even if it truly believed that it was not the employer of the driver, Issues:
could still have disclaimed any liability had it raised the defense of due
diligence in the selection or supervision of PHESCO and Ilumba. However, for a. WON LRTA is liable for the death of Navidad.
some reason or another, NPC did not invoke said defense. Hence, by opting b. WON Prudent is liable.
not to present any evidence that it exercised due diligence in the supervision c. WON Roman is liable.
of the activities of PHESCO and Ilumba, NPC has foreclosed its right to
interpose the same on appeal in conformity with the rule that points of law, Held:
theories, issues of facts and arguments not raised in the proceedings below
cannot be ventilated for the first time on appeal. Consequently, its liability a. Yes. The law requires common carriers to carry passengers safely using the
stands. utmost diligence of very cautious persons with due regard for all
circumstances. Such duty of a common carrier to provide safety to its
passengers so obligates it not only during the course of the trip but for so long
as the passengers are within its premises and where they ought to be in
pursuance to the contract of carriage. The statutory provisions render a
28. Light Rail Transit vs. Navidad common carrier liable for death of or injury to passengers (a) through the
negligence or willful acts of its employees or b) on account of willful acts or
On Oct. 14, 1993, about half an hour past 7 in the evening, Nicanor Navidad, negligence of other passengers or of strangers if the common carrier's
then drunk, entered the EDSA LRT station after purchasing a "token". While employees through the exercise of due diligence could have prevented or
Navidad was standing on the platform near the LRT tracks, Junelito Escartin, stopped the act or omission. In case of such death or injury, a carrier is
the security guard assigned to the area approached Navidad. A presumed to have been at fault or been negligent, and by simple proof of injury,
misunderstanding or an altercation between the two apparently ensued that the passenger is relieved of the duty to still establish the fault or negligence of
led to a fist fight. No evidence, however, was adduced to indicate how the fight the carrier or of its employees and the burden shifts upon the carrier to prove
started or who, between the two, delivered the first blow or how Navidad later that the injury is due to an unforeseen event or to force majeure. In the absence
fell on the LRT tracks. At the exact moment that Navidad fell, an LRT train, of satisfactory explanation by the carrier on how the accident occurred, which
operated by petitioner Rodolfo Roman, was coming in. Navidad was struck by petitioners, according to the appellate court, have failed to show, the
the moving train, and he was killed instantaneously. presumption would be that it has been at fault, an exception from the general
rule that negligence must be proved.
The widow of Nicanor, respondent Marjorie Navidad, along with her children,
filed a complaint for damages against Junelito Escartin, Rodolfo Roman, the The foundation of LRTA's liability is the contract of carriage and its obligation
LRTA, the Metro Transit and Prudent for the death of her husband. to indemnify the victim arises from the breach of that contract by reason of its
failure to exercise the high diligence required of the common carrier. In the
RTC rendered its decision in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendants discharge of its commitment to ensure the safety of passengers, a carrier may
Prudent Security and Junelito Escartin ordering the latter to pay jointly and choose to hire its own employees or avail itself of the services of an outsider
or an independent firm to undertake the task. In either case, the common collision resulted in the deaths of Jose Koh, Kim Koh McKee and Loida
carrier is not relieved of its responsibilities under the contract of carriage. Bondoc, and physical injuries to George Koh McKee, Christopher Koh McKee
and Araceli Koh McKee, all passengers of the Ford Escort. Immediately before
the collision, the cargo truck was traveling southward from Angeles City to San
Note: The liability of the common carrier and an independent contractor is Fernando Pampanga, and was bound for Manila. The Ford Escort, on the other
solidary. A liability for tort may arise even under a contract, where tort is that hand, was on its way to Angeles City from San Fernando. When the
which breaches the contract. Stated differently, when an act which constitutes northbound car was about 10 meters away from the southern approach of the
a breach of contract would have itself constituted the source of a quasi- bridge, two boys suddenly darted from the right side of the road and into the
delictual liability had no contract existed between the parties, the contract can lane of the car. The boys were moving back and forth, unsure of whether to
cross all the way to the other side or turn back. Jose Koh blew the horn of the
be said to have been breached by tort, thereby allowing the rules on tort to car, swerved to the left and entered the lane of the truck; he then switched on
apply the headlights of the car, applied the brakes and thereafter attempted to return
to his lane. Before he could do so, his car collided with the truck. The collision
b. No. If there is any liability that could be attributed to Prudent, it could only occurred in the lane of the truck, which was the opposite lane, on the said
be for tort under the provisions of Article 2176 and related provisions, in bridge. On 1 October 1980, Judge Capulong rendered a decision against the
accused Ruben Galang in the criminal case. Upon the other hand, Judge Mario
conjunction with Article 2180, of the Civil Code. The premise, however, for the Castañeda, Jr. dismissed the two civil cases and awarded the private
employer's liability is negligence or fault on the part of the employee. Once respondents moral damages, exemplary damages and attorney's fees.
such fault is established, the employer can then be made liable on the basis Accused Ruben Galang appealed the judgment of conviction to the Court of
of the presumption that the employer failed to exercise diligence of a good Appeals which affirmed the conviction of Galang. The decision is anchored
father of a family in the selection and supervision of its employees. The liability principally on the respondent Court's findings that it was Ruben Galang's
inattentiveness or reckless imprudence which caused the accident. The
is primary and can only be negated by showing due diligence in the selection appellate court further said that the law presumes negligence on the part of
and supervision of the employee, a factual matter that has not been shown. the defendants (private respondents), as employers of Galang, in the selection
and supervision of the latter; it was further asserted that these defendants did
Prudent cannot be held liable for the to death of Navidad, for the reason that not allege in their Answers the defense of having exercised the diligence of a
the negligence of its employee, Escartin, has not been duly proven. good father of a family in selecting and supervising the said employee.

ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner-employers are liable for the death and
c. No. There is no showing that petitioner Rodolfo Roman (employee of Metro injuries caused by their employee.
Transit and not of the LRTA) is guilty of any culpable act or omission, he must
also be absolved from liability. Needless to say, the contractual tie between HELD: Yes. The Court rule that it was the truck driver's negligence in failing to
the LRT and Navidad is not itself a juridical relation between the latter and exert ordinary care to avoid the collision which was, in law, the proximate
cause of the collision. As employers of the truck driver, the private respondents
Roman; thus, Roman can be made liable only for his own fault or negligence. are, under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, directly and primarily liable for the
resulting damages. The presumption that they are negligent flows from the
negligence of their employee. He himself said that his truck was running at 30
Case No. 29 miles (48 kilometers) per hour along the bridge while the maximum speed
Mckee v. IAC allowed by law on a bridge is only 30 kilometers per hour. Under Article 2185
G.R. No. 68102 July 16, 1992 of the Civil Code, a person driving a vehicle is presumed negligent if at the
time of the mishap, he was violating any traffic regulation. Even if Jose Koh
FACTS: In the morning of 8 January 1977, in Pulong Pulo Bridge along Mac was indeed negligent, the doctrine of last clear chance finds application
Arthur Highway, between Angeles City and San Fernando, Pampanga, a here. Last clear chance is a doctrine in the law of torts which states that the
head-on collision took place between an International cargo truck, Loadstar contributory negligence of the party injured will not defeat the claim for
owned by private respondents George McKee and Araceli Koh McKee, and damages if it is shown that the defendant might, by the exercise of reasonable
driven by Ruben Galang, and a Ford Escort car driven by Jose Koh. The care and prudence, have avoided the consequences of the negligence of the
injured party. In such cases, the person who had the last clear chance to avoid middle of her thigh, with only some skin and muscle connected to the rest of
the mishap is considered in law solely responsible for the consequences the body.

It is manifest that no negligence could be imputed to Jose Koh. Any reasonable Plaintiff prayed for moral, exemplary damages and other medical and related
and ordinary prudent man would have tried to avoid running over the two boys expenses.
by swerving the car away from where they were even if this would mean
entering the opposite lane. Avoiding such immediate peril would be the natural Defendant Richard Li denied that he was negligent. According to him, he was
course to take particularly where the vehicle in the opposite lane would be on his way home, travelling at 55 kph; considering that it was raining, visibility
several meters away and could very well slow down, move to the side of the
road and give way to the oncoming car. Moreover, under what is known as the was affected and the road was wet. He was suddenly confronted with a car
emergency rule, "one who suddenly finds himself in a place of danger, and is coming from the opposite direction, travelling at 80 kph, with "full bright lights."
required to act without time to consider the best means that may be adopted Temporarily blinded, he instinctively swerved to the right to avoid colliding with
to avoid the impending danger, is not guilty of negligence, if he fails to adopt the oncoming vehicle, and bumped plaintiff's car, which he did not see because
what subsequently and upon reflection may appear to have been a better it was midnight blue in color, with no parking lights or early warning device,
method, unless the emergency in which he finds himself is brought about by
his own negligence." and the area was poorly lighted. He alleged in his defense that plaintiff's car
was improperly parked, almost at the center of the road.

RTC sustained the plaintiff's submissions and found defendant Richard Li

guilty of gross negligence and liable for damages under Article 2176 of the
30. Valenzuela vs. CA Civil Code. The trial court likewise held Alexander Commercial, Inc., Li's
employer, jointly and severally liable for damages pursuant to Article 2180.
An action to recover damages based on quasi-delict, for serious physical
injuries sustained in a vehicular accident was filed by Lourdes Valenzuela CA affirmed the decision of RTC that Li was liable for the injuries sustained by
against Richard Li. the plaintiff but absolved Li’s employer, Alexander Commercial, Inc. from any
liability towards petitioner Lourdes Valenzuela. According to CA, to impose
Valenzuela alleged that around 2:00 in the morning she was driving a blue liability upon the employer under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, there must be
Mitsubishi lancer from her restaurant to her home. Subsequently, she noticed a showing that the damage was caused by their employees in the service of
something wrong with her tires; she stopped at a lighted place where there the employer or on the occasion of their functions. There is no evidence that
were people, to verify whether she had a flat tire and to solicit help if needed. Richard Li, at the time of the accident, was performing any act in furtherance
Having been told by the people present that her rear right tire was flat and that of the company's business or its interests, or at least for its benefit. Before an
she cannot reach her home in that car's condition, she parked along the employer may be held liable for the negligence of his employee, the act or
sidewalk, about 1-1/2 feet away, put on her emergency lights, alighted from omission which caused damage must have occurred while an employee was
the car, and went to the rear to open the trunk. She was standing at the left in the actual performance of his assigned tasks or duties. The imposition of
side of the rear of her car pointing to the tools to a man who will help her fix solidary liability against defendant Alexander Commercial Corporation must
the tire when she was suddenly bumped by a car driven by defendant Richard therefore fail.
Li and registered in the name of defendant Alexander Commercial, Inc.
Because of the impact, plaintiff was thrown against the windshield of the car Valenzuela assails the respondent court's decision insofar as it absolves
of the defendant, which was destroyed, and then fell to the ground. She was Alexander Commercial, Inc. from liability as the owner of the car driven by
pulled out from under defendant's car. Plaintiff's left leg was severed up to the Richard Li.
Issue: WON Alexander Commercial, Inc. is solidarily liable with Li. entrusting its company car to Li. No allegations were made as to whether or
not the company took the steps necessary to determine or ascertain the driving
Held: Yes. We agree with the respondent court that the relationship in question proficiency and history of Li, to whom it gave full and unlimited use of a
is not based on the principle of respondeat superior, which holds the master company car. Not having been able to overcome the burden of demonstrating
liable for acts of the servant, but that of pater familias, in which the liability that it should be absolved of liability for entrusting its company car to Li, said
ultimately falls upon the employer, for his failure to exercise the diligence of a company, based on the principle of bonus pater familias, ought to be jointly
good father of the family in the selection and supervision of his employees. It and severally liable with the former for the injuries sustained by Valenzuela
is up to this point, however, that our agreement with the respondent court ends. during the accident.
Utilizing the bonus pater familias standard expressed in Article 2180 of the
Civil Code, we are of the opinion that Li's employer, Alexander Commercial, Other issue: WON Valenzuela was likewise guilty of contributory negligence in
Inc. is jointly and solidarily liable for the damage caused by Li. parking her car alongside Aurora Boulevard, which entire area Li points out, is
a no parking zone.
Ordinarily, evidence demonstrating that the employer has exercised diligent
supervision of its employee during the performance of the latter's assigned No. Courts have traditionally been compelled to recognize that an actor who is
tasks would be enough to relieve him of the liability imposed by Article 2180 in confronted with an emergency is not to be held up to the standard of conduct
relation to Article 2176 of the Civil Code. The employer is not expected to normally applied to an individual who is in no such situation. Under the
exercise supervision over either the employee's private activities or during the "emergency rule”, an individual who suddenly finds himself in a situation of
performance of tasks either unsanctioned by the former or unrelated to the danger and is required to act without much time to consider the best means
employee's tasks. The case at bench presents a situation of a different that may be adopted to avoid the impending danger, is not guilty of negligence
character, involving a practice utilized by large companies with either their if he fails to undertake what subsequently and upon reflection may appear to
employees of managerial rank or their representatives. be a better solution, unless the emergency was brought by his own negligence.
Since important business transactions and decisions may occur at all hours in
all sorts of situations and under all kinds of guises, the provision for the A woman driving a vehicle suddenly crippled by a flat tire on a rainy night will
unlimited use of a company car therefore principally serves the business and not be faulted for stopping at a point which is both convenient for her to do so
goodwill of a company and only incidentally the private purposes of the and which is not a hazard to other motorists. She is not expected to run the
individual who actually uses the car, the managerial employee or company entire boulevard in search for a parking zone or turn on a dark street or alley
sales agent. As such, in providing for a company car for business use and/or where she would likely find no one to help her. It would be hazardous for her
for the purpose of furthering the company's image, a company owes a not to stop and assess the emergency (simply because the entire length of
responsibility to the public to see to it that the managerial or other employees Aurora Boulevard is a no-parking zone) because the hobbling vehicle would
to whom it entrusts virtually unlimited use of a company issued car are able to be both a threat to her safety and to other motorists. Under the circumstances
use the company issue capably and responsibly. described, Valenzuela did exercise the standard reasonably dictated by the
In the instant case, Li was an Assistant Manager of Alexander Commercial, emergency and could not be considered to have contributed to the unfortunate
Inc. In his testimony before the trial court, he admitted that his functions as circumstances which eventually led to the amputation of one of her lower
Assistant Manager did not require him to scrupulously keep normal office extremities. The emergency which led her to park her car on a sidewalk in
hours as he was required quite often to perform work outside the office, visiting Aurora Boulevard was not of her own making, and it was evident that she had
prospective buyers and contacting and meeting with company clients. taken all reasonable precautions.

In fine, Alexander Commercial, Inc. has not demonstrated, to our satisfaction

that it exercised the care and diligence of a good father of the family in
31. Merrit vs. Government gives a remedy to enforce a preexisting liability and submits itself to the
jurisdiction of the court, subject to its right to interpose any lawful defense.”
Merrit, who was riding on a motorcycle, was going toward the western part of
Calle Padre Faura, passing along the west side thereof at a speed of ten to It must be conceded that the state can be made liable for injuries arising from
twelve miles an hour, upon crossing Taft Avenue and when he was ten feet the negligence of its agents or servants, only by force of some positive statute
from the southwestern intersection of said streets, the General Hospital assuming such liability.
ambulance, upon reaching said avenue, instead of turning toward the south,
after passing the center thereof, so that it would be on the left side of said Paragraph 5 of article 1903 of the civil Code reads:
avenue, as is prescribed by the ordinance and the Motor Vehicle Act, turned “The state is liable in this sense when it acts through a special agent, but not
suddenly and unexpectedly and long before reaching the center of the street, when the damage should have been caused by the official to whom properly it
into the right side of Taft Avenue, without having sounded any whistle or horn, pertained to do the act performed, in which case the provisions of the
by which movement it struck the plaintiff, who was already six feet from the preceding article shall be applicable.”
southwestern point or from the post placed there. By reason of the resulting
collision, the plaintiff was so severely injured. "'That the obligation to indemnify for damages which a third person causes to
another by his fault or negligence is based, as is evidenced by the same Law
RTC held that the collision between the plaintiff's motorcycle and the 3, Title 15, Partida 7, on that the person obligated, by his own fault or
ambulance of the General Hospital was due solely to the negligence of the negligence, takes part in the act or omission of the third party who caused the
chauffeur. damage. It follows therefrom that the state, by virtue of such provisions of law,
is not responsible for the damage suffered by private individuals in
Issue: WON the government is liable for the negligent act of its agent or consequence of acts performed by its employees in the discharge of the
employee. functions pertaining to their office, because neither fault nor even negligence
can be presumed on the part of the state in the organization of branches of the
Held: By virtue of Act No. 2457, E. Merritt is hereby authorized to bring suit in public service and in the appointment of its agents.”
the Court of First Instance of the city of Manila against the Government of the
Philippine Islands in order to fix the responsibility for the collision between his "That according to paragraph 5 of article 1903 of the Civil Code and the
motorcycle and the ambulance of the General Hospital, and to determine the principle laid down in a decision, among others, of the 18th of May, 1904, in a
amount of the damages, if any, to which Mr. E. Merritt is entitled on account of damage case, the responsibility of the state is limited to that which it contracts
said collision. through a special agent, duly empowered by a definite order or commission to
perform some act or charged with some definite purpose which gives rise to
Did the defendant, in enacting the above quoted act, simply waive its immunity the claim, and not where the claim is based on acts or omissions imputable to
from suit or did it also concede its liability to the plaintiff? a public official charge with some administrative or technical office who can be
held to the proper responsibility in the manner laid down by the law of civil
As to the scope of legislative enactments permitting individuals to sue the state responsibility.”
where the cause of action arises out of either tort or contract, the rule is that:
It is, therefore, evident that the State (the Government of the Philippine
"By consenting to be sued a state simply waives its immunity from suit. It does Islands) is only liable, according to the above quoted decisions of the Supreme
not thereby concede its liability to plaintiff, or create any cause of action in his Court of Spain, for the acts of its agents, officers and employees when they
favor, or extend its liability to any cause not previously recognized. It merely act as special agents within the meaning of paragraph 5 of article 1903, supra,
and that the chauffeur of the ambulance of the General Hospital was not such Held: No. The state is liable only when it acts through a special agent, but not
an agent. when the damage should have been caused by the official to whom it properly
pertained to do the act performed, in which case the provisions of the
Whether the Government intends to make itself legally liable for the amount of preceding article shall be applicable.
damages above set forth, which the plaintiff has sustained by reason of the
negligent acts of one of its employees, by legislative enactment and by According to paragraph 5 of article 1903 of the Civil Code, in a damage case,
appropriating sufficient funds therefor, we are not called upon to determine. the responsibility of the state is limited to that which it contracts through a
This matter rests solely with the Legislature and not with the courts. special agent, duly empowered by a definite order or commission to perform
some act or charged with some definite purpose which gives rise to the claim,
and not where the claim is based on acts or omissions imputable to a public
32. Rosete vs. Auditor General official charged with some administrative or technical office who can be held
to the proper responsibility in the manner laid down by the law of civil
Insular Auditor denied the claim of Inocencio Rosete and others against the responsibility.
Government for damages caused to buildings belonging to the claimant, which
according to the appellant's claim were destroyed by fire that came from the There being no showing that whatever negligence may be imputed to the
contiguous warehouse of the Emergency Control Administration, due to the Emergency Control Administration or its officers, was done by a special agent,
negligence of a certain Jose Frayno in igniting recklessly his cigarette-lighter because the officers of the Emergency Control Administration did not act as
near a five gallon drum into which gasoline was being drained, and of the special agents of the government in storing gasoline in warehouse of the ECA,
officers of the said ECA, which is an office or agency of the Government, in the government is not responsible for the damages caused through such
storing gasoline in said warehouse contrary to the provisions of Ordinances of negligence.
the City of Manila.
Act No. 327, in authorizing the filing of claims against the Government with the
Rosete appealed from the decision of the Insular Auditor. He contends that the Insular Auditor, and appeal by private persons or entities from the latter's
Auditor General erred in not finding that the government agency or decision to the Supreme Court, does not make any and all claims against the
instrumentality known as the Emergency Control Administration of the officers Government allowable, and the latter responsible for all claims which may be
thereof, were guilty of negligence in storing a highly combustible and filed with the Insular Auditor under the provisions of said Act.
inflammable substance in its warehouse on bodega in Manila in violation of
City Ordinances, and therefore the government is liable for the damages
sustained by the claimant under article 1903 of the Civil Code, which in its
pertinent part reads as follows:

"ART. 1903. The obligation imposed by the preceding article is enforceable not
only for personal acts and omissions but also for those persons for whom
another is responsible.

Issue: WON the government can be held liable for the negligence of ECA
33. Mendoza vs. De Leon will their misconduct be chargeable against them, unless the act complained
of be either authorized or ratified.' And in a large number of cases it has been
An action for damages was filed against the individual members of the held that there is no such liability on the part of such governmental agency
municipal council of the municipality of Villasis, Pangasinan, for the revocation unless it has been imposed by statute, and in such case it is necessarily limited
of the lease of an exclusive ferry privilege awarded to the plaintiff under the by the statute.
provisions of Act. No. 1634 of the Philippine Commission. After one year, the
plaintiff was forcibly ejected and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Nor are officers or agents of the Government charged with the performance of
herein defendants, awarding a franchise for the same ferry to another person. governmental duties which are in their nature legislative, or quasi judicial, liable
for the consequences of their official acts, unless it be shown that they act
Act No. 1634 provides that the use of each fishery, fish-breeding ground, ferry, willfully and maliciously, and with the express purpose of inflicting injury upon
stable, market, slaughterhouse belonging to any municipality or township shall the plaintiff. If they exercise their honest judgment in the performance of their
be let to the highest bidder annually or for such longer period not exceeding duties, their errors cannot be charged against them.
five years as may have been previously approved by the provincial board of
the province in which the municipality or township is located. So it may be said that in so far as its governmental functions are concerned, a
municipality is not liable at all, unless expressly made by statute; nor are its
Issue: WON the individual councilors are liable for the damages sustained by officers, so long as they perform their duties honestly and in good faith.
From what has already been said, it should be clear that a municipality is not
Held: No. exempt from liability for the negligent performance of its corporate or
Municipalities of the Philippine Islands organized under the Municipal Code proprietary or business functions. In the administration of its patrimonial
have both governmental and corporate or business functions. property, it is to be regarded as a private corporation or individual so far as its
liability to third persons on contract or in tort is concerned. Its contracts, valid
Two kinds of duties are imposed on municipal corporations, one is entered into, may be enforced and damages may be collected from it for the
governmental and a branch of the general administration of the state, the other torts of its officers or agents within the scope of their employment in precisely
is quasi private or corporate. In the exercise of the latter duties, the municipality the same manner and to the same extent as those of private corporations or
is liable for the acts of its officers and agents, while in the former it is not. Within individuals. As to such matters the principles respondeat superior applies. It is
the sphere of the former, it enjoys the exemption of the government, from for these purposes that the municipality is made liable to suits in the courts.
responsibility for its own acts, and for the acts of those who are independent
corporate officers, deriving their rights and duties from the sovereign power. In the case at bar, it is clear that the leasing of a municipal ferry to the highest
But in regard to the latter, it is responsible for the acts of those who are in law bidder for a specified period of time is not a governmental but corporate
its agents, though they may not be appointed by itself. function. Such a lease, when validly entered into, constitutes a contract with
the lessee which the municipality is bound to respect.
It is the well-settled rule that the state is not liable to private persons who suffer
injuries through negligence of its officers — and the rule extends to townships Under the provisions of the Municipal Code and Act No. 1634, the plaintiff had
and cities — while in the performance of state functions, imposed upon them a vested right to the exclusive operation of the ferry in question for the period
by the law. of his lease. If it is the municipality which is the party to this action, it would be
patent that a judgment for damages against it for the rescission of the contract
Cities are governmental agencies, and that their 'officers are in no such sense would be proper. But the present action is against the members of the
municipal agents; that their negligence is the neglect of the municipality; nor municipal council personally, and the question arise: Are they liable? In
administering the patrimonial property of municipalities, the municipal council 34. Fontanilla vs. Maliaman
occupies, for most purposes, the position of a board of directors of a private
corporation. In disposing of the local public utilities, if the term may be used, Facts:
such as the fishing and ferry rights, etc., they must exercise considerable
on August 21, 1976 at about 6:30 P.M., a pick-up owned and operated by
judgment. respondent National Irrigation Administration, a government agency bearing
Plate No. IN-651, then driven officially by Hugo Garcia, an employee of said
We do not think the councilors could have been personally held liable for their agency as its regular driver, bumped a bicycle ridden by Francisco Fontanilla,
error in resorting to forcible eviction of the lessee. Theirs was an error of son of herein petitioners, and Restituto Deligo, at Maasin, San Jose City along
the Maharlika Highway. As a result of the impact, Francisco Fontanilla and
judgment, and honest mistake on their part as to the rights of the municipality
Restituto Deligo were injured and brought to the San Jose City Emergency
in the premises. We think the rule of personal liability should be with municipal Hospital for treatment. Fontanilla was later transferred to the Cabanatuan
councilors in such matters as it is with the directors or managers of an ordinary Provincial Hospital where he died.
private corporation.
Garcia was then a regular driver of respondent National Irrigation
Administration who, at the time of the accident, was a licensed professional
Under the rule that directors are not liable for mistakes of judgment, it follows
driver and who qualified for employment as such regular driver of respondent
naturally that they are not liable for the mismanagement of the corporate affairs after having passed the written and oral examinations on traffic rules and
where such mismanagement is a mistake of judgment. The wisdom of this rule maintenance of vehicles given by National Irrigation Administration
is not only approved by common experience but by law writers and all courts. authorities. prLL
A rule so rigid as to hold directors personally liable for honest mistakes in
corporate management would deter all prudent business men from accepting The within petition is thus an offshot of the action instituted by petitioners-
spouses against respondent NIA before the then Court of First Instance of
such positions. Nueva Ecija, Branch VIII at San Jose City, for damages in connection with the
death of their son resulting from the aforestated accident.
In the case at bar, there is not a scintilla of evidence that there was any
justifiable reason for forcibly evicting the plaintiff from the ferry which he had After trial, the trial court rendered judgment which directed respondent National
leased. On the contrary, the defendant councilors attempted to justify their Irrigation Administration to pay damages (death benefits) and actual expenses
to petitioners.
action on the ground that the ferry which he was operating was not the one
leased to him; this in spite of the fact the vice-president had personally placed Respondent National Irrigation Administration filed a motion for
him in possession of it more than a year before, and the fact that he had reconsideration of the said decision which respondent trial court denied.
operated this ferry for over a year, evidently with the knowledge of the Respondent National Irrigation Administration thus appealed said decision to
defendants. The evidence is so clear that the ferry of which the plaintiff was the Court of Appeals where it filed its brief for appellant in support of its
dispossessed was the one which he had leased that no reasonable man would
entertain any doubt whatever upon the question. Hence, we cannot say that in Instead of filing the required brief in the aforecited Court of Appeals case,
rescinding the contract with the plaintiff, thereby making the municipality liable petitioners filed the instant petition with this Court.
to an action for damages for no valid reason at all, the defendant councilors
were honestly acting for the interests of the municipality. We are, therefore, of Issue:
the opinion that the defendants are liable jointly and severally for the damages
Whether or not, NIA must not be held liable, being a government agency
sustained by the plaintiff from the rescission of his contract of lease of the ferry performing its governmental functions.
privilege in question.
No. NIA must be liable as an ordinary employer. The National Irrigation Administration is a government corporation with juridical
personality and not a mere agency of the government. It is an agency of the
Art. 2176 thus provides: government exercising proprietary functions, by express provision of Rep. Act
No. 3601 which tasked the same to do the following:
"Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another,
there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the 1. collect from the users of each irrigation system constructed by
damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre- it such fees as may be necessary to finance the continuous
existing contractual relation between the parties, is called a operation of the system and reimburse within a certain period
quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of this not less than twenty-five years cost of construction thereof;
Chapter." and

Paragraphs 5 and 6 of Art. 2180 read as follows: 2. do all such other things and to transact all such business as
are directly or indirectly necessary, incidental or conducive to
"Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their the attainment of the above objectives."
employees and household helpers acting within the scope
of their assigned tasks, even though the former are not Therefore, it must be liable as an ordinary employer provided that there is an
engaged in any business or industry." existence of negligence in the selection and supervision of its employees.

"The State is responsible in like manner when it acts through In the case presented, the fact that Francisco Fontanilla was thrown to a
a special agent; but not when the damage has been caused distance 50 meters away from the point of impact while Restituto Deligo was
by the official to whom the task done properly pertains, in thrown a little bit further away and that the vehicle suffered dents on the right
which case what is provided in Art. 2176 shall be side of the radiator guard, the hood, the fender and a crack on the radiator as
applicable." shown by the investigation report, indicate that driver Garcia was driving at a
high speed. This circumstances show negligence on the part of NIA in
The liability of the State has two aspects, namely: supervision over its employees.

1. Its public or governmental aspects where it is liable for the tortious

acts of special agents only.

2 Its private or business aspects (as when it engages in private

enterprises) where it becomes liable as an ordinary employer.

In this jurisdiction, the State assumes a limited liability for the damage caused
by the tortious acts or conduct of its special agent.

Under the aforequoted paragraph 6 of Art. 2180, the State has voluntarily
assumed liability for acts done through special agents. The State's agent, if a
public official, must not only be specially commissioned to do a particular task
but that such task must be foreign to said official's usual governmental
functions. If the State's agent is not a public official, and is commissioned to
perform non-governmental functions, then the State assumes the role of an
ordinary employer and will be held liable as such for its agent's tort. Where the
government commissions a private individual for a special governmental task,
it is acting through a special agent within the meaning of the provision.
35. City of Manila vs. Teotico It is true that in case of conflict, a special law prevails over a general law and
that, Republic Act No. 409 or the charter of Manila, is a special law while the
Facts: Civil Code is a general law. Hence, from the above assertions, Republic Act
No. 409 must governed. However, looking at the particular provisions of
On January 27, 1958, at about 8:00 p.m., Genaro N. Teotico was at the each law concerned, the Section 4 of Republic Act No. 409 establishes a
corner of the Old Luneta and P. Burgos Avenue, Manila, within a "loading general rule regulating the liability of the City of Manila for “damages or injury
and unloading" zone, waiting for a jeepney to take him down town. After to persons or property arising from the failure of city officers to enforce the
waiting for about five minutes, he managed to hail a jeepney that came along provisions of the said Act or any other law or ordinance, or from negligence
to a stop. As he stepped down from the curb to board the jeepney, and took of the city Mayor, Municipal Board, or other officers while enforcing or
a few steps, he fell inside an uncovered and unlighted catchbasin or manhole attempting to enforce said provisions.” In such case, there is no particular
on P. Burgos Avenue. Due to the fall, his head hit the rim of the manhole exemption but merely a general exemption.
breaking his eyeglasses and causing broken pieces thereof to pierce his left
eyelid. As blood flowed therefrom, impairing his vision, several persons Article 2189 of the Civil Code, on the other hand, provides a particular
came to his assistance and pulled him out of the manhole. One of them prescription making "provinces, cities and municipalities . . . liable for
brought Teotico to the Philippine General Hospital, where his injuries were damages for the death of, or injury suffered by any person by reason —
treated, after which he was taken home. In addition to the lacerated wound specifically — of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public
in his left upper eyelid, Teotico suffered contusions on the left thigh, the left buildings, and other-public works under their control or supervision."
upper arm, the right leg and the upper lip, apart from an abrasion on the right
infra-patella region. These injuries and the allergic eruptions caused by anti- In other words, said Section 4 of the charter of Manila refers to liability arising
tetanus injections administered to him in the hospital, required further from negligence, in general, regardless of the object thereof, whereas Article
medical treatment by a private practitioner who charged therefor P1,400.00. 2189 governs liability due to "defective streets," in particular. Since the
present action is based upon the alleged defective condition of a road, said
At the time of the incident, plaintiff was a practicing public accountant, a Article 2189 is decisive thereon.
businessman and a professor at the University of the East. He held
responsible positions in various business firms like the Philippine The allegation that the incident happened in a national highway was only
Merchandising Co., the A. U. Valencia and Co., the Silver Swan raised for the first time in the City’s motion for reconsideration in the Court
Manufacturing Company and the Sincere Packing Corporation. He was also of Appeals, hence it cannot be given due weight. At any rate, even though it
associated with several civic organizations such as the Wack Wack Golf is a national highway, the law contemplates that regardless if whether or not
Club, the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Y's Men the road is national, provincial, city, or municipal, so long as it is under the
Club of Manila and the Knight's of Rizal.|| City’s control and supervision, it shall be responsible for damages by reason
of the defective conditions thereof. In the case at bar, the City admitted they
Teotico filed, with the Court of First Instance of Manila, a complaint — which have control and supervision over the road where Teotico fell when the City
was, subsequently, amended — for damages against the City of Manila, its alleged that it has been doing constant and regular inspection of the city’s
mayor, city engineer, city health officer, city treasurer and chief of police. roads, P. Burgos included.
Both the trial court and Court of Appeals dismissed the amended complaint
of the plaintiff, hence, this appeal.


Whether or not, the City of Manila must be held liable in this case.


36. Republic vs. Palacio The answer to the petition lies in the determination of the function of ISU as
a government agency. The office of the ISU was originally created under the
Facts: Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources by virtue of a
Memorandum Agreement between the governments of the Philippines and
On April 2, 1960, Ildefonso Ortiz instituted in the Court of First Instance of the United States. It was later transferred to the Department of Public Works
Camarines Sur Civil Case No. 4886, against the Handong Irrigation and Communications as an office directly under the Office of the Secretary,
Association, Inc., a corporation with principal place of business in Libmanan, "to prosecute to completion the rehabilitation of pump systems transferred
Camarines Sur, and the Irrigation Service Unit, an office or agency under the from the former Irrigation Pump Administration of the Department of
Department of Public Works and Communications, to recover possession with Agriculture and Natural Resources, including the settlement of the
damages, of 958-square meter-lot located in Handong, San Juan, Libmanan, obligations of said administration.
Camarines Sur, which the Irrigation Association allegedly entered and
occupied, at the instance of its co-defendant (Handong Irrigation Association). It is clear from the foregoing that the ISU is not only an office in the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines, created to promote a specific
On June 3, 1960, the Republic of the Philippines, through the Solicitor economic policy of said government, but also that its activity (of selling
General, moved for the dismissal of the complaint, claiming that defendant irrigation pumps to farmers on installment basis) is not intended to earn profit
Irrigation Service Unit has no juridical personality to sue and be sued. This or financial gain to its operator. The mere fact that interests are being
motion was denied, on the ground that the said defendant although a mere collected on the balance of the unpaid cost of the purchased pumps does
agency of the Republic of the Philippines, is engaged in the private business not convert this economic project of the government into a corporate activity.
of selling irrigation pumps and construction materials on installment plan. The As previously pointed out, the installment payments and interests receivable
Solicitor General's motion for reconsideration of the aforesaid order was also from the farmers are to be used to replenish the counterpart funds utilized in
denied. No appeal appears to have been taken. furtherance of the operation of the project.

On January 29, 1962, the Solicitor General was served with copy of the writ of The confusion arises from the Stat's waiver to be sued. The CA assumed
execution issued by the court against the defendants in the above-mentioned that because the State has waived its immunity, its property and funds
civil case. An order of garnishment was served by the Sheriff of Manila against become liable to seizure under the legal process. This emphatically is not
the deposits and/or pump irrigation trust fund in the account of the Irrigation the law, as held in Meritt vs. Insular government:
Service Unit at the Philippine National Bank, Manila, to cover the sum of
P14,874.40. "Even though the rule as to immunity of a state from suit is relaxed,
the power of the courts ends when the judgment is rendered.
On March 8, 1962, the Solicitor General, on behalf of the Republic of the Although the liability of the state has been judicially ascertained, the
Philippines, filed with the lower court an urgent motion to lift the order of state is at liberty to determine for itself whether to pay the judgment
garnishment, for the reason that the funds subject matter thereof are public or not, and execution can not issue on a judgment against the state.
funds and exempt from attachment or execution. Upon denial of this motion, Such statutes do not authorize a seizure of state property to satisfy
as well as of the motion for reconsideration of said denial, the Solicitor General judgments recovered, and only convey implication that the
commenced the present certiorari and prohibition proceeding in the Court of legislature will recognize such judgment as final and make provision
Appeals. for the satisfaction thereof.

Issue: Judgments against a state, in cases where it has consented to be

sued, generally operate merely to liquidate and establish plaintiff's
Whether or not the order of garnishment on deposit and pump irrigation trust claim in the absence of express provision; otherwise they can not
fund is proper. be enforced by processes of law; and it is for the legislature to
provide for their payment in such manner as it sees fit."
It needs no stressing that to allow the levying under execution of the ISU
No. funds would amount to diverting them from the purpose originally
contemplated by the Bilateral Agreement, and would amount to a HELD: YES. The petitioner's assertion that he signed the questioned payroll
disbursement without any proper appropriation as required by law. checks in good faith has not been substantiated, he in particular not having
testified or offered testimony to prove such claim. Upon the contrary, in spite
of his being a vice-president and director of the Ace Advertising, the petitioner
remained passive, throughout the period of Taylor's stay abroad, concerning
the unauthorized disbursements of corporate funds for the latter. This plus the
Case No. 37 fact that he even approved thrice payroll checks for the payment of Taylor's
Araneta v. De Joya salary, demonstrate quite distinctly that the petitioner neglected to perform his
G.R. No. L-25172 May 24, 1974 duties properly, to the damage of the firm of which he was an officer. The fact
that he was occupying a contractual position at the Ace Advertising is of no
FACTS: Sometime in November 1952 respondent De Joya, then general moment. The existence of a contract between the parties, as has been
manager of the Ace Advertising, proposed to the board of directors that an repeatedly held by this Court, constitutes no bar to the commission of a tort by
employee, Ricardo Taylor, be sent to the United States to take up special one against the other and the consequent recovery of damages.
studies in television. The board, however, failed to act on the proposal.
Nevertheless, in September 1953 the respondent sent Taylor abroad. J.
Antonio Araneta, a company director, inquired about the trip and was assured
by the respondent that Taylor's expenses would be defrayed not by the
company but by other
parties. While abroad, from September 1, 1953 to March 15, 1954, Taylor
continued to receive his salaries. The Ace Advertising disbursed P5,043 20,
all told, on account of Taylor's travel and studies. On August 23, 1954 the Ace
Advertising filed a complaint with the court of first instance of Manila against
the respondent for recovery of the total sum disbursed to Taylor, alleging that
the trip was made without its knowledge, authority or ratification. The
respondent, in his answer, denied the charge and claimed that the trip was
nonetheless ratified by the company's board of directors, and that in any event
under the by-laws he had the discretion, as general manager, to authorize the
trip which was for the company's benefit.

A 3rd-party complaint was also filed by the respondent against Vicente

Araneta, the petitioner and Ricardo Taylor. The respondent proved that
Vicente Araneta, as treasurer of the firm, signed a check representing the
company's share of the transportation expense of Taylor to the United States,
and that a series of payroll checks from September 15, 1953 to December 31,
1953, inclusive, which included the salaries of Taylor, was signed by Vicente
Araneta and the petitioner who is a vice-president of the company. Both
Aranetas disowned any personal liability, claiming that they signed the checks
in good faith as they were approved by the respondent.

Both the Trial Court and Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Ace Advertising.
The appellate court found as a fact that Taylor's trip had been neither
authorized nor ratified by the company.

ISSUE: Whether the petitioner is guilty of a quasi-delict.

Case No. 38 responsible for the damages caused by the negligent act of his employee
Lanuzo v. Ping and Mendoza (driver) Salvador Mendoza, and his liability is primary and solidary.
G.R. No. L-53064 September 25, 1980
But although the employer is solidarily liable with the employee for damages,
FACTS: On November 25, 1969, a Complaint for damages was instituted in the employer may demand reimbursement from his employee (driver) for
the Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur by plaintiff Felix Lanuzo against whatever amount the employer will have to pay the offended party to satisfy
Sy Bon Ping, the owner and operator of a freight truck, and his driver, Salvador the latter's claim.
Mendoza. As alleged therein, at about five o clock in the afternoon of July 24,
1969, while Salvador Mendoza was driving the truck along the national
highway in the Barrio of San Ramon, Nabua, Camarines Sur, and because of 39. Malipol vs. Tan
his reckless negligence, he rammed into the residential house and store of
plaintiff. As a result, the house and store were completely razed to the ground Facts:
causing damage to plaintiff in the total amount of P13,000.00. Plaintiff averred
that by reason thereof he became destitute as he lost his means of livelihood In the evening of February 6, 1965, at about 8:35 o'clock, Pantaleon Malijan,
from the store which used to give him a monthly income of P300.00. who was walking with his companion Leonardo Amante on the shoulder of the
road in Barrio San Felix, Sto. Tomas, Batangas, was hit by a gasoline tanker
The defendants moved to dismiss on the ground that another action, Criminal and was thrown to the ground. While he was sprawling on the ground Malijan
Case for Damage to Property through Reckless Imprudence, was pending in was run over by the tanker's right wheel that got detached from its axle.
the Municipal Court of Nabua, Camarines Sur, between the same parties for Malijan's companion, with the aid of the barrio captain, brought Malijan to the
the same cause. Plaintiff opposed the dismissal stressing that he had made San Pablo City Hospital where he died that same night, the cause of death
an express reservation in the criminal case to institute a civil action for being "possible traumatic cerebral hemorrhage due to vehicular accident."
damages separate and distinct from the criminal suit. The lower Court denied
the Motion to Dismiss for lack of merit. The gasoline tanker with Plate No. T-52573, series of 1964, driven at the time
of the accident by herein appellant Ernesto Labsan, was being used in
Upon elevation by the defendants of the case to the Court Appeals they urged connection with the gasoline business of the owner, the herein appellant Lily
that the civil action was prematurely instituted in view of Rule 111, section 3, Lim Tan.
providing in part that "after the criminal action has been commenced the civil
action cannot be instituted until final judgment has been rendered in the Since representations and demands for payment of damages were being
criminal action." Additionally, they contended that even assuming their liability, ignored by appellants, appellees, who are the mother and the minor brothers
the lower Court nevertheless committed an error in holding them jointly and and sisters of the deceased Pantaleon Malijan, filed a complaint in the Court
severally liable. of First Instance of Batangas, praying that appellants be condemned to pay,
jointly and severally, the damages as specified in said complaint.
ISSUE: Whether or not defendants are jointly and severally liable.
Appellants were duly served with summons but failed to answer within the
HELD: Yes. For his own negligence in recklessly driving the truck owned and reglementary period. Upon appellees' motion, the trial court declared the
operated by his employer, the driver, Salvador Mendoza, is primarily liable appellants in default, and appellees were permitted to present their evidence
under Article 2176 of the Civil Code. On the other hand, the liability of his in the absence of the appellants. The trial court rendered a decision, ordering
employer, Sy Bon Ping, is also primary and direct under Article 2180 of the defendant driver, Ernesto Labsan, to pay the following:
same Code, which explicitly provides:
(1) the sum of P2,100.00 to the plaintiffs for expenses for hospitalization,
"Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their employees and medical treatment, vigil and burial of Pantaleon Malijan;
household helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even though
the former are not engaged in any business or industry." (2) the sum of P6,000.00 to the plaintiffs for the death of said victim;
For failure of the appellant Sy Bon Ping to rebut the legal presumption of his (3) the sum of P20,000.00 to the plaintiffs for the loss of earnings of said
negligence in the selection and supervision of this employee, he is likewise deceased for a period of five years;
(4) the sum of P5,000.00 to the plaintiffs for moral damages; damages. The instant action, therefore, was based, as the complaint shows,
on quasi delict. Under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, which treats of quasi
(5) the sum of P2,000.00 to the plaintiffs for attorney's fees and P500.00 for delicts, the liability of the owners and managers of an establishment or
incidental and litigation expenses; and enterprise for damages caused by their employees is primary and direct, not
subsidiary. The employer, however, can demand from his employee
(6) the costs of the suit. reimbursement of the amount which he paid under his liability. The employer,
appellant Lily Lim Tan, must be held primarily and directly, not subsidiarily,
Should Ernesto Labsan not be able to pay the foregoing damages, they shall liable for damages awarded in the decision of the lower court. This is, of
be paid for by defendant Lily Lim Tan, who by law, being the owner and course, without prejudice to the right of appellant Lily Lim Tan to demand from
operator of the gasoline tanker that featured in the accident, is subsidiarily her co-appellant Ernesto Labsan reimbursement of the damages that she
liable. would have to pay to appellees.

A motion for execution was filed by appellees but the trial court held its
resolution in abeyance until the judgment would become final.
40. Viluan vs. Court of Appeals
Subsequently, appellants filed a verified motion to lift the order of default and
for a new trial, alleging that they were deprived of their day in court when the Facts:
order of default was issued and a decision rendered thereafter; that they had
good and valid defenses, namely: (a) that the accident which gave rise to the Seven persons were killed and thirteen others were injured in Bangar, La
case was due to force majeure; (b) that appellant Ernesto Labsan was without Union, on February 16, 1958, when a passenger bus on which they were
fault in the accident that gave rise to the case; and (c) that appellant Lily riding caught fire after hitting a post and crashing against a tree. The bus,
Lim Tan had exercised the due diligence required of a good father of a family owned by petitioner and driven by Hermenegildo Aquino, came from San
to prevent damage. The trial court denied motion. Hence, this appeal. Fernando, La Union and was on its way to Candon, Ilocos Sur. It appears
that, as the bus neared the gate of the Gabaldon school building in the
Issue: municipality of Bangar, another passenger bus owned by Patricio Hufana
and driven by Gregorio Hufana tried to overtake it but that instead of giving
Whether or not, the trial court is correct in holding Lily Lim Tan subsidiarily way, Aquino increased the speed of his bus and raced with the overtaking
liable and Ernesto Labsan primarily liable, being the owner and the driver of bus. Aquino lost control of his bus as a result of which it hit a post, crashed
the gas tanker respectively. against a tree and then burst into flames. Among those who perished were
Timoteo Mapanao, Francisca Lacsamana, Narcisa Mendoza and Gregorio
Held: Sibayan.

No. Lily Lim Tan must be held solidarily liable with Ernesto Labsan The heirs of the deceased sued petitioner and the latter's driver,
Hermenegildo Aquino, breach of contract of carriage and damages. Carolina
It is stated in the decision appealed from that the driver, Ernesto Labsan, was Sabado, one of those injured, also sued petitioner and the driver for
primarily liable for the payment of damages adjudged therein, and the damages. The complaints were filed in the Court of First Instance of La
appellant Lily Lim Tan, being the owner and operator of the gasoline tanker Union.
that figured in the accident, is subsidiarily liable, that is, liable only in case
Ernesto Labsan was not able to pay. This is not correct. The action in the In their answer, petitioner and her driver blamed respondent Gregorio
instant case was brought not to demand civil liability arising from a crime. The Hufana for the accident. With leave of court, they filed third party complaints
complaint makes no mention of a crime having been committed, much less of against Hufana and the latter's employer, Patricio Hufana.
the driver Ernesto Labsan having been convicted of a crime. But there is an
allegation in the complaint that Ernesto Labsan was the authorized driver of After trial, the court found that the accident was due to the concurrent
the truck that figured in the accident, which truck was operated by appellant negligence of the drivers of the two buses and held both, together with their
Lily Lim Tan in connection with her gasoline business. The prayer in the respective employers, jointly and severally liable for damages.
complaint, furthermore, sought to hold appellants jointly and solidarily liable for
The petitioner, her driver, and the respondents herein appealed to the Court Procedurally, it should make no difference whether the respondents were
of Appeals who affirmed the decision of the lower court but claimed that only brought in as principal defendants or as third-party defendants. Since the
petitioner, Francisco Viuan, is liable for breach of contract of carriage as liability of the third-party defendant is already asserted in the third-party
operator of the bus. Hermenegildo Aquino, being the driver, cannot be made complaint, the amendment of the complaint to assert such liability is merely
jointly and severally liable with petitioner because he is merely the latter's a matter of form, to insist on which would not be in keeping with the liberal
employee and is in no way a party to the contract of carriage. The latter may, spirit of the Rules of Court.|||
nevertheless, be held criminally and civilly liable under Articles 100 and 103
of the Revised Penal Code. The petitioner is also entitled to recover from Wherefore, the decision appealed from is hereby modified in the sense that
Aquino, any damages which he may have suffered by reason of the latter’s petitioner as well as respondents Patricio Hufana and Gregorio Hufana are
negligence. jointly and severally liable for the damages awarded by the trial court. The
disallowance of moral damages in the amount of P1,000.00 is correct and
Neither can respondents Patricio Hufana and Gregorio Hufana be held liable should be affirmed. No costs.
in the opinion of the appellate court because the plaintiffs did not amend
complaints in the main action so as to assert a claim against respondents as
third party defendants.

The appellate court likewise disallowed the award of moral damages for
P1,000.00 to Carolina Sabado, there being no showing that the common
carrier was guilty of fraud or bad faith in the performance of her obligation.

From this judgment petitioner brought this appeal. In brief, her position is
that since the proximate cause of the accident was found to be the
concurrent negligence of the drivers of the two buses, then she and
respondents Patricio and Gregorio Hufana should have been held equally
liable to the plaintiffs in the damage suits.


Whether or not, petitioner and respondents must be equally liable in this



Yes. In fact, they must be held solidarily liable.

Substantively, it should not make any difference that the liability of petitioner
springs from contract while that of respondents arises from quasi-delict. As
early as 1931, we already ruled in Gutierrez vs. Gutierrez, 56 Phil., 177, that
in case of injury to a passenger due to the negligence of the driver of the bus
on which he was riding and of the driver of another vehicle, the drivers as
well as the owners of the two vehicles are jointly and severally liable for
damages. Some members of the Court, though are of the view that under
the circumstances they are liable on quasi-delict.

(In response to the opinion of the appellate court)

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