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APL 701 Continuum Mechanics

Department of Applied Mechanics

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Arjun Sharma

Problem Set 7
Due Date: October 29, 2019

(1) (10 points) Consider the steady flow of a viscous fluid of dynamic viscosity µ between two concentric cylinders
rotating at constant angular velocities. The inner cylinder has a radius r1 and angular velocity, ω1 , whereas
the outer cylinder has radius r2 and angular velocity ω2 .
(a) Determine the steady, laminar velocity profile of the fluid in the gap between the cylinders. Provide an
expression for the torque acting on the inner cylinder.
(b) Consider the cases (i) ω2 = 0 and r2 → ∞ and (ii) r1 = 0 and ω1 = 0. How does the expression for
velocity profile simplify in each case? Suppose an infinitesimal element of size L is place inside the flow at a
location r1 < r < r2 as shown. Explain the changes in shape of the element after deformation during time
interval of ∆t for each of the cases (i) and (ii).

Figure 1: Question 1(b)

(2) (10 points) Consider the problem of steady flow induced by a circular cylinder of radius r0 rotating at surface
vorticity ω0 and having a wall suction velocity vr (r = r0 ) = −vw = constant. Set up the problem in polar

coordinates assuming no circumferential variations ∂φ = 0 and show that the vorticity in the fluid is given

 r Re
ω = ω0

where Re = r0νvw is the wall-suction Reynolds number of the cylinder. Integrate this relation to obtain the
velocity distribution vφ (r) in the fluid and show that the character of the solution is quite different for the
three cases of the wall Reynolds number Re less than, equal to, or greater than 2.

(3) (5 points) The Taylor vortex is defined by a purely circumferential flow

r r
vθ = c 2 exp −
νt νt

where c is a constant. Determine whether this vortex is an exact solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes
equations with negligible gravity. Sketch a few instantaneous profiles.

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