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Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (3) : 2019; pp.

Copyright@ EM International
ISSN 0971–765X

Characteristics of sediment flow and soil loss of the

volcanic Landscape watershed with Agroforestry
L.O. Hadini1*, J. Sartohadi2, M.A. Setiawan1 and D. Mardiatno1

Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

(Received 17 January, 2019; accepted 22 March, 2019)

The upper watershed of the volcanic landscape in Indonesia commonly has very thick soil depth and land
use of agroforestry. Landuse and geophysical characteristics influence the characteristics of sediment flow
and soil loss. Very view studies focus on sediment flow and soil loss of agroforestry in the upper watershed
of volcanic landscapes. In this study, quantitative investigations were carried out to examine the sediment
rate, soil loss rate, material type of sediment and the relationship of one into another. Outlet of the gully
was selected to measure the flow discharge and sediment sampling for each rainfall event. The results
showed that the sediment rate (Qs) could be predicted based on discharge (Q) and water level (h) with the
following rating curves, Q = 0.8809(h-0.0019)1.2454 and Qs = 0.0274Q1,8623. The soil loss value at catchment
area was 0.836 ton/ha/year and 0.207 tons/ha/year of which was in the form of suspension and bed load.
The contribution of suspension and bed load in the total sediment was 91% and 9% respectively.

Key words: Agroforestry, Discharge, Sediment, Soil loss, Volcano, Watershed

Introduction scapes experience a continuous process of soil ero-

sion, sediment flow and soil loss in the watershed
With more than 400 volcanoes, 127 of which are area (Ma’wa et al., 2009; Suripin, 2002; Merritt et al.,
classified as active volcanoes (Badan Geologi Indo- 2003). Sediment flow and soil loss can benefit the
nesia, 2011), Indonesia has a volcanic landscapes downstream area because it can increase soil fertil-
with a typical utilization patternin accordance to its ity and form new arable land. However, sediment
landscape arrangement ranging from cone, upper flow can also be an adverse soil loss, since it reduces
slope to foot slope (Sartohadi and Pratiwi, 2014). water quality and triggers siltation (Panagos et al.,
The middle part of a slope and foot slope is nor- 2015; Wulandari et al., 2014). Thus, it is necessary to
mally used for productive activities such as keep sediment flow and soil loss in the upstream
agroforestry (Nandini and Narendra, 2010) and ag- part of the volcanic watershed at a tolerable level for
ricultural land (Bachri, et al., 2017). sustainable use of the watershed area.
The volcanic landscapes of thick soil commonly All this time, there have been various methods of
experiencing sediment flow and soil loss are sensi- predicting soil loss, including forms of equations of
tive to land use. This is added by the tropical cli- USLE (Vadari et al., 1995; Silburn and Connolly,
mates with high rainfall making volcanic land- 1995; Sihite, 2001; Amore et al., 2004; Mc Dowell et

Corresponding author’s email:


al., 2009; Sharma et al., 2011), GUEST (Misra and and other soil properties include texture (Morgan,
Rose, 1996; Rose et al., 1998), GEOWEPP (Maalim et 2005; Rusdi, et al., 2013), soil structure (Renard et al.,
al., 2013), and WATEM/SEDEM (Oost et al., 2000; 1977), organic matter, soil properties, soil fertility
Rompaey et al., 2001; Verstraeten et al., 2005). How- and soil permeability have erodibilityof typical soil
ever, the application of each prediction method has that affects the flow of sediment and soil loss that
its own advantages and disadvantages as seen from occurs.
various aspects, including the broad scope of the Previous research has reported characteristics of
study scale, data input, energy, cost and time sediment flow in various types of typical soils
(Merrit et al., 2003; Maalim et al., 2013). (Utomo, et al., 2012; Suwarno, 1998; Wulandari et al.,
Overcoming the limitations of the prediction 2014. However, they have not addressed the charac-
method can be done by way of optimizing the appli- teristics of physical watershed landscape with ho-
cation of certain prediction methods by increasing mogeneous land use as key area watershed.There
the level of detail on a small area coverage scale us- have been studies on a wide watershed area cover-
ing the key area method. One of the appropriate age with land use patterns varying along with other
prediction methods for the application of key area geophysical conditions involving many assump-
methods is to integrate the concept of Sediment tions or generalizations. Studies based on many as-
Transport Ratio (NPS) or Sediment Delivery Ratio sumptions of uniformity have a large potential of
(SDR) (Asdak, 2002; Ayuningtyas, 2012; Maalim et bias failing to capture the real conditions in the field.
al., 2013; Forster and Wunderlich, 2009; Vente et al., This study was conducted with a key area ap-
2008; Haregeweyn et al., 2008; Lazzari et al., 2015; proach and a wide coverage of small watershed ar-
Ma’wa et al., 2009; Delmas et al., 2009; Borrelli et al., eas with conditions of land use and homogeneous
2014). The key area method is applied by selecting a geophysical conditions. The key area method can
small area of a wide coverage of the watershed so present the condition of the physical characteristics
that the homogeneity of the geophysical watershed of the watershed in more detail and more uniformly
parameters and land use is explained in detail and so as to produce a studynearly capturing the real
for real. In the key area method, the geophysical conditions in the field. The key area method pro-
parameters of the watershed and land use that influ- duces an appropriate study for the sake of general-
ence the phenomenon of sediment flow, the pro- izing watershed conditions with the same character-
cesses of land erosion and channel erosion in the istics. This study is in the form of a study of sedi-
watershed area are more easily observed so as to ment flow in the volcanic watershed, including the
improve the quality of predictions. problem: the pattern of the relationship between the
The concept of SDR allows estimation of the total flow of sediment and TMA; the rate of sediment dis-
erosion rate in the watershed area which becomes charge and loss of land; and the type of sediment
soil loss by observing sediment flow in the outlet material source during the flow.
channel. Sediment flow dynamics and analysis of
Research method
sediment content can be described through dis-
charge hydrograph analysis that occurs in the outlet This study uses the key area method of Bompon
channel. Discharge hydrograph analysis can pro- Watershed, Volcanic Watershed in the border area
vide a description of the relationship between flow of Magelang Regency, Purworejo Regency, and
discharge and sediment discharge. Meanwhile, the Wonosobo Regency, Central Java, located between
analysis of the sediment grain content provides 9163200 mU - 916400 mU and 396300 mT - 397800
clues about the sources of erosion and sediment mT with elevation altitudes ranging from 377 m up
flow types that pass through the outlet channel, to 539 m above sea level (Wardhana, 2016). The Cli-
both in the form of suspension sediment (suspended mate of the Bompon watershed is characterized by
sediment) and basic load sediment (bedload sedi- uneven rainfall conditions, which are influenced by
ment). geomorphological conditions. As seen from the data
Geophysical conditions of watersheds and the of September 2015 to August 2016 rainfall, it is ap-
response of sediment flow are related to the depth parent that the average annual rainfall in the
of the soil profile. The depth of soil profile in each Bompon watershed reached 2,214.5 mm.
watershed is typical with different soil thicknesses Geomorphologically, the Bompon watershed is
(Dariah et al., 2003). The properties of soil thickness located on the slope of the Sumbing Volcano, char-
1064 Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (3) : 2019

acterized by bumpy to hilly slopes. Bompon water- in each event of rain for ± 1 year. The measurement
shed is infiltrated by volcanic intrusion which re- of suspension resulted in 302 pairs of data supencies
sults in bedrock undergoing intensive alteration to build models and 122 pairs of data for verifica-
processes. The existence of an intensive alteration tion. To measure rain conditions and water level
process which is assisted by weathering produces (TMA) suspension flow during measurements, the
super thick soil layers reaching more than 10 meters researcher used automatic rain recorder (ARR) and
with high clay material content (Candraningrum, automatic water level recorder (AWLR).
2013). Data are presented using tables and graphs to
Vegetation cover in Bompon watershed consists explain the relationship between the phenomenon
of agroforestry land vegetation with some tree spe- of rain and sediment flow. Sediment flow analysis
cies such as durian, coconut, waru, mahogany, was formed based on TMA data and suspension
sengon, sonokeling, melinjo, duku, kokosan, jack- flow. Suspension data were analyzed by screening
fruit, teak, bamboo, banana, salak, turmeric, ginger, method, obtained by weight value and suspension
and cardamom. In the lower layer of vegetation concentration. Suspension concentration was used
stands, there are plants that attach to the soil surface to calculate the suspension discharge at the flow
in the form of grass and galingale. Multi-storey veg- rate of each TMA. Suspension discharge was de-
etation stand with various heights in very tight dis- rived from multiplication between suspension con-
tance and wide canopy spans between 1 m - 12 m, centration and flow discharge (Strand, 1982) in
thus forming a multilayer canopy structure. Ma’wa et al., 2009); Wulandari et al., 2014). The value
This study was supported by a field survey for of flow discharge was resulted from the observation
soil measurements, slope morphology, and land of TMA in the wide threshold type SPAS outlet
cover characteristics. Measurement of suspension (Broad Crester Weir) with the calculation of the
flow was carried out at the outlet of a gully, a natu- Weir discharge equation (Herschy, 2009).
ral plot of cathment gully that forms a watershed. Flowrate at water level and sediment concentra-
Measurement of sediment flow in the form of sus- tion at certain times is correlated with suspension
pension sediments and basic loads was carried out sediment discharge. This relationship is made as a

Fig. 1. Watershed Location Key Areas of Research in the Bompon Watershed


sediment discharge curve which is a regression line The t hit value <t tab, indicates that there is no real
between sediment discharge and flow discharge difference between direct measurement discharge in
(Wulandari et al., 2014). Observation data of TMA the field and the discharge resulted from flow curve
and flow rate data are processed into flow analysis. This study pinpoints that the model of
hydrograph to get information about flow discharge flow discharge curve in volcanic watershed land-
in each event of rain. Flow and TMA flow data dur- scapes with agroforestry land use can be used to
ing observation are used to form a TMA (h) relation- calculate the flow discharge at various altitudes of
ship graph with flow discharge (Q) to render a the TMA flow.
Stage Discharge Rating Curve equation. Measurements using observation data led to an
Flowrate data on various TMAs are used to de- average flow rate of 0.0419 m3/sec. However, the
termine sediment discharge. Discharge flow and calculation using a flow rate curve model resulted
sediment discharge during measurement are used in the average flow rate of 0.0344 m3 /sec. The dif-
to form a sediment discharge rating curve. In mak- ference between the value of the observation flow
ing a graph of suspension sediment discharge and the flow discharge model of the flow rate curve
curve, the flow discharge (Q) is located on the X axis is 0.0074 m3/sec, leading to the percentage error (de-
while the suspension sediment discharge (Qs) is lo- viation) of 18%. Referring to Widasmara&Hadi
cated on the Y axis. After ploting data for instanta- (2016) the value of the deviation allowed in the for-
neous flow-discharge sediment discharge, the re- mation of the flow discharge model is 10% -20%. It
searcher then analyzed them to show the average can be reported that the flow discharge model from
sediment discharge of each suspension in each this study may be used for predicting flow dis-
event of rain. To calculate the sediment discharge charge in the volcanic watershed landscape area.
curve equation of the suspension in the form of a A large deviation value (> 10%) in this study is
statistical relationship between flow discharge and attributed to changes in the distribution of data in
sediment discharge, the researcher made use of the model formation. Changes in the distribution of
Microsoft Excel 2010 application program using cor- data are very likely to occur due to changes in the
relation and regression analysis (Santoso, 2007). The high value of zero flow during the measurement
sedimentation erosion process produces erosion period. Field observations revealed that a change in
and sediment values as an indicator of the level of the height of the zero flow can occur by the accumu-
watershed degradation determined through the re- lation of sediment deposits in the upstream part of
lationship of SDR with the Asdak (2002) equation. the outlet (SPAS) thus affecting the morphology of
Meanwhile, the SDR value determined by the wa- the grooves in the upstream part of the SPAS. The
tershed area as a catchment area is obtained using accumulation of sediment in the upstream part of
the Bouce (1975) formula in Wulandari et al. (2014). the SPAS building was observed in the form of sand
and dust and changed the morphology of the
Results and Discussion grooves during the rain event. The buildup of sedi-
ment deposits disrupts the control of the grooves to
The relationship between water level, flow rate
form a control section that was centralized (section
and suspension discharge
control). In a centralized control section, the down-
The curvilinear curve flow model which explains stream channel flow was centralized because the
the relationship between flow discharge (Q) and basic morphological form of the channel narrowed
water level (h) forms the equation Q = 0.8809 (h- (Soewarno, 1991). Errors triggering deviations was
0.0019)1,2454. This flow discharge curve model is de- also resulted from the calculation process using an
rived from 325 pairs of flow rate and water level. average value at the daily flow rate which did not
The coefficient of determination (R²) of this equation represent the value of the flow discharge at peak
is 0.93, indicating that variations in flow rate can be conditions. It was reported in Walling (1977) and
explained by changes in TMA by 93%. Meanwhile, Suripin (2000) that the use of flow rating curve from
about 7% changes in flow rates are explained by the average daily discharge data series will generate
other factors. an error of 50 percent or more. Thus, the deviation
Statistical test results with t test resulted inthit value in the flow discharge in this study is in a bet-
value of = 1.9262. Calculation of ttab with excel appli- ter condition thanthat using rating curve as reported
cation ttab = tinv (0.05; (325-1)) resulted inttab = 1.9673. by the previous study.
1066 Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (3) : 2019

The suspension sediment discharge (Qs) and data homogeneity requirements and the existence of
flow discharge (Q) in the study area generate the data outliers (Wulandari et al., 2014).
equation of Qs = 0,0274Q1,8623. In Figure 2, the coeffi-
Calculation of flow rate and suspension sediment
cient of determination (R²) in the model is 0.76. This
indicates that the variation in the value of suspen-
sion discharge in the study area can be explained by Suspension discharge is derived from the flow rate
a flow rate factor of 76%. Meanwhile, 24% of varia- for each TMA AWLR record during the daily,
tion in suspension discharge values is explained by monthly and annual periods. Daily suspension dis-
other factors. charge is the average suspension discharge for a
The results of the t test on the suspension dis- day. Daily suspension discharges collected in a
charge curve model produced thit = 0.2257. Calcula- month resulted in an average monthly suspension
tion of excel application of ttab = tinv (0.05; 302-1) ob- discharge. With the suspension discharge on a
tained 1.9679. thit< ttab value means that there is no monthly basis, the state of the monthly suspension
significant difference between suspension discharge varies for a year. Table 1, presents the average value
on field measurements and discharge on the sus- of monthly suspension discharge for a year result-
pension curve model. Curve model of suspension ing in 0.03 g / sec or 1.05 tons / year with an aver-
discharge met the calculation of suspension dis- age flow rate reaching 19.07 l / sec. The highest sus-
charge at various flowing water levels in volcanic pension flow rate occurred in December 2017 at 0.11
watersheds. The error analysis rate in this model g / sec or 3.49 tons / yr. The highest value of sus-
was in the range of 24%. Some factors that contrib- pension discharge occured when monthly rainfall
uted to the errors of analysis in this study were produced the highest flow rate of 50.11 liters / sec-
sourced from, 1) sediment sampling techniques car- ond. Meanwhile, the lowest suspension discharge
ried out using conventional tools leading to more occurred in August 2017 at 0.00001 g / sec or 0.0004
biased results due to the possibility of suspension tons / yr which occurred when rainfall resulted in
parts that were not measured by the tool when sam- the lowest flow discharge of 0.32 liters / second.
pling, and 2) time discretization for sampling which Thus, rainfall factors play a key role in controlling
might still be lacking, especially in rainy conditions the state of flow, and determine the flow of sedi-
(high intensity) with changes in the height of the ment (suspension) and soil loss in the agroforestry
flow that took place quickly. Thus, it is necessary to volcanic watershed.
correct the weaknesses of this analysis by improv- Overall, it is conclusive that there are differences
ing the two sources of error. In addition, to correc- in the values of suspension discharge at each rain-
tion of irregularities can also be done by checking fall event with different rain characteristics that pro-
the quality of the data, especially with regard to duce different flow discharges. Calculations using

Fig. 2. Suspension discharge curve model (Qs) in the Watershed of Key Areas of Agroforestry

Table 1. Average value of flow discharge (Q) and suspension discharge (Qs) basedon the AWLR data in the Research
Month Flow discharge Q Suspension Suspension Cathcment Qs/A
(l/sec) Discharge Qs Discharge Area A(ha) (ton/ha/year)
(g/sec) Qs (ton/year)
1 2 3 4=3*31.536 5 6
Feb-17 13.34 0.01277 0.4026 5.42 0.0743
Mar-17 14.95 0.01347 0.4247 5.42 0.0784
Apr-17 16.79 0.01552 0.4893 5.42 0.0903
Mei-17 24.97 0.06751 2.1291 5.42 0.3928
Jun-17 21.79 0.02740 0.8642 5.42 0.1594
Jul-17 2.80 0.00064 0.0201 5.42 0.0037
Aug-17 0.32 0.00001 0.0004 5.42 0.0001
Sep-17 1.58 0.00031 0.0098 5.42 0.0018
Oct-17 7.59 0.00761 0.2400 5.42 0.0443
Nov-17 23.39 0.03203 1.0100 5.42 0.1863
Dec-17 50.11 0.11079 3.4939 5.42 0.6446
Jan-18 30.58 0.07286 2.2977 5.42 0.4239
Feb-18 39.76 0.07202 2.2713 5.42 0.4191
Average 19.07 0.03 1.05 5.42 0.1938
Max 50.11 0.11 3.49 5.42 0.6446
Min 0.32 0.00001 0.0004 5.42 0.0001
Sourced: Processed field data, 2018
the suspension flow discharge curve model lead to Calculation of sediment discharge and soil loss
different suspension discharge and different flow
Sediment discharge which turns into soil loss in the
form of sediment load is an accumulation of all
The small suspension discharge reflects the re-
types of sediment entering the outlet channel, in the
lated condition of the suspension sediment in the
form of suspended-sediment and bed load. Sedi-
field. Field observations revealed that SPAS still
ment loads are calculated based on the weight of
flowed for several days after the rain with a rela-
suspended sediment loads and bed load based on
tively small suspension. Watershed was able to
the data measurement in the field. Table 2 shows
store and drain water in the study area for up to one
the average value of sediment load in the form of
week with clear water conditions. This flow was
suspension sediment 259,451.6 gr, basic sediment
recorded on the AWLR with clear water with a
(bed load) 21,510.08 g and sediment load 280,961.64
small suspension so as to reduce suspension sedi-
ment during a certain period. Annual distribution of
The percentage of suspended sediment load in
suspension sediments in the study area occurred
the study area varied from 49-100% with an average
with 2 peak conditions, namely in May and Decem-
of 91%. Meanwhile, the percentage of basic sedi-
ber. In these months, it was fairly common to have
ment to sediment load varied between 0% -51%
rainfalls with high intensity resulting in higher av-
with an average of 9%. This study produced a basic
erage flow rates.
sediment composition of sediment load with an av-
erage of 9%. All this time, basic sediments were re-
ported to be estimated using Borland and Maddock
(1951) in (Turowski et al., 2010) tables based on the
concentration and gradation of grain size of suspen-
sion sediments in the form of clay, dust, and sand
with basic sediment provisions estimated at 20% of
the size of suspension loads (Soewarno, 1991).
In this study the ratio between basic sediments to
Fig. 3. Monthly state of flow discharge (Q) and suspen- suspension sediments (21,510.08 / 259,451.6) re-
sion flow (Qs) discharge in the study area sulted in 0.0829 or at 8%. Using the percentage
1068 Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (3) : 2019

value of the basic sediment on suspension






sediment at the value of the average sus-

pension discharge for a year in Table 1, it
was revealed that the average sediment






flow rate was of 8% x 1.05 = 0.085 tons / yr.

Thus, the sediment load discharge in the
study area is 1,115 tons / year.
Total Weight

Comparison between sediment yield in






W (gr)

the channel and erosion in the land is de-

Sediment weight

fined as SDR (Asdak, 2002; Ayuningtyas,

2012; Maalim et al., 2013; Forster and
Wunderlich, 2009; Vente et al., 2008;
Haregeweyn et al., 2008; Lazzari et al., 2015;
Soil Weight




Ma’wa et al., 2009; Delmas et al., 2009;
Table 2. Recap of Sediment Results and Weight of Sediments Land Loss in every event of rain in the Research Area

W (gr)


Borrelli et al., 2014). The relationship be-
tween the characteristics of the catchment
area (DTA) and SDR according to Bouce
Length of

(1975) fulfills equation (3). The watershed






area is the key area of 5.42 ha. Thus, the


equation (3) produces an SDR value of

0.2472. The value of soil loss is based on
sediment discharge per unit area (1,115




tons / year) / (5.42 ha) resulted in 0.207



tons / ha / yr. In equation (2) the total ero-

sion value in the catchment area resulted in
Description: V=((Qs/(24*60))*t ; W=(Qs*60)*t; A=5,42 ha; g/sec=31,536 ton/thn

0.836 tons / ha / yr.

Sediment Suspension








This research indicates that large flow

V (L)

discharges affect sediment flow and soil

loss erosion processes. Flowratemay have
an impact on sediment, depending on the

sensitivity of soil erosion (Arsyad, 2006).








Cook (1936) in Arsyad (2006) names the


sensitivity of soil erosion as Soil Erodibility.

Soil erodibility is a complex attribute that
depends on the rate of soil infiltration and





the capacity of the soil to resist detachment



by rain and transport by surface runoff.

The erodibility value of the soil is strongly
influenced by the state of soil structure
Bed Load
Wb (gr)









(Renard et al., 1977), organic matter, tex-

Source: Processed Field Data, 2017

ture, and soil permeability (Renard et al.,

1977). Fine sand and dust are soil particles
that affect soil sensitivity to erosion (Mor-
28 February 2017
18 February 2017
20 February 2017
21 February 2017
25 February 2017

gan, 2005; Rusdi, et al., 2013). Dust is the

01 March 2017
02 March 2017

26 March 2017
25 March 2017

most easily eroded soil fraction, because in

18 April 2017
6 April 2017
5 April 2017
Rain event

addition to having a relatively smooth size,


the dust fraction also lacks the ability to


form bonds. Besides, it has no adhesive

material for having no charge, makingit

easily destroyed by rain energy (Dariah et



al., 2004).


Bompon volcano watershed have a super thick during the period of January-March 2018.
soil characterized by the texture of silty-clay and The t test for verification of the suspension dis-
clay with the percentage fraction of the constituent charge model was carried out in various rain condi-
soil particles, respectively sand between 7-24%, dust tions, covering all conditions of rain both the low-
11-58%, and clay between 29-74 %. Its soil perme- moderate rainfall and extreme rain. The test results
ability is in the slow category with an average of show that the consistent model of the suspension
0.4492 cm / hour. Since its soil texture conditions discharge curve only occurs in the Low-Moderate
are dominated by clay fractions, it has a super thick rain condition. In the Low-Moderate rainy state, the
volcanic watershed with agroforestry land use results of tStat1.148 are smaller than t tabel 1.668 which
which is not easily eroded. The total sediment yield indicates a consistent curve equation and can be
in the study area in this study was 0.207 tons / ha / used in the Low-Moderate rainfall TMA variation
year. Meanwhile, total erosion in the catchment area data. T test for all rain and extreme rain conditions
was 0.836 tons / ha / year which was classified as highlights that the curve model cannot apply. The
the Very Light erosion rate (Departemen values in the second t test of these conditions are
Kehutanan, 1986). respectively tStat = 5.217 greater than t tabel = 1.979 and
This study shows that there is a difference in tStat = 6.225 greater than t tabel = 2.004.
sediment discharge in each different rainfall event.
The difference in the value of sediment discharge Conclusion
occurs with the difference in flow discharge which
is controlled by the intensity and duration of the This research resulted in the relationship pattern of
rain. The results of the consistency test with t test suspension sediment flow forming a curved regres-
showed a strong and positive relationship between sion of flow discharge Q=0,8809(h-0,0019)1,2454 and
sediment discharge (suspension) and flow rate. The suspension discharge curve Qs = 0,0274Q1,8623. The
strong relationship between suspension and flow average rate of soil loss that occurred consisted of
sediments reveals that the watershed erosion pro- total sediment yield of 0.207 tons / ha / yr, with an
cess is more intensive in triggering sediment and erosion value of the catchment area of 0.836 tons /
soil loss than the erosion process of the bottom ha / yr. Soil loss sediment is resulted from sus-
grooves and basic loads (Leopold and Maddock, pended sediments and basic sediments contributing
1953). Rainfall factors and geophysical conditions to 91% and 9%, respectively. The percentage of sus-
greatly influence the flow discharge that controls pended sediment to make the source of soil loss in
the erosion process in triggering sediment flow and the study area more dominant comes mostly from
soil loss in the study area. Sediment flow is con- the land erosion processes in the catchment area
trolled by the dynamics of rain characteristics in the than from the erosion process of the grooves and the
form of thick rain, rain intensity and rainfall dura- basic load in the channel.
tion. Initially, the dynamics of rainfall trigger the
breakdown of soil aggregates that initiate splash Acknowledgement
erosion and sheet erosion. Along with the increasing
dynamics of rain characteristics (rainfall intensity We would like to exert gratitude to the parties who
and duration of rain) the surface flow accumulate have helped uswith the research implementation
with an increasingly large flow discharge that trig- and paper preparation, especially the Education
gers soil erosion, initiates groove erosion, trench Fund Management Institute (LPDP) for funding our
erosion and sediment transport to the outlet chan- Doctorate. We are indebted to the Laboratory Staffs
nel. and Soil Laboratory technicians for their assistance
Verification of Suspension Curve Model during laboratory analysis activities.Also, we would
like to thank the Transbulent Team who helpedus
Verification of the suspension curve model is car- with field activities and information support regard-
ried out to guarantee the consistency and suitability ing the research area in the Bompon watershed.
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