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Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in aquatic environment: what

are the risks for fish gametes?
Oliana Carnevali & Stefania Santangeli & Isabel Forner-Piquer & Danilo Basili & Francesca Maradonna

Received: 21 December 2017 / Accepted: 23 April 2018 / Published online: 11 June 2018
# Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract Over the past 25 years, extensive research in detrimental effects were described in females, including
vertebrate species has identified several genomic path- negative outcomes on oocyte growth and maturation plus
ways altered by exposures to anthropogenic chemicals the occurrence of apoptotic/autophagic processes. These
with hormone-like activity mediated by their interaction pathways may affect gamete viability considered as one of
with nuclear receptors. In addition, many pollutants have the major indicators of reproductive endocrine disruption.
been shown to interfere with non-genomic (non-classical) Pollutants act also at DNA level producing DNA muta-
pathways, but this mechanism of endocrine disruption is tions and changes in epigenetic pathways inducing specif-
still poorly understood. Recently, the number of publica- ic mechanisms of toxicity and/or aberrant cellular re-
tions describing the effects of Endocrine disrupting sponses that may affect subsequent generation(s) through
chemicals (EDCs) on fish reproduction, focusing on the the germline. In conclusion, this review summarizes the
deregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis effects caused by EDC exposure on fish reproduction,
as well as on gamete quality, significantly increased. De- focusing on gametogenesis, giving a general overview of
pending on their ability to mimic endogenous hormones, the different aspects dealing with this issue, from morpho-
the may differently affect male or female reproductive logical alteration, deregulation of steroidogenesis, hor-
physiology. Inhibition of gametogenesis, development of monal synthesis, and occurrence of epigenetic process.
intersex gonads, alteration of the gonadosomatic index,
and decreased fertility rate have been largely documented. Keywords Ovary . Testis . Environmental pollution .
In males, alterations of sperm density, motility, and fertility Sex reversal . Epigenetic
have been observed in several wild species. Similar

Oliana Carnevali and Francesca Maradonna contributed equally to

this work.

O. Carnevali (*) : S. Santangeli : I. Forner-Piquer : The “endocrine disruptor” concept, the interest for spe-
D. Basili : F. Maradonna (*) cific studies on their endocrine activity and the link
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente, Università between human health and environmental exposure
Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona,
Italy flashed for the first time at the European Workshop on
e-mail: the Impact of Endocrine Disruptors on Human Health
e-mail: and Wildlife (Weybridge, UK) in 1996. Nowadays, the
term endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) is used to
O. Carnevali : S. Santangeli : F. Maradonna define a structurally diverse class of synthetic and natu-
INBB Consorzio Interuniversitario di Biostrutture e Biosistemi, ral compounds that possess the ability to interact with
00136 Rome, Italy the endocrine system. These anthropogenic chemicals
1562 Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

are continuously released into the environment through therefore it has been argued that effects observed at high
many sources, mainly of anthropogenic origin, e.g., doses cannot be used for the extrapolations into the low
wastewater treatment plants, terrestrial runoff and pre- dose range. Endocrine disruption has been demonstrated
cipitation, and finally targeting humans and wildlife to occur in wildlife, particularly in aquatic species or in
health (Illuminati et al. 2010, 2017; Annibaldi et al. species that are connected to the aquatic food chains.
2015; Afifah et al. 2017; Ribeiro et al. 2017). EDCs Dietary uptake due to consumption of polluted food
are diverse and include herbicides and pesticides, plastic represent an important source of contamination
contaminants, heavy metals, biocides, heat stabilizers, (Maradonna et al. 2014, 2015; Traversi et al. 2014;
chemical catalysts, pharmaceuticals and dietary compo- Ruhí et al. 2016; Carnevali et al. 2017). Given the
nents, flame retardants, and others. Given their physico- widespread environmental distribution of the pollutants,
chemical differences and distinct biological effects, it is the questions being addressed today, are not whether
not surprising that EDCs interact with the endocrine endocrine disruption occurs in wildlife but rather in
system through a wide range of mechanisms of action which concentration it occurs, what mechanisms are
(Henley and Korach 2006). They interfere with the involved, and whether disruption of the endocrine sys-
neuroendocrine and endocrine functions involved in tem will lead to ecologically relevant effects.
embryo development and reproduction (Godfrey et al. The aim of this review is to summarize the effects
2017). Once released in the environment, they exert induced by the exposure to EDCs on reproduction,
their effects by mimicking, antagonizing, or altering focusing on gametogenesis, giving a general overview
endogenous steroid levels (androgens or estradiol) by of all aspects dealing with this issue. This will provide
changing rates of their synthesis or metabolism and/or the knowledge to build an integrated model, using mor-
expression or action at receptor targets. EDCs, in fact, phological, biochemical, and molecular results, to be
share structural homologies with natural hormones, be- used in further studies in an environmentally relevant
ing able to bind their cognate receptors and triggering contest. Results shown will provide evidence to sustain
their same biological response. Considering the repro- that many of the molecular changes are associated with
ductive pathway, the main gonadal steroids include ecologically relevant effects in terms of their impact on
estrogens, androgens, and progesterone, which are de- population and further generations.
rivatives of cholesterol. In their biosynthesis, testoster-
one derives from androstenedione, while estrogens are
synthesized by the aromatization of either testosterone Effects of EDC exposure on ovarian physiology
(T) into estrogen (17β-estradiol) or androstenedione
into estrone, until final conversion into estradiol. Two Most of studies described so far documented the abil-
specific aromatase enzymes, responsible for catalyzing ity of EDCs to affect ovarian morphology, oocyte
these reactions are encoded in fish: CYP19a mainly maturation and steroidogenesis, altering the normal
expressed in the gonads and CYP19b mostly found in functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems
the brain (Zhang et al. 2014c). Estrogens are known to by mimicking or inhibiting endogenous hormone ac-
be involved in vitellogenesis regulation, oogenesis, go- tion, modulating the production of endogenous hor-
nadotropin regulation, testicular development, and mones or altering hormone receptor populations
many other reproductive processes (Yilmaz et al. (Sonnenschein and Soto 1998). A major mechanism
2015). Androgens, including testosterone, working via of endocrine disruption is the EDC binding to hor-
the androgen receptor (AR), play a critical role in males’ mone receptors. Other mechanisms, besides receptor-
development and secondary sex characteristics (Schulz mediated events, may include mechanisms of inhibi-
et al. 2010). Despite most of the EDCs have environ- tion or stimulation of hormone metabolism or alter-
mental concentrations far below the range established ations in serum hormone-binding proteins.
by environmental agencies, it should be considered that
an environmental health problem regarding EDCs is EDCs affects ovarian morphology: oocyte growth,
related to their bioaccumulation, chronic exposures, maturation, and fertility
and eventual occurrence of synergistic/antagonistic in-
teraction among them. Furthermore, EDCs are known to Gobious rarus exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) treat-
act through non-monotonic dose-response curves, and ments (14 and 35 days) induced ovarian morphological
Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576 1563

alterations consisting on the presence of a relatively 420, and 4200 μg/l) of di-isononyl phthalate (DiNP), a
higher proportion of pre-mature oocytes and the occur- substance which was introduced to replace DEHP, were
rence of several atretic follicles (Zhang et al. 2014a). analyzed focusing on a number of reproductive param-
Moreover, in the same species, the exposure to 2,4- eters, including follicles number and size frequency and
Dichloro-6-nitrophenol, a chloride-based herbicide, in- macromolecular composition of vitellogenic oocytes.
duced detrimental effects both in male and female fish. Histological analysis revealed a significant reduction
In female gonads, an increase in the number of de- in the number of vitellogenic oocytes in gonad of fish
formed follicles along with the presence of degenerating exposed to the lower DiNP concentrations (0.42, 4.2,
vitellogenic oocytes were observed, suggesting a defect and 42 μg/l) as well as a reduction in the number of
in follicle recruitment (Chen et al. 2016). Effects on mature oocytes in those of fish exposed to higher doses
male are described in the section below. When catfish, (420 and 4200 μg/l) (Fig. 1). In vitellogenic oocyte
Clarias gariepinus, were exposed, from hatching to sampled from exposed fish, a decrease of lipids, phos-
50 dph, to ethinylestradiol (EE2) (50 ng/l) and diethyl- phates, and proteins components was measured by FT-
stilbestrol (DES) (10 ng/l), and development was mon- IR, suggesting that DiNP might affect vitellogenin up-
itored until adulthood, morphological deformities, such take and induce changes of lipid composition. Further-
as stunted growth, spinal curvature, and yolk-sac fluid more, results demonstrated that DiNP adversely affects
retention were observed. In addition, histological studies female reproductive physiology acting in a non-
revealed rudimentary or malformed ovaries with preco- monotonic fashion. In the same experimental model,
cious oocyte development as well as follicular atresia exposure from 2 h post fertilization (hpf) to sexual
(Sridevi et al. 2015). In zebrafish female, Danio rerio, maturity, to the flame retardant tris (1,3-dichloro-2-pro-
the chronic exposure to 25 ng/l EE2 and to 0.02, 0.2, 2, pyl) phosphate (TDCPP) promotes oocyte maturation as
20, and 40 μg/l Di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), documented by an increase in the percentage of late
severely impaired ovulation and embryo production. vitellogenic/mature oocyte (Wang et al. 2015). More-
Ovarian observation suggested the ability of both EE2 over, in the F1 generation, high malformation rates were
and DEHP to modulate vitellogenesis inducing a reduc- observed demonstrating that parental exposure to
tion of previtellogenic oocytes associated with an in- TDCPP causes developmental toxicity in offsprings
crease of vitellogenic ones. After the exposure, fish were (Wang et al. 2015). In marine medaka, Oryzias latipes,
crossed and the number of embryos obtained was about ovary, the exposure to 8.5 μg/l of 3,3′-diindolylmethane
1% of the embryos produced by the control, showing a (DIM), induced an increase of VTG storage, but a
clear impairment of fecundity (Carnevali et al. 2010). reduction of cathepsin enzyme activities, suggesting a
Recently, in the same species, the effects of the chronic blockage of VTG uptake into growing oocytes. This
exposure to five different concentrations (0.42, 4.2, 42, reduction occurred together with lower levels of eggshell

Fig. 1 Histological analysis of ovaries from control fish and fish control (C) and fish exposed to DINP; b representative ovarian
exposed to five DINP concentration. a Percentage of section showing previtellogenic (PreV), vitellogenic (Vit), and
previtellogenic, vitellogenic, and mature oocytes in the ovary of mature (M) oocytes
1564 Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

proteins leading to an inhibition of primary oocyte mat- estrogen biosynthesis were significantly altered by EE2
uration and contributing to a decreased fecundity (Chen and DES exposure (Sridevi et al. 2015). More specifi-
et al. 2017). In trout (Salmo trutta f. fario), a 3-month cally, upon exposure to EE2, at 50 and 150 dph, the
exposure to 5 μg/l BPA, starting at the beginning of the transcript levels of star and P450scc exhibited signifi-
spawning season, affected the percentage of ovulated cant increase. Regarding cyp17, 3b-hsd, and 17b-hsd1,
eggs and shifted ovulation after 3 weeks, without affect- a gradual increase from 50 to 350 dph following EE2
ing the quality of the eggs (Lahnsteiner et al. 2005). treatment was observed. Conversely, exposure to DES
Occurrence of atretic oocytes characterized by disorgani- decreased cyp17 transcript levels, while 3b-hsd and 17b-
zation of the ooplasm was documented in carp treated hsd1 transcripts were unaltered. Neither EE2 nor DES
with 2 mg/l Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) for 56 days exposures affected ovarian aromatase (cyp19a1a) levels
(Giari et al. 2016). In a 21-day reproduction study on (Sridevi et al. 2015).
fathead minnow exposed to the pharmaceutical The decrease of fecundity observed in zebrafish
dutasteride (100 μg/l), several ovarian histopathological chronically exposed to EE2 or DEHP, was associated
conditions including presence of atretic follicles and with the increase of BMP15 levels and the reduction of
mitotically dividing oogonia, proliferation of interstitial lhr, mprb, and ptgs2 expression, the final triggers of
connective tissue containing different types of somatic ovulation. By an in vitro maturation assay, the inhibitory
cell, and macrophage aggregates were detected. Accu- effect of DEHP on germinal vesicle breakdown was
mulation of adipose tissue and interstitial proteinaceous further confirmed (Carnevali et al. 2010). In the same
fluid was also observed (Margiotta-Casaluci et al. 2013). species, exposure to DiNP resulted in modulation of
In tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, the action of diuron, a genes involved in steroidogenesis in a dose-related, but
substituted urea herbicide with a documented anti- non-monotonic manner. Greater differences were ob-
androgenic action, and three of its metabolites were served for star and cyp11a1 transcript levels among
evaluated. Pollutant exposure induced an increase of the different tested concentrations (0.42, 420, and
gonadosomatic index and the ovary presented a higher 420 μg/l). Only the lowest dose affected fshr transcript.
number of vitellogenic oocytes and a decrease of germi- Esr1 and esr2b levels were affected only in the 420 μg/l
native cells, suggesting that diuron metabolites have trial. Exposure to DiNP reduced esr2a transcript level in
estrogenic action and accelerate this species ovarian de- a non-monotonic manner, with great differences ob-
velopment (Boscolo Pereira et al. 2016). served among the lowest (0.42 mg/l) and the higher
concentrations (420 μg/l; 4200 μg/l). Exposure to DiNP
EDC effects on molecular markers linked did not change pgrmc1 transcript level in any of the
to steroidogenesis, ovarian growth, and maturation treatment groups, but in the 420 and 4200 μg/l expo-
sures, a reduction of lhcgr and pgrmc2 transcript levels
Exposure of G. rarus to different BPA concentrations was measured. Conversely, bmp15 transcript level was
differently affected the expression of steroidogenic en- significantly increased only in fish exposed to the
zymes star, cyp11a1, cyp17a1, hsd3b, hsd11b2, and 0.42 μg/l concentration. The results described suggested
cyp19 expression at lower (5 and 15 μg/l) concentra- that low DINP concentrations mainly interfere with
tions; BPA induced the increase of ovarian steroidogen- steroidogenesis and oocyte growth while higher concen-
ic gene transcription and sexual steroid receptor genes, trations impair oocyte maturation (Santangeli et al.
while at higher concentration (50 μg/l), the increase of 2017b), suggesting that there is still the need to find a
nr5a1s. Variation of the steroidogenic gene expression safer DEHP substitute (Forner-Piquer et al. 2017).
was probably linked to changes in er and ar transcripts In addition to the estrogenic effects, EDCs may also
levels able to affect both the steroid hormone signaling exert and anti-androgenic action as evidenced in fathead
and nr5a1s expression, suggesting a possible epigenetic minnow (Pimephales promelas) treated with the
regulation (Zhang et al. 2014a). Moreover, in the same Dutasteride, a pharmaceutical product acting as a 5α-
fish, alteration of gdf9 and bmp15 mRNA expression reductase (5αR) inhibitor, the enzyme that converts
and their levels may play a key role in the weight gain testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
and in the abnormal ovarian development, above de- Dutasteride impairs reproductive functions in fish, con-
scribed (Zhang et al. 2014b). In catfish, transcript levels sistent with an anti-androgenic mode of action
and activity of aromatase, the rate-limiting enzyme of (Margiotta-Casaluci et al. 2013).
Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576 1565

In vitro exposure of trout post-vitellogenic oocytes to of exposure increases (Kumar 2013). Although techni-
prochloraz, an imidazole fungicide, widely used in ag- cal and biological differences among studies make it
riculture, affected oocyte maturation process. It is well- difficult to classify toxicity of EDCs, it seems that heavy
known that prochloraz antagonizes both androgen and metals have greater potential to impair spermatozoa
estrogen receptors and agonizes the aryl hydrocarbon functioning and exhibit higher toxicity than organic
receptor. Prochloraz (10−5, 10−6, or 10−7 M), in combi- EDCs do (Popek et al. 2006).
nation or not with LH, was able to alter the GVBD in
Rainbow trout post-vitellogenic follicles. Prochloraz ad- Effects of EDCs on testis morphology
ministered alone is able to trigger oocyte maturation and spermatogenesis
stimulating the transcription of a set of genes responsi-
ble for pre-ovulatory follicular recruitment and differen- In marine medaka, Oryzias melastima, exposure to rel-
tiation, such as igf1, igf2, connexin 43, and hsbd20. atively low doses (0 and 8.5 μg/l) of 3, 3″
Some of them were also triggered by LH, which seems diindolylmethane (DIM), an antifouling agent, led to
to synergically cooperate with prochloraz in inducing anomalous production of vitellogenin and eggshell pro-
GVBD (Rime et al. 2010). teins in the testis, clearly highlighting its estrogenic
Most of the studies described so far documented the potency (Chen et al. 2017).
ability of many xenobiotics to affect ovarian morpholo- In zebrafish, the effects of a chronic exposure to
gy, oocyte maturation, and steroidogenesis following environmentally relevant concentrations of DEHP
the classical genomic pathway (Blair et al. 2000). More (0.2 and 20 μg/l) were analyzed, highlighting DEHP
recently, interest has moved to the investigation of the ability to impair reproduction inducing a mitotic
non-genomic mechanisms activated by xenobiotics arrest during spermatogenesis and decreasing em-
(Thomas and Doughty 2004). The key role of a novel bryo production (up to 90%). These changes were
seven pass-transmembrane receptor, GPR30, in mediat- associated with the increase of spermatozoa DNA
ing several rapid estrogenic responses was demonstrat- fragmentation (Corradetti et al. 2013). Similarly,
ed. In zebrafish, it was demonstrated that low BPA zebrafish exposure to a mixture of environmentally
concentrations (10–200 nM) and three alkylphenols, relevant concentrations of triclocarban and inorganic
e.g. tetrabromobisphenol A, 4-nonylphenol, and mercury, induced severe histological lesions in the
tetrachlorobisphenol A (5–100 nM) disrupted oocyte testis, which size and mature sperm abundance was
maturation by a non-genomic mechanism of action in- decreased if compared to those of fish exposed to
volving the activation of the Gper/Egfr/Mapk3/1 path- the compounds individually (Wang et al. 2016).
way (Fitzgerald et al. 2015). Similarly, the exposure to DES, flutamide (FLU)
and their combination induced an impairment of
spermatogenesis, decreasing sperm concentration,
Effects of EDC exposure on male gonadal physiology and affecting both meiotic and apoptotic processes
and functionality (Yin et al. 2017).
A possible delay of spermatogenesis was hypothe-
The main determinant of male fertility includes the sized in male carp, Cyprinus carpio, exposed to 2 mg/l
evaluation of sperm motility once released into the PFOA for 56 days, where spermatogonia and spermato-
environment, spermatozoa velocity, and motility dura- cytes were the dominant germ cells. Moreover, an in-
tion (Linhart et al. 2008). In vertebrates, androgens creased amount of interstitial tissue and proliferation of
regulate testicular functioning, spermatogenesis, sec- Sertoli cells was observed in the testis (Giari et al. 2016).
ondary sexual characteristics and behavior, and their In the same species, a 14-day exposure to graded-BPA
effects are mediated by androgen receptors (Martyniuk concentrations, from 1 to 1000 μg/l, caused severe
and Denslow 2012). EDC exposures caused testes alterations of the lobular structure and spermatogenic
growth inhibition and maturation delay, changes of male cysts, with free spermatozoa often degenerating into the
sex cell types, low semen quality, occurrence of ova- lumen (Mandich et al. 2007). In goldfish exposed to
testis, and changes in estrogen and testosterone levels in BPA, an increase of hepatic vitellogenin was induced,
several teleost models (Kime 1999). The adverse im- but gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index
pacts of ECDs occur at lower concentrations as duration (HSI), and E2 levels were not affected, suggesting that
1566 Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

BPA might act on testicular spermatogenesis causing an responses may be related to differences in spermatozoa
alteration of sperm maturation (Hatef et al. 2012a, c). and seminal plasma physiology and biochemistry.
Sperm velocity was decreased in Perca fluviatilis sperm
Spermatozoa production, morphology motility, incubated for 3 h with mercury. A trial was set up to gain
and velocity information on the effects of mercury chloride (HgCl2)
on both sperm physiology and structure, to identify sites
Morphological sperm alteration, including damage to of action of HgCl2 and to investigate the mechanism of
the flagellum and its beating, can be revealed using a action of HgCl2 on spermatozoa. Results demonstrated
dark-field microscope equipped with stroboscopic illu- that HgCl2 acts on different sites of sperm, such as the
mination, or a phase contrast microscope with high- plasma membrane, the axoneme, and the midpiece.
speed video camera (Alavi et al. 2012a, b). Computer- HgCl2 exposure decreased stored ATP and increased
assisted sperm analysis (CASA) systems, which are morphological alterations (Hatef et al. 2011). In the
based on video recording approaches, are employed same species, in vitro treatment of sperm with BPA,
for analysis of sperm motility and velocity (Alavi et al. decreased both motility and velocity and its capacity to
2012a). Valuable parameters of sperm velocity are cur- damage the flagella structure changing its shape from
vilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL), the straight position to the C-shaped one was demon-
and the angular path velocity (VAP), being especially strated (Hatef et al. 2010). In sea bass, a 5-min incuba-
this last parameter, differently affected by ECDs. tion with 1 mg/l mercury or an instant exposure to
Exposure to cadmium, mercury, BPA, zinc, and tri- 100 mg/l, significantly affected sperm velocity, while
butyltin decreased VCL and VSL of spermatozoa in no effect was induced by exposure to lead or copper
different fish species. As reported by Hatef et al. (Abascal et al. 2007). Velocity was also affected in
(2013), specific spermatozoa responses can be supposed common carp, after a 24-h incubation with TBT
when different species are exposed to a given EDCs. In (Rurangwa et al. 2002) and to graded concentration of
African catfish—Clarias gariepinus, burbot—Lota lo- mercury (Chyb et al. 2001a,b) and zinc (Chyb et al.
ta, European chub—Leuciscus cephalus, a decrease of 2000). Impairment of spermatogenesis was observed
sperm motility was observed immediately after copper in trout, S. trutta f. fario, exposed to environmentally
or cadmium exposure of spermatozoa, while no evident relevant concentrations of BPA (1.75, 2.4, and 5 μg/l)
effects were induced in brown trout, S. trutta f. fario, during pre-spawning and spawning periods. Results
spermatozoa exposed to the same metals (Lahnsteiner showed that at the beginning of spawning, the two
et al. 2004). Different results were also evidenced when lowest BPA concentrations, reduced sperm density, mo-
the effects of exposure to mercury, zinc, lead, nickel, tility rate, and swimming velocity. In the middle of
cyclohexane, and 2,4-diclorophenol were compared spawning season, BPA reduced swimming velocity
among seabass (Abascal et al. 2007), African catfish, and only the 2.4 μg/l concentration, reduced motility
burbot, and European chub spermatozoa motility rate. The highest concentration completely impaired
(Lahnsteiner et al. 2004). Exposure to cadmium nega- spermatogenesis and only one out of eight fish gave
tively affect sperm quality also in D. rerio, including low-quality semen (Lahnsteiner et al. 2005). In goldfish,
motility, time of motility, curvilinear velocity, average a 20- or 30-day exposure to BPA decreased sperm
path velocity, and straight line velocity, which alteration motility at 15-, 30-, 60-, and 90-s post-activation; a
may reduce the fertility rate of these animals (Acosta shorter exposure, 10 days, affected sperm velocity at
et al. 2016). No effects on motility were observed in 30-, 60-, and 90-s post-activation. These alterations
medaka, exposed to scalar concentration of nonylphenol were possibly caused by variation of hormonal levels,
(Hara et al. 2007). In croaker, many estrogenic and non- as described below (Hatef et al. 2012a). In the same
estrogenic pollutants, at environmentally relevant con- species, using a phase contrast microscopy, a shorter
centrations, blocked the ability of 17,20β,21-trihy- flagella length was measured in spermatozoa in pres-
droxy-4-pregnen-3-one to induce sperm motility, a pro- ence of high mercury concentration (Van Look and
cess physiologically mediated by a rapid, non-genomic Kime 2003).
steroid action (Thomas and Doughty 2004). In rainbow trout, seminal plasma was used as incu-
These evidences suggest that despite the recognized bation medium for monitoring short-time exposure to
mode of action of the EDCs, the variability in the mercury and cadmium ions on sperm. Although
Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576 1567

mercury exposure affected sperm motility immediately the exposure to 25 ng/l EE2, modulated the expression
after dilution with milt as well as at 4 h of exposure, no of the same steroidogenic genes StAR, cyp11a1, 3β-
differences were found respect to control sperm after a HSD, cyp17a1, and cyp19a1a affected by BPA. The
24-h treatment, suggesting that in trout, seminal plasma authors hypothesized that this inhibition might occur
has a protective role against the toxic effects of mercury in response to a negative feedback of EE2 on pituitary
ions on motility (Dietrich et al. 2010). follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or could be mediat-
In Gobius niger, exposed for 48 h to 1 or 10 mg/l Cd ed by a direct EE2 effect on the testis (Liu et al. 2012).
acetate, hsp70, mtt and casp3 mRNA levels measured in The endocrine disruptive activity of DEHP was doc-
the testis, significantly increased, highlighting the tox- umented in goldfish, where a 30-day exposure to this
icity of this metal on testis physiology (Migliarini et al. contaminant reduced the levels of 11- KT and LH,
2005). Similarly, in starlet was recently demonstrated suggesting that the decreased sperm quality could be
that exposure of sperm to NP and DES can induce caused by the contaminant effects on testicular hormone
reactive oxygen species in spermatozoa, leading to an levels. However, DEHP does not affect GnRH and Kiss-
impairment of sperm quality, e.g. decrease the percent- 1/Gpr54 system. In addition, DEHP does not exhibit
age of intact sperm cells (Shaliutina et al. 2017). estrogenic activity and does not act through sex steroid
Recently, the effect of seven heavy metals on the receptor (Golshan et al. 2015). In a similar trial, goldfish
motility parameter of zebrafish sperm was tested in were exposed to three nominal vinclozolin (VZ) con-
order to develop an in vitro toxicological test system centrations (100, 400, and 800 μg/l). Dose-dependent
as an alternative to live animal testing. The endpoints VZ effects were observed, resulting in an impairment of
analyzed were progressive motility, VCL, and linearity. sperm quality via disruption of steroidogenesis. Aside
Results demonstrated that progressive motility was the from VZ effects mediated by a competitive binding to
most sensitive of the three investigated parameters, sug- AR, potential effects of VZ by direct inhibition of 11-
gesting its use as an accurate and fast bioindicator of KT biosynthesis were also demonstrated (Hatef et al.
heavy metal load (Kollár et al. 2018). 2012b). In the same species, a chronic exposure to BPA
(0.6, 4.5 and 11 μg/l) significantly decreased testoster-
Effects of EDCs on steroidogenesis and hormone one (T) and 11-KT levels and impaired sperm motility
synthesis and velocity (Hatef et al. 2012a).
In zebrafish exposed to DES and FLU, the impairment
The alteration of testis morphology described in of spermatogenesis was associated to a reduction of
zebrafish exposed to triclocarban and inorganic mercury plasmatic 11-KT and a deregulation of aldh1a2, cyp26a1,
was associated to variation of the transcription of a set of nonos1, sycp3, dmc1, bax, and bcl2 genes codifying for
steroidogenic genes, such as cyp19a, 3β-HSD, cyp17, signals regulating meiosis and apoptosis and dmrt1, sf1,
and 17β-HSD (Wang et al. 2016). In G. rarus, the cyp11b2, cyp17a1, ar, fshr, and lhr genes orchestrating
exposure to BPA evidenced non-monotonic effects on gonadal steroidogenesis (Yin et al. 2017).
the mRNA expression of StAR, cyp11a1, 3β-HSD, Di-n-butyl phthalate exposure significantly increased
cyp17a1, and cyp19a1a resulting the medium concen- plasma testosterone concentrations and significantly re-
tration, 15 μg/l, to be the most detrimental. More spe- duced spiggin levels in male three-spined sticklebacks,
cifically, the increase of the expression of several Gasterosteus aculeatus, exposed to 35 μg/l of DBP after
mRNAs codifying for testicular steroidogenic enzymes 22 days. Thus, DBP appears to be able to act as an
suggested an increase of androgens, which effect could endocrine disruptor at environmentally relevant concen-
be counteracted by the non-significant downregulation trations in sexually mature three-spined sticklebacks,
of cyp17a1 mRNA expression (Liu et al. 2014a). The suggesting that, similarly to mammals, DBP acts as
correlation analysis at mRNA level demonstrates that anti-androgenic also in fish (Aoki et al. 2011).
the BPA-mediated actions on testicular steroidogenesis In newborn guppies, Poecilia reticulata, exposed for
might involve sex steroid hormone receptor signaling, 3 months to a sub-lethal dose of nonylphenol (NP), an
gonadotropin/gonadotropin receptor pathway, and tran- anomalous transcription of hepatic vitellogenin correlat-
scription factors, such as the nuclear receptor subfamily ed with significant reduction of the gonadosomatic in-
5, group A (Nr5a), and the fork head box protein L2 dex (GSI) was described. Males did not approach fe-
(Foxl2) (Wang et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2013). Similarly, males and typical posturing and sigmoid courtship
1568 Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

behaviors were impaired. Normal courtship behavior molecular marker of oocyte presence in the testis to
had a 3-month delay, suggesting that NP has an estro- assess xenoestrogenicity in field conditions (Ortiz-
genic potency sufficient to temporary disrupt reproduc- Zarragoitia et al. 2014). Intersex in the form of testicular
tion (Cardinali et al. 2004). oocytes was described in largemouth bass (Micropterus
salmoides) collected over a 5-year period survey in
surface waters on the Delmarva Peninsula, USA, a
Effects of EDCs on sex reversal region dominated by agricultural land use and poultry
production (Yonkos et al. 2014). Disruption by EDCs
In fish, EDCs exposures during critical developmental can be transitory or permanent, mainly depending on the
stages can alter sex phenotypes (Fenske and Segner nature, the concentration and the windows of exposure
2004; Scholz and Klüver 2009), impair gonad develop- to the chemical. However, despite an increase of vtg
ment (Zhu et al. 2016), and disrupt the progress of the mRNA transcripts and protein synthesis was document-
reproductive process (Fenske et al. 2005; Schäfers et al. ed in G. niger exposed for 48 h to alkylphenols, no
2007). In teleosts, indeed, the tight interplay between histological changes were observed in the testis
genetic and environmental mechanisms of sex determi- (Maradonna et al. 2004). Nevertheless, a number of
nation is responsible for the final gonadal differentia- studies described the ability of zebrafish to recover from
tion, making teleosts excellent experimental models to estrogenic exposures (Larsen et al. 2009; Baumann et al.
study this process (Devlin and Nagahama 2002; 2014a, b). An exposure to the estrogen-antagonist
Guiguen et al. 2010). Estrogens play a crucial role in fadrozole, alone or in combination with EE2, perma-
differentiation of fish ovaries, resulting susceptible to nently disrupts zebrafish sexual development, inducing
several estrogenic mediators and endocrine disruptors. masculinization and severe pathological testicular alter-
In a study exposing medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos ations. Gonad histopathology revealed interstitial pro-
to a potent nonsteroidal estrogen, the diethylstilbestrol teinaceous fluid deposits, ovarian atresia, and presum-
(DES), molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in ably degenerative mineralization. In addition, the go-
ovarian differentiation were analyzed (Paul-Prasanth nadal changes induced by EE2 alone seem to be partial-
et al. 2011). A short-term exposure, from 0 to 8 dpf, of ly reversible after a recovery period (Luzio et al. 2016).
XY fish to DES, induced a reduction of the expression BPA exposure induced an intersex phenotype in carp: in
of genes codifying for the male-dominant somatic cell testes of males exposed to 1000 μg/l BPA, in addition to
markers, such as GSDF, SCP3, and 42SP43, while a several inflammatory cells into the residual lobules, few
longer period, 28 days, caused a strong reduction of previtellogenic oocytes were scattered within the testic-
their gene expression, and the gonads developed as ular tissue (Mandich et al. 2007).
ovaries clearly highlighting the estrogenic properties of
this pollutant.
In general, the presence of oocytes in testis of Effects of EDCs on epigenetic process
gonochoristic species is considered a pathological con-
dition, and in the roach, Rutilus rutilus, a higher preva- The scientific community started to talk about epige-
lence of intersex has generally been observed down- netics in 1942 when Conrad Waddington described it as
stream of major wastewater treatment plants in English “…the interaction of genes with their environment
rivers (Jobling et al. 1998, 2002). Detection of intersex which brings the phenotype into being” (Waddington
individuals and upregulation of aromatases, 1942). Epigenetic modifications are now defined as
vitellogenins, and zona radiata proteins in juvenile and reversible and heritable chromatin chemical modifica-
male fish have been also described in a wide array of tions resulting in adjustment of its activity without
mullet species worldwide, clearly evidencing a changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Epigenetic
xenoestrogenic contamination. Much effort has been plays an important role in many cellular processes from
focused on the identification of new molecular markers differentiation, growth, metabolism, and regulation of
for a precocious identification of feminization responses gene expression by silencing or enhancing specific
and intersex conditions in fish populations. The ovarian genes. In addition, it was shown that epigenetic mech-
RNA commonly shows a strong expression of 5S rRNA anisms enable the communication between gene tran-
in oocytes, supporting the use of such RNA as scription and environment (Esteller 2007). Many
Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576 1569

epigenetic modifications include DNA methylation and (Fig. 2). In rare minnow, G. rarus, it was demonstrated
histone modifications (Labbé et al. 2017). Recently, the that a 7-day exposure to 15 μg/l BPA significantly
implication of microRNA deregulation in response to upregulates the expression of gonadal cyp19a1a mRNA
EDCs has been noted in many vertebrate species levels, while a longer exposure, 35 days, resulted in a
(Cameron et al. 2016). In this context, data obtained in downregulation of aromatase mRNA. Only in the ovary,
D. rerio and in Carassius auratus demonstrated that the an inverse correlation was demonstrated between
exposure to fluoxetine, except from a deregulation of the cyp19a1 DNA methylation status and its mRNA levels,
hormone-dependent processes, causes changes in suggesting that in the ovary, DNA methylation could be
miRNA expression, potentially representing a new group responsible for the transcriptional control of cyp191a1
of biomarkers of the exposure to toxicants. Noteworthy (Liu et al. 2014b). In both gonads, BPA could change
would be the increasing knowledge on the transcriptional the DNA methylation in the 5′ flanking region of
variation of miRNA after chronic or low-level EDCs cyp17a1 and cyp11a1 at specific CpG loci. While a
exposure, providing an epigenetic fingerprint of environ- direct correlation was found between CpG methylation
mental exposure. The detrimental effects of EDCs on at S4 loci and cyp11a1 gonadal mRNA levels, an in-
epigenetic mechanisms were evidenced a long time ago; verse correlation was found between CpG methylation
for example, the hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and at P4 and P6 loci and cyp17a1 mRNA levels (Zhang
the 17-β oestradiol (E2) were evaluated on global DNA et al. 2017). In the testis, BPA caused a hypermethyla-
methylation levels in the gonads of the three-spine stick- tion of global DNA, inducing a decrease of ten-eleven
leback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Results demonstrated an translocation proteins (TETs) after a 7 day exposure to
increase of global genomic hypermethylation in both 15 ul/l. The exposure to a higher (225 μg/l) BPA con-
ovaries and testis although the increase seen in the female centration significantly increased the global DNA meth-
gonads was not statistically significant (Aniagu et al. ylation due to DNMTs upregulation, which was due to
2008). In addition, recent studies demonstrated the ability an increased de novo synthesis of glutathione (Yuan
of EDCs to induce epigenetic transgenerational inheri- et al. 2016). On the contrary, in zebrafish ovary, expo-
tance (Skinner 2014). sure to 1 mg/l BPA induced a decrease of the expression
Many compounds, including dioxins, phthalates, and of dnmt1, resulting in a downregulation of the global
polychlorinated biphenyls can directly affect the methylation (Laing et al. 2016). These contrasting re-
germline. Oocytes and spermatozoa are specialized cells sults suggest that the epigenetic effects induced by the
which possess the ability to fuse and to generate an single pollutants can be concentration- and time-
embryo. At puberty, this embryo will develop into a dependent and vary among vertebrates. In a field survey,
mature organism producing gametes. At this point, epi- juvenile silver eels, Anguilla anguilla, were sampled in
genetic modifications are major actors of cell differenti- two locations in the southwest of France, presenting a
ation and reprogramming processes, both during game- different level of contamination. Results evidenced that
togenesis and embryo development (Labbé et al. 2017). the DNA methylation levels of the genes encoding for
In this context, it was recently demonstrated that repro- the aromatase and fshr were higher in contaminated fish
ductive physiology was significantly impaired in than in fish from the clean site, suggesting that pollution
zebrafish females chronically exposed to 5 ul/l BPA. could be responsible for an increase in the methylation
In mature follicles, a downregulation of signals involved level of gonadal genes involved in oocyte growth and
in oocyte growth and maturation, associated with a differentiation. Chronic pollution experienced by ani-
promotion of apoptosis was reported (Santangeli et al. mals throughout their life can affect their reproductive
2016). This likely occurred through changes in the capacities and possibly, their offspring, inheriting such
chromatin structure mediated by histone modifications, epigenetic marks (Pierron et al. 2014).
indicating that the negative effects of BPA on the female
reproductive system may be due to its upstream ability
to deregulate epigenetic mechanisms. In the zebrafish SOS environment: evidence from the wild
ovary, BPA interferes with histone modification, leading
to the downregulation of lhcgr mRNA levels, potential- Laboratory trials are essential to understand and focus
ly affecting also global methylation and interfering with on the effects of the single pollutants on fish physiology.
the dnmt expression (Santangeli et al. 2016, 2017a) In the wild, fish are exposed to many xenobiotics,
1570 Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

Fig. 2 Effects of BPA on histone modification. a Histograms expression level of several genes involved in oogenesis process. In
bar represents the enrichment of H3K4me3 and red is pointed out the lhcgr gene expression which downregulation
H3K27me—trimethylation of lysine 4 (K4) and 27 (K27) in the was correlated with the specific profile of the abovementioned
amino terminal of histone 3 (H3). Results are analyzed with the histone modifications
method of percentage of input. b Table represents the gene

potentially xenoestrogens, whereby understanding the different sites of the Bay of Biscay clearly evidenced
impacts of mixtures could be of great importance. In this the presence of intersex gonads in several mullet species
contest, zebrafish were exposed to a mixture of the same associated with vtga gene transcription in the liver of
contaminants widespread in the Douro River (Portugal). both intersex and male fish. In females, transcription
Results clearly demonstrated a reduction of germ cell levels of cyp19a1a and gtf3a suggested an alteration of
volume in both male and female gonads, but gameto- gametogenesis (Valencia et al. 2017). In a USA field
genesis was significantly disrupted only in males. In survey, male largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides,
testis, the presence of abundant interstitial tissues and were sampled from two locations in Lake Mead, a site
the presence of a vitellogenin-derived proteinaceous influenced by treated municipal wastewater effluent and
fluid was evidenced (Silva et al. 2012). Hypotheses have urban runoff (Las Vegas Bay), and a reference site
been formulated to explain the deleterious effect exerted (Overton Arm). GSI and sperm motility did not differ
by these environmental xenoestrogen mixes in males; a between sites, but sperm count was lower by nearly 50%
direct action on testis leading to an inhibition of andro- in fish from Las Vegas Bay. A non-linear positive asso-
gen production or a different-level interference with the ciation between ketotestosterone (KT) and GSI was
hormonal cascade that regulates maturation, finally identified (Goodbred et al. 2015). In conclusion, the
inhibiting spermatogenesis, have been hypothesized. higher concentration of contaminant body burdens
A major source of contamination for wild species is coupled with the reduced levels of KT and sperm count
represented by wastewaters treatment plant (WWTP) in fish from Las Vegas Bay suggest that male reproduc-
discharges in the ecosystem. Fish inhabiting highly in- tive condition was influenced by contaminant expo-
dustrialized or the downstream areas, present severe sures. Plasma KT and GSI were associated in a non-
reproductive problems from impaired gametogenesis linear fashion. This observation provides a framework
to intersex gonads. A field study conducted in two to understand why GSI was similar between male bass
Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576 1571

from both sites despite their large difference in plasma evidence indicative of a specific mechanism of action
KT. The non-linear model also suggested the existence and to improve our understanding of molecular toxicity
of post-gonadal growth functions of KT at high concen- pathways (van Ravenzwaay et al. 2012; Ellinger-
trations (Goodbred et al. 2015). In another monitoring Ziegelbauer and Ahr 2014; Baker and Hardiman
study, adult females Hoplias malabaricus were sampled 2014). Moreover, they offer great potential to study
at two locations in São Paulo State (Brazil), one refer- EDCs. While the studies reviewed in the previous sec-
ence site, Ponte Nova (PN) reservoir, and the polluted tions provide essential knowledge about gametes ad-
Billings (BIL) reservoir. The GSI, including the pre- verse outcomes triggered by EDCS (i.e., gametes qual-
dominance of vitellogenic oocytes, was higher in spring ity and intersex gonads), they only partially investigate
and summer in both locations, but the oocyte recruit- the molecular mechanisms eliciting the observed effect.
ment dynamics were different. In winter, females from Although, many studies have already applied omics
BIL presented vitellogenic oocytes and high 11- approaches to investigate the molecular mechanisms
ketotestosterone levels suggesting precocity in the involved in ovary and testis maturation (Tingaud-
vitellogenic phase respect to the females from PN. In Sequeira et al. 2009; Groh et al. 2011; Martyniuk et al.
animals from PN, high deposition of lipids occurred in 2013; Xu et al. 2016), only few of them have focused on
the ovaries. However, plasma estradiol levels did not elucidating the factors involved in the control of egg
vary throughout the annual cycle. In animals from BIL, (Kohn et al. 2015; Yilmaz et al. 2017; Żarski et al. 2017)
plasma estradiol levels peaked during the summer, but and sperm (Li et al. 2017) quality in fish and even less
the ovarian lipid content remained unchanged through- are those investigating how EDCs affect fish gametes
out the year. Fish of both sites regularly reproduce quality. Santos and collaborators (Santos et al. 2007)
(Gomes et al. 2015). Summarizing, results show that investigated the gonadal transcriptome responses fol-
in the polluted area, H. malabaricus developed an effi- lowing exposure to EE2 in both male and female
cient reproductive plasticity with a longer reproductive zebrafish and identified genes involved in the regulation
period and an adjustment in hormonal profiles. Recent- of cell cycle, ubiquitin system, and glutathione peroxi-
ly, 21 PCBs and 5 organochlorines were detected on the dase to be affected and associated with the changes
order of ng/g in anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, observed in gametes quality. Gao et al. (Gao et al.
caught during a field survey in the western Adriatic 2017) identified EE2 to disrupt oocyte development
Sea. Female sex-specific reproductive biomarkers, vitel- and spermatogenesis in adult rare minnow (Gobiocypris
logenin, vitellogenin receptor, and genes encoding for rarus) by applying gonadal transcriptome analysis.
the zona radiata proteins were found transcribed also in These studies highlight the ability of omics technologies
male tissues; in addition, intersex was histologically to unravel mechanisms of toxicity of EDCs underlying
identified in the 13% of the testis (Miccoli et al. 2017). gametes disruption.
These findings contribute to build a novel scenario; to
date, in fact, variations of the European anchovy stocks
have been linked to uncontrolled fisheries and climatic Conclusion
changes, without considering the negative effects of
environmental pollution on fertility and reproduction. Environmental EDCs have a negative impact on both
male and female gametogenesis. These impacts not only
influence the number of gametes but also their quality
Omics technologies: new paths forward on a genetic and epigenetic level, concealing a potential
transgenerational effect. The physiopathology leading
In the last decades, the development of omics technol- to altered fertility is based on hormonal disturbances.
ogies (transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) The appearance of intersex gonads, gamete quality, and
has provided the scientific community with new inte- epigenetic alterations, probably work in combination, to
grative approaches to explore new aspects of biology. explain this negative impact. The main concern is the
These technologies enable researchers to assess thou- difficulty to identify the individual role of specific pol-
sands of genes, proteins, or metabolites in a single lutants in the environment, since fish in the wild are
sample offering the potential to investigate responses exposed to several pollutants simultaneously. Under-
to chemical stressor by identifying molecular-level standing the mechanisms of EDCs action is a priority
1572 Fish Physiol Biochem (2018) 44:1561–1576

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