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Communication :- Receiver- reader, listener, perceiver, and

The word itself is derived from the Latin verb
communicare, which means "to share" or "to Medium/mode - memo, report, letter, interview,
make common”. speech, telephone conversation, gesture, tone of
voice, physical movement, picture, and chart.
Communication is the sharing of information
Modes of communication:
Communication is the giving and receiving of
messages Oral, written, communication in person or
communications at a distance by means of radio,
Communication is the transfer of information telephone, television, telegraph, Audio, Video,
from one or more people to one or more other Text, Internet, Non-verbal, gestures.
Barriers to effective human communication
Communication is the process by which two or
more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings, or Barriers to effective communication can retard
impressions in ways that each gains a common or distort the message and intention of the
understanding of the meaning, intent, and use of message being conveyed which may result in
messages. failure of the communication process or an
effect that is undesirable. These include filtering,
The term "communication" stems from the Latin selective perception, information overload,
word "communism" - meaning common. Thus, emotions, language, silence, communication
communication is a conscious attempt to share apprehension, gender differences and political
information, ideas, attitudes, and the like with correctness
This also includes a lack of expressing
According to Rogers and Shoemaker (1971), "knowledge-appropriate" communication, which
communication is the process by which occurs when a person uses ambiguous or
messages are transferred from a source to a complex legal words, medical jargon, or
receiver. Ban and Hawkins (1988) defined descriptions of a situation or environment that is
communication as the process of sending and not understood by the recipient.
receiving messages through channels which
establish common meaning between a source Process Barriers
and a receiver (In Roy, 1:39).
Every step in the communication process is
Seven elements of communication necessary for effective and good
communication.. Blocked steps become barriers.
Thought Consider the following situations:
Sender can be writer, speaker, and encoder • Sender barrier. A new administrator with an
innovative idea fails to speak up at a meeting,
Coding chaired by the superintendent, for fear of
• Encoding barrier. A Spanish-speaking staff
Decoding member cannot get an English-speaking

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
administrator to understand a grievance about Attitudinal barriers: Attitudinal barriers come
working conditions. about as a result of problems with staff in an
organization. These may be brought about, for
• Medium barrier. A very upset staff member example, by such factors as poor management,
sends an emotionally charged letter to the leader lack of consultation with employees, personality
instead of transmitting her feelings face-to-face. conflicts which can result in people delaying or
refusing to communicate, the personal attitudes
• Decoding barrier. An older principal is not of individual employees which may be due to
sure what a young department head means when lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work,
he refers to a teacher as "spaced out." brought about by insufficient training to enable
them to carry out particular tasks, or simply
• Receiver barrier. A school administrator who resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes
is preoccupied with the preparation of the annual and ideas.
budget asks a staff member to repeat a
statement, because she was not listening Ambiguity of words/phrases: Words sounding
attentively to the conversation. the same but having different meaning can
convey a different meaning altogether. Hence
• Feedback barrier. During a meeting, the the communicator must ensure that the receiver
failure of school administrators to ask any receives the same meaning. It is better if such
questions causes the superintendent to wonder if words are avoided by using alternatives
any real understanding has taken place. whenever possible.

Because communication is a complex, give-and- Individual linguistic ability: The use of jargon,
take process, breakdowns anywhere in the cycle difficult or inappropriate words in
can block the transfer of understanding. communication can prevent the recipients from
understanding the message. Poorly explained or
Physical barriers: Physical barriers are often misunderstood messages can also result in
due to the nature of the environment. An confusion. However, research in communication
example of this is the natural barrier which has shown that confusion can lend legitimacy to
exists if staff are located in different buildings or research when persuasion fails.
on different sites. Likewise, poor or outdated
equipment, particularly the failure of Physiological barriers: These may result from
management to introduce new technology, may individuals' personal discomfort, caused—for
also cause problems. Staff shortages are another example—by ill health, poor eyesight or hearing
factor which frequently causes communication difficulties.
difficulties for an organization.
Cultural differences: Cultural differences
System design: System design faults refer to affects communication between people from
problems with the structures or systems in place different departments in the organisation. It
in an organization. Examples might include an occurs frequently between people who have
organizational structure which is unclear and experienced different social and religious
therefore makes it confusing to know whom to environments. For example: words, colours and
communicate with. Other examples could be symbols have different meanings in different
inefficient or inappropriate information systems, cultures. In most parts of the world, nodding
a lack of supervision or training, and a lack of yourhead means agreement, shaking your head
clarity in roles and responsibilities which can means no, except in some parts of the world.
lead to staff being uncertain about what is
expected of them.

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
Nature &Characteristics: Planning and decision

(i) A two-way traffic It is a two-way traffic – Implementation of

upward and downward. Messages, directives,
Motivation and
opinions are communicated downward. morale
Likewise grievances, complaints, opinions,
Human relations
feelings, are communicated upward along the
line. Training and

(ii) Continuous Process It is continuous process. Coordination

It is repeated to achieve the desired results. It is
not a one-time shot. Public relations

(iii) A short-lived process: It is complete as soon Functions of communication

as the message is received and understood by the
receiver in the right perspective.  Information function

(iv) Needs proper understanding: There may be  Command Function

numerous media of communication but the main
purpose of conveying the message is a proper  Influence/ Persuasive Function
understanding of the message by the other party.
For this purpose, it should be clearly and  Integrative Function
concisely worded.
Basic aspects of communication are
(v) Leads achievement of the organizational
objective: Effective communication does this by 1.Writing 2. Speaking 3.Listening 4.
creating the sense of object orientation in the Interpersonal
These are guided by the channels of
(vi) Dispels misunderstanding: It provides clear communication, which guide the message/
understanding between persons and thus builds a information from source/ sender to receiver or
end user
bridge of camaraderie among people.

The objectives of the communication within Principles of Effective Communication

the organization are
1. Completeness 2. Conciseness 3.Consideration
 Meeting organizational goals. 4.Courtesy 5.Correctness 6. Coordination

 Satisfying professional responsibilities. Effective classroom communication:-

 Fulfilling personal roles  Guides toward effective communication:

• Clarify the messages.

Importance of Communication:
• Use familiar symbols.

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :
• Plan your communication. Eight C’s for effective communication are

• Consider receiver’s needs and •Contents of the Subject

•Clarity in teaching or communication
• Good selection of means.
•Capability of the person who communicates
• Give required feedback.
•Credibility of a communicator
• Insure good environment.
•Channels of communication
• Good listening.( 9 guides ).
•Creativity in communication
 Stop talking.
•Consistency in terms of teaching
 Put the talker at ease.
 Show the talker that you want to listen.
Dimensions of effective communication
 Remove distractions.
 Clarity in mind (with proper plan)
 Empathize with the talker  Purpose of communication (objective)
 Summarization
 Be patient.  Teacher to be empathetic
 Hold your temper. T – tact, tenacity
 Go easy on argument and criticism. E – Enthusiasm and Energy
 Ask questions. A – Aptitude, Adaptability, Ambitious and
Ability to Achieve

C – Communication Skills, Clarity,

H – Humble, Honest, Holistic
E – Enterprising and Efficiency (to inculcate
specialqualities like time management etc.,
which will behelpful to in other aspects
•Self assessment of a teacher
R - Resourcefulness

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :

Types of communication

Further reading:
Business communication or Communication Skills - MBA Study material

Prepared by
S.Balamurali, MBA , UGC-NET,
Mobile: 9080172288. Email :

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