CHAPTER 8 Induction Motor

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R 88 TThhrreeee pphhaassee IInndduuccttiioonn m

Three phase induction motor are the most widely used ac motors. Theirs advantages are
simple and rugged construction, easy maintenance, good efficiency and low cost.

Production of rotating magnetic field

When a 3 phase balanced voltage is applied to a 3 phase balanced winding ( 3 three
identical windings whose axes are physically 120 electrical degrees apart) , three currents
flow in the three windings. Hence three magnetic fields are produced. The resultant of three
magnetic fields is a single magnetic field that’s magnitude is constant but the field changes
its direction. The resultant field is called Rotating Magnetic Field. The speed of rotation is
called Synchronous speed Ns and is given by
Ns = 120 f/P
Where f is the frequency of applied voltage in Hz and P is number of poles for which the
winding is wound.

Principle of operation of 3 phase induction motor

The 3 phase induction motor has a stator and a rotor. The stator contains a balanced
3 phase winding. To this winding a 3 phase balanced voltage is applied. This produces a
rotating magnetic field, rotating at a synchronous speed Ns. This is called stator field. The
rotor has short circuited copper bars or windings. Initially the rotor is at rest, hence there is a
speed difference or relative speed of Ns-0 between the stator field and rotor. This induces an
emf called rotor induced emf in the rotor winding. Since the rotor windings are shorted a
current called rotor current flows in the rotor conductors. This means that current carrying
rotor conductors are kept in the stator field. Therefore, the rotor conductors experience a
force and torque is produced. The rotor starts rotating in the same direction as that of the
field. (The direction of rotation is given by Lenz's law which states that the result opposes the
cause. The cause is the relative speed and the result is rotation. To oppose the cause, the
rotor should rotate in the same direction as that of the stator field, thus reducing the relative
speed). However the rotor cannot catch up with the speed of stator field because in that case
relative speed between the stator field and rotor is zero. Therefore, no rotor induced emf, no
rotor current and no torque.

Slip is a measure of difference between the speeds of stator fields and rotor.
Slip = (Ns-N) / Ns
% s = (Ns- N) /Ns x 100
Where Ns is the synchronous speed and N is the rotor speed. The value of slip depends
on the load on the induction motor. At starting the value of slip is 1.
Frequency of rotor current
At the instant of starting, the rotor speed is zero, the relative speed is Ns and the
frequency of rotor induced emf is the same as that of the stator supply voltage. However,
when the motor runs at a speed N rpm with a slip s, frequency of rotor emf also reduces.
At any slip s frequency of rotor emf fr= s X frequency of stator voltage

Similarly at the same time of starting if the magnitude of rotor induced emf is E2, then at a
slip s,
The rotor emf = s E2
Also, at any slip s, the reactance of rotor windings is equal to s X2
Where X2 is rotor reactance at starting (standstill)

Constructional details
An induction motor has two parts, stator and rotor

The stator of an induction motor is very similar the stator of an alternator. It consists of a set
of silicon steel laminations attached to the yoke as shown in figure shown. In the slots of the
laminations armature conductors are placed with proper insulation. These conductors are
properly interconnected to form a balanced delta connected winding
Figure : Ref Class Notes

Rotor :
Rotor is the rotating part of the machine. There are two types of rotors
( i ) Squirrel cage rotor
( ii) Slip ring rotor

(i) Squirrel cage rotor

It is most widely used type of rotor. Copper or aluminium bars are placed in the slots of rotor
body, which is made up of steel laminations. At both the ends of rotor these bars are short
circuited with the help of short circuiting rings as shown in figure. To look at it looks like
cage of the squirrel hence the name.
Advantage : Economical , easy to construct and mechanically rugged. Needs very little
Disadvantage :
Once constructed the rotor circuit forms a closed path and we cannot add any external
resistance in the rotor circuit. Thus we cannot obtain high starting torque.

Figure : Ref Class Notes

(ii)Slip ring rotor

In the slots of rotor three phase star connected rotor windings are placed. The number of
poles for which the rotor winding is wound is the same as the number of stator poles. The
terminals of the windings are brought out through slip ring and brushes as shown in figure.
The rotor windings can be directly shorted or shorted through external variable resistances.
The inclusion of external resistance enables us to obtain high stating torque. However these
rotors are costly. The slipping and brushes need regular maintenance.

Figure: Ref Class Notes

Star delta starter

Necessity of Starter:
When full load voltage is applied to 3 phase Induction motor at the time of starting the
motor takes 4 to 5 times full load current and this current comes back to normal value once
the motor picks up speed .This starting current can damage the stator winding. Small motors
up to 5 HP rating can be directly connected without any starter. This is called DIRECT ONLINE
STARTING (DOL starter).
But for higher HP motors the starting current increases and causes dip in supply voltage. This
affects the other devices connected to the same supply. To avoid this we use starter and
reduce the starting current. The starting current is reduced by applying a reduced voltage to
the stator at the time of staring.
Star Delta Starter Diagram ref Class Notes

The circuit of star delta starter is as shown . Basically it consist of a star delta switch ( triple
pole double throw switch). When the switch is closed to the START side , the stator winding
are connected in star. The voltage per phase of the stator winding is reduced to 1/3 times
the line voltage. This reduces the line current at starting by 3 times. Once thr motor picks up
the speed the switch is closed towards RUN position where the stator windings are
connected in Delta .

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