Marketing and Sales Strategy

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 Marketing and Sales strategy

We did an extensive market feasibility research and study before

choosing our business location. We wanted a location that will help
us to penetrate the already competitive market and become the
main choice for the people and students in Batangas and the entire
We invested a lot to decide and understand the demographics and
Psychographics we wish to lay our business with and also to create
a befitting marketing plan. We hire a firm which is renowned for
their expertises in the food industry to aid us with creating a plan
that will enable us take the market by storm.
We at Citi fries Inc. believe that with our carefully detailed business
plan, our good products and an excellent customer service, the sky
will actually be a starting point for us. Citi fries plans to will make
use of the following sales and marketing approach which was
outlined by Shannon consults for Citi fries Inc.

 Start our popcorn production shop cum fast food with a grand
opening. .
 Send out introductory letters alongside our brochure to
corporate organizations, colleges and departments, event
planners, households around Umudike in order to introduce
our product and service offerings.
 We will make sure we have an astounding variety of popcorns,
Sharwama, potato chips, and pizzas et al in our facility at any
given time
 We also plan to build attractive leaflets, Bill Boards and flex
banners to create awareness and also give direction to Citi
fries Inc.
 We also plan to mount the above at strategic points
 We also plan to train our employees to have good
communication skills and treat the customer’s right at all time
 We also plan to create a toll free line to allow customers to
page their complaints
 We also plan to create a loyalty program that will let us reward
our regular customers
 We plan to go on road shows within our neighborhood to
create awareness for Citi fries Inc.

Sources of Income
Citi fries Inc. was established to offer an astounding variety of
popcorns, Sharwama, ice cream etc. to the students and residents
of New York. This business was founded to take over the market
quickly and also to maximize profits, we plan to achieve these goals
and objectives with any available means with the jurisdiction of the
law. We plan to sell the following products;

 Popcorn
 Sharwama
 Potato chips
 Corn chips
 Soft drinks
 Ice cream
 Pizzas
 Doughnuts
 Meat pie

Sales Forecast
A well located popcorn production business cum a fast food
business, that offers astonishing products will always attract
customers, which will in turn increase the income and revenue of
the business. Citi fries Inc. is well positioned to be able to attract
our ideal customers and we believe that we will be able to meet the
expectations of our customers and also boost our revenue within
the first six months.
With our extensive feasibility study, we looked into the available
competition and we understood that we have a greater chance of
taking over completely, and we have been able to come up with the
following sales forecast.

 First Fiscal Year-: $100, 000

 Second Fiscal Year-: $500,000
 Third Fiscal Year-: $700,000

N.B: Our sales forecast was based on what we deemed achievable

in the industry and with the assumption that the current economic
recession in the country won’t affect us directly. We also hope we
won’t be facing stiffer competitions, but we have already planned to
review our marketing plan at the beginning of every business year.
It is also crucial to note that these figures cam go high or lower due
to unforeseen changes in the industry.
Gourmet Popcorn Business Plan – Publicity and Advertising
Citi fries Inc. Is well located and we believe it will serve as a
marketing and publicity strategy on its own. We also plan to use all
available means to promote Citi fries Inc. We at Citi fries Inc. also
have a long term plan put in place to establish more outlets after
we must have achieved our desired identity in the market.
This is exactly the reason why our publicity and advertising strategy
is not centered around winning customers or competitors alone but
to create a breath taking brand awareness. Below are the strategic
ways we plan to boost our brand awareness and create a corporate
identity in the food industry;

 We plan to place adverts on community based newspapers,

radio stations and TV stations.
 We will be encouraging the use of word of mouth publicity
from our loyal customers
 We plan to make use of the internet and social media
platforms like; YouTube, Instagram, Facebook ,Twitter,
LinkedIn, Snapchat, Badoo, Google+ and other sites available
to us
 We plan to mount our Bill Boards and flex banners at strategic
locations around New York.
 We also plan to give out flyers and leaflets to the students and
residents of New York.
 We will be contacting corporate organizations, households,
religious centers, and event planners et al to inform them of
our products and services
 We plan to build a well-designed official website and devise
ways that will help us pull traffic to the site
 We will also brand our delivery vans and motorcycles and also
make sure our employees wear our well designed outfit.

Our Pricing Strategy

We all know that pricing is a major decision to make when starting
a business. Customers will always to go to outlets where they can
get cheaper products We also understand that we don’t have the
financial strength with bigger players of the food industry, but we
plan to make sure that the prices of all the products rhyme with
what is versatile in the industry.
We also understand that cooperate organizations, religious
organizations etc. have a stagnant supply price and procedure. We
plan to stand by the bidding pricing template when we bid for such
Our promo bags were designed as an unforgettable giveaway at weddings, trade
shows or customer appreciation days. The labels and flavours can be customized to
uniquely represent our customer.

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