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Basbas, Christine Ann I.

CE – V August 30, 2019

CE 11: Highway Engineering

Reflection Paper
Second Topic: Drainage Highway

You do note "Drainage Highway" like this before

The second topic being reported on our Highway Engineering class is about “Drainage
Highway” or as being stated is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and
subsurface water within the right of way. Honestly speaking, I’m not that familiar to the other
aspects regarding the said drainage thingy. I taught that it was just a simple “go-through” or
something like a “catch basin” of waters around the immediate area but the reporters
explained it a bit further. The presentation was absolutely fine and I love the slides so well for
it is catchy and the design has something to do with their topic. But I guess the slides must
have been more readable especially to us students whose eyesight is not that good.

I learned that a Highway Engineer is not only responsible for the road itself but also to
the other things with respect to the road such as the said drainage highway in which they are
concerned to the primary sources of water such as surface water and ground water. And the
different properties of rainfall where they are concerned with. I also like the fact that the
reporters shared their knowledge about the slopes and gradients. It is also included in their
report the things to be considered in designing a drainage highway. They also explained about
curbs and gutters and other highway drainage structures which we might be seeing almost
every day but just like me, which is not that aware of regarding what they are called for makes
the report more interesting.

One of the best things I love about the presentation of the reporters is that they
informed us about how this so called drainage system in highways helps control erosion and
the techniques are also included. The pictures included in the report added spice to their
presentation and it was all appreciated for if it didn’t include pictures, it might be a bit boring
because we listeners might be just imagining on what they were exactly talking about. It was
informative enough and I guess the reporters did well and can be a lot better, I know they
can. The reporters might have been a little shy and a bit nervous but they still manage to
inform us all regarding their topic and they do deserve an applause for doing it well. There are
instances that they might be buckling but they overcome it.
Overall, the report was well presented and I adore the reporters for their efforts in
presenting to share their knowledge and to inform us all especially an engineering student like
me who will benefit in the learnings that I learned and will be learning from the next
presenters. The very best thing I like from this presentation and to all other presentations are
the efforts given by any reporter just to present whatever presentation they may have in hand.
The reporters’ efforts were highly appreciated. And I must say I learned and gained
information through this presentation.

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