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Chiron on my Mind
The Anatomy of Wounding and Healing Martin Lass ©1997

“If the Universe is a cosmic symphony, then we are the music and healing is our ascending melody.”
- Martin Lass
Personal Introduction
In 1992, Chiron thrust its way into my life. The first half of 1992 I remember as a time of despair at my sense of
disconnectedness to the universe, to life and to love. I called out to the universe for help. The response came in the
following way:
I had a dream in July of that year where I was holding a female figure in my arms… it may have been my daughter,
it may have been my lover, it may have been my mother… in any case it was female and she was dying. I
remember the anguish, despair and pain that I experienced in the knowledge that she was dying. And then she did
die. In the dream, I remember diving, so to speak, into the pain of her loss. I went deeper and deeper into the pain
until I thought I could bear no more. At that exact moment, she came alive again and my pain was transformed into
love. I awoke from the dream with tears streaming down my face from the explosion of love that was in my heart.
In retrospect, I understand that this dream was a healing process of my reconnection to my female side, my
intuition, my sense of connectedness to the nurturing aspects of the universe.
Before this dream, a close friend of mine—a psychic healer and channel—contacted me to say that she had
messages for me from her guidance and that we should meet. In the meantime I had the dream. When we met,
amongst other things, my friend told me two things that changed my view of the universe forever. The first was
that I should consider the planets to be living, sentient being with evolutionary paths just like us, but on a different
scale from us. This understanding, which I recognised intuitively as a truth that I ‘knew’ already but hadn’t
acknowledged consciously, has been one of the major factors in the evolution of my understanding of astrology and
The second thing that she told me, although she was not an astrologer as such, was that I needed to become
acquainted with the asteroid, Chiron. I had not, up until then, bothered with Chiron or any of the other asteroids,
thinking them unimportant as yet! On that day, when my friend told me this, my conscious understanding of
Chiron and its workings began. The
first thing I did was to recalculate my
natal chart, this time including Chiron
—Aquarius, 12th house, retrograde. I
also calculated my Chiron transits for
this period of time. As it turned out,
at the time of my dream and my
meeting with my friend, Chiron was
transiting my natal Uranus conjunct
Sun. Within two months of this,
Chiron did its opposition transit to my
natal Chiron. All of these events and
those that ensued were enough to
convince me of the validity of Chiron
and gave me a first-hand experience
of its energies and influence. I felt as
though Chiron had chosen me to relay
its message. Five years later, after
many experiences, much study and
hundreds of case histories, I am now
writing a book about Chiron. The
remainder of this article presents
some of the material of this up-
coming book.
Prelude to the Discovery
There is an ancient North American
prophecy that says that when the
planet of healing is discovered in the
sky, this is when the sacred warrior
teachings will return to the Earth. I
believe that this prophecy is now
being fulfilled. Some of these ancient teachings will be presented in what follows.
The period of time leading up to the discovery of Chiron—its birth, so to speak—was unprecedented in recent
history and not equalled in the next two hundred years in terms of the frequency of aspects of Chiron and the other
outer planets. Uranus and Pluto, and to a lesser degree Saturn and Neptune, set the scene for Humanity’s
awakening to Chiron, thus allowing its discovery to take place. Perhaps the most striking aspect was the 41
oppositions of Uranus and Chiron between 1952 and 1989. In the middle of that we had Chiron in opposition to
Pluto 11 times between 1961 and 1965. In the latter years of 1965, ‘66 and ’67, Pluto conjuncted Uranus in
opposition to Chiron conjunct Saturn… a kind of dance went on that sent the world as we knew it into turmoil: the
In a sense, the Uranus oppositions were helping to throw light upon Chiron—upon the unresolved, un-addressed
and unacknowledged painful issues of Humanity at the time… personal and global. This aspect appears in the natal
charts of many people who have a calling to heal—either self or others or both. Uranus does not let us hide our
painful unresolved issues. The answer is to fight, escape or deal with them. More on this later…
Pluto’s opposition was a call to Humanity to wake up to the universe beyond Saturn—the place where our
collective conscious was stuck. It is no accident that on the very day that Chiron was discovered—November 1,
1977—that Pluto and the North Node (destiny and evolution) were exactly conjunct in Libra on the Midheaven.
The Virgo to Libra journey is one of the essences of Chiron’s message and rulership as we shall see. (See figure 1.)

Saturn’s part, in conjunction to Chiron in those mid sixties, was to point the way beyond the fixed and dead
structures of social, moral, political and psychological forms that had outlived their purpose. Personal
responsibility needed to supersede authoritarian control—hence the breaking down of all these old paradigms by
the youth of the sixties. A quantum leap of consciousness was needed, but it was necessary to leap into the void
first, not knowing where it would take us. This was the shaman’s journey of the Spirit into the underworld or
overworld—a leap into the void beyond Saturn, in search of the next step. The scene was set for the discovery of
Neptune’s part, in trine to Chiron from 1963 to 1968, was to whisper of the possibility of finding Unconditional
Love—to connect our hearts to the actuality of Love, Oneness and Divine Grace. The catch-call of the sixties,
‘Make love, not war!’ expressed this inner striving.
The Wounded Healer
After Chiron’s discovery in 1977, it was not long before the mythology of Chiron and the symbol of the wounded
healer became associated with planetoid Chiron’s influence. Let’s quickly recap these themes so that we can build
upon them for our subsequent understanding of Chiron.
In the myth, Chiron was the offspring of Kronos (Saturn) and Philyra the nymph. He was born a centaur—upper
half man and lower half horse. His mother was so disgusted by his appearance that she abandoned him. Chiron
never knew his father and was subsequently fostered by Apollo, god of the Sun, music, prophecy, poetry and
healing. In the various versions of the myth, Chiron was either wounded in the leg by others or accidentally
wounded himself. In both cases the wound was considered incurable. Chiron, being immortal, was doomed to
suffer his incurable wound for eternity. However, through an extraordinary arrangement, he traded his immortality
—and thus his suffering—for the release of the god, Prometheus. Prometheus had stolen fire from the other gods
and given it as a gift to Humanity. For this Zeus chained him to a rock, and set loose a monstrous griffon upon
him, that pecked out his liver daily (after it grew back each night). Chiron pleaded Prometheus’ case to Zeus who
eventually agreed to the exchange. Prometheus was released and Chiron died. The gift of fire is symbolic of the
gift of consciousness, which, in the 20th century, finds expression in the search for alternative paths of spiritual
growth and healing. As we strive for this growth and healing, we symbolically reincarnate Chiron within us,
healing the incurable wound.
Replete within these myths are all the foundation stones for the understanding of Chiron, the
planetoid/asteroid/comet. Perhaps the most important of these symbols is the symbols of the wounded healer. The
centaur is on a journey of a healing reconnection of earthy self and heavenly self. The abandoned Chiron is on a
healing journey of reconnection to his mother’s love and to his missing father, both to be found eventually within
himself. The incurable wound, combined with the foster father of Apollo, god of healing, sets him on a journey of
healing—to learn the healing arts and practice upon others, his own incurable wound driving him ceaselessly. The
exchange with Prometheus is the mythical journey into the under or over world—to go beyond the perceived
limitations of ordinary life to find the answer to the healing quest. Chiron’s subsequent re-incarnation into the
heavenly body between Saturn and Uranus is the finale to the story, the message now clear for all to see in the
skies. Ultimately, his journey is the journey that every one of us is on—the journey of reconnection to our divine
origins. The wounding can be seen to be our incarnation process itself and the disconnection from divinity
(Oneness) into duality (fragmentation). The healing journey is a journey towards greater wholeness, greater
integrity, greater Oneness and greater Love—back towards our divine origins.
Other Themes
Briefly, some of the other themes that revolve around Chiron are:
· The Fall from Grace, the casting out from the garden of Eden and the Resurrection back to God.
· The journey from Lemuria (un-self-actualised union with divinity) to Atlantis (the height of Materiality and
disconnection from divinity) back to a new Lemuria (self-actualised union with divinity).
· Divination—the quantum leap of insight required to move from dualistic illusion into unified understanding
· The Shamanic journey—to walk into darkness, seeking the light on the other side.
· Joining Heaven and Earth into Paradise.
· The Rainbow Bridge—rejoining the polarised colours of the spectrum (our dualistic illusion of reality) into white
Light (unity, Love, consciousness).
There are, of course, more themes, but limitations of space here prevent us from exploring all of them. Get the
book when it comes out!
“The path of healing lies through the wound, not around it.”
- Chiron.
The Anatomy of Wounding
My understanding of Chiron has grown layer by layer. To relate this understanding, it is necessary to work from
the top down. In this way, the purely astrological considerations will come at the end… humour my Uranian
To understand the wounding process we need to explore a few Universal Laws and to look at the incarnation
process itself. Firstly, the whole of Creation can be described as a cycle of Oneness to Many-ness (the Big Bang)
and back to Oneness (evolution). (See diagram 2.) This is called the cosmogonic cycle.
Physicists describe the descent from Energy (Spirit) into Matter as the Big Bang. From the initial explosion (“let
there be light”), primary particles split into sub-particles and these in turn split into sub-sub-particles and so on
until we have the universe as we know it: a sea of sub-atomic quantum particles. So this part of the cosmogonic
cycle hold true—from One to Many.
The return from Many to One is the inexorable march of the evolution of life and consciousness in the universe.
From a chaotic sea of particles, complexity, order and intelligence arise (from where?!) to create greater and greater
life forms, each subsequent evolutionary step being more intelligent and more capable of self-actualised
Turning to the next diagram (diagram 3.), we see the cosmogonic cycle expressed in the process of incarnation and
ex-carnation (evolution).
From the Soul Seed, at the magnetosphere of the solar system, we descend into matter, fragmenting as we go, into
many personas. From here we go through our cycles of incarnation, gradually raising our consciousness through
each of the seven astral planes until we rejoin with the Sun (self-actualised consciousness). From here we continue
to expand our consciousness until we eventually rejoin with the Soul Seed (soul mate) at the edge of the solar
system (magnetosphere). It is worth pondering here that our spiritual journey is literally an astronomical journey.

The process of raising our consciousness is the process of fusing (alchemy) fragments (personas) into greater unity
and integrity—to rejoin all the disconnected parts of ourselves into a unity of consciousness: our One true being.
All the little personas represent dualities: lies, illusions, stances, emotions, judgements, etc. that we have
accumulated through the incarnation process itself which, by the way, does not end until about the age of 36. From
here, the process of the breakdown of form in preparation for the return to Spirit becomes accelerated—ex-
carnation. (No more mothers’ milk! Bad joke…)
Disease or wounding is synonymous with the process of incarnation—gradual fragmentation and disconnection
from the unity of our divine origins. The longer we remain stuck in any issue (duality, illusion, lie, stance, emotion,
judgement) the more likely it will descend into grosser and grosser matter, eventually manifesting as physical
Creation and Dualised Consciousness
Looking at the next diagram (diagram 4.) we see the detail of the actual process of Creation (the descent into

White light splits into particle and anti-particle

(electron and positron). These sub-particles are
called fermions. Every fermion has a charge and
as such attracts and repels other fermions. For
every fermion in existence there is an anti-
fermion corresponding to it. These pairs of
fermions seek each other for their eventual
rejoining into less polarised light. These pairs, in
spiritual terms, are called soul-mates.
From the point of view of our psychology, each
splitting into an fermion pair represents a
perception. At the point of perception, two
personas are birthed—persona and anti-persona,
so to speak. Each persona is an emotion, illusion, half-truth, lie, stance or judgement. The process of multiple
splitting of particles of light into sub-particles creates our very consciousness. Consciousness is a cloud of charged
particles of polarised light (fermions).
As we said above, each perception that we have births two personas. Of these two personas, one expresses pain
and the other expresses pleasure, one says more pain than
pleasure and the other says more pleasure than pain, one says
more wrong than right and the other says more right than
wrong. The pain/pleasure duality is the primary illusion that
we live under. In actuality, pain and pleasure are always
equally balanced throughout our lives. Our Lower Mind,
however, judges one to be greater than the other. It perceives
all things in terms of such dualities. The most basic animal
urge right down to the cellular level is the seek pleasure and
avoid pain.
Of these two personas that express pain and pleasure, wrong
and right, evil and good, black and white respectively, one is
expressed in our consciousness and the other is repressed in
our consciousness. The determination of which one becomes
expressed and which one becomes repressed is entirely due to
the planetary influences of our natal chart.
The result in us, as a cloud of charged particles of light, is an
expressed or light side of our nature and a repressed or dark
side. All psychology stems from this fact.
The Wound Defined
What we perceive and call a wound in our lives is an
expressed persona of pain, wrong-doing, imbalance and
judgement. The Lower Mind here says, ‘more pain than pleasure, more wrong than right, more evil than good,
more black than white’ with respect to an event, issue, circumstance or person. (See diagram 5.)
The repressed persona that holds the other side of the perception is hidden within us. Chiron says that there is a
Gift in every Wound. Our expressed perception of pain takes us on a journey of healing… a journey to reconnect
with the repressed persona (ion). Our perception of what is missing in our lives or what needs fixing or setting
right, what needs re-balancing or healing takes us on a journey… in the process we become who we are: we
become that which we are Divinely Designed to be.
“The nature and placement of the wound determines the path of Service.”
- Chiron
To repeat, the expressed persona, in this case the perception of more pain than pleasure, more wrong than right,
more evil than good, more black than white, takes us on a quest to rejoin with the repressed persona that holds the
key to the true perception of what took place at the moment the wounding occurred. Our personas are fermions on
a quest… quest-ions… questions. When we reconnect with the repressed personas, healing takes place and our
questions are answered. At the moment of healing there is the Silence of Love, a moment of greater Light. (See
diagram 6.)
In diagram 5. we see evolution and the healing
process as expressed through particle physics of
light. The two fermions—particle and anti-particle—
when bombarded against each other, annihilate each
other and birth a new particle of light: a photon. This
is referred to as the Collapse in physics. The photon
is greater in light than the previous two particles that
it was created from—greater in light, greater in
consciousness, greater in Love, closer to Truth, closer
to Oneness, more whole, integrated and healed.
Taking this picture into psychological terms, when
our expressed persona meets its repressed anti-
persona and we stand in the light of greater truth
about the nature of our wound or issue, this persona
pair fuses into one, collapsing our previous illusions.
We thus birth greater truth, greater wholeness, greater
consciousness, greater light and greater love… in short, we heal. Is the picture becoming clear?
The light that we speak about in physics is the same Light that we speak about when talking about consciousness
and spirituality. It is not just a metaphor—it is actuality. Physicists are now convinced that all matter is nothing
more and nothing less than polarised light. The task of evolution is to turn all the matter in the universe back into
energy (Spirit). Einstein’s equation E=MC2 says that to reach the speed of light (total consciousness, total love)
that we would need to transform the entire mass of the universe into energy! At the speed of light, relatively
speaking, time stops and space condenses to a point. In other words, the most basic of our illusions of reality—the
illusions of space and time—dissolve when we reach total consciousness. In this state, we are non-locally
connected to everything in the universe in the moment of NOW. The illusions of abandonment, separation,
aloneness, dysfunction, loss, death all dissolve into the awareness of Oneness, Light and Love.
The Planetary Journey
So where does Chiron fit into this picture? If healing is nothing less than the journey back to the consciousness of
Love and Oneness then where does Chiron stand? Consider our evolutionary and healing journey to be a gradual
expansion of consciousness that begins in the womb. When we are born, we come under planetary influence from
smaller to greater concentric spheres of consciousness represented by the smallest to largest orbits of the planets
themselves. We begin with the Moon—its orbit is closest to the Earth. Then we trace a journey through our lives
through the issues of Venus, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto/Charon, in that order.
The planetary issues are, in order:
· Earth Incarnation
· Moon Nurture, protection, flight or fight
· Venus Feeling nature, attraction/repulsion (ions)
· Mars Physical, action, self-will, drive (of ions)
· Mercury Thinking, association, variety of experience
· Sun Will, self-actualisation potential
· Asteroids Connecting male/female, right/left brain, etc.
· Jupiter The calling, the dream, the outward journey
· Saturn Personal responsibility, the end of blame
· Chiron Healing, Gratitude, the Gift in the Wound
· Uranus beyond paradox, the divine plan, higher understanding
· Neptune Love, Oneness, reconnected to divine origins
· Pluto/Charon new cycle, next issue, portal to galactic consciousness
The Healing Journey
Our greatest wounds—our greatest voids—take us on a journey of healing, a journey of evolution. Our greatest
voids determine our greatest values—that which we seek. In the process, we become who we are—we uncover our
Divine Design. There are no accidents in the universe—no mistakes, no injustice, no imbalances. That’s right…
there are no imbalances. The universe is, always was and ever shall be in perfect balance. It is our perception of
the universe, of our lives and of ourselves that is out of balance. The process of healing is the process of re-
balancing our perceptions by seeking the repressed personas of our expressed wounds and coming to the realisation
that, in the process of seeking, we have become what we were meant to be… our unique Service to the Creation.
What a miracle!
“Healing is the gradually awakening to the perfection of your life.” - Chiron
Simply put, when we learn to Love everything about our lives, including our wounds, by seeing the implicate
order, the perfection, the balance and beauty of it all, we heal… we grow… we evolve. Anything that we don’t
love in our lives runs our lives (ions driving us on a quest for reconnection to their respective anti-ions). We
become the master and co-creator of anything that we love in our lives.
Astrologically speaking, the orbit of Chiron is where Humanity’s collective consciousness is right now. We stand
on the threshold of acknowledging the Universe beyond Saturn. We stand at the threshold of the Aquarian/Uranian
Age. This threshold is the threshold between the lower and upper hemispheres of the zodiac—from the ‘inner’
world to the acknowledgement and rejoining with the ‘outer’ world. That threshold is the threshold from Virgo to
Libra and from Virgo to Pisces, from the 6th to the 7th houses and from the 6th to the 12th houses.
Saturn says that we need to stop blaming others and outside circumstances for our wounds and unresolved issues
and look seriously at what part we played in the creation of these wounds and issues. Chiron says that it was all
part of the plan into which we were born. When we unveil the magnificence and perfection of that plan, seeing the
Service, benefit and Gift in the wound or issue, we come to a state of Gratitude for what is. We come to a state of
Gratitude that the universe is exactly the way it is—that we are exactly the way we are. And it is Gratitude that
takes us to Love.
“Gratitude is the levitative force that allows us to break through the barrier of our present concentric sphere of
consciousness. Gratitude is the key that opens the gateway to our heart. Gratitude is nothing more than our
acknowledging God’s perfect balance. Gratitude takes us to Love.” - Dr. John F. Demartini
In the Chart
So we finally come to the astrological stuff! Simply put, Chiron in the chart points to the place of our greatest
expressed wound—expressed consciously or unconsciously as part of our personality pattern. Remember that the
wound is a perception. Actuality says that there was no imbalance at the point of wounding. The illusion of
imbalance is what takes us on our journey. The Chiron position in the chart is the place where our greatest drive to
seek the answers to our existence comes from. Ultimately, our greatest wound is the perception of our
disconnection from divinity.
Our Chiron position points to what we feel is missing in our lives, to what needs fixing, correcting, re-balancing
and healing. It takes us on a quest, the outcome of which is to become who we are Divine Designed to become.
Our greatest wound becomes our greatest gift. Our greatest void becomes our greatest value. All other wounds and
unresolved issues revolve around the original wound or issue. Chiron’s placement in our natal chart determines our
particular and unique path of Service. It takes us on a journey to discover and uncover our calling, our mission, our
dream in life. That calling or mission or dream is the very thing that, in our Heart of Hearts, we would love to do
more than anything else in the world. This is the highest potential for the entire pattern of our natal chart. When
we connect with this calling, we know we are on purpose, on track and experience it as Love. Every person on the
planet has such a calling, mission and dream. The degree to which our calling can shine is the degree to which we
have healed and the degree to which our consciousness has risen in our cycles of incarnation.
The sign in which Chiron appears determines the nature of the wound and the house determines the area of life in
which that wound and its accompanying Gift of Service is acted out. We seek to fix, heal, correct, re-balance in the
outside world, corresponding to the house placement, that which reflects our own inner need for the same.
In Aspect
The most acutely placed Chiron in terms of aspects brings the calling to heal—self and/or others. In my vast
collection of case histories, Chiron conjunctions and oppositions to other major chart points bring out the greatest
drive and calling to heal. The classic arrangement for many ‘called’ healers that I have seen is Chiron opposition to
Uranus T-squaring the Sun. Another is Chiron conjunct Sun or North Node. Recently I have started to attract
clients from the difficult era of the mid-sixties with Chiron in opposition to Pluto often with Pluto conjunct Uranus
in Virgo. These people are set to take the highest message of Chiron to Humanity—to carry the new paradigm of
healing into the new millennium. Chiron conjunct, opposite or squaring other planetary points brings out different
aspects of wounding and healing—different lessons of Love.
In Transit
Chiron transiting the natal points brings to light the unresolved and unhealed issues of those points giving the
opportunity to heal and resolve the issues associated with them. For example, Chiron transiting Venus in the 7th
house will bring unhealed and unresolved issues of relationship, past and present to the fore, inner-ly or outer-ly
depending upon the direction of the transit (direct or retrograde). The degree of readiness to confront the pain of
these issues will determine the actual healing that takes place.
Planetary transits to Chiron activate the core wounding issues in our lives. Obviously, the slower the transiting
planet, the more impact this will have. For example, Saturn transiting will be asking us to take responsibility for
our wounds and unresolved painful issues. Uranus will try to give us a glimpse of the higher understanding of our
wounds. Neptune will try to awaken us to the possibility of reconnecting with love and light beyond the pain of the
wound. Pluto transiting Chiron will give the wound a mighty shake and try to get us to turn our current
understanding of it upside-down. Chiron transiting Chiron always encourages us to find the path of healing one
way or another.
The Symbolism of Chironic Issues
Often the wounds are perceived to be so painful or so deeply buried that in order to approach them at all it is
necessary to approach through a buffer, so to speak. The symbolism of archetypes, dreams and ‘past-life’ therapy
offer this kind of stepping stone. To describe a wound in terms of a ‘past-life’ experience can help clients to
connect with the issues in a roundabout way. For example, a Pisces retrograde Chiron could be described as a nun
in a nunnery doing her service to God by helping children and the destitute, by giving aid to the poor and helping
the less fortunate. Then along comes a band of marauding pirates and rapes and murders the children before raping
and murdering the nuns themselves. Such a scenario describes the wound of a loss of faith in divinity—how could
a merciful, just, compassionate and loving God allow such a thing to occur? The symbol accurately describes the
perceptual feeling of this wound.
The actual circumstances of a
person’s life that led to such a
perception can be quite different.
However, emphatically, the
circumstances will always be
found in the current lifetime. It
is not necessary to go into past
lives for the origins of any
wounds. To maintain the belief
that the origin is in past lives
beyond the usefulness of this
kind of thinking is to perpetuate a
condition whereby total healing
is not reached.
Similarly, dreams, such as my
own described above, can give a
clue to where to look for the
origins of a wound. The use of
psychological archetypes,
whether coupled with astrology
or more traditional therapy can
also provide this type of stepping
A New Approach to the
Reading Process
One of the greatest Gifts that
Chiron brings us is the realisation
that nothing in our lives or in the
lives of our friends, family,
acquaintances or clients needs
fixing! We are all perfect as we
are, all on a journey of evolution
towards greater consciousness
and Love. Whatever lessons we
are experiencing right now are the right lessons for us.
In terms of reading the natal chart for clients, if we begin with the realisation and acknowledgement that this
person sitting in front of us is perfect already then it becomes our task to unveil that perfection to our own eyes and
to the eyes of the client through the reading process. The very unveiling of the magnificence, balance, beauty,
harmony and perfection of our lives is itself the healing process. Whether we call ourselves healers or not, we
astrologers are truly healers gifted with a blessed calling.
A Miscellany of Chironic Titbits!
Here are some interesting observations, facts and opinions that you can chew on in your leisure time…
· When Chiron conjuncts the North Node a new batch of healers passes through their graduation ceremony. This
conjunction in February 1969 at 0o Aries birthed the forerunners of the new healing paradigm—this was a new
beginning. They knew not where they were going but leap out into the void anyway in true Aries fashion! The
conjunction of July 1984 in Gemini birthed a collection of channellers relaying messages of wisdom from higher
spheres of consciousness—quantum leap stuff. The conjunction of July 1996 in Libra birthed a group of healers to
challenge the idea of dysfunction in relationship—to bring a new way of dealing with, understanding and healing
the wounds of relationship and interactions of people in general. The conjunction of June 2008 in Aquarius will be
the beginning of the next step of the healing of Humanity’s wounds towards itself—one world.
· Chiron conjuncted Pluto in 1941, midway through WW2. The Jews were the focal point of the expressed persona
of this event. What was the repressed persona? What was the Gift of Service? Interestingly, the next Chiron
conjunct Pluto occurs on the 30th of December, 1999—Nostradamus’ date for the ‘descent of the Red Terror from
the skies!’
· Chiron rulership was initially put in Sagittarius due to the superficial connection of the horse and the mythical
centaur. Gradually the rulership has become more accepted to be in Virgo, due to the healing nature of this sign—
connecting all the bits, the details, the persona fragments into a more unified picture. However, this does not
complete the picture. The healing process, as we have discussed above, consists of returning, in our consciousness,
to a more balanced perception of ourselves and the world around us. This perception is closer to the actuality of
Creation which is always in perfect balance. This process corresponds to Libra and the transition from the lower to
the upper hemisphere of our zodiac journey. Furthermore, the journey from fragmentation and dissociation (Virgo),
synthesising and healing all the separated parts back into Unity, Oneness and Love is the journey from Virgo to
Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house. Food for thought!
· Chiron sits in our physiology in several main places. Primarily it sits between the third chakra (solar plexus),
which is the seat of the Lower Mind and of our dualistic perceptions and the fourth chakra (the heart), which is the
seat of our Higher Mind and portal to the Soul that knows Truth, Oneness and Unconditional Love. The path of
healing is the alchemical transformation of our Lower-Minded dualistic perceptions into the awareness of unity and
Love—the opening of the heart. Chiron also sits in the static loops of our neurology where we are stuck in lop-
sided perceptions (illusions, lies, emotions, personas, stances, judgements). The longer our neurology remains in
an unbalanced state as a result of our lop-sided perceptions, the more likely the stuck issue will result in hormonal,
chemical, electrical and finally cellular dysfunction—disease. The purpose of disease is to wake us up to what we
are not loving in our lives—to those things about which we have a lop-sided perception.
· Chiron will oppose its own natal position (1977) on 29th September this year (1997) in Scorpio. (See diagram 7.)

This pays homage to Pluto when it conjuncted the North Node at Chiron’s birth into our consciousness in 1977.
The balance of signs at this opposition transit is heavily weighted towards Libra, Virgo and Scorpio. Mercury
conjuncts the Node in Virgo… the messenger of healing broadcasting to the world. The Moon also sits in Virgo in
its balsamic phase. This expresses the destiny of healing—a prophecy of the future. The Sun is in Libra, transiting
Chiron’s natal 9th house, expressing the wisdom of the new day—a new paradigm in healing, psychology, human
relations, function/dysfunction… a new understanding of the balance that is implicate within our lives and the lives
of those with whom we interact. As this time approaches, look for the new paradigm that stresses the power of
Gratitude—the power that seeing the perfection of our lives has to heal and transform our lives, carrying us towards
true Unconditional Love.
· Physicists know that all things have fields of energy around them and that these fields extend to infinity. Our
consciousness is the boundary of what we have loved about ourselves and our lives and that which we have not yet
loved. If we are an infinite field of consciousness, interacting with the infinite fields of consciousness of the
planets, then where do we end and the planets begin? The planets are as much within us as they are outside of us.
And they are alive, sentient and able to be communicated with if we can find the right frequency… just like a radio
station. The illusion of separation is just that… an illusion. Chiron’s message augurs the expanding awareness of
the holographic universe where all things are acknowledged to be connected beyond space and time.
“The wound that Chiron can help us heal is the wound where we are split from ourselves… where we suffer a sense
of separation and lack of Unity… of Oneness… of Wholeness.
The wound is a gift, an opportunity in this life to bring together that which is apart—that which lies apart from us
—that which lies within the dark.
There is a lie involved in this dark. The lie that says there is any aspect of ourselves which is not worthy of the
The belief that we have taken on—that we are not worthy, that there is an aspect that we should be ashamed of…
an emotion, a thought, a feeling, an idea, an aspect of our uniqueness… a difference that sets us apart from others
—is what causes a wound of separation.
Sometimes the wound is obvious and the dis-ease is clear. Sometimes the wound is covered over—the dis-ease is
still within our system but we cannot find the cause.
Chiron says, I offer you the opportunity to see with loving compassion all that you are… to see the two sides of the
wound and that which lies in between so you may be reconciled with yourselves and others… so you may re-
connect, re-member, re-surrect the God within.
Then you will see yourselves as I see you… Whole, Perfect and Joyous… Children of God… Graced… Never
apart… Never separate… Never a-lone but all-one. I offer at-one-ment. The healing. The soothing. The blessing.
It is my service, my role, my choice. What is your choice?”
- Rickie Hilder, channelling Chiron.
"Healing is the gradual awakening to the perfection of your life."
A native American prophecy states that when the planet of Healing is discovered in the sky, the ancient
Sacred warrior teachings will return to the Earth.
In 1977, Chiron, the Planet of Healing, was discovered. Chiron’s issues and affairs concern health and
disease and their relationship to our spiritual journey through life. Chiron says that health and disease,
dysfunction and disorder, are our teachers. They are homing beacons towards our Return to Spirit,
towards greater wholeness, consciousness, Truth and Love.
Orthodox medicine and psychology approach dysfunction from the point of view of symptoms and their
root causes. Chiron calls the root cause, the Wound. Orthodoxy seeks to fix, correct, cure or get rid of
our Wounds. Chiron says that there is nothing to fix, correct, cure or get rid of. Chiron says that the
Wound contains a Gift and that the Healing journey is the process of discovering that Gift.
As Chiron’s message unfolds, we begin to see that Healing is not just about health and disease, but
encompasses every area of human endeavor and human expression, from astrology to medicine to
mythology to quantum physics.
Chiron takes us on a journey through our Darkness, personally and collectively, seeking the Light, in
search of the Gift in the Wound.

"Healing is the gradual awakening to the perfection of your life . . ."

The purpose of this article is to lay out the essence of the new paradigm augured by the discovery of planet
Chiron in 1977. As such, for the sake of economy, many details must be left out in favor of presenting the bigger
picture. My books, articles, presentations and research over the last so many years will fill in the details and will
elucidate and vindicate the broad assertions made below.
In short, the new Chiron paradigm asserts that the Wounding and Healing journey is synonymous with the
descent and re-ascent of consciousness through the cosmos—with Creation (the Fall) and subsequent evolution
(Ascension). Chiron asserts that the Healing journey consists of awakening to the perfection of our lives, no more,
no less. It asserts that there lies a Gift within every Wound, waiting to be discovered. (“Wound” is taken in the
broadest sense, encompassing the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual.)
In order to fully understand and appreciate these assertions, we must expand our vision well beyond the
astrological considerations of Chiron, the planet. In this day and age, it is ever more important that astrology moves
toward consilience, i.e. towards the cross-disciplinary unification of all knowledge. The survival and credibility of
astrology rests upon this. However, before solving the mysteries of life (!), we must begin with our rogue comet
friend and its astrological considerations.
Early Studies of Chiron
Early studies of Chiron were undertaken by such noted astrologers as Zane Stein, Richard Nolle, Melanie
Reinhart and Barbara Hand Clow. In these studies, the theme of Wounding (taken in its broadest sense) was
emphasized. Its partner theme—Healing—was broached, but not satisfactorily understood or elaborated. At best, it
was understood that the Healing journey was mirrored in the outward planetary journey from Saturn to Uranus—
i.e. in the “Rainbow Bridge,” as coined by Hand Clow. Healing was considered the (insufficiently explained)
process of rejoining our lower earthly nature with our higher celestial nature. True enough! However, our potential
Healing path was mapped in terms of more traditional and established psychological and archetypal paradigms,
leading to many inadequacies and contradictions. The difficulties encountered during these early studies were aptly
summed up in Reinhart’s Chiron book:
“This book [“Chiron and the Healing Journey”] is in the nature of a mosaic; the long process of researching and
writing it has been rather like the experience of trying to piece together a jigsaw for which initially there was no
picture, and eventually several different pictures! The reader will find many irreconcilables sitting here side by
side, sometimes with no attempt to resolve them. The archetypal nature of Chiron himself is also thus: the opposites
of horse and human being are yoked uncomfortably into one form, awaiting the more inclusive synthesis that only a
journey into the depths of his own inner nature can bring. Latching on to ready-made philosophies does not
necessarily work where Chiron is involved, for this archetypal pattern suggests the need, and brings the
opportunity, for each of us to make our own personal and unique quest for the meaning of our lives. During this
process, we inevitably come up against many imponderables, paradoxes and unanswerable questions.”
How true! However, more than ten years later, Chiron’s new paradigm is finally coming into view. With it comes
the requirement to turn many consensus views concerning psychology, physiology, spirituality, astrology,
metaphysics, mythology, religion and more on their heads. At the same time, the new Chiron paradigm is gradually
reconnecting us to wisdom that was already known in our distant past, but that was subsequently forgotten.
The net result of these early studies was a growing dread of Chiron and of the issues within us that Chiron’s
placement in our natal charts mirrored. Now, at worst, like Pluto, Chiron strikes terror into the hearts of men and
women! In some ways, Chiron has become synonymous only with “Wound” and “pain.”
My aim over the last 11 years has been to discover and present the balancing half of the equation. When both
sides of the picture are seen, all contradictions, dilemmas and paradoxes are resolved; all seemingly unanswerable
questions are answered. In fact, the Chiron paradigm asserts that the ongoing process of discovering both sides of
any given issue is the Healing journey. Such is one of Chiron’s greatest messages and tools. All that remains is for
us to face our inner Darknesses with the tools Chiron has given us. Such is Healing . . . more than this, such is the
evolution of consciousness.
The New Chiron Paradigm
The essence of the new Chiron paradigm is summed up in the phrase, “The Gift is in the Wound.” In short, when
painful, traumatic, adverse and/or negative experiences befall us, we tend to see the negative side more than the
positive (if we see the positive at all). Said another way, in these circumstances, we tend to express the negative and
repress the positive. Such is the face of Chiron as initially seen in the natal chart (in synergy with many other
factors, not the least of which is the Moon).
What we do not see at the time are the benefits, blessings, lessons, Gifts and Service of these experiences. We
fail to see the balancing sides. The Healing journey consists of discovering these balancing sides. This can take
anything from a second to a lifetime. Hindsight is one great gift in this respect. As we discover and uncover the
hidden balancing sides, so a larger picture is revealed—a picture that contains our Gift, i.e. a piece of the puzzle of
the meaning and purpose of our lives.
The Chiron paradigm also asserts that there is nothing to fix, change or get rid of in our lives . . . all is perfect as
it is. However, our failure to see this at first (or our out-and-out denial) takes us on the journey of our lives. Along
the way, we become who we are meant to become. That is, our Service to ourselves (in terms of learning our
lessons and evolving our consciousness) and to others (in terms of how we contribute to others’ lives) is
manifested. Our gradual awakening to and embracing of this Service is the Healing journey, is the evolution of
consciousness. In this lies a larger Perfection.
Such assertions inevitably bring us to the idea of an ordered universe—a universe with a Plan and a Purpose.
Although one cannot scientifically argue this case (yet!) with those who are so Wounded as to deny a higher order
or higher power, our personal Healing journey will inevitably (and inexorably) awaken us to this higher order. Such
is Chiron’s promise. Moreover, herein lies the hope for the unification of science and spirituality/religion. We can
expedite this process (if we so wish) by putting Chiron’s musings, as seen astrologically, into ever-larger contexts.
We will hint at some these directions in what follows.
Chiron Astrology
Chiron, in the natal chart, points to the place of our greatest Wounds—the things we feel are the most missing,
wrong, unjust, painful or lacking in our lives. In this place, we harbor bottled-up negative emotions, traumatic
memories, past life issues and ‘rooms’ within us where we either fear to tread or that we would rather avoid, ignore,
condemn or banish altogether.
However, hidden within this place of Darkness lie all the balancing sides of the equation—the benefits,
blessings, lessons, Gifts and Service of each and every one of our issues. Through the Darkness lies the Light.
When we try to avoid the Darkness, the Darkness persists and blocks our way. Inherent within the Wound itself lays
the Healing path. As we approach the Wound, so its hidden aspects are illuminated, allowing growth,
transformation, Healing and evolution of consciousness. If we understand the principles involved, each person’s
Healing path can be clearly seen in the natal chart.
Perhaps the most striking symbol of Chiron’s Healing process was presented in the animated film, “The Dark
Crystal,” where the dark and light sides of the psyche, represented by different races of creatures, joined into one
‘super-race’ of Light beings via the Healing of a fractured crystal. Of all the psychologists of the last hundred years,
perhaps Jung came closest to understanding this principle of rejoining our light and dark sides (individuation). All
that remained was to define the exact nature of the light and dark sides of the psyche. Chiron points the way to just
such definition.
Myths & Themes
The schism between what we perceive as our Wounds and their hidden benefits, blessings, lessons, Gifts and
Service is aptly summarized in the animal (lower) half of the symbol of the centaur. The centaur was half horse
(animal, lower nature) and half man (human, higher nature). The wounded leg of the centaur, Chiron, symbolizes
the Woundedness of our lower nature—a nature that sees one side of the world while repressing, ignoring, denying,
disowning, condemning and/or failing to acknowledge the other balancing sides. Such is the origin of blame.
However, as we shine a light upon our Darkness, seeking out the balancing sides, so our lower nature is Healed,
transformed, unified, wholed, rejoining with our higher human nature.
Chiron’s message is only understood when we understand and appreciate that the world we see around us is a
world of perceived duality. Everything in existence has an equal and opposite companion, albeit often hidden from
us in the beginning. Modern quantum physics concurs with this view in its conception of matter and anti-matter.
Such is the eastern view, too—yin and yang, for example. However, to put it more poetically, we quote from
“Every excess causes a defect; every defect an excess. Every sweet hath its sour; every evil its good. Every faculty
which is a receiver of pleasure has an equal penalty put on its abuse. It is to answer for its moderation with its life.
For every grain of wit there is a grain of folly. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else;
and for everything you gain, you lose something. If riches increase, they're increased that use them. If the gatherer
gathers too much, nature takes out of the man what she puts into his chest; swells the estate, but kills the owner.
Nature hates monopolies and exceptions.”
Why the world presents a dualistic face is, in the final analysis, all a matter of perception. It is all about
consciousness. The astrology chart is, in the final analysis, a Mandala of consciousness. Again, quantum physics
can teach us much concerning this topic. However, we have gotten ahead of ourselves . . .
Many other mythic, archetypal and symbolic examples are available. Each reveals its secrets in the wake of the
Chiron paradigm. More than this, each mirrors and supports the Chiron paradigm. Why and how this is so will only
become apparent as we draw increasingly wide circles around our topic of study.
Astronomical Features of Chiron
So far, we have presented Chiron’s new paradigm without much recourse to astronomical data. Here follows a
short overview of some of Chiron’s astronomical features and how each contributes to and illuminates the basis
upon which the new paradigm is built.
Chiron’s highly elliptical orbit means that it spends considerably more time in Aries than in Libra. In short, it
exaggerates Arian traits and minimizes Libran traits. Taking the view from the Zodiac of the Mysteries, where the
Moon rules Aries and the Sun rules Libra , Aries/Moon represents our dualistic (Wounded) lower nature and
Libra/Sun represents our potentially unified (Healed) higher nature. Thus, Chiron, on the surface, exaggerates
Woundedness and minimizes Healing. (We must be aware, though, that Woundedness and Healing are, ultimately, a
matter of perception. Healing is a journey of consciousness.)
Moreover, Chiron’s degree of inclination from the ecliptic makes it somewhat of a rogue in the larger scheme of
things, also giving Chiron an unusual perspective compared to the other planets (except, perhaps, Pluto). Moreover,
studies show that extremes in ellipticity and inclination give rise to more polarized, more extreme expressions of
planetary (and, hence, human) expressions. From this perspective, cometary bodies, like Chiron (and perhaps
Pluto), represent the solar system’s more extreme emotional expressions.
Furthermore, Chiron, like Pluto, may be more correctly associated with the Kuiper Belt of objects, most of
which orbit beyond Neptune. Without going into detail here, this association means that Chiron’s energetic origin
may well lie outside the local Seven-Ray origin of the rest of the solar system. Psychologically, this puts Chiron
‘far from home’, isolated, abandoned, a loner and so on. However, it also gives Chiron an ‘extra-solar’ perspective
and offers the potential for a reconnection to consciousness outside our local solar ‘egg-sac’ (solar magnetosphere).

Lastly (for the purposes of this article, at least!), the fact that Chiron’s orbit, although mostly confined between
Saturn and Uranus, periodically approaches Jupiter and Neptune, means that its affairs span a wide scope.
Moreover, it means that Chiron has the potential capacity to bridge the affairs of these outer planets, to ‘see life
from on high’, so to speak. Jupiter’s association with the Inner Child and with naïve views of the world (pre-
Saturnian, pre-responsibility) and Neptune’s association (in its higher octave) with Unconditional Love (post-
Uranian, the culmination of the Healing journey) are extremely relevant when deciphering Chiron’s themes and its
modus operandi. In fact, one cannot fully appreciate Chiron’s higher message unless one puts Chiron into the larger
cosmic picture, as these few preceding points have endeavored to do.
Chiron is at once disconnected from the rest of the solar system (by virtue of the aforementioned astronomical
features) and connected to the higher consciousness that lies further ‘up-stream’ (outside our solar system) in the
larger cosmic picture (also by virtue of the aforementioned features). Such a dichotomy makes for a very
interesting proposition. In short, the answers to Chiron’s own Wounds lie within its very orbit, so to speak. Again,
the Gift is in the Wound.
The Chiron Cycle
When we examine Chiron’s elliptical orbit, its perihelion and aphelion in Libra and Aries, respectively, map this
out over time and correlate it with human history, we begin to see a definite cycle. Individually, this plays out over
49-51-year cycles in our lives. The elliptical nature of Chiron’s orbit means that this cycle’s nodal points (major
transits to its natal position) differ from person to person and from generation to generation. Individually, this traces
the waxing and waning of our inclination and ability to address and deal with our Wounds and issues. Taken
collectively, this cycle traces the waning and waxing of humanity’s collective interest in and pursuit of spiritual
matters (Wounding and Healing, taken in its broadest sense).
Moreover, when this is placed against the background of the ebbing and flowing of major aspects between the
outer planets (including Chiron), we begin to understand why and how Chiron was discovered when it was. The
tumultuous years of the nineteen-sixties constituted the fulcrum point. However, the details of this historical and
astrological tapestry go beyond the scope of this short article.
Chiron’s Musings in Relation to Body and Mind
The Chiron paradigm in relation to Body and Mind asserts that our physiology is a perfect mirror of our
consciousness. In short, in the same way that Chiron in the astrology chart mirrors our issues and Wounds, all our
Wounds and issues can be seen upon our countenance in the form of various states of health and disease, in our
tensions and relaxations, in our excesses and deficiencies and in our postures and expressions. Such is the
holographic nature of the Body/Mind. The Body/Mind, like the astrology chart, is a Mandala of consciousness.
Lop-sided (unbalanced, Wounded) consciousness (in the form of exaggerations and minimizations in our
perceptions of the experiences of our lives, i.e. when we exaggerate Aries/Moon dualities and minimize Libra/Sun
unity) creates lop-sided physiology (in the form of hypo- (inhibition) and hyper- (activation) reactions of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the immune system in general). Conversely, as we Heal our
consciousness—i.e. seek out the balancing sides of our Wounds and issues and bring unity to our consciousness—
so this is reflected in the Healing of the Body. There is now ample medical and scientific evidence to support the
connection between our emotional and mental states and our body’s health and disease.
Moreover, if we examine the extremes of mental and emotional disorders in our society, we can see our own
predicament as in a mirror, as brought into sharp relief, as in a powerful microscope. We each have elements of
every psychosis and neurosis ever discovered and labeled. Such are the elements of our Woundedness. Fragmented
mental and emotional processes are the symptoms of fragmented consciousness—the dualistic consciousness of our
lower nature, of our terrestrial nature, of the Woundedness of the horse half of Chiron the centaur.
As we bring our consciousness into greater unity—by seeking the balancing sides of our issues and Wounds—
we reconnect with our higher human nature, with our celestial nature. Such Healing goes beyond the illusion of the
physical (material) world of reality and reconnects us with the truth of the energetic (spiritual) world of Actuality.
Again, there is physics to support this assertion.
The secret to Healing—whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual—is thus to bring the Darknesses of our
psyche into the Light. As we do so, we gradually awaken to the perfection of our lives and, thus, to the larger Plan
and Purpose of existence.
Chiron’s Musings in Relation to the Cosmic Plan
Must we wait for Healing in order to gain a glimpse of the Plan and Purpose of existence? Yes and no. Yes,
inasmuch as personal experience can never be replaced by second-hand or anecdotal evidence, even when such
evidence is scientifically based; no, inasmuch as the Plan and Purpose of existence can be seen anywhere and
everywhere we look. We simply need the key. Chiron hints at this key.
If we expand our view of Wounding and Healing from the orbit of Chiron, past the Body and Mind and out into
the starry cosmos, we can witness a universal law, known in ancient times and only just being rediscovered. This is
the law of the One and the Many. In short, we are, individually and collectively, consciousness as Light, descended
from Oneness (the Big Bang), into Manyness (the Creation, the Fall, the Wounding). Our path then takes us from
Manyness back towards Oneness (evolution of consciousness, Ascension, the Healing). This cyclic movement from
Oneness to Manyness and back can be seen in all aspects of nature as well as in innumerable ancient texts, myths,
spiritual teachings and so on. The cycle is also called the cosmogonic cycle.
The story of our descent and re-ascent—our cosmogonic journey of Wounding and Healing—can be seen in
astronomy, the physics of light, the nature of time and space, in music, in astrology (in the zodiac of the Mysteries),
in mythologies, in religions, in metaphysics and more.
The essence of the story is that all is astronomy. And, all astronomy is a dance of Light (taking Light in its
broadest sense to mean all energy in the cosmos, whether in the form of free intangible energy, i.e. spirit or frozen
tangible energy, i.e. matter). All is Light, not just in the metaphysical sense, but in the scientific sense, too.
Moreover, all is consciousness. In these last statements lies the key to deciphering Chiron’s musings. Our
metaphysical journey can be traced physically and energetically in the starry heavens and in the physics of Light
Astrology was once one of the keys that joined the two sides—the physical with the metaphysical and the
celestial with the terrestrial—but it has degenerated over the centuries.
Moreover, like astrology, all mythologies and religions were attempts by wise beings in antiquity to put the great
cosmogonic story into a form that humanity would not and could not forget. All mythologies and religious parables
are analogies of astronomical events, analogies of the descent and re-ascent of consciousness as Light, analogies of
our metaphysical journey of Wounding and Healing. However, over time, the stories have been distorted, perverted,
lost, altered, misinterpreted or forgotten. Nonetheless, the key still exists. The myth of Chiron is but one example of
this great Story of Life. If we examine myths and religions from such diverse places as Mesopotamia, Egypt,
Greece, Polynesian, North America, South America, Great Britain and so on, we will see the same Story written
before us.
In Conclusion
Everywhere we look, we can see evidence of the Story of Life—of our journey of Wounding and Healing. The
Chiron myth and Chiron’s astrological considerations are but two examples amidst a myriad of examples.
Everything in existence is a hologram of a greater picture of existence.
Moreover, every aspect of our individual lives is also a holographic piece of a larger puzzle—of our lives
personally and of the greater life of humanity. When we deny, disown, fail to acknowledge, ignore, try to escape
from, condemn and/or try to banish certain parts of ourselves, we are Wounded; we are in denial of the larger Plan
and Purpose of the cosmos. Such are the Wounds that Chiron mirrors. However, when we walk willingly into our
Darkness, shining a light, so to speak, we gradually recover the lost pieces of our lives. Gradually, we become
whole once more, reconnect with our higher celestial nature and take our rightful place as co-Creators of this
magnificent universe.
Most importantly, Chiron’s higher message is that everything is about perception. Seeing one side of things
(duality) is Wounding. Seeing all sides of things (unity) is Healing. As we Heal, so the world around us changes,
not because we have set out to change it, fix it or get rid of the things we do not like, but because we see things
differently. In short, as we Heal, we increasingly see things from the eyes of Love. Such is the ultimate Gift in the
Wound. Surely, this is a journey worth pursuing.

A Planetary Healing Hand. The Message of Chiron by Martin Lass

In November 1977, the eyes of the astronomical and astrological worlds turned to the skies to observe the newly
discovered celestial body we now call Chiron (pronounced Kie-ron). Astronomically, Chiron has been a mystery
for reasons we will touch upon briefly in a minute. Astrologically speaking, Chiron has become the symbol for
personal and planetary healing—for the reconnection of ourselves to our inner divinity through the healing of our
inner wounds and blockages. Let’s look at Chiron and its timely discovery a little more deeply…
The Discovery
With an orbit between Saturn and Uranus, Chiron was first thought to be a small planet (or planetoid).
Astrologically speaking, it was first classified as an asteroid. Its orbit is highly elliptical and steeply inclined to the
plane of the ecliptic. It has an orbital period of about 50-51 years. It also wanders periodically inside the orbit of
Saturn. These unusual attributes have perplexed astronomers until recently. In May 1989, astronomers at the
University of Hawaii, having observed a coma (or halo of light) around Chiron, now believe that Chiron is a giant
comet. With this, Chiron’s otherwise unusual attributes begin to make sense. Astrologically, this may dismay some
astrologers who have considered it to be a planetoid or asteroid. However, from an astrological point of view, it
makes no difference—the influence of Chiron is the same. Interestingly, if Chiron were to have been classified as a
comet straight away upon its discovery, it may not have attracted the eyes of the astrological world at all.
A New View of the Solar System
Before we go any further with Chiron, though, let’s take a look at a new view of the solar system that is emerging;
this new view, I believe, is partially attributable to the discovery of Chiron, our consciousness of Chiron and
Chiron’s influence upon us. This new view of the solar system and our place in it can be called a holographic
view. By this we mean a view that regards everything in the universe as interconnected and part of one big picture.
Furthermore, this total interconnected picture is a living picture composed of living parts. Consider the
Biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, recently postulated the theory of ‘morphogenetic fields’—fields of ‘information’ and
awareness that lie outside of our normal concepts of space and time. ‘Morphogenetic fields’ are kinds of
storehouses for the ‘patterns’ of individual species of animals and plants. When a new genetic aspect evolves, say,
in a sunflower, the morphogenetic field ‘stores’ this aspect and ‘transmits’ it to all the sunflowers in the universe.
He suggests that things that we normally consider to be inanimate also have morphogenetic fields—the Earth itself,
for example. It follows that the other planets must also have morphogenetic fields.
Sheldrake goes so far as to suggest that these morphogenetic fields have a kind of consciousness—a ‘livingness’—
that is organic, evolutionary and intelligent. He even makes the quantum leap to suggesting that these fields
represent the divinity that lies behind every species of life—kind of like the oversouls of each of the species.
Furthermore, he suggests that life itself is in all things—not just what we normally consider to be ‘alive’. What we
are leading to here is the idea that the planets are alive.
I further suggest that consciousness is in all things. It is only a matter of degree and relativity. The consciousness
of a rock, a human being and a planet are each on a different scale. The consciousness behind each living species
—the morphogenetic field or oversoul—can be contacted if we are in the right state. This includes the planets. Not
only are the planets alive, but they have consciousness.
The possibility and actual process of conscious living contact with our planetary friends is facilitated by the
healing of our wounds and blockages and by our reconnection to our divinity within. Chiron facilitates this healing
and reconnection whereby we can hear the messages of the planets and work with them consciously for our mutual
spiritual evolution.
Our whole conditioned idea of a universe made up of innumerable discrete components, all separated by space and
time, all divided into ‘alive’ and ‘inanimate’, is gradually giving way to this new paradigm. The new paradigm
states that everything is connected to everything else in a living way. The search for a Grand Unified Theory is
reaching its culmination. Time, space, gravity, matter, energy, consciousness, life, etc., are all connected.
Furthermore, they are each unable to be examined or understood properly without being put into the total picture.
Also, that total picture must include us as the observers.
We are not separate from the universe. We are all an integral part of the universe. Everything that we do, think or
feel has an influence on the world around us. Everything that happens around us has an influence on us. To study
anything properly, we need to begin with ourselves.
We need to acknowledge that the world comes into focus only to the degree that we understand ourselves as the
observers; and that the very act of observation is part of that picture and affects that picture.
The whole emerging body of this new paradigm is coming to be referred to as a holographic scheme of existence.
We live in a holographic universe where every smallest part of the whole is a direct reflection and microcosm of
that whole. In this way, each of the planets has a reflection within us. There is a correspondence within us to each
of the planets; this is why astrology, when done correctly, works. The macrocosmic scheme of our solar system is a
picture of ourselves—our exact internal construction on all levels. Furthermore, the solar system, when studied in
the right way and when contacted in a conscious way, is an exact map of our potential spiritual evolution. It
literally traces a path that we can follow.
Discovering our Healing Abilities
Coming back to Chiron now, it follows, according to the holographic view of the solar system, that if we discover
a new planet in the skies, that, on a microcosmic scale, we are discovering a new part of ourselves. When we
discovered Chiron, we discovered a path to the healing of our inner wounds and blockages; we discovered that we
have within us the capacity to heal ourselves. Chiron teaches us that path of healing. Astrologically speaking, that
path leads us from the inner planets to the outer planets—from the affairs of our ordinary lives to the fulfilment of
our extraordinary potential. Chiron, at the halfway point, is the bridge between our lower and higher selves. Using
the tool of astrology—particularly soul-centred astrology—we can, with Chiron’s help, discover the nature of our
inner wounds and blockages. We can identify and acknowledge these parts of ourselves that are in need of healing
and reconnection. This healing may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual—they are all connected. This
healing is the stepping stone to higher consciousness—higher consciousness that is the answer to such diverse
problems as disease, war, ecological disaster and human suffering. Chiron gives us a method, a process, by which
we can immediately proceed with our own healing. We will discuss this process shortly.
Chiron in Myth and Symbol
We can discover much about Chiron by looking at some of the mythology, archetypes and symbols that have
already been associated with it. It is, I believe, no accident that planets and the like end up with the specific names
that they do—this, too, is an example of the holographic universe at work. The name Chiron comes from the
centaur in Greek mythology. Chiron was born half man (upper half) and half horse (lower half). The myth of
Chiron contains many symbols. We will look at some of these symbols after recanting the most common version of
the myth itself.
Chiron was born to Philyra, the nymph and Kronos (also known as Saturn). When Philyra saw that her child was
half man, half horse, she was so disgusted that she abandoned him. Chiron never knew his father. Later, he was
taken under the wing of Apollo, the god of the sun, healing, prophesy, music and poetry, who raised him and
tutored him in these arts. At some stage in Chiron’s life, he was wounded in the leg. Some versions have him
accidentally wounding himself; in other versions he was wounded by others. In all cases, though, the wound was
considered incurable. Chiron sought out his own healing ceaselessly, increasing his knowledge of the healing arts.
However, in the original story, although he became a great healer of others, he was never able to be healed himself.

The first symbol we have here is the symbol of the centaur: half man, half horse. This is the symbol of being cut
off from our earthy and animal roots. It is the symbol of the march of intellectual evolution at the expense of our
emotional, instinctual and intuitive capacities. The Age of Reason has brought, alongside many modern comforts
and scientific and technological miracles, a distrust of, and a disconnection from, these capacities. We are cut off
from these parts of ourselves. The journey back to ourselves and our divinity is our reconnection to our earthy
roots, to our emotional life and to our intuition. It is the re-acknowledgment of the mystery, the wonder and the
aliveness of Creation. In a sense, it is also our reconnection to our dark sides: to our unconscious—to the parts of
us that express through archetypes, symbols and dreams. Taken as a whole, all of the above is a reconnection to
life; it is to rejoin life after our trip into the cold, calculated and lifeless realms of pure thought disconnected from
the heart.
The next symbol is the symbol of abandonment. Chiron was abandoned by his mother, never knowing his father.
In a sense, we all suffer from the original wound of abandonment when we incarnate. When we incarnate, we are
cut off from our divine roots; we descend into the darker and colder waters of the Earth plane. The journey back to
our divinity is the healing of this sense of abandonment. This sense of abandonment in our lives is often amplified
by abandonment issues of this lifetime—circumstances and events that amplify the wound and create new wounds
in the process.
Fostered by Apollo, Chiron was nurtured to a point where he could heal this sense of abandonment. Apollo, in our
lives, symbolically represents the helping hand, the healing hand of others who are there to guide us and nurture us
back to a point where we can then take responsibility for our own healing. Chiron, after being nurtured and helped
by Apollo, now offers us a helping hand—a healing hand—so that we, too, can reach a point where we can take
conscious personal responsibility for our healing, reconnection and further spiritual evolution. In turn, we will be
able to offer healing assistance to others in need.
The symbol of Chiron’s incurable wound is the symbol of the Wounded Healer. The wound itself inspires the
constant search for healing. Unable to heal his own wound, the ‘woundee’ turns his healing powers towards
others. The suffering of the wound brings about an awareness, a compassion, an understanding of others’ wounds
and a desire to help others to heal.
Mythical Chiron’s wound was not healed until he gave up his immortality. In dying, he freed Prometheus, who
stole fire from the gods to give to Humanity. In the 20th century, with the discovery of Chiron the comet/planetoid,
the symbolic gift of the fire of consciousness is expressed through our search for alternative paths of spiritual
growth and healing. Symbolically, every time we heal ourselves, in whatever small way, we are reincarnating
Chiron within us, healing the incurable wound. Chiron’s message in the 20th century is that total healing is
Wounds and Blockages
What do we mean by ‘wounds and blockages’? Taken simply, wounds are parts of ourselves that have become
disconnected and cut off from ourselves because of painful or traumatic experiences that we have had in the past.
For example, as children, we are sometimes subjected to such circumstances. As children, we are unable, at the
time, to deal with these situations and the pain of them. As a result, we unconsciously wall off these experiences in
our psyches; we protect ourselves from having to re-experience these events. We also unconsciously develop
protective patterns that we feel will prevent us from experiencing similar events in the future. These patterns
become blockages that not only do what they were intended to do, but also cut us off from some of the good stuff
within us.
By the time we are adults, we have innumerable ways in which we avoid feeling and re-experiencing our original
wounds and we have innumerable ways in which we avoid further pain. The result of this, in terms of our possible
spiritual fulfilment and well being, is that we end up sacrificing our very lives for the sake of safety, comfort,
painlessness and pleasure. These blockages and protective patterns cut us off from the true life that awaits us.
The answer to our spiritual fulfilment and well being, Chiron teaches us, is to take conscious personal
responsibility for our wounds and blockages. We need to see and understand our protective patterns, to break them
down so that we can go back into our wounds. By going back into our wounds with the intention of understanding
and healing, we allow healing to take place. We need to re-experience these painful issues in our lives, to re-live
them with the intention of finally resolving them. In this way, we reconnect with the good stuff that was walled off
when we initially tried to protect ourselves from the pain. In this way, we find our true selves again.
The Planets and Chiron Within Us
We have within us correspondences to each of the planets. This is part of the holographic reflection of the solar
system. Each of the planets corresponds to specific areas in our lives. Each of the planets has specific messages
for those particular areas of our lives. We can explore the map of our lives by studying the map of the planets
within us. One way of approaching this, and there are many ways, is by understanding the chakra energy centres of
the body and their planetary correspondences.
The chakras, according to Eastern wisdom, are energy centres in our bodies, each corresponding to a different
aspect of ourselves. The seven major chakras (there are others, too) are to found in 1) the base of the spine 2) the
spleen area 3) the solar plexus 4) the heart 5) the throat
CHAKRA LIFE AREA PLANET 6) the brow and 7) the crown of the head. Each area
corresponds to the functioning of a different aspect of
Crown Wisdom/Will Pluto
ourselves. (See diagram.)
Brow Insight/Intuition Uranus
Throat Communication/Truth Jupiter (In-flowing energies of life move from base to crown
chakras and from crown to base. If the flow of these
Heart Higher Emotional Venus/Neptune energies is impeded by our wounds and blockages,
THE HEALING PATH Chiron eventually it manifests as disease—physical,
PERSONAL emotional, mental and/or spiritual illness. Chiron is the
Saturn key to restoring the free flowing of life energies within
us—the key to our healing.)
Mental Mercury
Spleen Lower Emotional Venus/Moon
Base Physical/Sexual/Instinctual Mars/Pluto/Sun
The three basic areas of our earthly existence are encapsulated in the lowest three chakras: the base = our physical
existence, the spleen = our emotional existence and the solar plexus = our mental existence. These areas
correspond primarily (there are other correspondences, too) to Mars (physical), Venus (emotional) and Mercury
Here is the important part: our basic wounds and blockages lie primarily in these first three chakras. The flowing
of energy and life within us is impeded by these wounds and blockages. There are many ways in which energy
flows within us. The two primary ways, in terms of the chakra energy centres, are 1) from the base chakra, through
each higher chakra, to the crown chakra and 2) from the crown chakra, through each lower chakra, to the base
chakra. If either flow—ascending flow or descending flow—were to be totalled cut off, we would die. If the flow
is impeded, we become eventually experience dis-ease—we become ill.
Our primary blockages of energy lie within the first three chakras, eventually creating illness within the physical,
emotional and mental bodies. The healing of these wounds and blockages facilitates the enhanced flowing of these
energy streams within us: health, harmony and well-being.
Our blockages end up, primarily, at one particular point in the chakra system. That point is in our middle; it is the
halfway point—the symbolic point between man and horse in the centaur; it is the halfway point between the inner
and the outer planets; it is the halfway point in our chakra system. It is at this point that Chiron sits. Between the
solar plexus and the heart, at the point within us where in-breath becomes out-breath, Chiron resides. Chiron points
to our wounds and blockages, offering us a path of healing and reconnection. If the energy that ascends from the
base chakra meets blockages in any off the first three chakras, that energy cannot fully ascend further. It also
cannot remain static. In this case, it turns around and descends back through the chakras, poisoning them as it
goes; the result is disease. In the same way, the energy that descends from the crown chakra, meeting blockages in
the lower chakras, similarly cannot fully descend further. Not able to remain static, it turns around and goes back
towards the crown, poisoning us as it goes.
Knowing Chiron’s place within us can help us to work in a conscious way towards the breaking down of the
blockages and the healing the wounds that prevent us from becoming whole again. Before we describe the healing
process itself, let’s take a quick look at the use of the horoscope in the healing process—in particular, with respect
to Chiron.
Chiron in your Horoscope
Chiron’s place in your natal horoscope can give clues as to the exact nature of your specific wounds, blockages
and inner pain. The zodiac sign that Chiron resides in, in your personal horoscope, tells of the nature of the wound
itself—its content, its origin and its history. The zodiac house that Chiron sits in tells of the area of your life that
this wound is most likely to express itself; it gives the wounds and blockages a context in everyday life. The
aspects and angles that Chiron makes to the other planets in your horoscope will tell the ways in which your
wounds and blockages affect other areas of your life. It will also give a series of pathways by which healing can be
consciously undertaken. If Chiron is retrograde (apparent reverse motion in the skies at the time of your birth) or it
is in an intercepted house then it tells of the past life connections of your wounds and blockages.
In an astrological reading, with the soul’s path as the focal point and using Chiron as a guide for the potential
healing and resolution of those things in your life that keep you from spiritual fulfilment and well being, the aim is
to illuminate the protective patterns, the blockages and the wound itself. This aim is accompanied by the intention
of understanding, healing and reconnecting. A reading done in this way is a process—a healing and spiritual
process that needs to be undertaken with the utmost care, compassion and understanding. Once the blockages and
wounds are uncovered and illuminated, a healing path can be traced, specific to your life and difficulties.
The Healing Process
It is possible, even without the benefit of an astrological reading, to begin to work towards the breaking down of
blockages and the healing of inner wounds by listening to Chiron’s message. The process is a simple one, although
not necessarily easy.
The way to proceed is to take whatever you are feeling at any given instant in time and to work with that feeling
alone. With attention to your breathing, without changing it, and attention to the point in your middle, between the
solar plexus and the heart, ask yourself what you are feeling. What are you feeling? What is your state at this
instant? Remain with that feeling, allowing it to have expression within you, but with the specific intention of
understanding, healing and resolving the issue. This is the most important point. Try not to be judgemental and
critical of yourself and the feelings that you might experience—just experience them. Try not to allow negative
reactions to what you feel overwhelm you; self-pity, poor-me, depression, judgement, feelings of inadequacy, etc.,
are all counterproductive. Come back to your Wish for healing. Try not to analyse and categorise the feeling in
your head—just feel it. Don’t try to change or avoid the feeling—just feel it. Attend to your breathing and the
place between the solar plexus and the heart. Your attention to this place and to the feeling is the secret. Your
intention for understanding, healing and resolving is the fire of alchemy that will facilitate the healing process.
You can do this as a meditation practice and you can try this in the midst of life. It is a question of attending to
whatever you feel at a given moment, unconditionally, compassionately and lovingly, with the intention of healing.
By the way, you can work with physical wounds in the same way by bringing your attention to bear upon the pain
of the wound whilst proceeding in the same way as above. This can be used as an adjunct to traditional medical
Messages from Chiron
Finally, let’s listen to the channelled words of Chiron himself. Chiron says, “Here is the key to your healing:
whatever your painful issues are, right now, today, whatever your wound is - go into the wound. With all the
courage you can muster up—and I will be there to help you—go into your wounds.
“This means re-experience them. Acknowledge your feelings, no matter how painful they are. Acknowledge them
in a way that is non-judgemental, that is loving and compassionate. Stop punishing yourselves. It is OK to feel
whatever you are feeling. It is not a crime and it doesn’t make you a bad person.
“You need to forgive yourselves and the others that may have caused you pain in the past. You need to love
yourselves and love the others that caused you the pain. You can only do this by having the courage to feel the
pain. You need to be gentle and compassionate with these parts of yourselves. Only then can they grow in a
positive way.
“By feeling the painful feelings, in a spirit of love, compassion and forgiveness, you are allowing these wounds to
be healed. You become your own nurturer - your own carer and healer.
“You need to love yourselves and nurture yourselves in the same way that you would wish to love and nurture a
small child or a wounded animal. Not to be condemning and harsh, not to be critical and judgemental, but to be
unconditionally loving with yourselves.
“Bring your tool of attention to bear upon your wounds—upon those difficult feelings and issues. When you put
your attention here, new energy and understanding are possible concerning these issues.
“Bring your intention to bear upon these areas. The intention is for healing. The intention is for a reconnection of
all of those disconnected parts of you. The intention is for the total healing of your pain. The intention is for the
loving and compassionate development of your consciousness and well being. The intention is to become whole
“Let me tell you the secret of spiritual alchemy: by agreeing to consciously and intentionally remain in the place of
your pain, remembering your wish for healing and remembering your wish for Joy, Love, Expansion, Wisdom and
Consciousness, new energy and understanding come into you. The power of the Holy Spirit enters into this place.
Healing takes place here. Alchemy takes place here. Spiritual growth and evolution take place here.
“When you remain in this place, aware of your pain, aware of your disconnection, aware of your desperate need
for healing, in the face of whatever is troubling you, with a simultaneous wish for healing, alchemy takes place.
“The pain, the wounds, the difficult issues, the sense of separation and the aloneness, are transformed into positive
energy: they are transformed into Joy, Connection and Love.”

Healing Lives A Celestial Graduation Ceremony by Martin Lass ©1996

As we approach mid July, two celestial points are coming together for an auspicious meeting. One of these points
is the planetoid, Chiron. (Incidentally, Chiron is now regarded in some scientific circles as a cometary body.) The
other point in this meeting is the North Node of the Moon. This celestial point will be explained a little later in this
article. This meeting, or conjunction, happens every 12-15 years approximately. The last time was in July 1984.
Previous to that it was in February 1969.
The upcoming conjunction is only the second meeting that has occurred since the discovery of Chiron in 1977 -
that is, since Chiron’s birth into our consciousnesses. This fact is ultimately relevant, as we will see hereinafter.
To put it simply, every time this conjunction happens, a new batch of Healers and Light Workers is born into the
practical world. A new batch of Healers and Light Workers pass their final exams, graduate and are ready to go out
into the real world to begin their mission - to start practicing what they came here to do - to honour their higher
purpose. This does not mean to say that Healers and Light Workers are not constantly being born into the practical
world. It is simply that, around these conjunctions, there is a graduation en masse.
The specific nature of the Healers and Light Workers activated around each of these conjunctions can be seen in
the zodiac sign placement of the conjunction. The upcoming conjunction is in Libra. Again, we will discuss this
later. First let’s take a closer look at each of the aspects involved in this celestial event.
Chiron the planetary (or cometary) body that symbolises the possibility of, and necessity for, personal healing for our
spiritual evolution. This means Healing in all aspects - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Chiron’s
message is that total Healing of ourselves and our wounds is possible. The Healing of our wounds and blockages
leads to the reconnection of ourselves to ourselves. It leads to the reconnection of ourselves to our divinity - to God
within. Total Healing means total freedom.
Chiron says that the road to total Healing must be taken consciously and willingly. The Path through our own
inner Pain, wounds and blockages leads to Wholeness. The Path through this Darkness leads back to the Light. We
have been given the free-will to choose our path. How we choose is up to us.
Chiron also says that our Pain, wounds and blockages are like lost sheep in our psy-ches. We need to bring them
back into the fold. We can only do this by, firstly, acknowl-edging these parts of ourselves in an unconditional,
compassionate and loving way. We need to stop blaming others and blaming the outside circumstances of our lives
for the diffi-culties that we experience within. We need to stop punishing ourselves for feeling what we feel. We
need to nurture these parts of us back into health and maturity. These lost sheep are parts of ourselves that have
been cut off from us at various ages of our lives. We did this, unconsciously, to protect ourselves from the Pain of
situations that we did not have the capacity to deal with at the time. This was valid. Now, however, we must face
these wounds - face them consciously, with the intention of healing and becoming whole again. Our intention is
what will make the difference between Healing and wallowing.
Chiron says that He will be there to help us and guide us through the Healing of these difficult issues. Chiron says
that these wounds are a gift. These wounds are the base sub-stance of our potential spiritual alchemy. Our
intention for Healing and our wish for Whole-ness is the fire that will transform these things in us. The final result
is our reconnection to Oneness and Love. The final result is Spiritual Freedom.
The North Node of the Moon an astronomical point related to the Moon’s orbit around the Earth. For the astro-nomically minded, the North
Node is the point in space where the Moon passes from below the plane of the ecliptic to above the plane of the
ecliptic. (The Moon’s orbit is tipped at just over 5 degrees to that plane.) When the Moon passes from above the
ecliptic to below, this point is called the South Node. This passing happens twice a month, once for the North Node
and once for the South. The two points, North and South, oppose each other, like the opposing points of a compass
needle. They also move slowly backwards through the signs of the zodiac, with a total zodiac cycle of about 18
and a half years.
From the point of view of what we are discussing here, the Nodes represent a kind of compass needle for our
lives. Our soul’s journey in this incarnation can be understood using these points as a guide - where we come from,
everything that we bring into this incarnation, the good and the bad, the gifts and the failings, the excess baggage,
the lessons we have learned and the lessons we need to learn. It can all be seen using these points as the hub of an
astrological horoscope. The North Node encourages us towards our potential. It encour-ages us towards learning
our lessons, healing the wounds of the past, paying the karma of past misdemeanours and fulfilling the tasks we set
out for ourselves before we came into this incarnation. Most importantly, our true purpose and mission are written
Transits of the North Node in our lives usually correspond to times of relative awak-ening to our true purpose.
Generally, the circumstances of our outside lives will also corre-spond to this inner awakening, activating us in a
practical way, opening the doors of oppor-tunity and bringing us into contact with people and circumstances that
will help us along our way. This happens, however, only to the degree that we are consciously ready to walk our
higher paths. If we are not ready, these contacts with the Nodes can merely pass us by, un-noticed.
Chiron and the Node Together
..bring the connection of Healing in the broadest sense and our true life’s purpose together in a symbiotic way.
Firstly, our life’s path becomes a Healing path. Finding our way, finding the meaning, finding a sense of fulfilment,
finding harmony and Love becomes synonymous with Healing. As we Heal, we connect to our true selves, to our
true purpose and mission. As we Heal, we begin to know where our place is in the world, which way to go and
how to proceed. Our true path takes on new impetus and direction.
Secondly, our personal journey of Healing and reconnection to our divinity becomes a life’s path for the Healing of
others. We become the beacons for others to follow. Having walked the journey of our own personal Healing,
through the Darkness and back to the Light, we can now stand on the other side of Darkness, shining a Light that
others can fol-low. We say to them, “Look! It’s possible. You can do this, too. I walked through the Pain of my
wounds and it wasn’t so bad. Follow me, if you wish, and I will help you. The re-ward is Joy, Freedom, Love and
Reconnection to your Life.”
The Zodiac Sign which the meeting of the North Node and Chiron takes place shows the exact nature of the blend of Healing
and the true life’s path. For example, the conjunction of Feb-ruary 1969 was in Aries. To understand what this
means, we need to take into account the spiritual meaning and nature of the sixties as an attempted revolution of
consciousness. This revolution resulted in the bringing to conscious light the necessity for the Healing of wounds
that were the by-product of the old guard. Saturnian structures had been laid waste. What could they be replaced
with? The path into the new paradigm - the Age of Aquarius - could only be walked by walking the journey of
personal healing and personal spiritual endeavour. (This is one of the subjects broached in my up-coming book,
“Spaceship to Olympus”.)
The conjunction of 1969 in Aries was the birth of Healers and Light Workers that were the beginning of the new
paradigm - the new age. These people were the advance party, whose task it was to take new and bold steps into
uncharted territory. That territory was personal healing. In the process of evolution, we all reach a point where we
can go no further until we look back and look within with the intention of clearing away the residue and backlog of
unresolved issues in our psyches. These Healers and Light Workers who were activated in 1969 began that process,
setting the scene for the birth of Chiron into our consciousnesses in 1977. Once Chiron was discovered, our
Healing could become more conscious and intentional. The key had been given. All we had to do was use it.
The next conjunction of the North Node and Chiron happened in July 1984 in Gem-ini. This was the birth into the
practical world of Healers and Light Workers whose task was to be messengers of Healing. Their messages came
not only from their own personal jour-neys but from channelled sources. This was the fulcrum point for the
connection of the Earth to channelled sources from around and beyond the universe as we know it. These people
were the messengers for the higher consciousness of spirit guides and discarnate enti-ties. Their message was
simple. “You have the power and capacity to become the citizens of the galaxy that you were meant to be. You can
heal yourselves. You can clear away the debris, your unresolved issues and become Whole again. You are Divine
and limitless. All you have to do is choose.”
That brings us to the up-coming conjunction in July this year. This takes place in Libra. The Healers and Light
Workers that are being born into the practical world, activated and empowered, are people who have walked paths
through co-dependency, abandonment, relationship failure, aloneness, alienation and separation. They have dealt
with these issues, worked through the healing of their wounds in relation to these issues and now are giving back
what they have gained to others in similar need. Their message is that separation is a lie. In reality, we are all
connected to one another.
Their mission is to help us re-establish a balance between our individual selves and the world of others. For this,
they recognise the need for the healing of self first before the healing of others becomes possible. The healing of
self is a pre-requisite to a healthy and harmonious relationship with others. We need to have balanced and
harmonious relation-ship with ourselves first, then with the world at large and finally with others in a personal way.
The end result is the capacity for personal relationships that are free of the chains of co-dependency - free from
relationship dysfunction. Love that was really neediness becomes unconditional Love - mutual respect and
goodwill towards one another.
The other aspect of these peoples’ paths is the sharing of the understanding that we are all connected and that we
are all One. From this comes the understanding that, if I help another along their path, I am helping myself. True
personal Joy and Fulfilment comes from Service to others. It is not a question of altruism. Neither is it a question
of selfishly moti-vated good deeds towards others. It is a holographic view - we are all connected - I help myself: it
helps others - I help others: it helps me. This is one the principles of the new age - the up-coming Age of Aquarius.
The Activation
..of Healers and Light Workers during this time can be seen through personal horo-scopes. I have done readings
for many people who will have this conjunction passing over important points in their personal horoscopes. Where
it actually passes in the horoscope will determine the exact nature of the healing mission for that person. They will
know them-selves, however, without necessarily having the benefit of astrological insight, what their mission is. It
will become increasingly clear as the middle of July approaches. They will need to listen carefully to their inner
guidance and keep their antennas out for new doorways and opportunities. We can expect to see more people
involved in wholistic counselling clothed in various modalities, from traditional practises to more alternative
therapies. The emphasis, in all cases, will be on the healing of abandonment, feelings of aloneness and alienation,
and on relationship difficulties, all with the end goal of empowering people into their real purpose here in this
incarnation. Apart from those that will have this conjunction passing over important points in their horoscopes,
those born with their natal North Nodes in Libra generally, will be affected in Healing and activating ways. These
are people born be-tween September 1939 and May 1941, between June 1958 and December 1959 and between
January 1977 and July 1978.
For the Rest will be a time of the possible healing of old wounds of relationship, abandonment, aloneness and alienation that
have stood in the way of their lives’ paths, whatever those lives’ paths might be. For those that have already
embarked upon such a healing path, it will be a fruitful, albeit difficult time. It will be a fine opportunity to peel off
another layer of their wounds, allowing yet more of their true selves to emerge. If they can go into this time with a
willingness to bear whatever comes up, in the spirit of Healing and understanding, the gift of the conjunction will
be received. Trying not to analyse what is going on at first - this will merely get in the way - is the way to begin.
Simply experiencing whatever is there, with the intention to Heal and to understand, is the way forward.
Intellectual understanding will come afterwards.
For those that have yet to embark upon their Healing paths, it will be a time when the circumstances of life, inner
and outer, will be arranged in such a way as to highlight areas that are in need of attention - areas of relationship,
career and inner discontent related to the previous two. For these people, the key to gaining understanding and
possible Healing from these situations and life circumstances lies in resisting the tendency to blame others and/or
the world in general for their difficulties. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives in an objective
and compassionate way.
Globally Speaking,
..the conjunction of the North Node and Chiron in Libra in mid July is already being felt. As a general influence in
a relatively unspiritual world, Chiron has the effect of open-ing up our inner wounds. Most people are not ready to
acknowledge, feel or deal with these wounds. When confronted by these uncovered wounds, the unprepared
person can react in several different ways. Avoidance is most common. The ways in which we all avoid our inner
Pain, to a greater or lesser degree, are manifold and well trodden - TV, alcohol, food, sex, drugs, work, indolence to
name a few. When things get too difficult to bear, the avoid-ance becomes chronic and exaggerated - suicidal
tendencies, drug and alcohol abuse, over-eating, workaholic patterns and, conversely, patterns of avoidance of work
and responsibili-ties.
Another way in which unprepared people react when confronted with their inner wounds is by lashing out at others
and at the world at large. This can be in any situation in life. The degree of the lashing out can range from a simple
negative verbal reaction all the way to the sort of situation where a person simply snaps and goes on a shooting
spree, as with what happened in both Scotland and in Tasmania recently. There are all the degrees in between, too.
It is when people cannot deal with their Pain. They can no longer make it go away. They are like cornered
wounded animals. Those around them are bound to get hurt. We all need to take this into consideration during this
With this conjunction taking place in Libra, it is very likely to result in an increase in domestic violence. People
who have felt ‘trapped’ in relationships for years are likely to lash out at their partners, blaming them for their own
feelings of Pain and frustration about their lives. Much understanding is required during this time, avoiding the
tendency to place blame or fault in one camp or another. These situations are the result of many participants and
many influences, most of which have translated into unconscious patterns. Compassion and understanding are
In Conclusion is necessary to emphasise the positive potentials of this celestial event. The Heal-ers and Light Workers that
are coming into activation during this time will be helping others to be able to better deal with their own painful
inner issues. Every person that does even the smallest amount of their own personal Healing adds to the force of
Light in the world. This makes it more possible for others to follow. Gradually, the vibrational frequency of the
planet is raised and more Healing becomes possible. This is the only answer to war and violence. This is the only
answer to the plight of Humanity at the end of the 20th century. This is the only answer to the plight of Mother
Earth at the mercy of our inhumanity towards Her. We can each make a difference. Simply by taking
responsibility for even the smallest of our unresolved painful issues, we immediately make a difference. Gradually
finding our own inner Peace in this way, we add to the possibility of global Peace. Peace be with you.
©1996 Martin Lass - unauthorized reproduction, copying, distribution or alteration without the consent of the
author is prohibited by law and liable to prosecution.

Chiron and the Awakening of Conscience Martin Lass

When we hear the word “conscience”, many of us immediately connect it with guilt and shame. We feel bad about
ourselves and associate these feelings with a kind of impending punishment or retribution. As a consequence, we
make all efforts to ignore or avoid feelings of conscience because they are too painful to contemplate. I wish to
draw a line that separates Conscience and guilt. To this end, I will spell Conscience with a capital C as I believe
that real Conscience is a much wider conception than our ordinary view of conscience.
Real Conscience represents the healing of guilt, shame, blame and judgement. It rewrites the accepted ideas of
judgement, criticism, crime, punishment and retribution. Real Conscience is in the NOW. Guilt, shame, blame, etc.
are of the past. Real Conscience is about acceptance, understanding, awareness, forgiveness, and unconditional
Love. Real Conscience is accepting who I am.. all of me.. right Now.. good and bad. It is acknowledging that, yes, I
have flaws, but that I wish to be different Now. I acknowledge those parts of me that need work.. that need
acknowledgment.. that need to be nurtured and forgiven so that they can grow. I accept the responsibility, Now, for
what I am. I acknowledge my bad feelings in such a way that I can love them and let them go. My Wish for healing
and growth is NOW. I need to heal the past.. to let it go so that I can be whole again. If I am attached to the Past by
my guilt and blame and shame, etc. then I am not whole.. I am only operating on half steam.
In this way, the idea of Karma takes on a new dimension. The traditional view is that, because we have done bad
things or neglected responsibilities in past lives, therefore, now, in this life, we must pay. We are educated,
conditioned and brought up to believe in a system of success and failure. We are conditioned to accept that failure
leads to punishment or retribution. In this way, we are made to feel bad about ourselves by our parents, our
teachers, our peer groups, our religions and our governments. This is a society that has become preoccupied by the
ideas of success and failure, right and wrong, good and bad, black and white, crime and punishment. Trying to
accept the burden of many past lifetimes and the idea of punishment and retribution spanning this whole life is, of
course, more than anyone wishes to contemplate. I can’t hold everything that I have done in the past in the forefront
of my consciousness for even a fraction of a second. Firstly, it is impossible. Secondly, it would be too painful. As a
consequence, if I accept such a proposal as our ordinary view of karma, but am unable to deal with it, I tend to push
it into the background. I create, unconsciously, a sense of impending doom.. a sense of judgement against myself.. a
sense of not being good enough.. these are the seeds of more guilt and shame. I can’t change the past, nor can I deal
with it.. nor can I make it go away. So it sits there, in my subconscious, eating me away, affecting my life Now.
And then there are the issues of traumatic experiences in the past that have not been healed, integrated or
reconciled. Childhood abuse, abandonment, violence, death of loved ones, major accidents, being unloved, etc.
These also become lodged in my Being not allowing me to be free from the Past. We are not given the tools to
know how to free ourselves from the clutches of our identification with the Past. However, there is a way..
As the Age of Pisces comes to a close, we can get a more objective view of how it has affected us personally and as
a whole. During this Age, we have become preoccupied with the Past. We have become attached to living in the
Past, particularly emotionally. When we accept guilt, blame and shame, we are living in the spectre of the Past.
When we fall into victim roles and self-pity we are attached to the Past. Modern psychology and psychiatry work
on the premise that past events cause current difficulties or mental illness. The law of historical cause and effect is
tacitly accepted as an immutable axiom. The idea of evolution is based on this. The general view of the human race
is that it is getting better all the time because we are improving on the past all the time. We are conditioned to think
in these terms. On the one hand, the past is felt to be not as good as Now. So the future will be even better, surely.
When we are disillusioned with the Past and with the Now as it is, we wish for tomorrow.. that will cure
everything. On the other hand, as the Piscean Age also taught us, when we are disillusioned with the Now, we
hearken back to “the good old days”. We are living in the past again. In “new age” circles, a commonly accepted
belief is that humanity’s Golden Age was in the distant past and that we have lost what “they” had. Either way, we
are hung. Whether that past is full of guilt, shame, blame and failure or whether it is full of halcyon days and
miraculous civilisations we are stuck.. stuck in the Past.
Enter Chiron.. Enter Conscience..
There is no Past and there is no Future. The idea of the Past is a human invention. It serves the limitations of our
linear time sense. To make sense of the world, intellectually, humanity has invented many concepts. The idea of
linear time.. Past, Present, Future.. works fine on a practical level.. but when we accept it as a fact of our spiritual
existence, we are accepting a limitation. From a higher perspective, Chiron says, “All is Now”.
Let’s try to be logical. When we speak about the Past, we speak about it as though it were a place from which we
have come. That place does not have a tangible existence. It resides in our minds. And we have, collectively agreed
that it has an existence. We all dream the same dream. Our minds and our imaginations are extraordinary things!
When we contemplate the past, we are creating an inner world that has all the appearance of a tangible place. We
become convinced of its existence by becoming totally captivated by it. We get lost in thought and memories and
the outside world ceases to exist. And yet, the outside world is still there, in the Now, at the very instants that we
are being carried away within ourselves. We are hypnotised. We are not fully aware or fully there. If we think
logically about it, every thing that has ever happened to us has a record. Where is that record? Surely it is within us,
right Now. We are, Now, the sum total of everything that has ever happened to us. We can access everything that
ever happened to us by examining ourselves, Now. It is all there. We have everything that we need, right here and
Chiron says that we need to Be in the Now. We need to exercise awareness, not try to escape from it. Chiron says
Be who you are, right Now. Sit down with yourself and experience who you are in the Now. Don’t try to experience
everything that you are and have been all in that one moment. We need simplicity. We need to be gentle with
ourselves. Simply watch what comes up. Feel what comes up. Ponder what comes up. Remain with the experience.
Try to avoid trying to analyse what comes up. Try to avoid the mental contortions of justification, rationalisation
and the tendency to create mental edifices of cause and effect. Forget about what the mind has been taught. Just
experience whatever comes up. We don’t need books for this. We have all the possible experiences that we need
right here within us.. right Now. Hawaiian Huna says, “Now is the Moment of Power.” Bring yourself back from
the Past at every instant that you find yourself taken by it. What are you Now? Where are you Now? We need to
exercise our attention to the Now. When we allow our attention to be taken by daydreams and by our self-created
inner worlds, we are NOT. When we are here in the Now, we ARE. The Buddhists say, “Be Mindful.” What am I,
right Now? Am I elsewhere in my mind, or am I here Now, washing the dishes or performing my work? When I
feel sad or depressed or I feel guilt or I am discontent, do I really feel it? The residue of past traumas.. do I feel
what I feel about it, Now? Or do I keep replaying the recordings of the event, getting lost again in the inner spaces
of my self-created limitation? Do I feel it Now, with the deep Wish to understand? Or do I try to escape again,
perhaps blaming the way that I am on the Past or on something outside myself? I am what I am. Will I accept that,
Now? Why do I always try to escape from it? Can I not just Be Now, whatever that is? I need to accept what I am,
in the Now. I need to give up my judgements against myself and against others. I need to release the Past. I need to
Forgive. I need to Forgive myself and to Forgive others who have trespassed against me. I need to be gentle with
myself. I need to Love and Nurture myself the way I would wish to Love and Nurture a small child. Because I am a
small child in the eyes of God. Judgement, criticism, blame, failure, unforgivingness, guilt, shame, etc. are all man-
made. Compassion, Unconditional Love and Forgiveness are of God.. of Now. When we live in the Now, we are
living in Conscience. And then we are in contact with Chiron. Chiron is God’s messenger of Conscience. Healing is
possible then. When I live in the Now.. in Conscience.. I process things as they happen. I am there to experience
what happens.. Now. I might experience Pain. So I experience it. I grow. I process. I Heal. And then I feel Joy and
Freedom. Evolution is possible then. Compassion, Acceptance, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love are possible
then because we are God in the Now. If I choose not to experience the Pain at the moment of impact, I become
attached to the Past again. This, in the long run, is far more Painful. This disconnects me from the Now.. from God..
from myself. I feel alone then. I feel forsaken. But the choice was mine.
Chiron, through our natal horoscope, can show us how we store Pain and trauma. It can show us why we hold on to
the Past and how we can let go of it and Heal it. It can show us how we try to escape from Conscience and why. It
can show a Way to ourselves.. a Way to the Now. Through Conscience and the Now, we become more of our God-
self, accepting the responsibility for our small part in the cosmic evolution of things. We are all heading for the
same place. The journey begins Now.

The Healing Power of Gratitude Chiron’s Final Trump Card by Martin Lass ©1997
As an astrologer and healer, I have been working with the newly discovered ‘planet’, Chiron, since mid 1992.
Chiron has taken me on a personal journey of healing and reconnection to myself and my life as well as giving me
a glimpse at the miracle of other peoples’ journeys. This journey and the understanding of it has gone through
many stages of unfoldment. From the initial recognition of ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’ that were holding me back
from realising my purpose for being here, to the search for the details of those ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’, to the
discovery of the psychology behind them, to the development of ‘therapy’ for the acknowledgment and healing of
those ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’, to the recognition of the ‘Gift in the wound’ and finally to the realisation of what
healing really means and what the ultimate healing process is… this journey itself has been a miracle for me.
I see now, that in my entire life, there has not been one small thing, not one circumstance, not one person that
hasn’t been of ultimate Service to me in awakening me to my life’s calling: healing, astrology and music. All
things served to point me to my own recognition, acknowledgment and, lastly, love for my own Divine Design.
The very things that I previously called ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’ and that I felt were holding me back from being
who I really was were actually part of the journey itself. I would not be the person I am today, with the
understanding and awareness of my purpose that I have today, if it had not been for each one of these ‘wounds’ and
‘blockages’. Every one was a Service of Love. My life has been a perfectly executed divine plan that I stand
before in awe, gratitude and love. I humble myself before the magnificence of the universal intelligence that guides
each one of us towards our callings.
The Lessons of Love
I realise now that every lesson in our lives is a lesson of love. We are all learning to love everything about
ourselves and our lives. That which we do not yet love in ourselves and in our lives rules us. That which we love
we become the masters of. When we have learned to love a particular issue we move on to the next issue in our
lives that we have yet to love. The time spent learning to love any given issue varies from minutes to a lifetime.
Our only choice is how long we wish to remain stuck in any one issue.
The secret to loving any issue, event, circumstance or person in our lives is gratitude. When we begin to see how
each issue, event, circumstance and person in our lives has served us, taught us, helped us to become who we are,
then we cannot help but have gratitude for it. The secret is: All is, was and ever will be PERFECT. It is our
perceptions of these issues, events, circumstances and persons that judges them to be good or bad, right or wrong,
black or white, etc. We are learning to love ourselves and our lives—to acknowledge the divine plan behind every
part. The secret of healing is that there is nothing to fix, nothing to set right, nothing to atone for, nothing to
forgive and nothing to have to accept! It is our perception that undergoes the healing process! As we learn to love
a given issue for what it is—unconditional love—we are healed. That is what unconditional love means… to have
no conditions, judgements, expectations, etc. attached to our love. We simply love what is for being what it is!
Healing is the re-balancing of our perceptions—our perceptions of wrong-doings, unfairness, victimisation, harm
given or received, loss, abandonment, neglect, abuse, etc. It is the healing of guilt and fear. Guilt and fear are the
indicators of our mis-perceptions of past events and subsequent projections of future events. The most powerful
healing comes from re-balancing our perceptions of these past issues, events, circumstances and persons in our
lives. When we see how each one served us as an act of love we are filled with gratitude.
Gratitude takes us to a state of unconditional love for an issue, event, circumstance or person. When we have
gratitude and when this takes us into unconditional love, we heal—we move into a higher concentric sphere of
consciousness… we evolve. Then we are on to the next issue. We now have exact scientific processes to bring us
to a state of gratitude, unconditional love and healing. This will be Chiron’s greatest triumph at this time in
history. The stirrings can be seen in the world already. Gratitude is the key. Chiron’s symbol is the key. The only
question that remains is, “Are you ready to heal?” It is no longer a question of how to heal, but when do you want
Acts of Love
I would like now to relate some of the aspects of my own healing journey. This, I hope, will give an insight and a
feeling for the nature of what we have spoken about above.
I understand now that my purpose in life is tied up with a three-fold expression: music, astrology and healing.
Each one of these parts of my Divine Design has been awakened, nurtured and driven by sometimes different
things and sometimes the same things. Let me go into my understanding of the process of awakening to each of
these parts of my design and how my perceived ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’ have served to keep my on that path—
how each of these perceived ‘wounds’ and ‘blockages’ truly constituted an act of love.

The Gift of Music

I always thought that my father wasn’t there for me as a child. I felt that his attention and affections were on other
things and other people. There seemed to be little physical attention apart from disciplinary beatings. He was not
one to openly express love. In my perception, he spent much time and attention on my older brother—sibling
jealousy. I remember when I was about 3 ½ to 4 years old; my brother was standing on a chair in front of the
grandfather clock. My dad was trying to teach him how to read the time. I know now that this was when the
jealousy began.
From a traditional therapy point of view, I would need to heal the ‘wound’ of having received little attention and
love from my father—the ‘wound’ of him having not been there for me. However, let’s ask a few questions first.
What did my perception of my father’s lack of attention and love to me make me do? What did my jealousy of my
brother make me do? To answer this, it is necessary to mention that my father was a lover of classical, jazz and
country music. Mozart was his passion. He also loved the violin. So what does a child who wishes for his father’s
attention, approval and love do to please him? When I was 8 years old, I had the opportunity to have free musical
instrument lessons at school. I chose the violin, despite the laughing and mockery of the other boys at school. I
never knew exactly why I chose this until recently. In retrospect it is obvious.
When I began, through the healing processes that I have come to know, to make these connections, I also started to
miraculously ‘remember’ things that I had repressed—things that did not support my previous perception that my
father had never been there for me. Until this point, my perception of his lack of love, attention and approval drove
me to keep trying to get his attention through music and violin playing… the very things that he loved the most.
What I remembered was that, during the early years of my violin studies, my dad encouraged me to continue
whenever I complained to him about the other boys at school making fun of me. He told me how special I was. He
told me that I had a special gift. He took me to concerts and bought me records. He nurtured my gift of music.
The revelation for me was that I had forgotten these events and circumstances and had hung on to the perception
that he was never there for me. The amazing part is that the mis-perception drove me to higher and higher states of
excellence in music. The need to please my father, to seek his love, approval and attention gave me what I am
today in terms of music. It also gave him the gift of being able to listen to me and to feel his own heart expand.
From one point of view, his lack of attention, love and approval was an act of love that gave me my gift of music.
From another point of view, there was no lack of attention, love or approval. His apparent lack of love, approval
and attention was his way of loving me. What greater gift of love could a person have given me than to drive me
towards acknowledgment of a part of my Divine Design—to drive me to be able to do what I love the most in my
I realise that this interpretation flies in the face of traditional therapy. Traditional therapy thinks that something
needed to fixed—that father did me wrong. I know differently now. When I look back at my father now, I am
overwhelmed with gratitude and love for the fact that he was exactly who he was for me. The universe provided a
perfect plan for me to wake up to my own gifts.
The Gift of Astrology
I had a violin teacher when I was in high school. I spent 6 years with him. My perception afterwards was that he
never gave me anything constructive in terms of violin playing. In fact, I considered him to be truly destructive as
a teacher because he always said I would never amount to anything but a second violinist. I also thought he was
using me as a guinea pig in order for him to learn how to teach. At the end of the six years, I had little to show for
it in terms of violin development. That came in the subsequent few years. So, all in all, I felt ‘wounded’, ‘abused’
and ‘used’ by him.
For the healing of the ‘wounds’ it is necessary to re-balance our perceptions by asking a few pertinent questions.
The main question is, ‘What did he give me?’ As a result of this and other questions, I have come to a different
interpretation of these years with this man.
Firstly, if he had been a good violin teacher, technically speaking, I would not have remained in Australia, would
not have met my current wife, would not have expanded my horizons in the many different directions that I have. I
would have been off to Europe to study to be a classical concert violinist, which is a highly restrictive and
specialised career. Secondly, his putting me down all the time caused me to question what I was good at—to
expand my perceptions about who I was. He also taught me humility… one of the necessary attributes of a great
artist. During this time I began composing music, gaining many accolades for it. My perception was that he did
not support me. This drove me to gain support in other areas of my life—other areas that were part of my Divine
Design, as we shall see.
These are indirect results of his method of teaching. So what did he give me in a direct way? How did he serve
me directly to become the person I am today? By digging deep in my psyche for answers to this I began to
‘remember’ things that I had previously ‘forgotten’. In the violin lessons, which I never missed, by the way, we
spent little time on music. So what did we talk about? Everything and everything else. I realised that our
conversations were instrumental in expanding my mind laterally into many different ways. The primary thing that
we talked about, though, was astrology. I had ‘forgotten’ this until recently. My perception was lop-sided in
thinking that he never gave me anything except pain. In actuality, he inspired my interest in astrology and in many
other things that were not mainstream.
He was a person, I realise now, that didn’t follow the crowd—he was a free thinker and doer. I realised at a certain
point in my healing process with regard to this man, that he wasn’t speaking to the ego in me that wanted to show
off technical marvels on the violin—this was what all the other teachers encouraged—rather, he was a man who
was speaking to the rest of me… to my heart… to my soul… to my being. He awakened in me my awe and love
for the magnificence of the universe—what astrology seeks to understand.
When seen in this light, how can I but have gratitude and love for this man who was instrumental in awakening a
greater part of myself than just the ego? This man gave me the first step in becoming the astrologer that I am today.

The second step in the astrological journey came in the mid eighties. At the time, my wife, myself and a close
male friend were the core of a touring music band for close to 4 years. During this time, I was off on a tangent: I
had begun to hate myself for what I saw as weakness in letting myself be the pawn of others in my career. I sought
solace in spiritual pursuit. In this spiritual pursuit I neglected, condemned, judged and denied my life previous to
that pursuit. I neglected my wife, my children, my body, my sexuality and my career. I was in suicide mode with
regard to my career, thinking that my calling was not here, but that it was to be a spiritual ascetic.
During this time, my wife and this other man became very close friends, seeking solace with each other. Needless
to say, I experienced tremendous jealousy! At the time, I considered jealousy to be a curse and a measure of my
lack of spiritual will. I struggled with it for two years.
So, in the healing process recently, the question came up: ‘What was the benefit of the jealousy and the friendship
between my wife and our friend?’ On the surface of it, one would say that there was no benefit and that this
friendship of theirs was trespassing upon our marriage territory. So I dug deeper. What did I do as a result of the
jealousy? How did I try to get my wife’s attention back to me? How did I try to compete with my friend for my
wife’s attention? What was I doing at the time?
When I look back at this period of time I now realise that this was exactly when I decided to take astrology
seriously as a pursuit and as a potential profession. Jealousy was the lever-arm to make me find out where I was
not acknowledging my own gifts. Jealousy comes into our lives when we are far off purpose in order to wake us
As far fetched as it may seem at first glance, I have our friend to thank for bringing me back from self-destructive
suicidal tendencies and to acknowledge and pursue those things in myself that I was either not acknowledging or
was condemning. It got me back on track. I was so far off purpose at the time that I was nearly off the planet. He
brought me back to earth with one of the earthiest of emotions: jealousy. He showed me what I was not
acknowledging in my life: I was not acknowledging my wife, my career, my talent, my sexuality or the other parts
of my Divine Design—in this case, I turned to astrology with greater force.
How can I have anything except gratitude for this man and the circumstances for bringing me back onto my life’s
path… for giving me my astrology career and profession?
The Gift of Healing
The last issue I would like to share is how and why I have become a healer. One of the primary searches for me
throughout my life has been the search for contact and love. The perception throughout my life has been that I
never received love, never experienced close contact… that I was an abandoned child, particularly by my mother. I
felt that she was a cold and selfish bitch that never showed her love for me until later in life. The ‘wounds’ of a
‘loveless’ childhood remained nonetheless. I always remembered a story that she used to relate with pride and
apparent glee: when my older brother was a baby, she decided that she was sick of being woken up all the time at
night by his crying. So she decided to teach him a lesson and left him alone to cry himself out. She left him for 5
hours as she relates. In the end, when he finally went to sleep from exhaustion, my brother was a crumpled ball in
the corner of the cot. I hated her for this. I knew that she had done the same to me.
Traditional therapy would see this treatment as an unpardonable act and would seek to help me work through the
issue so that I could perhaps ‘forgive’ her at some later stage. I know now that there was never anything to
forgive. Let me explain…
The perception of abandonment and absence of love set me on a search for contact and love. What we think is
missing in our lives determines what we seek—this is a universal law. So I was searching for contact and love. In
my search, I encountered the idea of reconnection to my heart—to my feeling nature. I attributed my disconnection
from my feeling nature to the absence of parental love. The idea of reconnection to this cut-off part of me was
what I later called healing. Along the way, I discovered various parts of myself that had been cut off along the way
and came to understand healing as the process of reconnection of the fragments. It was the process of ‘wholing’, of
becoming whole again, of integration. In the process I came to understand a great deal about healing from many
different levels and disciplines. My search for my own healing brought me to the awareness of Chiron in astrology,
the ‘planet’ of healing. My search for healing drove me to become a healer—to explore all avenues of healing for
myself and for others. This is the symbol of the wounded healer, which is Chiron.
So, without the initial perception of abandonment and absence of love, I would have never been impelled to pursue
healing—I would never have become a healer.
Recently, I went back in my mind, in a healing process, to the age when the first perception of abandonment
occurred. I was a baby less than six months old. All in all I had only been breast fed for several weeks before
being bottle fed. I recalled crying and crying in my cot and nobody coming. Then the important healing question:
‘What was the gift of this incident?’ It was that at this moment I began the healing journey. I know this for a fact
now. I owe my healing journey to the abandonment issue with my mother. This was her service of love to me.
There is more, though. The next question was, ‘If I felt abandoned and unloved at that moment in what way was I
not abandoned and how was I loved in the same moment?’ This might seem like a peculiar question at first. The
universal law states that there is no pain that does not have equal pleasure simultaneously. It is our perception that
undergoes ‘wounding’. In actuality, pain and pleasure are balanced at every instant. So in what way was I not
abandoned and where was I being loved at that instant? I had to dig deep and enter into the moment in time. I
realised that it was that same instant in time that I truly knew for the first time that I was alive. In between crying
bouts and even in between sobs, I experienced consciousness of myself and the world around me. I saw the play of
light, sound and sensation… the miracle of life. I felt my breath going in and out. I felt my blood beating. I knew
that I was being looked after. I was in God’s hands. I was never in danger, never alone, always loved by the
universe… and I was consciously alive.
The mis-perception of abandonment occurred at this moment when the lower mind which seeks pleasure and
avoids pain made its judgement on the event. The healing journey is the journey of the higher mind in overcoming
the illusion of the lower mind—in this case, the illusion of abandonment. And in the process I became a healer.
How can I have anything but gratitude and love for the miracle and magnificence of the divine plan that brought
me to where I am today? How can not marvel at my own Divine Design that has been revealed to me?
The Miracle of Gratitude
Healing is about gratitude. I have glimpsed the divine plan behind my creation and acknowledged the part played
by my father, mother and violin teacher (and many more). I love my father for everything that he was and was not
—just for being who he was for me. I love my violin teacher for everything that he was and was not for me—just
for being who he was. I love my mother for everything that she was and was not to me—just for being who she
was. Without these people being exactly who they were, I would not be the person I am today. I thank them for
that; I thank God for that; I thank myself for that. I am grateful for my life… that is what healing is all about.
Perfection exists in every way throughout the universe. The more we see this perfection, the more gratitude we
have. The more gratitude we have, the more healed we become. The more gratitude we have, the more love we
experience. The more love we experience, the wider our consciousness expands—the more we evolve. We are
actually infinite beings, extending in all directions to infinity in the universe. Science is beginning to understand
this in terms of wave/particle interactions and field theory.
Simply put, what we have learned to love in our lives determines the rim of our sphere of consciousness. What we
have yet to love is what lies outside that sphere of consciousness. What we love we are the masters of. What we
have yet to love rules us. Seeing the inherent perfection and balance in the mis-perceptions that we call ‘wounds’
and ‘blockages’ brings gratitude. Gratitude is the levitative force that bring us to greater love. Healing is the
process of discovering that our true nature is love.
Every day now, in the morning and at night, I list the things in my live that I am grateful for. I keep listing and
digging deeper until my heart opens once more and tears of inspiration flow from me. In this space of gratitude
and love, we can hear the messages of the soul more clearly. We can know where we come from, where we are
going, why we are here and who we are. Would that not be worth it? The process is now known and is
scientifically proven and repeatable. It our choice now.

OVERVIEW OF MY NEW SERIES ON CHIRON: Musings of a Rogue Comet Chiron, Planet of Healing
Books One, Two & Three

This series consists of three books, each with a different purpose and perspective, each exploring different aspects
of our journey of growth, Healing and evolution of consciousness, each laying out different facets of the newly-
emerging Chiron Paradigm. What is the Chiron Paradigm?
In short:
* The Chiron Paradigm asserts that Healing is synonymous with the evolution of consciousness,
with our Return to Oneness, Light & Love.
* Conversely, Wounding is synonymous with the descent of consciousness (as Light) into Creation,
the purpose of which is to offer us the opportunity and possibility of awakening to our true nature via the mirror of
* All is consciousness. We create our reality by our thoughts, emotions, ideas, beliefs, judgments and illusions, etc.
* All health and disease constitute a perfect mirror of our consciousness at any given moment and with respect to
any given issue or Wound.
* Healing is the process of regathering the pieces of our lives--the outer pieces reflecting the inner pieces and vice
versa--and putting them back together into the larger Picture of our lives. In the process, we discover the Gift in the
Wound, i.e. the meaning and purpose of our lives, our Divine Design.
The Plan and Purpose of our lives can be seen anywhere and everywhere we look. Such is the great Story of Life,
as passed down from antiquity through The Mysteries.

Chiron, Planet of Healing Chapter 2 - Who is Chiron? by Martin Lass copyright 2001
“Dost thou love picking meat? Or wouldst thou see a man in the clouds, and hear him speak to thee?” -- John
The Essence of the Argument
A native American prophecy states that when the planet of Healing is discovered in the sky, the ancient sacred
warrior teachings will return to the Earth. Enter Chiron. Chiron is reawakening teachings that have their origins in
antiquity. These origins pre-date recorded Western history and subsequently show up in the mythologies,
philosophies, religions, arts and customs of virtually every culture, worldwide.
One of the forms these teachings took was the Hermetic teachings, derived from the ancient Egyptian Mystery
traditions. It is important to point out that the Hermetic traditions we find after the 1st century AD had their origins
in the Egyptian culture. However, even the Egyptian teachings were passed down from far earlier sources. We will
refer to the ancient teachings as the Mysteries. We will be exploring their origins, sources and some of the
mythologies that evolved from them in this series of books, particularly in Book Three. In the meantime, what is
the essence of our rogue comet’s message?
The essence of the new paradigm that is emerging since the discovery of Chiron is this:
Healing is synonymous with the evolution of consciousness, globally and personally. Healing is the journey of our
consciousness towards greater wholeness, greater integrity, greater balance, greater harmony and, ultimately,
greater Love. When our consciousness around any given issue remains stuck for too long, resisting our innate need
for evolution, disease manifests. Disease, dysfunction, disorder and disharmony – our Wounds – are our teachers,
teachers mirroring the lessons we are resisting learning.
In terms of the awakening of consciousness, we are a balance of Light and Dark. The Healing process (that we are
equating with the evolution of consciousness) is the gradual, on-going and eternal process of bringing our Darkness
into the Light. Along the journey, we gain greater understanding, greater knowledge, greater Truth and greater
Being. In this way, Healing is not a pursuit limited to one profession or one area of human endeavor. It
encompasses areas of all human endeavor and human expression. It entails a striving towards unity and
concordance of all human knowledge and understanding on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Orthodox medical, psychological and psychiatric therapies attack symptoms first. Deeper therapies look for root
causes. The current trend in medical, psychological and psychiatric research is to search for the root ‘cause’ of a
disease/disorder. Current thinking (that pervades orthodox medicine and therapy) is that disease or imbalance –
physiological, emotional, mental or spiritual – indicate that something needs to be fixed. If we can find the root
cause, then we can ‘fix’ it. We go to the doctor asking them to ‘fix’ us – to make us ‘better’.
Both orthodox and alternative Healing professions are leading us into ever finer realms of human energy systems –
of the body and the mind – in search of root causes to ‘fix’. In the process, we are learning, in ever greater detail,
all there is to be known about ourselves. This will ultimately Serve us in ways that we do not yet see. In the
beginning, we employed physical remedies, e.g. surgery, and then moved to chemical and herbal remedies, i.e.
drugs, then to electrical, radiative and magnetic remedies. Then there is vibrational medicine and spiritual
Healing. Where will it end? The Chiron paradigm says it ends with Spirit itself. It ends with the acknowledgment
that the natural evolution of consciousness includes health and disease as homing beacons, pointing us toward ever
greater wholeness, consciousness, Truth and, ultimately, Love. In the end, Love will be acknowledged as the
greatest Healer. Let’s look at this a little deeper…
The Chiron paradigm calls the root cause of disease, dysfunction, disorder or imbalance: the Wound. By
“Wound”, we mean a sense of inner hurt, missingness, fragmentedness, injustice, unfairness, incompleteness,
aloneness, etcetera. We mean the unresolved, undissolved, unreconciled, and unHealed issues that lie buried within
our psyches, awaiting the Healing process. These issues drive us, run us and point us in particular directions in our
lives. The Wounding, i.e. the descending journey of fragmentation, separation, disorder, imbalance and disease, is
the flip-side of the Healing. One cannot exist without the other. They are two sides of the same coin, as we shall
Chiron says there is a Gift in every Wound... further, that Healing is the process of discovering the Gift. Seeing the
perfection of the whole process, we are inspired to say “thank you”. Gratitude takes us to Love. So we Heal.
Disease, dysfunction, disorder and imbalance – our Wounds – arise from ingratitude. Ingratitude for what?
Ingratitude for the ‘root causes’ of our Wounds, for our lives, for the people in our lives, for the lessons of life, for
life itself.
Ingratitude, as such, arises from misperceptions and misinterpretations of the happenings of our lives, i.e. it arises
from events, situations and circumstances that we have distorted in our mind’s eye. This is the Wounding. We will
be exploring the physiological basis of our distortions and misperceptions (and the psychological and spiritual
ramifications therein) in Books Two and Three.
Traditional thinking says the root cause or Wound is ‘bad’ and that it needs to be ‘fixed’, changed or otherwise
expunged. Chiron says the Wound contains a Gift. By discovering, acknowledging and embracing the Gift, so we
Heal. If we could remove the Wound, we would be throwing the baby out with the water, so to speak. In truth, the
root cause or Wound cannot be removed, because doing so would be amputating a part of our psyche. If we appear
to have removed the root cause, then we have merely succeeded in changing its form. It will invariably show up in
some other form until the lesson is learned. How then do we deal with the root cause? Here is the essence:
Chiron says nothing needs fixing. Disease, dysfunction, disorder and imbalance – our Wounds – are created by
our perception of the events, circumstances, situations and people of our lives. In Truth, the world and our lives are
already in perfect order and balance. The Wound is our inability to see perfect order and balance. The Healing
process consists of awakening to the perfect order and balance that already exists. Such is the process of the
evolution of consciousness. The Wound, whether manifested physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, is a
result of our lopsided perceptions, perceptions that exaggerate and express one side of a situation while
discounting, minimizing and repressing the other side.
Most importantly, our lopsided perceptions of disorder, disharmony, imbalance, injustice, etcetera – i.e. our
Wounds – take us on a journey. They take us on a journey in search of greater consciousness, greater wholeness,
greater Truth and greater Love. The specific way in which this happens is the Gift. Complete Healing only occurs
when we look back at a Wound and acknowledge the miracle of how it has Served us in our lives... how it has
helped us to discover greater meaning, fulfillment, Truth and Love.. how it has given us our special and unique
place in the world.
In the final analysis, it is Gratitude that Heals... Gratitude for the Wound, Gratitude for our lives, Gratitude for
being exactly who we are, Gratitude for every event, situation, circumstance and person in our lives. It is seeing,
acknowledging and embracing the way in which each event, situation, circumstance and person has Served us on
our journey of Healing and evolution of consciousness.
Said another way, when we have learned the lesson of the Wound and are fully Grateful for the experience, the
Wound Heals. At this point, we move on to the next issue in our lives. Each issue is a Gift. Each issue represents
another opportunity for Healing, another opportunity for awakening, another opportunity for learning to Love
ourselves and our lives.
In Truth, our whole life is about Healing. Healing is the journey toward greater wholeness, integrity, Truth,
consciousness and Love. Every minute of our lives, our innate longing for Oneness and Love pushes us to learn
our lessons. Some lessons take a lifetime; others are learned more quickly. If we could understand what the
processes of life, learning, evolution and Healing were all about, we could encapsulate all this into a scientific,
verifiable, repeatable process of Healing that would change history and Humanity. Instead of taking a lifetime to
Heal a Wound, resolve an issue or see the events, situations and circumstances of our lives with greater
consciousness, we could move through it all in a fraction of the time. This is exactly what Chiron offers us. The
process is known. The knowledge and understanding exist now. The methods and application exist now. The
process is already being used. Quantum leap breakthroughs of individual Healing and evolution of consciousness
are happening now. Such Chironic processes of Healing will be described in detail in Book Two.
Key Points
· The Hermetic teachings were one of the ancient forms of Chiron’s messages.
· The Hermetic teachings were derived from the Egyptian Mystery traditions.
· Healing is synonymous with the evolution of consciousness, globally and personally.
· Healing is the journey of consciousness towards unity, Truth and Love.
· When we resist evolution, disease manifests.
· Disease, dysfunction, disorder and disharmony are our teachers.
· Healing is the process of bringing our Darkness into the Light.
· Healing encompasses all human endeavor and expression.
· Healing is the search for unity and concordance of knowledge and understanding.
· Health and disease are homing-beacons toward unity, Truth and Love.
· The root cause of disease, dysfunction, disorder and imbalance is called the Wound.
· Chiron says there is a Gift in every Wound.
· Disease, dysfunction, disorder and imbalance are the result of ingratitude.
· Ingratitude arises from misperception and misinterpretation.
· Chiron says nothing needs fixing.
· In Truth, perfect order and balance already exist.
· Seeing the existing order and balance is the Healing process.
· Our lopsided perceptions of the world create our diseases.
· Our Wounds take us on a journey – the journey is the Gift.
· Gratitude Heals.
· Our whole life is a Healing journey.
· Chiron offers us proven, scientific, repeatable processes of Healing.
The Astronomical View
So what is Chiron? Initially it was considered a planetoid – a small or minor planet. Other sources refer to it, even
now, as an asteroid – astrological sources in general, for example. In most scientific circles, Chiron is now
considered a cometary body, i.e. a comet. It is the largest periodic comet in the solar system, some 10,000 times
the mass of Halley’s comet. It was discovered on November 1, 1977. The previous description – “planetoid” –
was in deference to Chiron’s size, i.e. somewhere between a planet and a large asteroid. It measures roughly 300-
400 km in diameter.
It has also been conjectured that Chiron may have been ‘captured’ by our Sun whilst passing through the
neighborhood of our solar system and, furthermore, that it may not remain within our solar system for an indefinite
time. Another theory is that Chiron is a stray from the Kuiper Belt of objects that orbit beyond Neptune. To quote
from NASA’s Internet website:
“Two separate arguments indicate that Chiron has not been in its present orbit for more than a few million years.
The first is that Chiron's orbit is unstable on time scales of about a million years to perturbations from the large
outer planets. The second argument involves the super-volatiles sublimating from Chiron's surface. It is estimated
that at Chiron's current orbit these substances would completely vaporize in a few million years, so the fact that
Chiron is still active means it has not been in this orbit that long. The fact that Chiron must have come to its
present state from another location in the solar system has led investigators to look towards the Kuiper belt…
“…the argument that Chiron is an escaped member of the Kuiper belt is based on a number of lines of reasoning.
Gravitational perturbations from the giant planets should occasionally force Kuiper belt objects into Neptune-
crossing orbits from which they can evolve into orbits like the Centaur's. The similarity in size between Chiron and
the discovered Kuiper belt objects makes this a likely source. Asteroids are also in this size range, but the
observations of a coma on Chiron appear to rule out an asteroidal origin. The evidence that Chiron still retains
super-volatiles which would only persist for long times at lower temperatures than it presently experiences
indicates a colder source region, beyond Chiron's present orbit.”
Out around the orbit of Neptune lies a belt of cosmic objects and debris (many are comets) known as the Kuiper
Belt. It seems that Chiron properly belongs to this belt, rather than being a planet with its own individual orbital
path in the solar system. This has some interesting ramifications that will be explored in later chapters. At this
stage, it is sufficient to say that each planet or asteroid belt theoretically has its energetic origins in a specific place
outside the solar system. The Kuiper Belt’s energetic origin, and hence Chiron’s, appear to be tied to the same
energetic origins as that of Neptune and/or Pluto. We will explore these energetic origins in Book Three.
Chiron is the largest of a group of cometary bodies, strayed from the Kuiper Belt, collectively referred to
as the Centaurs, all of which have their orbits in the outer solar system. For more information on the
Centaurs, refer to the work of Zane Stein at
In any case, it appears that Chiron is a celestial visitor – perhaps temporary, but definitely timely.
In addition, it has been suggested that, if Chiron had been given the description of cometary body or comet when it
was first discovered in 1977, it may not have been noticed astrologically. For this reason, perhaps it is just as well
that it was first called a “planetoid” or “asteroid”. In the context of this series of books, however, we will call
Chiron a planet, as it is a commonly accepted term for Chiron amongst astrological circles. In this context “planet”
simply means a celestial body.
Chiron’s orbit is quite eccentric when considered from a planetary perspective. Not so from a cometary
viewpoint. Its orbit, which has a period of between 49 and 51 years, is tipped steeply in relation to the plane of the
ecliptic... 6.9o to be exact. Its orbit is also very elliptical. If zero is a circle and 1.0 is a line then Chiron’s orbit has
an ellipticity of .3786. The next nearest to this is Pluto at .2482 and Mercury at .2056.
From an astrological point of view, Chiron’s ellipticity means that it does not spend an equal amount of time in
each sign of the zodiac. Chiron’s shortest transit of a sign occurs in Libra – about 1 ¾ years. It was, coincidentally,
in this sign at the time of commencement of writing this book. The longest transit of a sign occurs in Aries – about
8 ¼ years. The ramifications of this unequal transit of the zodiac signs are explored in later chapters of this first
book, as are the ramifications of eccentricity and ellipticity of planetary orbits in general.
To confuse matters even more, Chiron’s orbit, primarily between Saturn and Uranus, sometimes wanders inside the
orbit of Saturn. Furthermore, as we have mentioned, Chiron may be related to Neptune and the Kuiper belt. All
this has interesting ramifications when one considers, metaphorically, the soul’s journey of awakening as a passage
from the innermost planets to the outermost, as we will see.
Overall, Chiron appears to be somewhat of a rogue in the general scheme of the solar system. For this reason,
some early astrologers gave Chiron the keyword, maverick. This accolade will be seen to be increasingly fitting as
we delve into Chiron’s musings in this series of books.
Key Points
· Chiron is considered a cometary body.
· Chiron may be a temporary visitor.
· In this book, we will refer to Chiron as a “planet”.
· Chiron may belong to the Kuiper belt of astronomical objects.
· Chiron may be more akin to Neptune and Pluto than Saturn or Uranus.
· Chiron’s spends the most time in Aries and the least time in Libra.
· Chiron appears in all ways to be a rogue in the general scheme of things.
Astrologers’ Early Studies
Amongst the early pioneers of Chironic astrology were Erminie Lantero, Richard Nolle, Zane B. Stein, Barbara
Hand Clow and Melanie Reinhart. Without their work, books such as mine would not exist. I freely acknowledge
that my work is built upon their foundations and thank them for this. The initial task of figuring out what a new
astronomical body means in astrological terms is a long and painstaking process. Once enough data and
understanding are collected, it allows us all to ‘tune’ in to the ‘frequency’ of a planet – the ‘station’ has been found,
so to speak. It is then the task to refine that connection further and to begin to hear the messages of the planet more
directly, endeavoring to assimilate those messages into our current understanding. Sometimes the assimilation
process can mean turning our current views upside-down. However, we never fully discard our previous
understandings. We simply keep building and refining. This series of books does just that – it builds upon the
previous foundations, turns current views upside-down, refines and adds to the understanding of the messages of
The early studies of Chiron very quickly revealed the themes of Healing, transformation, bridging the gap between
Matter and Spirit, re-awakening our intuitive and higher faculties, breaking through to new levels of awareness and
the process of attaining psychological integrity. On the down side, there were the themes of Wounding, escapism,
drugs, crime, mental imbalance, inner fragmentation, alienation, aloneness and disease. Taken each on their own,
all of these themes are valid, but incomplete. The total picture includes and integrates all these themes and many
more into a unified understanding. Such is the intent of this series of books. The very process of integrating these
themes is, itself, a Chironic process, i.e. the process of Healing, taken in its broadest sense. Chiron says that,
ultimately, everything in the Universe is connected and that the gradual awakening to this connectedness is the
Healing Journey.
Key Points
· This book is built upon the foundations laid down by others.
· We can ‘tune’ into the planets and ‘hear’ their messages directly.
· Healing and Wounding are Chiron’s primary themes.
· Chiron says everything in the Universe is connected.
· Becoming aware of universal connectedness is the Healing process.

Wounding and Healing

“So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
Whisper of running streams, and winter lightning.
The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry,
The laughter in the garden, echoed ecstasy
Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony
Of death and birth.”
- T. S. Eliot
This is the third in a series of three books under the common banner of "Musings of a Rogue Comet". I was
first introduced to planetesimal/comet , Chiron, in 1992. The circumstances of this introduction were anything but
ordinary. The full story is related in Book One. In short, though, mid-1992 was a time of great turmoil for me, a
time of searching, inexplicable sadness and longing. Although I was a successful musician/entertainer and a
practising spiritual astrologer at the time, I felt cut-off, disconnected, fragmented and alone. I felt like a stranger
from another planet, unable to relate to life around me. I felt I could find no answers to my dilemmas. I recognized
the telltale signs of self-sabotage, which we consciously or unconsciously succumb to when faced with dead-ends
and unanswerable questions. I later understood that this is the way the Universe helps us break through to a new
level, i.e. by forcing us to take a step back so that we can take two steps forward. This mechanism is described in
detail in Book Two.
In any case, during June and July of the year in question, I was in the midst of a spiritual emergency. Seeing no
answers, I called out to the Universe for help. The Universe responded and, by a series of events – internal and
external – I discovered Chiron... or perhaps Chiron discovered me.
The journey Chiron has taken me on has revealed an ever-larger picture. What began as a salve for my own
personal Woundedness gradually became a quest to understand our personal and collective journeys of Wounding
and Healing, to understand the nature of consciousness and its inexorable and inevitable evolution. It became a
quest to understand who we are, where we come from, why we are here and where we are going. I discovered that
the questions of Wounding and Healing and the answers to these aforementioned spiritual questions of existence,
personally and collectively, were connected in every way, not just superficially, but in their very collective essence.

Everywhere I looked, the themes of Wounding and Healing could be seen, but in different guises, in different
languages, in different disciplines and in different areas of human knowledge. In short, it doesn’t really matter
where we look, the answers are right there in front of us. The more we see this fact and explore it in every possible
area, the more it leads us to some inescapable and inevitable conclusions. Firstly, everything is connected, not just
in isolated pockets of connection, but universally in overwhelming concordance. Neither is universal
connectedness at all arbitrary. On the contrary, everything is connected in highly significant and synchronistic
ways. This brings us to the second point, which is that everything has a meaning and a purpose. All things Serve
Creation and Evolution, the eternal cycles of birth and death. Lastly and most importantly, though, there is a
Guiding Hand at work. There is a Divine Master Plan and that Plan is written into the very fabric of Creation. This
is demonstrated by the fact that, according to the latest scientific studies, order in the cosmos arises spontaneously
out of chaos, complexity out of simplicity. The interconnectedness of the Universe (the scientific principle of non-
locality) can only be explained by the presumption of preexisting consciousness of all-encompassing magnitude.

If the first two books of this series did not convince us of this, then surely this third book will. While science
has been searching for the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of the Universe, spirituality and religion have been
searching for the Divine Plan and its Creator. Surely, this is the same quest in different guises. In Truth, the
answers are everywhere we are. It doesn’t matter if we are a scientist, a priest, a writer, a musician, a teacher, a
student, a mother or father, a doctor, a lawyer, a golfer, a garbologist, a bus driver, a drunk in the street, a slave in
the fields, a waiter or waitress, a ‘drop-out’, a Samaritan, a criminal, a process worker or a ruler. Every one of us is
witness to the Divine Plan in our own way. Each of us is learning to see the hidden balance, perfection and Love
that lies behind all things, but each in our own way, on our own path, dealing with our own personal issues.
The fact that we do not see the hidden balance, perfection and Love behind all things is the very point. All is
consciousness. All is consciousness on a journey of awakening. Our task on Earth is to see the balance, perfection
and Love. Our task is to learn to Love all things Unconditionally. This is the Healing journey. Moreover,
everything in our lives is arranged in such a way that it gives us the greatest possibility of awakening to the balance
and perfection and of realizing Love for everything. This is the essence of the story Chiron has to tell us. This is
one of Chiron’s greatest messages, the essence of its musings in relation to Healing and the evolution of
Chiron lays out the Universal Perfection before us – the Great Story of Life – and challenges us to continue to
deny its existence. We have that choice, of course. However, for each of us, the day will come when we can no
longer continue to pretend that we are the exception to the Universal Law of Love. In the words of William Blake:
“My Eyes more & more
Like a Sea without Shore
Continue Expanding,
The Heavens commanding,
Till the Jewels of Light,
Heavenly Men beaming Bright,
Appear’d as One Man
Who Complacent began
My limbs to infold
In his beams of bright gold;
Like dross purg’d away
All my mire & my clay.”
- William Blake
Introducing Chiron
What is Chiron? Chiron is a small planetesimal/comet residing between Saturn and Uranus in a highly elliptical
and eccentric orbit. It was discovered in 1977. Astrologers very soon began correlating its influence with specific
areas of human activity, endeavor and behavior. Its primary emerging themes have been Wounding and Healing.
Who is Chiron? Chiron, in the Greek myth, was the centaur – half man, half horse. He is symbolic of the link
between heaven and earth, between our higher human nature and our lower animal nature, between our potential
for unified consciousness and our dualistic illusions.
Chiron was the teacher of the father of medicine, Aesclepius. Chiron himself was a Healer, an astrologer and a
divinatory. His own teacher and foster parent (after being abandoned by his father and mother – Kronos/Saturn, the
god of time, and Rhea, a water nymph, symbolic of the ‘waters’ of space) was Apollo, god of the Sun, of light,
music, divination and poetry.
Chiron was wounded in the leg through various means, depending on the version of the myth. The wound
remained incurable despite Chiron’s own healing abilities. Thus, Chiron is associated with the archetype of the
Wounded Healer.
Chiron gave up his immortality in exchange for the release of Prometheus, god of fire, from the chains of Zeus,
god of the gods. This is symbolic of the release of the fire of the immortal spirit from the chains of bondage of the
dualistic senses. Chiron was then immortalized as a star in the constellation of Sagittarius, lying towards the
galactic center.
The story of Chiron is one of the many guises that the Story of Life takes. For this reason and because this
series of books is the musings of our rogue comet friend, Chiron, we will explore some of the deeper connotations
of the Chiron myth later in this book.
Astrologically, Chiron, through the natal horoscope, indicates the place of our deepest Wounds and Voids. These
Wounds or Voids drive us along our life’s path, determining the Values and the Choices we make in life. This path
ultimately culminates in our Divine Design , i.e. in our Purpose, Calling and Service in life. By indicating the place
of our deepest Wounds and Voids, Chiron also outlines the path of our potential Healing. Our path of Healing is the
same as our path of evolution of our consciousness. The path of Healing is our journey Home, our Return to the
Light, our Return to Truth, Love and Oneness.
The details of Chiron’s astrological significance were discussed in great detail in Book One.
The Plot So Far
In Book One, we introduced Chiron, we related my own personal introduction to Chiron, we explored a little of
Chiron’s underlying myth and symbol and we explored Chiron’s astrological significance in great detail.
In Book Two, we explored the psychological and physiological ramifications of Chiron’s musings in relation to
Wounding, Healing and the evolution of consciousness. We saw how Mind and Body are but mirror reflections of
our states of consciousness. We saw how health and disease are the homing beacons of evolution, pointing us
towards our ultimate Healing, pointing us towards Truth, Love and Oneness. We explored some of the most
cutting-edge technologies for Healing and the evolution of consciousness.
In Book Three, we will be bringing together all that we have explored and discussed into a larger picture; we
will be revealing the metaphysical framework upon which our journey of Wounding and Healing are based. To this
end, we will be exploring Light, time, space, astronomy, music, astrology, mythology, religion and metaphysics,
showing how they all point to the same place. Each, in their own way, mirrors the Great Story of our existence –
the Story of Life – and answers our deepest questions thereof.
We begin by quoting from Book One of this series...
The Essence of the Argument
A native American prophecy states that when the planet of Healing is discovered in the sky, the ancient sacred
warrior teachings will return to the Earth. I believe that the comet, Chiron, is this ‘planet’ of Healing. The
teachings that Chiron is reawakening certainly have their origins in antiquity. These origins pre-date recorded
Western history and show up in the mythology, philosophies, religion, arts and customs of virtually every culture,
worldwide, subsequent to that origin.
One of the forms that these teachings took was called the Hermetic teachings, derived from the ancient
Egyptian Mystery traditions. It is important to point out that the Hermetic traditions that we find after the 1st
century AD had their origins in the Egyptian culture. However, even the Egyptian teachings were passed down
from far earlier sources. We will refer to these teachings as the Mysteries. We will be exploring their origins,
sources and some of the mythologies that evolved from them in this series of books, particularly in Book Three. In
the meantime, what is the essence of our rogue comet’s message?
The essence of the new paradigm that is growing since the discovery of Chiron is this:
Healing is synonymous with the evolution of consciousness, globally and personally. Healing is the journey of our
consciousness towards greater wholeness, greater integrity, greater balance, greater harmony and, ultimately,
greater Love. When we remain stuck in our consciousness in any given issue for too long, resisting our innate need
for evolution, disease manifests. Disease, disorder and disharmony are our teachers – teachers trying wake us up to
the lessons we are resisting learning.
In terms of the awakening of our consciousness, we are a balance of Light and Dark. The Healing process, and
the evolution of consciousness, is the gradual, on-going and eternal process of bringing our Darkness into the
Light... greater understanding, greater knowledge, greater Truth, greater Being. In this way, Healing is not a pursuit
limited to one profession or one area of human endeavor. It encompasses all human endeavor and striving towards
a unity and a concordance of all human knowledge and understanding on all levels – physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual.
Orthodox medical, psychological and psychiatric therapies attack the symptoms first. Deeper therapies look for
root causes. The current trend in medical, psychological and psychiatric research is to try to find the root ‘cause’ of
the disease or disorder. Current thinking that pervades orthodox medicine and therapy is that disease or imbalance
– physiological, emotional, mental or spiritual – indicates that something needs to be fixed. If we can find the root
cause, then we can ‘fix’ it. We go to the doctor asking them to ‘fix’ us – to make us ‘better’. The path of the
Healing professions, both orthodox and alternative, is gradually taking us into finer and finer realms of energy
systems of the human body/mind, in search of root causes to ‘fix’. In the process, we are learning, in greater and
greater detail, all that there is to be known about ourselves. We began with physical remedies, like surgery, and
then moved to chemical and herbal remedies, i.e. drugs, then to electrical, radiative and magnetic remedies. Then
there is vibrational medicine and spiritual Healing. Where will it end? The Chiron paradigm says it ends with the
Spirit itself. It ends with the acknowledgment that the natural evolution of the consciousness of the Spirit includes
health and disease as homing beacons towards greater wholeness, greater consciousness, greater Truth and,
ultimately, Love. Love will finally be acknowledged as the greatest Healer. Let’s look at this a little deeper…
The Chiron paradigm initially calls the root cause of disease, disorder or imbalance: the Wound. By “Wound”
we mean a sense of inner hurt, missingness, fragmentedness, injustice, unfairness, incompleteness, etcetera. We
mean the unresolved, undissolved, unreconciled, unHealed issues that lie buried within our psyches, awaiting the
Healing process. These issues drive us, run us and point us in particular directions in our lives. The Wounding, i.e.
the journey into fragmentation, separation, disorder, imbalance and disease, is the flip side of the Healing. One
cannot exist without the other. They are two sides of the same coin, as we shall see.
Chiron says that there is a Gift in every Wound; further, that if we can see the Gift, acknowledge it, seeing the
inherent perfection of the whole process, having Gratitude for it, that this brings about Healing. Disease, disorder
and imbalance are the result of ingratitude for those things that orthodox therapy calls the root causes of the
disease, i.e. ingratitude for the lessons that the Wound is trying to teach us.
Ingratitude, as such, arises from misperceptions and misinterpretations of the original events, situations and
circumstances that ‘caused’ the Wounding. We will be exploring the physiological basis of these misperceptions
and the psychological and metaphysical ramifications therein later in this series of books.
Tradition thinking says the root cause or Wound is bad and needs to be ‘fixed’. Chiron says that the root cause
or Wound contains a Gift. Through the acknowledgment and embracing of the Gift, we Heal. If we could remove
the root cause or Wound, we would be throwing the baby out with the water, so to speak. In truth, the root cause or
Wound cannot be removed, because to do so would be like amputating a part of our psyche. If we appear to have
removed the root cause, it is because we have succeeded in changing the form of the root cause. It will invariably
show up in some other form until the lesson is learned. How do we then deal with the root cause? Here is the
Chiron says nothing needs fixing. It is our perception of events, circumstances, situations and people that
creates disease, disorder and imbalance. In Truth, perfect order and balance already exist in the world and in our
lives. The Wound is our inability to see that perfect order and balance. Gradually seeing the perfect order and
balance that already exists is the Healing process, the process of the evolution of our consciousness. The Wound,
whether manifested physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, is a result of a lop-sided perception, a
perception that exaggerates and expresses one side of a situation and discounts, minimizes and represses the other
Our perceptions, or rather misperceptions, that perceive Wounds – i.e. perceive disorder, imbalance and injustice
– take us on a journey, a journey ultimately towards greater consciousness, greater wholeness, greater Truth and
greater Love. The way in which this happens is the Gift. Only when we look back at a Wound and see the miracle
of how it has Served us in our lives by helping us to find greater meaning, greater fulfillment and greater Love can
the Wound completely Heal. In the end, it is Gratitude that Heals. It is Gratitude for the Wound, Gratitude for our
lives, Gratitude for being exactly who we are, Gratitude for every event, situation, circumstance and person in our
lives, seeing how each one has Served us on our journey towards greater wholeness, consciousness, Truth and
Another way of saying the same thing is when we have learned the lesson that the Wound was trying to teach us
and are Grateful for the experience, the Wound Heals. Then we move on to the next issue in our lives. Each issue
is a Gift that facilitates our awakening to yet another part of ourselves that we were not Loving.
In Truth, our whole life is about Healing. Healing is the journey towards greater wholeness, integrity, Truth,
consciousness and Love. Every minute of our lives our innate need for evolution towards Oneness and Love is
pushing us to learn our lessons. Some lessons take a lifetime; others are learned more quickly. If we could
understand what the process of life, learning, evolution and Healing was all about, we could encapsulate all of this
into a scientific, verifiable, repeatable process of Healing that would change history and Humanity. Instead of
taking a lifetime to Heal a Wound, resolve an issue or come to a greater consciousness about some event, situation
or circumstance in our lives, we could move through it in a fraction of the time. This is exactly what Chiron offers
us. The process is known. The knowledge and understanding exist now. The methods and application exist now.
The process is being used already for quantum leap breakthroughs of individual Healing and evolution of
Our second quote outlines some literary conventions I employ in this series of books:
At the outset of this series of books, it is necessary to clarify some literary conventions that I will employ. I will
draw a distinction in this series of books between “healing” and “Healing”. When I use “healing” with a lower
case “h”, it will refer to healing in the ordinary sense, particularly physical healing. When I use “Healing” with an
upper case “H”, I will be referring to Healing in the broadest sense, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual,
covering the full gamut of life, physical and metaphysical, terrestrial and celestial. The fuller definition of
“Healing” will become gradually revealed and illuminated as we proceed.
Similarly, the use of the word, “Pain”, as opposed to “pain”, and “Wound” as opposed to “wound” will also be
indicative of these concepts in their broadest sense, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, again covering the
full gamut of life. Finally, any other word used in the book, which seems to be unnecessarily capitalized, will
indicate that the word’s underlying meaning is being taken again in the broadest sense.
The Essence of the Argument
There are four questions that summarize our quest for the meaning of existence:
Who are we?
Where do we come from?
Why are we here?
Where are we going?
These questions have driven the march of the evolution of consciousness of Humanity since its first stirrings of
self-awareness. The answers to these questions are to be found everywhere and anywhere we look. They are
written into the very fabric of Creation.
The essence of the answers to these questions is encapsulated in the Story of Life, which tells of our journey of
Wounding and Healing, i.e. our journey into Darkness and our Return to the Light. Where can we find the Story of
Life written? Everywhere, if we have eyes to read it.
We can read it in our psychology, in our physiology, in astronomy, in quantum physics and the nature of Light,
in cosmology, in the nature of time, in music, in astrology, in human mythology, symbols and archetypes, in
religion, philosophy and metaphysics. It is written equally in the microcosm and in the macrocosm. It is written
into our daily lives. It is all around us. It is within us. It is us. Everything is a hologram of the Story of Life.
Different cultures over history, which were aware of some of the details of the Story of Life, sought to preserve
it in various ways. Perhaps the best attempt was made by the Mother Culture that preceded the Egyptian culture.
They sought to write the Story into the skies, where Humanity could never erase it, destroy it or forget it. Passed
down through the Egyptians, our modern day astrology is a descendent – albeit pale, fractured and distorted – of
this attempt. We will explore the Egyptian interpretation (amongst others) of the Story of Life later.
The Story of Life is the story of our journey of Wounding and Healing. What are Wounding and Healing? We
will explore this in detail as we proceed. However, in short, Wounding is the journey of consciousness as Light
from Oneness into Manyness, Darkness, fragmentation, separation, duality, polarity and ignorance. It is the
journey from Truth into illusion. It is the journey from Love into conditional love, i.e. emotions. It is the journey
of Spirit into the Creation, into matter, into manifestation. It is involution, i.e. the Descent.
Conversely, Healing is the journey of consciousness as Light from Manyness, Darkness, fragmentation,
separation, duality, polarity and ignorance back to Oneness. It is the journey from illusion back to Truth. It is the
journey from conditional love – emotions – back to Love (Unconditional). It is the journey of matter Returning to
Spirit. It is evolution, i.e. the Ascension.
In this Book Three of our series we will be exploring the Story of Life – the cycle of Wounding and
Healing – in its various guises. In each guise, we will see the same Story, written differently, but each
complementing the next like the different facets of the same jewel.
Moreover, we will be exploring our themes from two complementary opposite points of view, seeing
how they are two sides of the same coin. These two points of view are the spiritual and the material
views. We will seek the spiritual within the material in our explorations of Light, time, space, astronomy
and music. Then we will seek the material within the spiritual in our explorations of astrology,
mythology, religion and metaphysics.
It is my deepest Wish, that by the end of our exploration, I will have struck the bell of recognition in
your Heart sufficient times for its reverberation to awaken you to the ineffable experience of Love and
Gratitude for the miracle of your existence. If not this, then at least to have put a crack in your doubts
about there being a larger picture of existence worth pursuing.

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