Assignment in Arts

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John Michael L.

Galgo August 15,2019

Grade 10 - Industry Score :


1.How did the term impressionism originated? What did it mean?

- Impressionism is a style of painting which began in France in the late 19th century. Impressionist painting
shows life-like subjects painted in a broad, rapid style, with brushstrokes that are easily seen and colours that
are often bright. The term 'impressionism' comes from a painting by Claude Monet, which he showed in an
exhibition with the name Impression, soleil levant ("Impression, Sunrise"). An art critic called Louis Leroy saw
the exhibition and wrote a review in which he said that all the paintings were just "impressions". The word

2. What are the characteristics of an impressionism arts? Cite and briefly discribe.
- Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes,
open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects
of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception
and experience, and unusual visual angles. Impressionism originated with a group of Paris-based artists whose
independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s.

3. List down the different artist with their artwork that uses impressionism style.


The Artist's Garden at Giverny Two sister's (on the terrace)


The Balcony Little girl in a blue armchair
4. Cite and discribe new techniques that distinguished post-impressionism.
- The European artists who were at the forefront of this movement continued using the basic
qualities of the impressionists before them- the vivid colors, heavy brush strokes, and true – to – life
subjects. However, they expanded and experimented with these in bold new ways, like using a geometric
approach, fragmenting objects and distorting people’s faces and body parts, and applying colors that
were not necessarily realistic or natural.

5. List down the different Artist's with their artwork that uses post impressionism style.



The Card player Self-portrait


Child with a dove. Voisins
6. Define the term impasto
- Impasto is a technique used in painting, where paint is laid on an area of the surface in very thick layers,
usually thick enough that the brush or painting-knife strokes are visible. Paint can also be mixed right on the
canvas. When dry, impasto provides texture; the paint appears to be coming out of the canvas.

7. Which of the impressionist masters - Monet, Renoir, Manet, Cèzanne, Van Gogh - has a style that strongly
appeals to you? Explain briefly.
- For me the style of Claude Monet because his style is more attractive to me, it's influence about the

Thoughts about
Art Works this style
Definition Characteristics Artist
Expressionism A theory in art of seeking More emotional force Edward The Scream Easy to relate or
to depict the subjective rather than with realistic Munch so ca understand
emotions ,responses the or natural images. it clearly
objects and events
arouse in the artist.
Neoprimitivism An art style that was Uses Oval faces and Amedeo Head and Very unique and
inspired by the native elongated shapes Modigliani Yellow Sweater awesome.
arts of Africa and the
South Sea Islands.
Fauvism A movement in painting Used bold, vibrant colors Henri Blue Window Multi- colored or
characterized by vivid and visual distortions Matisse and Woman colorful. So
colors, free treatment of with Hat awesome
form, and a resulting
vibrant and decorative
Dadaism A movement in art and Characterized by dream Giorgio de Melancholy It is very
literature based on fantasies, memory images, Chirico and Mystery of interesting and
deliberate irrationally and visual tricks and a Street nice.
Thoughts about
Art Works this style
Definition Characteristics Artist
and negation of surprises.
traditional artistic values
Surrealism A style of painting As if you were in a dream, Marc Chagall I and the It is awesome.
depicting strange seeing illusions state Village Even it is so
subjects like those seen strange.
in dreams and fantasies.
Social Realism Art used to comment on Based on social issues, but Pablo PicassoGuernica It is very social
or protest against social is distorted and has related and i do
ills such as injustice, geometric shapes like protest like
inequality, war, etc. this topic.
Abstractionism An artistic style in which Unnatural, deformed Georges Oval Still Life It's a bit different
the natural appearance shapes, Geometrical Braque and difficult. It is
of objects becomes so strange.
Cubism A style of art that Three dimensional Pablo PicassoThree Very geometrical
stresses abstract geometric figures Musicians and and easy. I love
structure at the expense measured lines, planes, Girl Before a this.
of other pictorial and angles Mirror
elements, especially by
displaying several
aspects of the same
object simultaneously
and by fragmenting the
form of depicted objects.
Futurism A movement in art, Depicted the dynamic Gino Severini Armored Train Its nice and
music, and literature sensation of motion, awesome even if
begun in Italy about force, speed, and it's hard to do and
1909 and marked strength. Futuristic understand. Even
especially by an effort to it is so hard i do
give formal expression love this.
to the dynamic energy
and movement of
mechanical processes.
Mechanical Style An artistic movement in Mechanical, like a Fernand The City It's hard to
which figures and mechanism but drawn in Léger understand of
images were reduced to basic forms of what the artist
basic elements, such as geometrical shapes. meant to address
planes, cones, spheres, but it's kinda
cylinder pretty.
Nonobjectivism An artistic style that had Not make use of figures Piet New York City It's a bit non sense
no reference to or even representations Mondrian style.but it's easy
recognizable objects; of figures to do, for it only
lines, shapes, and colors contains figures.
were used in a cool,
impersonal approach
that aimed for balance,
unity, and stability.
Thoughts about
Art Works this style
Definition Characteristics Artist
Abstract Expressionism A development of Expression of reality is Jason Pollock Moon Woman It's weird but is
abstract art that expressed in a non- interesting and i
originated in New York representational kinda love weird
in the 1940s and statement with line, things.
1950s and aimed at colour and size as well
subjective emotional as the aggressive
expression with mingling of colours,
particular emphasis on shapes and forms that
the creative creates a painting of
spontaneous act. pure thought and
Action Painting A style of painting in Highly charged, impulsive Jackson Autumn It's a bit hard to
which paint is and gestural Pollock Rhythym understand and
spontaneously dribbled, looks strange but
splashed, or smeared on it's beautiful.
the canvas, rather than
being carefully applied
Color Field Painting An art that uses Purity, vividness, and Lee Krasner Abstract no.2 It's so clean and
different color intensity of color easy. You only
saturations to create the need combining
desired effects. ideas.
Pop Art A form of art that Recognizable, full of Andy Warhol Twelve Cars In some ways it is
depicts objects or nonsense but funny and Marilyn funny if you
scenes from everyday Monroe understand of
life and employs what it means.
techniques of Although this
commercial art and movement is
popular illustrations. unique for me as a
Op Art A style of abstractionism Black and White, hidden Bridget Riley Fall The idea was
popular in the 1960s images revealed when clever and so
which made use of the art is moved tricky. It's a bit
precisely planned and confusing to our
positioned lines, spaces, visions. But i wil
and colors to create the try to understand
illusion of movement this.
Conceptual Art Art that is intended to Ideas to life, uses unusual Joseph One and Three It's not too
convey an idea or materials Kosuth Chairs interesting for me
concept to the as a student but it
perceiver, and need not is good.
involve the creation or
appreciation of a
traditional art object
such as a painting or
Contemporary Art Art subjects, styles, and Challenges viewers to Odd Drifting and It's give pleasant
forms that are prevalent respond, based on Nerdrum Baby to the eye and
Thoughts about
Art Works this style
Definition Characteristics Artist
at the current time. contemporary issues more realistic
Installation Art Art that is created, Life-size or even larger, Santiago Padayon at Because it is a 3
constructed, or installed challenging Bose Rebolusyon Dimensional art,
on the site where it is it's more realistic
exhibited, often and relatable, but
incorporating materials in some cases it's
or physical features on weird. i kinda love
the site. 3d.
Performance Art A form of theatrical art Sometimes lengthy, Joan Jonas Volcano Saga It's nice and
featuring the activity of enjoyable and Wind everybody can find
the artist and works enjoyment to it for
presented in a variety of it is live. However,
media. it may take a
length of time and
some space, so it
is however hard to
do. But i love
spend time in this

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