World Day Program

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World Day 2006

16th of September 12.00 -20.00

Tallinn, Tammsaare park


Time Stage Discussion-tent

– Concert Zetod
12.15 Minister of
– Foreign Affairs
Mr. Urmas

– Concert Zetod
13.00 „Why countries are developing differently? „
– Participants:
14.30 Urmas Paet – Minister of Foreign Affairs
Toomas Savi - MEP, member of the Committee on Development
Riina Kuusik – Estonian Green Movement – Fair Trade project manager
Marko Mihkelson –Vice-chairman of the Foreign Committee of the
Toomas Sildam – journalist (tbc)

Moderator Viljar Veebel - University of Tartu, lector of International


14.30 Concert Documentary film:

– Universaal- „Life from water”
15.00 universium’s Rural water supply and sanitation project Lumbini zone Nepal

15.00 „Surprising Nigeria”

- About working, living and traveling experience in Africa on the AIESEC
16.00 internship will talk
Helena Rebane
15.30 Concert Aladin
– Abbhas
16.00 (Egypt)

16.00 „Fair trade: Your choice!”

- Riina Kuusik, Estonian Green Movement – Fair Trade project manager
17.00 Universaal-
– universium’s
Animation made in the Youth-area movie work-shop:
„Different world is possible!”

„Estonian volunteers in developing countries”

GLEN program
“How are you Eastern-Europe and Caucasia”
18.00 Concert Aladin
– Abbhas
Anna-Maria Galojan – Estonian European Movement
18.30 (Egypt)

18.30 „Belarussia solidarity day!”

– Belarusian support-group in Estonia

19.00 Closing and Concert Nikns Suns


FROM After Party in Scotland Yard


Organizers have the right to make changes in the program.

The activities will take place in 4 bigger areas all situated in Tallinn, Tammsaare Park:

- Stage: opening and closing of the event, interviews, quiz, concerts

- Organization’s stands: participants info materials; exhibitions; quiz, games in the field of
development cooperation

- Discussion-tent: panel-discussion with politicians and public-opinion leaders, short movies and
presentations; exhibition – Chasing the Dream ( first time in Estonia;
presentation of the Fair Trade

- Youth-area: activities involved in the campaign “All different, all equal”, discussions on the
themes of human rights, tolerance and youth-involvement, movie and handicraft work-shop, games and
drawing competition on Millennium Development Goals.

World Day Afterparty will take place at Scotland Yard, Mere pst 6e, starting from 22.00. Party and
dancing music by Chupacapra!

Organizations that will present their activities are:

AIESEC in Estonia, Amnesty International Estonia, Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre,
Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonian United Nations Association, Estonian Red cross,
Estonian Rescue board, The Representation of Europe Commission in Estonia, European Movement in
Estonia, Europe Direct Info center in Estonia, KEHYS -The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU, Latvian
NGDO platform LAPAS, National Institute for Health Development, Nordic Council of Ministers in
Estonia, Tallinn Youth Work Center, Opened Estonian Foundation, Peipsi Center for Transponder
Cooperation, UNICEF in Estonia, Support-group for Belarusian Independence in Estonia, Civic Studies
Teachers Association.
From donor countries: the Royal Danish Embassy in Tallinn, Embassy of Finland in Tallinn, the Royal
Norwegian Embassy in Tallinn, the Embassy of Sweden and the British Embassy in Tallinn.

- After the World Day there will also be a movie festival “Faces of World” in Kinomaja from 17th
to 20th of September. Ask more information from Ms. Anu Eslas,

For further information on World Day please contact:

Ms. Marje Pihlak

World Day 2006 project manager
+372 56 989 778

Mr. Uko Urb

World Day 2006 communication manager
+372 56 456 728

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