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Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border

Cooperation Programme
within European Neighbourhood and
Partnership Instrument 2007-2013


It is
is Harvest
Harvest time

Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme reached the new phase – accomplishment of
projects and reporting of results. Starting from the current Factsheet this theme becomes the key topic.
The first project - PHOTO YOUTH or “Creating access to the art of Photography for young people with
disabilities” was accomplished in June 2013. Taking pictures to overcome the borders of their disability:
hundreds of disadvantaged children have joined the PHOTO YOUTH project, a cross-border initiative
implemented between Russia and Latvia. This European Union and Russian Federation funded initiative
has brought together 250 young photographers and 50 teachers from 22 correctional schools for visually
and orally disabled children, aiming to promote people-to-people cooperation between Russia and Latvia,
while working towards social inclusion and against discrimination. Photos taken by young people have
been exposed in several international photo exhibitions in Latvia and Russia. One of them has been
featured by the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre here.

Programme’s Annual
Annual Event
Event 2013
2013 -- supporting
supporting tourism
tourism development
development in
Estonia, Latvia and Russia
Estonia, Latvia and Russia

On 10th June in Sigulda (Latvia) the Conference „Support to the Cross Border Cultural and Active
Tourism in Latvia, Estonia and Russia” gathered about 220 tourism officials, representatives of the
Programme management and Project partners from bordering regions of Estonia, Latvia and Russia.
Sustainability of the socio-economic development of the Programme territory was mentioned in many
speeches and presentations and the role of the Programme to reach this aim was outlined by the Head
of the Joint Managing Authority of the Programme - Ms Dace Grūberte. To witness tangible results of
Programme implementation three Project’s site visits through Sigulda and Ligatne Nature Park were

On 11th June – attractive and lively Open – Air Project Exhibition „Enjoy the Hansa Route through
Latvia, Estonia and Russia!” about 420 participants of the Conference, visitors and guests of Sigulda
from all continents visited Via Hanseatica Tourism Route in one place – Castle of Livonian Order in
Sigulda (Latvia). Short movie „Enjoy the Hansa Route” has been published on ENPI tube.

Learn more about this great event in our Gallery of photographs of the Annual Event

All Grant
Grant Contracts
Contracts of
of the
the 2nd
2nd Call
Call for
for Proposals
Proposals signed

The 2nd Restricted Call for Proposals of Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme
2007-2013, which was launched on 10 January 2012, has resulted on 9 July 2013 in countersigning the
last of 20 Grant Contracts.

The total Program’s co-financing for these Projects – EUR 8 728 096, 32

Project Portfolios of supported projects will be soon published at the Program’s site:
Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border
Cooperation Programme
within European Neighbourhood and
Partnership Instrument 2007-2013

Changes in
in the
the structure
structure of
of Joint
Joint Technical
Technical Secretariat

According to the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee, reorganization process of JTS staff was
initiated. To insure proper monitoring and assistance for projects implementation, there was established
a position of Project Manager at JTS Main Office in Riga, at the same time the Branch Office in Jõhvi,
Estonia was closed.

Ms Riina Vaap started to work as Project Manager in the JTS Main Office in Riga (Latvia) from 22 July,

Programming process
process of
of Cross-Border
Cross-Border Cooperation
Cooperation Programmes

Estonia-Russia and
and Latvia-Russia
Latvia-Russia within
within the
the framework
framework of
of the
the European
Neighborhood Instrument 2014-2020 is launched
Neighborhood Instrument 2014-2020 is launched

First meetings of the Joint Programming Committees for two future European Neighbourhood Instrument
CBC Programmes Latvia – Russia and Estonia – Russia had taken place on 20-21 June 2013 in Moscow
(Russia) and were chaired by Mr Sergey Aristov – Director of Department for Coordination of State
Sectoral Programs, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
The delegations of the partner-countries comprise representatives of the ministries and bordering regions
with the heads of the delegations: for Latvia – Ms Dace Grūberte, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of
Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia; for Estonia – Mr Priidu
Ristkok, Head of Regional Development Department, Estonian Ministry of the Interior.

At the meetings key elements of the Program’s preparation were discussed and agreed, including:
Committee’s Rules of Procedure, time-plans, budgets, etc.

Next meetings of the Joint Programming Committees are planned to take place: for ENI Latvia-Russia
Program in second half of September 2013 and for ENI Estonia-Russia Program in October 2013.

More information on Program’s website:

Your JTS team

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