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Muhammad zahir
Obaid ul Haq
Shahab afridi


Sir.Muhammad saddiq
Question - 1
Human Capital:
in case of mark & spencer, they did organize the system of mark & spencer in such way which
give high important to its human capital by having the common practices of sharing knowledge
with each other which made them competitive.
Cost cutting is in the focus they have develop the system that everyone could be part of mark &
spencer delivery system e.g if I have to go to Islamabad I can take delivery pack from Peshawar
and will deliver to that place in Islamabad and the company will pay me for that delivery so this
way this mark & spencer has cut high cost.
They have develop the system in which all employees look same in dressing (one team dress,
not to wear 3PLs) and way of dealing so everyone fell part of organization, one team concept.

Social capital:
the over-all organization was competitive in nature, weekly check the performance different
working streams and extent the reward to them in case of good performance.
Every month meeting of steering group
Flexibility is its strength, as mark & spencer did collaboration with many organization which is
known as 3PLs, which are much involve in operation of mark & spencer.
They have made culture of internal resourcing which give boost to employees of career

Structure capital:
The management system has been divided into two part, (1) steering group (2)working stream
the steering group of compose of senior of mark & spencer and each of 3PLs member which has
the responsibility for the direction, strategy and common purpose among the working streams.
Working stream responsibilities are focus on values and behavior, marketing and
communication, collaboration, customer focus and developing talent.
For resourcing, mark & spencer develop the structure from replace the employees internally,
not to hire externally.
Question - 2

In case of vacant seat in organization, that is to advertise in all own website, so that the vacant
seat to fill by own employees. This way junior will be able to work with senior and get
knowledge from them.

There are informal and formal training. Informal training is in the shape of doing work with
senior automatically upgraded you to next level. While in formal training.

Performance management:
Performance are to review on weekly basis. Weekly basis has the positivity and negativity. As
one can’t be judge in a week performance while on other hand it bring competition in among
the employees. There is table of league in which employee of the month is to be selected.

Reward always given in the form of non-cash such ticket for travelling, cinema tickets etc.
rewards are to be given to individuals not team. In table league best performer is to selected.

Question - 3
Network could be develop further by removing the internal resourcing concept and start the
external resourcing, it will not only bring fresh minds which will bring fresh and up-to-dated
knowledge to the organization.
There should be collaboration with incubation center which will develop best IT (information
technology) solution to the mark & spencer problems.
Weekly performance review must be remove it could discourage the employees, for-example if
employee get ill for 3 days on 4th day he will come to know that he is not the good employee.
Internal employees could resist the abolishment of internal resourcing concept
Time consuming and could costly
Breaking the cement like established rules is very difficult.
Before abolishing the internal resourcing concept employees must take on board before any
Well, for this mark & spencer could make own set-up in the organization and hire software and
IT expert to develop own solution.
Take on-board all employees before take any decision.

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