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(positive ions - metal cations, ammonium and hydrogen ion etc.)
Doc Brown's Chemistry  Qualitative Methods of Analysis Revision Notes

CHEMICAL identification TESTS Part 3 Qualitative tests to test for, and identify, cations
(positive ions)

The following tests for the following cations are fully described including explanations,
methods, observations and equations, so described are how to test for positive ions –
mainly metal ions: ammonium ion NH4+, hydrogen ion/oxonium ion/acids H+/H3O+,
lithium ion Li+, sodium ion Na+, potassium ion K+, calcium ion Ca2+, strontium ion Sr2+,
barium ion Ba2+, copper(II) ion Cu2+, aluminium ion Al3+, magnesium ion Mg2+, iron(II)
ion Fe2+, iron(III) ion Fe3+, zinc ion Zn2+, chromium(III) ion Cr3+, manganese(II) ion Mn2+,
lead(II) ion Pb2+, metal carbonates – zinc carbonate ZnCO3 and copper(II) carbonate CuCO3

Chemical Tests Index

 Part 1 Introduction to chemical tests

 Part 2 Qualitative tests to identify organic molecule functional groups of homologous series

Part 3 Metal cations (positive ions), metal carbonates, ammonium ion and hydrogen ions (acids) (this page)

 Part 4 Gases, water and non–metallic elements

 Part 5 Anions (negative ions) including hydroxide (alkalis)

APPENDIX 1. IDENTIFYING ELEMENTS from LINE SPECTRA (non-chemical test method)

some associated revising links

GCSE/IGCSE Revision QUIZ on chemical tests for identifying ions, gases and compounds

A Level Quantitative analysis: acid–base, silver nitrate–chloride, EDTA titrations

A Level Quantitative analysis: Redox titrations

Full list of KEYWORDS for inorganic/organic identification methods in alphabetical order e.g. test/reagent for: * acid ==> H+ * acid/acyl
chloride RCOCl * alcohols – general ROH/prim RCH2OH/sec R2CHOH/tert R3COH) * aldehyde RCHO * prim aliphatic amine R–NH2 *
aliphatic/aromatic carboxylic acids * alkali ==> OH– * alkane/alkene >C=C</alkyne –C C– (saturated versus unsaturated) *
aluminium/aluminum ion Al3+ * amide RCONH2 * prim aliphatic amines R–NH2 * ammonia gas NH3 * ammonium ion NH4+ * prim
aromatic amine C6H5–NH2 etc. * barium ion Ba2+ * Benedict's solution * Brady's reagent * bromide ion Br– * bromine Br2 * caesium ion
Cs+ * calcium ion Ca2+ by flame or hydroxide ppt. * carbonate CO32–/hydrogencarbonate HCO3– with acid or effect of heating metal
carbonate e.g. MCO3 * carbon dioxide gas CO2 * carboxylic acid RCOOH * carboxylic acid (aliphatic) salts e.g. RCOO–Na+ * chloride ion
Cl– * chlorine gas Cl2 * Chomate(VI) ion CrO42– * copper(II) ion Cu2+ by flame or hydroxide ppt. * 24DNPH (for aldehydes/ketones test) *
esters RCOOR * Fehling's test/solution * flame test for metal ions * fluoride ion F– * haloalkanes/halogenoalkanes R–X * hydrogen gas
H2 * hydrogen sulphide H2S * hydrogen ion, acids H+ * hydrogen bromide gas/hydrobromic acid HBr * hydrogen chloride gas/hydrochloric
acid HCl * hydrogen iodide gas/hydriodic acid HI * hydroxide ion, alkali OH– * hydroxy/alcohol/phenol (organic) * iodide ion I– * iodine I2 *
iodoform test – formation of CHI3 * iron(II) ion Fe2+ * iron(III) ion Fe3+ * ketone R2C=O * lead(II) ion Pb2+ * lithium ion Li+ * lime water
Ca(OH)2(aq) * magnesium ion Mg2+ * metal carbonates–heating e.g. MCO3 * metal ions via hydroxide precipitate * nitrate or nitrate(V)
NO3– * nitrite or nitrate(III) NO2– * nitrogen dioxide or nitrogen(IV) oxide NO2 * oxygen gas O2 * phenols C6H5OH etc. * potassium ion K+ *
rubidium ion Rb+ * reducing sugars * saturated/unsaturated * silver nitrate AgNO3 (see chloride, bromide, iodide tests) * sugars
(reducing) * sodium ion Na+ * strontium Sr+ * 'sulphate/sulfate' or sulphate(VI) SO42– * sulphide S2– * 'sulphite/sulfite' or sulphate(IV)
SO32– * sulphur dioxide gas SO2 * Tollen's Reagent * unsaturated/saturated * water H2O * zinc ion Zn2+ *

Use the alphabetical test list above for identifying anions, cations, gases, molecules etc. to find what you require! for your KS3–KS4
Science–GCSE–IGCSE– Chemistry and GCE–AS–A2–IB–US grades 9–12 K12 advanced subsidiary chemistry course etc. and help you
to identify unknown inorganic and organic compounds–molecules for qualitative analysis.

EMAIL query? comment? test missing? * Gas Preparations *  Hazard warning signs/symbols–examples of labelling


 3. INORGANIC Qualitative TESTS Cations and Acids


Chemical test for the Add COLD sodium Smelly ammonia Ammonia gas is evolved because
Ammonium ion hydroxide solution to the released! and red alkali frees ammonia from its salts.
suspected ammonium salt litmus turns blue,
NH4+ and test any gas above the gentle warming helps BUT the  NH4+(aq) + OH–(aq) ==>
solution with red litmus. ammonia should be released
at room temperature. NH3(g) + H2O(l)

The hydroxide ion removes a proton

from the ammonium ion to release the

Chemical test for (i) Litmus or universal (i) Litmus turns red, and, a (i) A pH meter reading gives a value of
acids i.e. the aqueous indicator or pH meter.  variety of colours with univ. less than 7, the lower the pH number
hydrogen ion i.e. H+ ind. strong – red, weak – the stronger the acid, the higher the H+
or H3O ion (note: to (ii) Adding a little sodium yellow /orange, depending on concentration,
hydrogen carbonate strength of acid.
completely identify acids you
powder. (ii) HCO3–(aq) + H+(aq) ==>
need to test for the anion e.g. (ii) Fizzing with any carbonate
chloride for HCl hydrochloric
and test the gas to see if it is H2O(l) + CO2(g)
or sulfate ion if sulfuric acid
carbon dioxide – test for CO2.
However, some salts can give acid or
alkaline solutions but advanced acid–
base theory is needed to explain this.

Chemical tests for A little of the metal salt or Group 1: lithium Li/Li+ All colours are due to electronic
Positive metal cations other compound  is mixed crimson (carmine–red) excitations to a higher electronic
with a flame test with a few drops of energy levels. You see the light
concentrated hydrochloric Group 1: sodium Na/Na+ emitted as the electrons return to
(see also below for acid and a sample of the lower more stable electronic energy
golden yellow (can be slightly
NaOH(aq) and NH3(aq) mixture is heated strongly in levels. This is the basis of atomic
tests for metal ion) and a bunsen flame on the end emission and absorption
heating carbonates too. of a cleaned nichrome wire spectroscopy. Aluminium, magnesium,
(or platinum if you can Group 1: potassium K/K+ iron and zinc do not produce a useful
This test can be done in a afford it!). violet–lilac (crimson through identifying flame colours.
more precise and specific cobalt blue glass)
manner using an instrument In this simple flame test, Group 2: calcium Ca/Ca2+ Other metal flame colours in Group
called a spectroscope and the many metals ions give brick–red (yellowish red) 1:rubidium – red and caesium/cesium
technique is called emission characteristic flame colours (light green through cobalt – blue
spectroscopy. Specific and the chloride salts tend blue glass)
emission lines of a to be the most volatile giving
characteristic frequency are a stronger colour, hence the Group 2: strontium Sr/Sr2+
observed – a fingerprint use of conc. HCl(aq). crimson
The nichrome/platinum wire
should be cleaned in conc. Group 2: barium Ba/Ba2+
hydrochloric acid and yellowish–apple green
heated in the hottest part of
the flame to make sure there Transition Metal: copper(II)
is no contaminating flame Cu/Cu2+ livid blue (flashes of
colours. green too), arsenic (As),
antimony (Sb) and bismuth
(Bi) also give a blue flame

Testing for positive metal Dilute sodium hydroxide aluminium ion: Al3+(aq) + 3OH–(aq) ==> Al(OH)3(s) gives a white
cations via sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution is added to precipitate
(NaOH) or ammonia (NH3) a solution containing the
solutions. suspected ion. of aluminum hydroxide with both ammonia and sodium hydroxide,
which is not soluble in excess of the weak alkali ammonia, but dissolves
Some metal ions give Both the precipitate formed in the stronger base/alkali sodium hydroxide (amphoteric) to give a
coloured hydroxide and the effect of excess clear colourless solution.
precipitates that can be used alkali are important
as a simple identification test. observations. Al(OH)3(s) + 3OH–(aq) ==> [Al(OH)6]3–(aq)
Some metal ions give a white
precipitate and others no All precipitates are white,
or more simply Al(OH)3(s) + OH–(aq) ==> [Al(OH)4]–(aq)
precipitate at all. Adding unless otherwise stated, and
excess sodium hydroxide or all tend to be gelatinous in
nature. (amphoteric behaviour because it dissolves in acids too)
ammonia solution can
sometimes give useful extra
The test should be repeated calcium ion: Ca2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Ca(OH)2(s) gives a white
with aqueous ammonia precipitate
Note:  chemical tests solution (NH3, 'ammonium
hydroxide'). of calcium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide IF the concentration of
(1) Both are alkalis, giving calcium ion is high. It is not soluble in excess of NaOH. No precipitate is
hydroxide ions, OH–, in their The observations with formed with ammonia solution.
solutions. ammonia solution are
usually similar, but not magnesium ion: Mg2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Mg(OH)2(s) gives a white
(2) Aluminium, magnesium, always, the same and the
iron and zinc do not produce differences can be
a useful identifying flame important clues as to the of magnesium hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which is
colour. identity of the metal ion. not soluble in excess of either NH3 or NaOH. You could distinguish Mg
(3) A more advanced test to ppt. = precipitate. from Ca with a flame test or ammonia test above.
distinguish iron(II) ions,
Fe2+and iron(III) ions, Fe3+ More on some of these copper(II) ion: Cu2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Cu(OH)2(s) gives a
hydroxide precipitates on blue/turquoise ppt.
(i) If potassium the 3–d block Transition
hexacyanoferrate(III) solution Metals Series pages. of copper(II) hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which
is added to the suspected iron dissolves in excess ammonia to give a deep blue solution of an ammine
solution, iron(II) ions give a complex, but copper(II) hydroxide is NOT soluble in excess NaOH.
deep blue precipitate of
Turnbull's blue. Cu(OH)2(s) + 4NH3(aq) ==> [Cu(NH3)4]2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq)

(ii) If potassium
iron(II) ion: Fe2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Fe(OH)2(s) gives a dark green
hexacyanoferrate(II) solution
is added to the suspected iron precipitate
solution, iron(III) ions give a
deep blue precipitate of of iron(II) hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which is not
Prussian blue. soluble in excess of NH3 or NaOH. Darkens in air due to oxidation to
Note that Turnbull's blue is
identical in composition to 
iron(III) ion: Fe3+(aq) + 3OH–(aq) ==> Fe(OH)3(s) forms a brown
Prussian blue. For more
chemical details see the precipitate
transition metals page on
of iron(III) hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which is not
soluble in excess of NH3 or NaOH.

Another test for iron(III) ions is to add a few drops of

potassium/ammonium thiocyanate solution and a blood–red coloured
compound is formed.

zinc ion: Zn2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Zn(OH)2(s) a white precipitate formed

of zinc hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which dissolves in

both excess (i) sodium hydroxide or (ii) ammonia to give a clear
colourless solution:

(i) Zn(OH)2(s) + 2OH–(aq) ==> [Zn(OH)4]2–(aq)  (amphoteric behaviour

because zinc hydroxide dissolves in acids too).

(ii) Zn(OH)2(s) + 4NH3(aq) ==> [Zn(NH3)4]2+(aq)  + 2OH–(aq) (soluble

complex ion formation)

chromium (III) ion: Cr3+(aq) + 3OH–(aq) ==> Cr(OH)3(s) a grey–green

precipitate forms

of chromium(III) hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which is

soluble in excess of NaOH (amphoteric, dissolves in acids too) but not
soluble in excess ammonia NH3. With sodium hydroxide a dark green
soluble hexahydroxo–complex ion is formed.

Cr(OH)3(s) + 3NaOH(aq) ==> [Cr(OH)6]3–(aq)

manganese(II) ion: Mn2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Mn(OH)2(s) produces an

off–white precipitate

of manganese(II) hydroxide with ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which

is NOT soluble in excess of NH3 or NaOH and rapidly turns brown ==>
black in air due to oxidation to manganese(III) oxide Mn2O3 and then
manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2.

lead(II) ion: Pb2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) ==> Pb(OH)2(s) a white precipitate


of lead(II) hydroxide, which dissolves in excess sodium hydroxide

(amphoteric) to give a clear colourless solution but does not dissolve in
excess ammonia solution.

Pb(OH)2(s) + 2OH–(aq) ==> [Pb(OH)4]2–(aq)  (amphoteric behaviour with

NaOH as with zinc hydroxide which also dissolves in acids too)

The barium ion, Ba2+(aq) does not give a hydroxide precipitate because
barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2, is too soluble.

MISCELLANEOUS CATION (i) add potassium iodide (i) Pb2+(aq) +2I–(aq) ==>PbI2(s) a yellow precipitate of lead(II) iodide is
TESTS: solution ==> yellow formed
(i) Lead(II) ion chemical test

(ii) –

Metal Carbonates chemical Sometimes heating a metal (i) copper(II) carbonate==> copper(II) oxide + carbon dioxide
tests carbonate strongly to
decompose it provides CuCO3(s) ==> CuO(s) + CO2(g)
  some clues to its identity.
observations [green solid] ==> [black solid residue] + [colourless gas,
See also carbonates and Adding acid to a carbonate test with limewater, white precipitate]
hydrogencarbonates. ==> CO2 and the colour of
the resulting solution e.g. (ii) zinc carbonate==> zinc oxide + carbon dioxide
blue copper(II) ion Cu2+(aq), ZnCO3(s) ==> ZnO(s) + CO2(g)
may also provide clues, but
no good in most cases observations [white] ==> [solid residue, pale yellow hot, white cold] +
because most carbonates [colourless gas, test with limewater ==> white precipitate]
you come across are white
giving colourless solutions
except for some transition  
metals like copper, nickel
and cobalt.  
The metal ion solution might TOP OF PAGE
also give a flame colour or a
hydroxide precipitate with
sodium hydroxide e.g.

Tests for NH4+, H+/H3O+, Li+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Pb2+, CuCO3, ZnCO3 What is the test for the ammonium ion? How do you test for the ammonium ion? What is
the test for the hydrogen ion? How do you test for the hydrogen ion? What is the test for a lithium ion? How do you test for lithium ion? What is the test for a sodium ion? How do you test for sodium ion? What is the test
for the calcium ion? How do you test for calcium ion? What is the test for strontium ions? How do you test for strontium ion? What is the test for barium ions? How do you test for barium ion? What is the test for copper(II)
ions? How do you test for copper ion? What is the test for the aluminium ion? (aluminum) How do you test for aluminium ions? What is the test for magnesium ions? How do you test for magnesium ion? What is the test
for iron(II) ions? (ferrous ion) How do you test for the iron(II) ion?  What is the test for iron(III) ions? (ferric ion) How do you test for the iron(III) ion? What is the test for zinc ions? How do you test for zinc ions? What is the
test for chromium(III) ions? How do you test for the chromium(III) ion? What is the test for the zinc ion? How do you test for zinc ions? What is the test for lead(II) ions? How do you test for the lead(II) ion? What are the
tests for copper(II) carbonate? How do you test for copper carbonate? What are the tests for zinc carbonate? How do you test for zinc carbonate? Revision notes on tests for cations identifying positive ions KS4 Science
GCSE/IGCSE/O level Chemistry Information on tests for cations identifying positive ions for revising for AQA GCSE Science, Edexcel Science chemistry IGCSE Chemistry notes on tests for cations identifying positive ions
OCR 21st Century Science, OCR Gateway Science notes on tests for cations identifying positive ions WJEC gcse science chemistry notes on tests for cations identifying positive ions CIE O Level chemistry CIE IGCSE
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 Doc Brown's Chemistry 


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