Tutorial - 1: Stresses and Strain 1. 2

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L D College Of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Mechanical Engineering Department,

2931903 – Fundamentals of Machine Design

Tutorial – 1: Stresses and Strain

1. Derive equation to find volumetric strain for cylindrical specimen.

2. Define
(i) Stress
(ii) Young’s modulus
(iii) Modulus of rigidity
(iv) Strain
(v) Poisson’s ratio
(vi) Bulk Modulus
3. State Hook’s low. Draw stress strain curve for Mild Steel Specimen and 4 explain each point
in detail
4. Derive relation between bulk modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and modulus of elasticity.
5. Derive relation between young’s modulus, bulk modulus, and modulus of rigidity with usual
6. A 2.8 m long member is 60 mm deep and 40 mm wide. It is subjected to axial tensile force of
210 kN. Determine change in dimension and in volume. Take E=200 Gpa and µ = 0.3.
7. A bar of 20 mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 50kN. The measured extension on gauge
length of 250 mm is 0.12 mm and change in diameter is 0.00375 mm. Calculate: (i) Young’s
modulus (ii) Poisson’s ratio and (iii) Bulk modulus

Tutorial – 2: Moment of Inertia

1. Find second moment of inertia of circular lamina about its centroidal axis.
2. Derive equation for Ixx for triangular section with Base ‘B’ and Height ‘H’.
3. Derive with usual notations the theorem of perpendicular axis
4. Find the moment of Inertia of an I section of dimensions 120mm x 140mm x 10mm about its
centroidal axis.

Tutorial – 3: Flexural stresses

1. Write assumption made in the theory of pure bending.

2. Derive the general equation for bending with usual notations
3. Derive equations for Section modulus of rectangular & circular (solid & hollow), I,T, Angle,
channel sections

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