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Version offers the user the flexibility to introduce interfaces for specific uses. VERSION is a standard
application of T24, which allows customization of screens, for input, authorization, see, etc.We can
create the version depends on requirements.


By default, in T24, versions with name ‘AUDIT’ for each of the applications.

Description : Description of the version.

Language Code : Indicates the language in which this version is available.
No Of Auth : Number of authorizations necessary to "authorize" the input or change in the record using
this version.
Next Version : Enables the user to specify T24 application/version to be launched as soon as the current
transaction is successfully authorised.
Assoc Version : It indicates the versions linked to the main version.
Noinput Field : indicates that the field is displayed in the version but never can be entered or modified
Nochange Field: indicate that the field can be entered but after authorized you cannot modify the value
Mandatory: the entry of the field is mandatory
Drop Down: The ENQUIRY to be used to generate the dropdown list for the field. Associated with this field
is the field ENQ.SELECTION which is used to define the selection fields on the enquiry.
Popup: This field allows a popup control (calendar, calculator or rate control) to be associated with a field

Step 1

Create the version for specific application.


Step 2

Enter the mandatory fields to create the template. Validate button used to check whether we include
details correct or not. Finally commit the record by click the commit button.

Add new fields by clicking button to include more fields.

Step 3:

We check our new version by using Application, version name.

Click the button to create the new record.


Step 4

Commit the record and view the record.

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