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T5 Calculation Wizard Tutorial

Access the calculation wizard from MasterSeries Steel

main menu;
Click CalcWizard
Select MasterSeries: Calculation Wizard
The calc wiz is used for typical design procedures that an engineer would use on a
regular basis. We have provided a number of typical design checks and calculation
that may be altered or imported for user defined customised calc.
We are going to create a new calc from scratch to demonstrate the logic and
functionality if the calculation wizard.

Chapter 22 PowerPad Calculation Wizard

T5.1 Design Brief

We wish to design a 6.0m long steel beam, which supports a timber floor at first floor
level in a house. The timber joists span 3.0m to either side of the beam and give it full
restraint. The dead load is 0.5 kN/m2, and the live load 1.5 kN/m2. Let’s set up a calc
to design this steel beam. This calc can be used for the design of subsequent similar
beams, with different spans and loads.

T5.2 Generating the Calc

Line 1
In variable cell, click on the grey
button at the end of the cell and
select Main Sub-Heading.

Type ‘Data’ in expression cell.

Line 2
In variable cell, select Data and type ‘Member Length’. Note ‘>’ symbol appears at
the start of the line.
In expression cell, type ‘L=6.0’, click on the grey button at the end of the cell and
select ‘m’.
Line 3
In variable cell, select Data and type ‘Loading information’.
In expression cell, type ‘g_k=0.5 kN/m², q_k=1.5 kN/m², s=3.0 m’, clicking on the grey
button at the end of the cell to select each of the units.
Line 4
In variable cell, select Main Sub-Heading again.
Type ‘Design Forces’ in expression cell.
Line 5

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In variable cell, type the equation ‘w=((1.4*g_k)+(1.6*q_k))*s’. Be careful to use the
proper case.
Note that as you move to another cell, the numerical values for the equation appear
in the expression cell, and the result appears in the value cell.
Now go to the units cell and select the correct units using the grey button.
Line 6
In variable cell, type the equation ‘F=w*L/2’, and select the correct units in the units
Line 7
In variable cell, type the equation ‘M=w*L^2/8’, and select the units.
Line 8
In variable cell, select Main Sub-Heading.
Type ‘Bending Check’ in expression cell.
Line 9
In variable cell, select to Insert Calc from Database. From the database select
BS5950, Design Checks, Moment Capacity. The calc appears on the right of the

Select to Insert Calc

Then select to Exit

Insert Mode.

4 new lines will appear in your calc. This procedure has inserted a steel design
function into the calc. The properties of the steel section and relevant design tables
from the code have been drawn into the calc. These are hidden in the calc.

You will note that in the expression cell, the shear load is represented as ‘Fvx’ and
the moment as ‘Mx’. We do not need this line in our calc as we have already worked
these values out higher up in the calc. However we must change our earlier lines (6 &
7) so that the notation is the same, otherwise the imported function will not
understand our values.
In line 6 add ‘vx’ after F and in line 7 add ‘x’ after M.
Now delete line 9 using scissors icon . Thus we have added a bending design
check to our calc. without much effort.
Line 12
In variable cell, select Main Sub-Heading again.
Type ‘Deflection Check’ in expression cell.
Line 13

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In variable cell, type the equation ‘W=q_k*s*L’, and select the units. This is the total
live load on the beam.
Line 14
We would like to know the Ix value for the beam out of interest. This value has
already been imported into the calc as part of the properties of the steel section. It
isn’t necessary to find it for the calc to proceed. Therefore we will prevent it from
being printed out with the calc. by making it a hidden line.
In variable cell, select List. In the brackets type ‘Ix’.
To make the line hidden at printing time, click on the button on the top toolbar.
Add the units.
We can look at all the values of the variables we have input and at the section
properties which have been imported from the steel design function. To do this click
on the Variables List (debug) button on the top toolbar.
Line 15
In the variables cell select Lower Case Greek and Delta. Add ‘_all=L/360*1000’ to the
equation. Select mm units.
Line 16
Again in the variables cell select Lower Case Greek and Delta. Add
‘=5*W*L^3/(384*E*Ix)’ to the equation. Select mm units. To make the units of the
equation correct we need to multiply the answer by 105. Whilst in the units cell, select
100000 from the multiply icon at the top of the screen.
Line 17
In the variables cell type ‘Ut=~Delta/~Delta_all’ making use of the Lower Case Greek
letters. Note that these will appear as the proper Greek symbol when exported.
In the verdict cell type ‘Ut<=1’. The <= symbol can be selected from the grey button
at the end of the cell.
T5.3 Modifications

Move “Steel Section” in line 9 to line 4 using the Move row up button , so as to
include the self weight “sw” of the beam in the Loading Information. In the variable
cell of line 6 add “+1.4*sw” to the loading “w” calculation equation.
Highlight the first cell in the calc and select the Fix Bold Format for Calc icon . This
will make the headings red and other data cells blue. In lines 2 & 3, move to the
expression cell and make it blue using the Change Cell to Bold Blue icon . Lines
highlighted in blue are cells in which input data can be altered.
We can now alter the steel section size to find the most economical section that will
work. In line 9 click on the grey button in either of the first two cells. A section
selection dialog box will appear. From this a section can be selected which fails
(background turns blue). Select a 178 x 102 x 19 UB and move up by weight through
the sections until the screen turns white.
You can insert a picture from any source by clicking on the Select-View Sketch
button . Type in the pathname of the picture you wish to insert.

T5.4 Saving and Retrieving the Calc

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To save your calculation, click on the Save Whole Calc button . Give your calc an
Author name, a Class, Category and a Name title. You can also insert a sketch by
typing in its pathname. Click on the Save Whole Calc button again and then the Exit
Save button. To exit the calc completely, click on the New Calc (Clear Grid) button
. This will clear the calc wizard.

To place your calc back in the wizard, click on the Open New Calc (import) from any
Database button and select your previously saved calc. Click on the Replace
Current Calculation in Wizard button , and your calc will come back into the
wizard. At this point you can alter the input data highlighted in blue, and change the
steel section size until a satisfactory section is reached.
You can save this variation of your original calc under a new name or as the existing

T5.5 Exporting the Calc to Word

Export the calc to Word by clicking on the Paste Calc into Word button , and
watch the calc appear in Word. Note the way in which the formula and symbols have

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appeared in mathematical format. Also note how g_k becomes gk and ~Delta
becomes the Greek letter . To print hidden lines and/or the associated sketch,
ensure that the two buttons are down.

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