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Sabbasani Sai Bhaskar Reddy (18BCE0808)

1. Introduction
Human behavior is the responsibility of every individual or groups of humans to internal and external thing in which
event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ. Human behavior is experienced through an individual lifetime.
Human behavior based on some factors such as genetics, social and attitude. Human behavior differs from person to
person according to situation, and their action they perform in their daily life. It also the way people interact and react.
Human behavior depends on each induvial how they express their feelings towards each person or react towards
particular time. Types of human behavior are Pessimistic, Optimistic, Envious, trusting. Pessimistic is negative thinking in
which trying to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. It is a mental attitude in which an
individual think of the worst outcome in that situation.
Optimistic is positive thinking hopeful and confidence about future. Optimistic an individual think situation is favorable
for him. Envious is mental state where an individual feel or showing jealousy. When a person can't show his happiness
when someone achieve something.
Trusting is showing or tending to have a belief in a person honesty. It is ability have mutual understanding between
person to person when they understand between their strength and weaknesses.
Sort of behavior changes that are found among students is depended up on situation and time. Students react
differently at different situations. Some may think in positive, and some in depends on individual metal state
reacting or taking action according to situation and experience in past or advice from experience persons. The greatest
advisory is common sense. Student have faith on their friends or whom they love or believe, blindly follow them and never
understand what going on. Friends have influence on maximum students' life this is time for some of them to get good or
bad path. Jealousy is one more factor that has draggiest influence on students' life which changes the lifestyle of student
and never satisfy what we have. Social media and movies also have influence among students. Itdepend on state of mind
which students follow or change behavior by neglecting predicts future rather than present what happening now.
Students react differently to different persons

2. Research Strategy

3. Literary Survey
4. Problem Statement
Lack of student interest in studies.
Addiction to mobile phone ,pc,games.
Due to influence of friends or opposite sex
No confidence in own work
Running between buildings

5. Survey
To understand the behaviour of students in the academic zone that includes classroom, labs, library, seminar halls
and discussion rooms, a standard questionnaire was prepared comprising the following questions
Possibilities for a student to come late to class
Reasons for a student to pay less attention in the class
Factors that make a student to sleep in class or lab while a lecture is in progress
Reason given by a student for not submitting the assignment in time
Motive of a student to copy assignments
Lack of student interest in studies
Under each questions 15 possible responses were given. These responses were derived from the brainstorming
sessions conducted among 180 students who are undergoing Undergraduate courses in various branches of engineering.

The compiled questionnaire was then circulated among 20 student samplesthat are undergoing B.Tech or
M.Techcoursesin engineering. The specific details of the samples are classified below.

Total Sample 20
Male 20 Age: 16-18 =3 Age: 19-21 =17 Age: 22-25 =0
Female 0 Age: 16-18 =0 Age: 19-21 =0 Age: 22-25 =0
Transgender 0 Age: 16-18 =0 Age: 19-21 =0 Age: 22-25 =0
Home Town Village = 1 Town =14 City =5
Economy Upper Class-Elite:3 Upper Middle Class:12 Lower Middle Class:5 Working Class /Poor:0

6. Analysis
The furnished analysis of collected data will help to understand the behaviour of students much better. Each of the

Table.1. Possibilities for a student to come late to class

Possibilities Responses
Bad weather conditions 4 20
Because of friends 5 20
Club activities 6 20
9 20
Feeling lazy and exhausted 6 20
Forget ID card and was not allowed into the block 7 20
Forget the class hours 5 20
Heavy Traffic 10 20
Running between Buildings 13 20
Searching outfits for classes 7 20
6 20
Use of stairs as the elevator is overcrowded 7 20
Wake up late in the morning 8 20
3 20
Went to meet some other Faculty/Proctor 4 20
Based on the survey Students never want come late to classes of their interest. But circumstances stop them from
from the students that they were never late due to
harassing sun or heavy rain, Peer pressure or wasting time in dressing up. There are genuine reasons for being late such
as involvement in club activities, meeting other faculty member, heavy traffic on their way to classes, getting up late from
bed, technical disturbance caused by their clock or watch, being stopped by securities inside the class zone and lack of
interest towards the subject or the teacher.

Table.2. Reasons for a student to pay less attention in the class

Possibilities Responses
Boring lecture 13 20
Checking messages/chats in Mobile Phones 11 20
Constant murmuring did by the talkative people in the class 5 20
Get attracted to the opposite sex 7 20
Getting distracted from the outer environment (generator, Cars, 9 20

Inadequate sleep due to the hectic schedule 8 20
Lack of interest in the subject 11 20
Long Lectures 10 20
More number of students so less importance is given by teachers 4 20
Non Interactive teachers 9 20
Some personal as well as family problems back at home 2 20
Teachers not able to control the class 1 20
Teacher who goes at a fast pace which in turn makes the students 4 20
unable to grasp everything2
Unfavourab4le class environment
Unhealthy (sick and still coming to class)
Students want to be attentive during class hours. Due to particular reasons, students don't be observant in class. It is
very clear from the responses that the majority of the responses shows us that the students lack interest due to some
reasons like checking messages in mobile phones and chatting and got addicted to it and got attracted to the opposite sex
in class and due to more strength of students in the class. But there are some genuine reasons like students got a bored
listening long lecture of teachers continuously and due to lack of interest in the subject and not interactive with teachers
and some personal family problems. Due to the unhealthy of the student and the student couldn't grasp the teacher way of
teaching and unfavourable class environment and due to the hectic schedule students cannot concentrate on the lecture.

Table.3. Factors that make a student to sleep in class or lab while a lecture is in progress
Possibilities Responses
Day schedule is too hectic 11 20
find this subject interesting 10 20
8 20
Feeling depressed 7 20
For no reason 9 20
Heavy food and feel drowsy 7 20
Lack of sleep last night 9 20
Medicines side-effect 6 20
Sleep now and study at nights 4 20
Sleeping now to spend time in the nights 7 20
Teacher voice is not audible 8 20
The session is not interactive 5 20
To get the attention of the teacher and the class 5 20
To use a mobile phone by enacting as sleeping 2 20
Unhealthy/sick 2 20
Students want to listen to the lecture. But due to some circumstances, they couldn't listen to lectures and sleep. From
the above responses collected some genuine reasons like due to the hectic schedule get tired and sleep and some
students lack interest in the subject. Due to tablets side effects, and the teacher's voice is not audible, couldn't find
interesting due to that they sleep, finally unhealthy of students and finally lack of sleep last night. some students used to
think to sleep during class hours and to wake up in the evening, to get the attention of the teacher and the class they used
to sleep during class hours and some students to think that to sleep now and study at night hours due to they are not
attentive during the morning. Hence due to the above reasons, students used to sleep during night hours.

Table.4. Motive of a student to copy assignments
Possibilities Responses
Deserving marks not rewarded for the originality of the 8 20
Lack of coordination and unwillingness to work in group projects 12 20
Lack of knowledge of the subject 3 20
No interest in the subject or the teacher 13 20
Not confident in own work. 8 20
Plagiarism tests are not conducted to check the originality of the 7 20
Postpone the assignments which have late deadlines and then 10 20
forget about it
Some teachers give assignments for namesake. 6 20
The unwillingness of the students to think out of the box 6 20
Tonics given by the teacher is readily available online. 10 20
Unable to correlate concepts with the problems 4 20
Unable to manage multiple assignments at the same time 4 20
Unable to meet deadlines 4 20
Unwell before the submission date 3 20
Unwillingness to put the brain at work and apply concepts 2 20
Students are interested in extra circular activities and others club works forget to do their work in time. Students are
interested in work but have no much idea about work in that moment try ask their friends, friends give their assignments
due lack of time or not willing to do work students try to copy their assignment.Students are addicted to games or watch
movies stop concentration on their work and never think apart from doing work. Students feel that some teachers give
them marks easily without doing any work. Due too many subjects giving all assignments at same time not trying manage
all at same time and feel explore internet get work done easily and sometime feel difficult in problems trying to copy
assignments. students go home due to home sick or feeling sick. Students feel that their teacher is strict and lose their
interest during the time.

Table.5. Reason given by a student for not submitting the assignment in time
Possibilities Responses Total Samples
Absent because of family functions/rituals 5 20
Busy with club / other events 8 20
DA exceeded the file space. 8 20
Fail to upload because of peer pressure. 4 20
Forgot to upload 10 20
Health issues 8 20
Internet connectivity is not functional. 7 20
Mobile/PC/Laptop was not working properly 6 20
Server error 8 20
The assignment given is not clear 4 20
The teacher did not give sufficient time. 11 20
Think Digital Assignment is a waste of Time 3 20
Too many assignments at the same deadline 11 20
Unable to access VTOP account 4 20
Uploaded but Vanished from VTOP 3 20

According to information student have many subjects at same time teachers give work at same time and unable to
coordinate work due un sufficient time given by teachers and lose their interest in submitting work.
Due to extra activities or busy in clubs or events students involved in other works forget to upload their assignments in
time. Students feel sick or due to personal problems unable to complete their work intime. Accordingto information finally
students complete their work in last minutes some time vtopaccount is unable to access or server error fail upload

Table.6. Lack of student interest in studies

Possibilities Responses
Addiction to mobile phones 13 20
Addiction to partners and waste time 12 20
Addiction to unhealthy habits 4 20
Addiction to video games 2 20
Afraid of failure while studying 13 20
Don't want to work hard due to the increase in competition. 6 20
Finding it more difficult to understand a particular subject 9 20
Influence of the friends 9 20
Interested in games and sports 6 20
No proper guidance back at home or in the hostel 3 20
Non-encouraging class environment 6 20
Not interested in the current course but joined because of 3 20

Psychological disturbance 6 20
Teachers are sometimes not supportive enough. 6 20
Wealthy family background 2 20
Main reason students according information main students waste their time watching movie and playing games all the
time or chatting or talking to his partner all the way during nights or day some times. While exams come feel that failing in
that subject and waste time lose interest in subject. Students waste their time or never pay attention to lecture and find
more difficult to understand a subject. According information friends have much influence in studentlife. Students feel to
enjoy at this stage of life and show interest in playing games or addicted video games. Many students are not interested in
course due to pressure or other problems from their parentsjoinedcourse. Students feel teacher are not recoinage them.

6 Findings
Possibilities for a student to come late to class
Feeling lazy and exhausted
Reasons for a student to pay less attention in the class
Checking messages/chats in mobile phones.
Factors that make a student to sleep in class or lab while a lecture is in progress
Sleep now and study nights
Reason given by a student for not submitting the assignment in time
Busy withclubs/other even
Motive of a student to copy assignments
Lack of interest in subject or the teacher
Lack of student interest in studies
Addiction to mobile phones

7. Recommendation
1. wake up early in the morning
2. avoid playing games or watching movies
3. concentrate on studies rather than other activities
4. make sure that all classes are in same building
5. timings between two lectures should be more
6. lectures should be more interactive with the students


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