Time Table Scheduler With Automated Bell

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Colleges have a number of different courses and each course have a number of
subjects, where each faculty teaches more than one subject. One should schedule time table in such
a way that one subject should not get overlapped with other. Preparing timetable manually is very
time consuming and tedious job.

To overcome time table preparation time, we are proposing a system which will
generate the time table automatically just by taking limited inputs. We use a genetic program for
this purpose. In our Timetable Generation software, we propose to utilize a timetable object. This
object comprises of Classroom objects and the timetable for every them likewise a fitness score
for the timetable

Classroom object comprises of week objects. Week objects comprise of Days. Days
comprises of Time slots. Time slot has an address in which a subject, student gathering going to
the address and educator showing the subject is related

Also further on discussing the imperatives, we have utilized composite

configuration design, which make it well extendable to include or uproot as numerous obligations.

In every obligation class the condition as determined in our inquiry is now checked
between two timetable objects. On the off chance that condition is fulfilled, i.e. there is a crash is
available then the score is augmented by one.
In an existing situation time table are made manually. This takes a lot of time and
it is a tedious job. In some institutes using manual bells to inform about starting & ending of each
class session.

Proposed System
We are creating a software for scheduling the timetable. Along with this it also
contains an automated alarm where the alarm rings according to the scheduled time, the schedule
time will be specified by the user.

● Less time consumption.
● No need of permutations and combinations.
● More reliable.
● By this system timetable generation can be made easy and it saves a lot of time and it’s not
● Bell will ring automatically to inform class session are ended.
System Requirements

Software Requirements:
● Operating System : Windows 7
● Developing Tool : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
● Front End : VB.NET
● DataBase : MS SQL SERVER 2008

Hardware Requirement:
● Processor – Dual Core

● Hard Disk – 50 GB

● Memory – 1GB RAM

● Alarm

This software can be used by Schools and Colleges to create Time-Table. We can also use this
software in offices and factories for the allotment of scheduling work shifts.
Generate Multiple Timetables: Create multiple timetables at a time and manage different
timetable databases for multiple departments with customizable notifications and alerts
This software is highly secure with role-based permissions and privileges to provide restricted
access to users and ensure transparency. Strict privacy and confidentiality of information is
Eliminate Paper-based Processes: Manual timetable system involves arduous paperwork and
manual data entry that results in scheduling errors. You don’t get the information you need at the
right time. This affects the productivity of the education institution and precious resources and
time are wasted.
Optimal Resource Allocation: Assign teachers and classrooms for periods and optimize
allocation of resources in the best manner possible.
According to the scheduled timetable the bell will ring automatically.


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