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Matthew Christian Ruiz Oral Communication

GAS11-C Persuasive Speech

“Now or Never”

When I was a kid, I used to believe that the world is a paradise. When I was

a kid I use to love everything about earth. I remember the time when I will chase some

colorful butterflies on the lovely garden of beautiful flowers that I used to put on my ear

and play pretend to be a girl. I remember the time when I will lie down under the tree

where I get my injan mango with the perfect weather and I will imagine what kind of

animals was the white and fluffy clouds on the clear blue sky. And I remember the time

when my father will bring us to Manila Bay then we will have a family picnic while

watching the beauty and serenity of the sun as it goes down while feeling the cool breeze

of fresh air and clean water as it touches my skin that makes me wanna die. Everything

was just perfect but as time passed by everything seems to change.

Over the last century this beautiful earth change drastically, a change that

will make an innocent child questioned if the world is really a paradise, it’s happening and

this is because of us. Don’t just say that it’s a natural phenomenon and we don’t have

anything to do about it because we do. The catastrophes that we are experiencing like

extreme weather events, rising sea level, droughts and heatwaves, wildfires, extinction

of animals, respiratory diseases, global warming and climate change are some of the

proofs that the world is changing and does not only affect the environment but humans

too. It is sad to say that we are much aware of these problems but we don’t take it

seriously. But I believe that we can still save the world because it is not too late, if we

will just work together and do our parts we can still create a better world. Because we

are the sons and daughters that loves and value the life of our one and only Mother Earth.

Let’s not wait the time when we will transform to mutant human fish just to adopt to the

changing environment. It’s now or never! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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