Unit - Ii Surface Nde Methods: Question Bank

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Question bank

1. write short notes on liquid penetrant inspection and state its principle
2. Give notes on penetrants
3. Name the basis on which penetrant are classified
4. Explain fluroscent and visible penetrant
5. State the characteristics of good penetrants.
6. Define capillarity and contact angle.
7. Define surface tension.
8. Define developer and state any two properties.
9. Name the procedure for liquid penetrant testing
10.Name the penetrant testing methods.
11.state the advantages and limitation of liquid penetrant testing
12.Define magnetic particle inspection
13.State the principle of MPI.
14.Define Coercive force and retentivity.
15.Name the types of residual magnetism.
16.Give notes on head shot technique.
17.Write notes on oil shot technique.
18.Explain magnetisation using Yoke.
19.Define direct method of magnetisation.
20.Give notes on indirect method of magnetisation.
21.Name the types of residual techniques of MPI.
22.State the advantages and limitation of magnetic particle testing.
23.Define permeability.
24.Define reluctance.
25.Draw hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic materials.
26.How do you classify magnetic materials and explain?
27.Define residual magnetism.
28.What are the methods involved in magnetization?

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