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Maui ehjae’s aloha adventures AT YWAM MAUI

N E W S L E T T E R # 2 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 0

Aloha!..Again! for lunch. As the name implies,
the food is seafood and it’s all
mainly with the opposite sex and
how to relate in a healthy biblical
Wow!! October just flew by. What
 Homework fresh and really yummy! So, I way with each other.
a good month. Every year, on the
Parties in guess I’m 21 now. In New Hearts week, we learned
second day of October, the world
strange places
from the parents of one of the
around me celebrates my birth.
 Meet with my
This year was not any different.
Classes girls on my team. We learned
Outreach about lies that we believe and
Well, actually most people didn’t During October, we studied
how they affect the way we act
even know it was my birthday, but four different classes: Bible
 Dance Parties towards others. We also
I couldn’t have asked for a better Overview, World View, New
 Coffee at learned about wounds and how
way to spend it. We went to the Hearts and Relationships. Out
Anthony’s we need to forgive and be forgiv-
beach and relaxed and ate at a local of those four, my favourite class
(Local Coffee en.
shop in Paia)
restaurant called “The Fish Market” was definitely Bible Overview.
Some of my classes here remind
Our base director, Tom
 Making guaca- me of my time at CLBI, but each
has so much knowledge
mole from
week, there is always something
avocados in in this area and I learned
our backyard new for me to learn.
a lot from him in the
I always look forward to each
 Eating oranges week that he was here.
new lecture with anticipation for
off of the trees Relationships week was
in our back- what God is going to do.
about our relationships;
Eating at the Fish Market for my birthday

Outreach mon sense. I am still learning

so much about doing missions
for hours of laughter together as
we serve God. Once again, it’s
Preparations for outreach are in another country and I am hard to share with you without
underway. Every Wednesday, we getting increasingly excited each being able to disclose our loca-
meet together for Outreach day about going on outreach tion.. But I hope you are still ex-
Prep. We have been learning with my team. We are a fun cited to hear about it!
how to teach English as a Second group of people who are quite Please pray for our Team:
Language classes. Having grown perfectly matched. For the  Team Unity
up in a home where my mom most part, we are very relaxed
 Visas would go through
taught ESL, and my dad comes and like to sit and talk. Things
from a different culture, I am re- CAN get pretty wild though.  Financial Needs met
alizing how many things I grew up Many of us share a dry, sarcas-  Pray for our Leaders
knowing that aren’t simply com- tic sense of humour. We are in (Benji and Jess)

Introducing… My team!
Back row from left: Nissi, Grace, Lydia, Samantha, Jess (Leader), Ehjae
Front row from left: James, Benji (Leader), Ben, Sam, Hudson

“Winter” here is Rainy Sea- tient with each other, and for burst through the
son. Rainy Season is just some reason, living with 17 top and face the
starting to kick in. It’s my other girls doesn’t seem as real world again.
favourite kind of rain, the rain appealing or exciting as it I have also been
that pours down in the warm might have at the beginning. praying about what
weather. Some of us have (Some of you may know how is to come after I
gone out to enjoy this fun appealing that really is to me in am finished with my
weather. (I have been very the first place…) DTS here in Maui.
thankful for my borrowed I have been praying that my There is a lot of
With my friend Bethany from Alaska
jacket, thanks to my sister time left here will be spent stuff left unknown.
Alayna) However, that does intentionally. I want to inten- What I do know is that no May the Love of
not mean that I am tired of tionally use every moment matter where I am, my life is God meet you eve-
the sun. I will take the sun here to seek after God in this in God’s hands. I cling that ry morning and in-
any day. We are just hitting environment. I am like a seed that truth and the hope I vade your life in
the midway point in Lecture planted in a terrarium and I have in that. I have been crazy ways!
Phase and it is showing. need to soak up as much sun praying for you, and missing Love,
We’re getting tired, less pa- and water as I can before I you!!! Ehjae

Supporting me!!
With my I would love
 Health (asthma, Finances:
outreach it if you
allergies and Our final cost for our Out-
leader, would pray
ankle injury) reach is $4100 USD.
Jess for me in my
time here.  Outreach Team If you feel that God has led
Here are (see Pg1 for you to join me in my ad-
some things details) ventures by supporting me
you can pray  Future Plans financially, see the insert
for! page for details.
 Finances




Write cheques out to Rock of
 I would like to support you in
prayer. My email address Ages church, and indicate that it
is________________________ is for support for Alyssa Chan

 I would like to support you Mail it or drop it off with this

financially. insert at the following address:
 I have sent my support in the Rock of Ages Lutheran Church
amount of $___________ to
130 Kingsmere Place
Rock of Ages.
Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V6

Write cheques out to Rock of
 I would like to support you in
prayer. My email address Ages church, and indicate that it
is________________________ is for support for Alyssa Chan

 I would like to support you Mail it or drop it off with this

financially. insert at the following address:

 I have sent my support in the Rock of Ages Lutheran Church

amount of $___________ to
130 Kingsmere Place
Rock of Ages.
Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V6

Write cheques out to Rock of
 I would like to support you in
prayer. My email address Ages church, and indicate that it
is________________________ is for support for Alyssa Chan

 I would like to support you Mail it or drop it off with this

financially. insert at the following address:
 I have sent my support in the Rock of Ages Lutheran Church
amount of $___________ to
130 Kingsmere Place
Rock of Ages.
Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V6

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